Deer Demon Race

Chapter 358: 1st pole

From the very center of Liyuan, above the lair of the old elephant, the top forces in the realm are fighting vigorously!

Under the big umbrella held by the old poisonous fish of the Virgin of the Sea Spirit, thousands of poisonous thorns and flying thorns were unprovoked with bare hands, and occasionally a few sneaked on the opponent's demon ancestor and the Yuan Ying who assisted in the fight.

During the battle between the big sage of the tide, the old yellow fish and the real person Yimei, he threw a multicolored stone and flew at the Taihuamen Huashen Sanren who was fighting with the Dragon King over there.

The Great Sacred Phoenix of Burning Flame was in the form of a fire phoenix, and among the raging flames, there was a phoenix that was refined with a bird's beak and was extremely sharp.

The Dragon King and Long Po couple hand in hand, sometimes appearing in human form, sometimes in the form of a dragon, big and small, and appearing and disappearing. The enemy is Yuanyang, Danyang and Sanren. They have been passed down for thousands of years. There are many demon holy magic weapons, and they are used together. The dragon horn saw that was designed to destroy magic weapons has been broken by the holy ape and cannot be used. The three gods teamed up to fight the dragon king and two of them did not have the upper hand. Jinwu Zhenhuo didn't dare to use it at will, so angry that Yuanyang screamed "Wow!"

Relying on the great speed of the jade claw, the old eagle released a jade claw to entangle with the old bear.

The Great Sage of the Sea Stirring Osprey is an old demon sage who has not seen setbacks like the old eagle. He is full of iron feathers and has amazing speed. His eyes hide magical powers. When he stares, the blue light is faint. Lei Zhenmen Zhongchun didn't dare to look directly at both of them.

The great sage of Dinghai has ten long arms and legs. He didn't find a fixed team player. Instead, he wandered around and attacked when he took time. The thick ink he spit out covered the line of sight from below. This ink group has five distorted senses. Effectively, the cultivator's great formation could not help much, and sometimes the beam of light was soaring to the sky or even shot at the gods of one's own side by mistake, causing scolding.

The ink ball is too thick and dark, and many of the Yuan Ying’s wind methods can’t blow it, so Donghuamen Danyang needs to get out occasionally for help. The banana fan is slammed down once to induce the strong wind to blow away the thick ink and change the big array. Effectively operate for a while, and oppose the demon saints.

But the ink ball just scattered and didn't disappear. It didn't take long for the thick ink that was blown away to gather again, covering the top of the big formation.

According to the calculation of the Bailu Demon, the monk’s family guarding mountain formation has not yet arrived, and it is the only monk sect that does not have a mountain guarding formation. The "Yu Xu Xiangxian Array" came.

Daoxuan and the holy ape have a great hatred, and they can’t prevent the injuries. They are afraid of being targeted and dare not come to help. To eliminate Yuanyang and overcome their dissatisfaction, they have to send the Xuantian disciples to the battlefield, and he carries the ink cat. The town house, He Yilei, Zhang Meigu and others hid in the Taiyi Gate, which bordered Liliyuan.

According to Daoxuan's original idea, after this wave of monster race's revenge, he will go to Jiuyou to refine the weapon, but he did not expect that the monster race suddenly became very patient, completely different from the previous fast-going style of play. This revenge cannot be finished in three or five days, and the plan is not as fast as the change. His journey to the Jiuyou Refining Artifact is destined to be delayed for a while.

The Great Sage and Old Elephant was more injured than Daoxuan. No matter how resistant his body was, he couldn't stand the old ape's shoulder, so he didn't dare to take off and hide in the Xuantian faction. In Liliyuan, the old elephant’s spiritual consciousness is much stronger than Yuan Yishou, and the thick ink of the old squid will not mistake the enemy or me, and occasionally ask to let go of the big formation. A demon saint.

In addition to Lili’s original demon ancestor, the monk’s second-level combat power also has some Yuan Ying, from the Yuxiaomen, Xuantian Sect, Taiyi Sect, and the Antarctic Palace. They are not the main disciples of the martial arts, but the vassals. The ancestor of the Yuan Ying of the martial art is just as chilling as the previous Lianzhen Pavilion.

The monsters' revenge this time changed their normal state. Sacred Ape Mountain and Beihai Dragon Palace organized a large-scale invasion by the monsters, and it took more than two months to start the war. The monks did not dare to slacken their preparations.

However, there was a fierce battle in the front, and the most uncomfortable thing was the sacred ape shrinking behind, obviously he was already leaving the original, but he did not rush forward to participate in the battle.

Even if Wuyou, Sanren, and Danyang have never fought against the holy ape, and heard all kinds of reports, no one would dare to ignore the burden of Zhangshan after borrowing the star. A fierce opponent is watching from side to side, letting if there is a monk. Ru Mang on the back.

The retracted fist is more deterrent than when it comes out.

The sacred ape possessing a terrifying blow has not yet taken a shot, and all the fighting power on the monk’s side has to reserve some extra energy. When the shoulder pole greets him, the allies will definitely be able to help stop it?

The eight demon sages either look for their opponents, or constantly dislocation, the overall strength of the wheel is not as good as the monk's side, but with the opposite side, they have to spare more power, with the demon clan's innate thicker skin than the monk, and they fight so dimly and equally.

According to Bailu Yao’s suggestion, this battle cannot be completed in a short time. It will be the body of the demon saint and transforming god, and it is impossible to continue the fight with a steady stream of monster energy and spiritual energy. When the holy ape finally flew forward, Du Ji and Old Xiong instantly tightened their nerves and called their respective guards.

He didn't want the old ape to fly, and the Dragon King uttered a retreat. The previous eight demon saints were divided into two parties, and the sacred apes retreated.

Prepared and planned, until the last moment, the old ape, who has always been violent, strong and irritable, did not take out his infallible pole!

In the Battle of Sacred Ape Mountain, the old ape was injured, but he was definitely not enough to make a heavy blow!

When he sensed that the old ape came up, Monk Duji was still thinking, waiting for him to hit Lending Xinghui, and then he would take advantage of the momentum to fight back and rush out for the night battle.

In the end, I didn't dare to move.

In such a suffocation, Du Ji felt that after the Great Sage of Jade Claw retreated to the west, he began to refine the seven thousand miles of heaven and earth in the west with his divine consciousness overnight.

If there are three or four months, the Jade Claw Great Sage's divine consciousness will initially blend with the momentum of the heavens and the earth, and it will be possible to expel the old elephant, the old bear and his divine consciousness that has crossed the seven thousand miles!

The great saint of Jade Claw is seven thousand miles away from the original. The closer the distance is, the greater the influence of the divine consciousness. The distance here is so far. Duji and the old bear and the old elephant can’t compete anyway, and can’t drive away. Lost his consciousness of invading the heaven and the earth!

This is grabbing!

Really continue for another three or four months, from the seven thousand li to the west of the original, it will not return to Lingshan Temple!

Although after this wave of monster clan's revenge is over, you may be able to drive away the jade claw great sage again and regain the boundary, but now the monsters you see are completely different from what you know, and if you don't keep it together, there will be no trouble!

After seven thousand miles to the west was seized, there are seven thousand miles to the north!

How long will this battle last?

There are already a lot of demon congregations from the original lili, and then they are taken away from this place. How should the 8 million households and 40 million believers in Lingshan Temple be settled?

Monk Duji was very uneasy, and said to Yuanyang that night: "The defeated fellow Daoist is trying to grab the ground from Liliyuan. The monster race has become so cunning. It really worries you and me. The drunk Daoist should also ask for help. !"

The top combat power can't take advantage of it. The invading monsters are several times as many as the Lingshan Temple monsters. It is really not combatable. The monk’s proposal, Yuanyang nodded and agreed: "Pan Dao sent him a letter, and then some people Yuan Ying goes to the sea to take precautions, and invite drunk fellow daoists to Liliyuan!"

With the approval of the Yuanyang head, I should be able to get drunk and drunk. Du Ji was relieved and asked: "Lao Na wants to ask Daoxuan to go to the continent, protect my Lingshan Temple disciples and believers across the continent, and exchange for the old lion to participate in the war. Brother, look at Catcher?"

Nowadays, Monk Duji's ambition to monopolize the remaining demon land in Beiju Luzhou is no longer there. In order to keep Liliyuan in his hands, he has reduced his posture to the lowest level in front of Yuanyang.

Daoxuan is injured, and he dared not face the old ape’s Dan Shandan. Apart from sending a large formation to protect the mountain, he refused to give any more effort. However, it is not dangerous to take over and transport the intercontinental ferry. Fighting strength, when the drunk **** rushes, the holy lion can pull away to help the battle, and it can indeed overwhelm the current demon clan. Yuan Yang pondered for a while, but did not come to a conclusion. Come and ask!"

So Yuan Yishou was called, and when he heard the question, he replied sickly: "My master has something important, so I can't get away to help the followers of Lingshan Temple!"

When Bai Ze was still under the control of Duji, the monk knew about the miscellaneous spirit going to the Jiuyou refining device. What is the important thing that Zhiyuan Yishou said, and said unhappily: "But I will delay your master for a few years, Yu Benzhou. The situation is very profitable. In the future, if he is not there, Lingshan Temple can also help the Xuantian Sect. How can you say that you can't get away?"

Master is going to Jiuyou. Now even the demon clan knows it, and it’s not surprising to be known by the old monk. Yuan Yishou shook his head again, his voice was weak, but his attitude was hard: "Master has done his best to seek the old ape with each family. Be delayed again!"

Since the first birthday of the Yuan Dynasty was killed by the old ape in the old lion land, Daoxuan abandoned the original road that he had learned from the "Yuxu Ancestor's Scriptures". Sapo ridiculed, struggling in the crevices of the major sects, relying on the imperial sect, and forcibly brought back the sects that were about to fall. He also had to advance to the gods, and step by step to stand firm in this old lion land. Regain the scenery of the Huashen school.

Taoxuanyuan Avenue has been lost, and nowadays, the sect is leading the way.

What can be more advantageous and more urgent than to kill the old ape with your own to avenge your grievances with your own hands, and then swallow the Sacred Ape Mountain?

It takes five or six years to complete the journey every time for the large ship crossing the continent to transport ordinary people. Even if Lingshan Temple has been away for a year, Daoxuan does not want to be delayed for the rest of the time.

Knowing the teacher is not the disciple, Yuan Yishou has made it clear that he did not believe in evil, and went to Taiyimen himself, but also failed to convince Daoxuan, so angry that he cursed: "For his own selfishness, he was in vain for the overall situation of Hezhou. , How can you be called a **** of transformation?"

With the thickness of Daoxuan's face, he was not afraid of scolding, but he just smiled.

The monks expected that the demon sage on the opposite side would take a break this night, and would not attack again until dawn. The invading demons were still driving the seven thousand miles in both directions, and they would be able to temporarily calm down tonight.

I didn't think it was a mistake. The first half of the night was calm, and when there was still an hour before dawn, the eight demon saints came up again and provoked a night battle.

After the war, the one-legged holy ape first borrowed Xinghui from the sky, carried the white deer demon, and hurried away.

On the way, the demon Bailu called: "Master, it is not easy to kill the **** of transformation, why not fight, pick a Yuan Ying who can kill!"

The sacred ape arrived exactly before dawn, showing the image of the law, and bearing the burden of the mountain, the tense nerves of the big men, but smashed into the outermost element of the Taiyimen realm, so that the gods could not rescue it at all. .

After "banging" the pole, a little Yuan Ying flew out of the corpse before it exploded, and was captured by the old ape again, and threw it into his mouth to chew and swallow his abdomen.

Yuan Ying's corpse was sucked over and thrown to the White Deer Demon.

The big demon opened an eye in the center of his forehead and swept it at the corpse.

Faxiang carried the load of the mountain, and then smashed the gods into chaos, causing a turmoil, declaring to him that the old ape was not injured, and that he could still jump around without his foot, before he mentioned the White Deer Demon and Yuanying Corpse. Back.

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