Deer Demon Race

Chapter 359: 2nd pole

Knowing that he wanted to kill him most, Bai Lu Yao was so bold that he dared to enter Liliyuan himself. When he first knew it, Du Ji was also extremely surprised.

And now, the White Deer Demon is even more daring enough to follow the holy ape to appear in front of many gods!

It's a pity that besides the holy ape, there are many demon ancestors on the opposite side who have not participated in the war, they are all escorting the white deer demon and others.

To kill the White Deer Demon, the only way to go is to force it!

Zhang Yifu also roared in the big formation. Before, the sacred ape pole was smashed indiscriminately, and the thick ink on the top of his head was slapped by Dan Yang, allowing him to see for the first time what the enemy of the avenue looked like.

Sure enough, as the rumors said, the company is a bit long, and the facial features can barely be called "Zhou Zheng"!

How could such a poor-looking little demon general be the enemy of my Zhang Lao San Dadao? How can you be worthy of the Xuantian School's Xiao Thirteen?

That guy came to pick up the corpse this time, and he didn't pay attention to him, the Nascent Infant at all.

Above his head, the thick ink emitted by Dinghai's Great Sage's supernatural power quickly condensed and covered it, distorting the Xuantian School Yuan Ying's divine consciousness and five senses that control the great formation, annoying.

Yuanyang didn’t dare to lightly make the golden crow real fire. Most of the banana fan was just a decoration. The big array below didn’t work, which aroused the anger of Danyang. He no longer cares about the dragon king. He pulls back and greets the thick ink with a fierce fan, which takes half of the time. It took only an hour to finally drive away.

The supernatural power of the old squid can only be released once a day.

But Danyang pulled out, and the tidal sage old yellow croaker once again took out his own colorful stone. When Sanren stepped up his guard, he turned around and stole a Yuanying from the border of Yuxiaomen outside.

The cultivator Yuan Ying blocked him with a magic weapon in his busy schedule, and then, a flying phoenix hairpin appeared somehow and poured in from behind him!

As soon as Yuan Ying left her body and wanted to escape, a huge fire phoenix appeared, opening her mouth to swallow, but the Buddha treasure that came later lay down, and finally the Yuan Ying managed to escape with the magic weapon, without real body loss.

The fire phoenix only swallowed the body of the Yuan Ying, and the old yellow fish Jiejie smiled and said: "Sister, I two fit together, I think it's destined!"

The Fire Phoenix just threw his eyes to him, turned around and faced Duji again.

The old yellow croaker said to himself: "That Yuan Ying is half of my body, and if my sister swallows all of it, I will treat it as a betrothal gift!"

Lao Huang cried impatiently: "With you, a hot yellow croaker, want to crawl on my old mother's back? Take a picture with that friend!"

The "that servant" in her mouth refers to the abhorrence of Yu Xiaomen, and she has a magic weapon that looks like a mirror in her hand.

Although they kept their hands in the battle, the old phoenix and the old yellow fish were talking about romantic affairs. The youngest one was an old demon who was ten thousand years old, but they were talking about these things. The Dragon King, the old squid, and the old eagle all laughed.

The old osprey also took a sentence: "Sister Fenyan, my brother, I buy Japanese spicy rice!"

Lao Huang also rolled his eyes.

Talking nonsense on the other side means playing easily and making Yuan Yang and the others angry enough.

Another Yuan Ying’s combat power was folded, but Danyang fan was finished with thick ink. In the big formation below, Yuan Yishou, Zhang Yifu and others were clear and bright. Several beams of light flew into the sky, sweeping across the melee.

When Danyang also pulled back to fight, and established an overwhelming advantage, the demon saints didn't want to talk about anything else.

The holy ape who flew back carrying the white deer demon didn't care about the battle at this time.

On the way back, he was sharing the spoils with the Bailu Demon.

On the corpse of the Yuan Ying brought back, there was a long banner magic weapon. The original owner was dead, and his spirituality was a bit chaotic, and he did not exclude outsiders.

The demon Bailu first said: "Master received a silver ingot last time, and he gave the Zixi mobs a reward, really proud!"

Hearing what he said, he wanted to discuss a magic weapon, and the holy ape asked strangely: "You are a demon general, and you don’t need it. It’s so hot, and you still deserve this?"

The Demon White Deer hasn't answered yet, he said again: "Don't worry, this saint also cares now, and won't just throw money at will!"

Lu Yao said with a shy face: "I can't use it, take it back to reward the White Lion Valley Demon King, it's not a littering fee!"

It is so domineering that the demon will reward the demon king because the holy ape is so painful to hear it!

The Bailu Demon thought, it is absolutely reluctant to reward King Da Ni, Huang Hua Niang, Forget, Di Yin, Su Luo, and Destroy. Which monster has my pride?

The holy ape has already "pooh": "They have no magic weapon to grind their teeth. Which turn is yours to use as a favor and reward the Demon King?"

The reason why the old ape began to attach importance to this undesirable magic weapon was because of his death in the end.

Bailu Yao just mentioned casually. It was normal if he couldn't win the magic weapon. He was not disappointed, and he took out a treasure bag from the Yuan Ying's corpse: "Master has chosen the magic weapon, and this bag belongs to me!"

The saint ape sighed: "It's not that the master is scornful. If you are known by your master, you will not spare me! First take it out and see, the important things go to Saruyama, and the ones that don't matter will belong to you!"

Yuan Ying is dead, and the prohibition on this treasure bag has lost its effect. As soon as he got it, Bailu Demon Spiritual Consciousness has been swept through, knowing that in addition to some sundries, there is also a top-notch magic weapon in it, which is a small shield. , I think that Yuan Ying, who had become a corpse and had his jade bone taken, was still warming up during his lifetime.

After taking out the play that is definitely not his own, Bai Lu Yao shouted: "I will also contribute to killing this Yuan Ying. I should divide this bag. How can the master say?"

The holy monkey glanced at him: "If you move your mouth, it will count as effort?"

Knowing that the monster world does not respect mental workers, Bai Lu demon sighed, and said hard: "My old deer doesn't make a sound, how can my master strike a pole?"

The water is impermanent, the soldier is impermanent, and the assassin of the holy ape, every pole that is smashed out has to be used on the spot, how to calculate?

As for the Yuan Ying who was killed, Bai Lu Yao just said, "Isn't it my old ape's decision to choose him?"

The holy ape was a little unbelievable, and it took a while before he said: "Let's talk about it first!"

The deer deer put the treasure bag in his arms, and then replied: "Master will go to pick him up again tonight. Then the Nascent Soul will have to hide, and the gods will not be easy to fight! It's better to hit the old bear, and he has not been able to save him yet. It’s better to fight like the old elephant first.

This is really unexpected. The old ape really didn't expect it, scratching his head and questioning: "What's the use of rescue if you are seriously injured? And don't you hate me again!"

Bai Lu Yao rolled his eyes and said, "I really saved him and let him heal his wounds for thousands of years! Let's look at the eyes first, let's talk about the strength of the monk's family! If we want to save him, how can we dare to bear the hate?"

The holy monkey nodded.

The Hundred Treasure Bag suddenly flew out of the Bailu Demon’s arms, and the great sage moved the mountain to hold it, and said, "If it’s another one, this sage will allow it. It’s just to grab your things from the great demon general. Look at your meat hurts, and your heart is the most painful. Happy!"

I swept away the divine sense, took out the magical artifact and received it: "Because you have another happy event in the Yue family, it will cause me to give gifts. This is a good thing!"

The rest are useless debris, and then throw it back: "The bag is yours!"

The White Deer Demon really hurt her face, but her mouth yelled, "Master is righteous!"

The holy apes did not step forward, and the eight demon saints who fought with each other did not retreat. The battle away from the original center hit dark again, a little later than the first day, and the demon saints had not yet retreated.

The demon crowds that had entered the Sacred Ape Mountain and the Dragon Palace were still on their way.

Although it was said that after a large array of help, the transformation of the gods had the upper hand, but they could not cause the demon saint on the opposite side to be severely injured, at most only slightly injured.

After it was completely dark, Duji's spiritual sense sensed that the holy ape had once again flown up, and hurriedly reminded: "The old ape has come!"

Hearing his shout, Yuan Ying and the local demon Zu Dun who came for reinforcements gave up the harassment and hurriedly turned down and hid in the Xuantian faction.

When the holy ape flew, there were only demon saints and gods in the sky.

Such a powerful demon sage, but he wants to kill me and wait for Yuan Ying, but he still has a face?

This time, the holy ape did not bring the white deer demon who picked up the corpse. The demon sages have shown their retreat. It has been more than six hours since the last time that Xinghui killed the Nascent Soul with a single blow. They all thought it was the same as the day before. , Is to retreat in response, no one would have imagined that he could come with a pole again.

What is more unexpected is that in the previous wars, the old Xiong who had not sincerely converted to Buddhism had a tacit understanding with the opposite party, and they did not work hard for each other, and Duji was helpless with him!

The old elephant underneath was also called a crack in the big array. He threw a big guillotine and slashed at the flying holy ape.

One-legged stomped on the wide side of the flying big guillotine, the old ape snatched up before the dragon king yelled to retreat, and shouted: "Do a game before leaving!"

Hearing what he said, the eight demon Shengdun stopped leaving, and broke out together, clinging to their opponents.

The old ape smashed his pole at the earth-shaking sage, the old bear!

Lao Xiong didn't work hard, and the other side didn't care about him much. I was afraid that he was still thinking about saving. It was only more than six hours apart. The appearance of this pole was but it hits everyone. It's possible, how could you smash the old bear?

This shoulder pole borrowed from the power of Xinghui is inevitable!

In the big accident, they were entangled tightly by their opponents, but the monk Duji reacted, driving the white lotus flower in his busy schedule, and blooming on the old bear's head, trying to block a blow for him!

It's a pity that Lao Xiong's opponent today is still the Great Sage of Jade Claw, and the two demon sages are fighting each other, besides the magic weapon, they are fighting each other close to each other.

Sensing that the sacred ape Danshan has been smashed, although I don’t understand why the old bear was chosen to save, the jade claw magic weapon is still on the verge of attacking. At the same time, the second magic weapon that has never been used, a bone dart finally shot. !

The old squid who wandered full-time, his arms and legs turned into a long whip, and it was also a whip!

The white lotus responded automatically, blocking the bone dart and was unscathed, and then the jade claw quickly grabbed it again, and the Dan Shandan suddenly slammed down, and the foot whip arrived.


The white lotus is no longer able to withstand the problem, the old bear raised his own magic weapon to welcome him, but after seven thousand years, the old Japanese subordinates and opponents are no longer able to compete. , The face of the law was broken, and another footlash was hit, both of them were ruthless, the body was beaten to the top of the towering palace formed by the Yuxu array, and the blood couldn't stop it going out!

Coughing up his blood, the old bear cursed softly: "Dogday!"

"If I don't know how to live or die, I will kill you tomorrow!"

With a blow to make a contribution, the holy ape stared, shouted at the old bear, and then gave the order for the dragon king: "Let’s retreat!"

The demon saints retreat, making Du Ji hate their teeth. The saint ape has borrowed Xinghui, do you dare to fight back tonight?

The old bear has been severely injured, if he rushes out, there is no big formation to help, and the other party has an extra sacred ape, there are nearly 30 demon ancestors who can help! !

There is no advantage to rushing out!

Only wait until the drunk and godly arrives!

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