Deer Demon Race

Chapter 363: 3rd pole

A malicious demon king who was drunk by the "Drunken Immortal Song" of the Seventh Lady, until he was killed by the dragon scale blade, failed to explode.

Seventeen Niang is still taking the demon pill and pouch, and the white deer demon has once again broken into a new demon formation.

During the induction, there was only one Demon King who was extremely malicious and willing to blew himself up, and there was no such thing as waiting.

The gray robe held it up again, and after detonating the last Demon King, the White Deer Demon turned around and swept around, and rushed towards the demon king who was fighting fiercely with the big horns.

Today, the Demon King picked by the White Deer Demon blew himself up when he had to meet him. He didn't call back this time, but rushed over quietly. Only when Big Horn found out, he was shocked and hurriedly fled.

Bian Fei ran away, and Dajiao cursed: "The treasures of the dog day are only a curse to my old cow!"

Li Mu was also scared to escape.

The Bailu Demon originally wanted to cooperate with the two of them. Once the Demon King was hit by Yin, he forgot the fright that the previous blew Demon King had brought to him. First, he ran away with big horns and sternly scared, without tacit cooperation at all.

The Bailu Demon is full of sorrow, and he was not seriously injured by the demon king's self-destruction. That is his ability. How can other demon generals dare to have such confidence?

I don't know if the Demon King in front of him will probably not blew himself up, will he stay and die?

This demon king is also a bull demon, with big horns and stern eyes to flee. Seeing the white deer demon pounced, he didn't take any action to resist. He just hurriedly asked, "But it can purify the monk curse? I would like to drop it!"

The demon king's reaction was beyond Bai Lu Demon's expectation. Before replying, the Niu Demon King lay down on the ground and began to pretend to be dead.

The most pious demon kings have blew themselves up. Among the besieged Lili original Buddhist monks, the rest of the demon kings and demon generals have also been killed, and they have collapsed.

The Bull Demon King saw that the monk's confidant was almost dead, and then he lost his scruples and began to weigh himself down.

Following the Bull Demon King, more and more people fell to the ground and gave up resistance, while those who refused to descend were fleeing.

If there are no demon kings and demon generals in the formation, no matter how many monsters and little demon in each demon formation, they will only be lambs to be slaughtered.

Without support, Seventeen Niang could even rush into a demon formation alone. Although she didn't dare to kill evil, it was completely fine to bring down the demon and the little demon with a single sound attack.

It was a losing battle, and there was no miracle. The descendants spread out, and a large number of Lili demon crowds were lying upside down and pretending to die. This morning, the monk Duji had taken away the Buddha's thoughts, and the new ones have not yet been formed, but they surrendered. Good time.

The devastating Buddhist monks can only evade and hide their figures in various formations.

Since the start of the war, most of the Demon Kings and Demon Generals have come to deal with the Daofengling Demon Crowds. King Dingjia, Suluo, and Defu have already occupied absolute advantages in numbers, and they are also quickly breaking the formation.

Until the holy ape cried: "The sky is almost dark, this holy will go up!"

After a fierce battle, I didn't seem to feel the passage of time. Hearing this sound, the White Deer realized that there was only the last afterglow left in the western sky.

It's getting dark.

The sacred ape has set aside a clone, the deity is about to step forward to fight, the white deer demon hurriedly called to retreat, today's battle is over!

The holy ape deity is not there, what if a monk clone appears on which little demon in a while? Don't dare to fight anymore, the large number of fallen survivors, the White Deer Demon will not take personal risks.

"Borrow the stars from the sky!"

In the afterglow of the setting sun, following the shout of the holy ape, the stars in the sky brightened and disappeared again.

The deity of the holy ape flew towards the center of Liliyuan.

The Buddhism demon crowd who had not surrendered on the other side waited for the moment when the holy ape left, and he waited until he dared to withdraw from the second line of defense behind him, in order to truly escape for his life.

The demon king who flew the fastest flees ahead, followed by a large number of demon generals and monsters riding on the flying little demon, followed by the walking demon, running directly on the grassland.

The ancestors of the wild bear and the swordfish each took the response snails, and they were indispensable. They focused on protecting the demon crowds in the driving range. They did not chase after them. Only King Dingjia, Suluo, and Difu chased and killed them overnight, and reached the second opposite. The line of defense turned back.

From the White Deer Demon, he hurriedly called the Octopus Demon King, and asked the two ancestors to help speed up the cooling of the supernatural powers and begin to purify and lower the demon. Among the first purified demons, select a few flying demons, each as a guide, take the Seventeen Niangs, Crescent Moon, Dead Ghosts, and their own flying demons, to grab the first line of defense, the demon ancestor, the demon king's pasture.

Among the four rhinoceros kings in Xuanyue, there is a soul-bound lock planted by the holy ape himself, and there is no supervision of the ancestors, and the white deer is not afraid of them running away, only the flying demon will accompany it to supervise, so as not to get the moth.

Taking advantage of the initial defeat of the enemy, it is important to grab the fruits of victory!

Since the start of the war, there hasn't been a spiritual plant in Doufengling. Can the White Deer be in a hurry?

He doesn't believe that the mysterious high-grade and high-grade spiritual plants can all be moved to the vicinity of the elephant nest. Is the aura enough?

There is not necessarily a gain, but as much as you can grab.

Seventeen Niang and others rushed to leave. The remaining monsters were responsible for touching the corpse and cleaning the pouch. Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan were staring at this matter, and all important things were collected.

Among them, the black and white tapir Banxuan was called to Master Deer's side, and those with dirty hands and feet were not allowed to touch the corpse.

The holy ape galloped all the way, and when it was hundreds of miles away from the original, he roared first: "My old ape is here too!"

When the old ape had just left, Monk Duji had reminded that the demon ancestors and Yuan Ying who were afraid of being killed had all flown back to the Yuxuan Immortal Array to hide. At this time, they were still flying under the beams of light that were chasing them. There are not many creatures in the sky.

Hearing his roar, the gods in the sky, the old elephants in the great formation, the old bears, Yuan Yishou, Zhang Yifu, etc., all cheered up and prepared to respond.

If it weren't for the drunk god, and rushing out with a backhand, Monk Duji would send the seriously injured old bear to the cross-continental land to find a ferry and change for a lioness to fight.

In order to avoid the beam of light, the battle circle of the demon sages is a bit bigger today. At this time, the holy apes have arrived, and the gods are also ready to shrink in the middle to facilitate mutual support.

The newcomer is drunk and sacred. Although he knows the sacred ape's wickedness, he is not too scared when he first arrives. When he shrinks, he takes a slow shot. The vermilion magic weapon breathes fire on the old squid again before he withdraws.

Just choose him!

The Dragon King burst out first: "Drunk and God!"

Hearing the name, Zui Youshen was still puzzled, and then he saw that besides the old squid, the other seven demon saints all ignored the attack of the enemy in front of them, and forced Quan to move over by the law!

The eight demon saints joined forces, and even the nearby space was blocked. It is impossible for the drunk **** to escape in a short time!

As the old yellow croaker was moving, there was a shallow chanting sound in his mouth, and the voice fluctuated like a tide, rising and falling, but it went straight into the heart, giving the hearer a soft feeling.

Yuanyang, Duji, hatred and other transformation gods reacted, and they were all shocked!

The dragon king’s double-headed shuttle and rope, the white jade hairpin and thunder hammer that the dragon is actually condensed by the essence of the water, the phoenix hairpin of the old phoenix, the Nanming Lihuo, the full whip of the old squid, the colorful stone of the old yellow croaker, The jade claws and bone darts of the old eagles, the eagle claws and hardware rods of the old ospreys, and the poisonous thorns of the old jellyfish under the huge umbrella, all greet the drunk and godlike spirits!

So there is no need to rush to the holy ape, if you really eat so many attacks, you will undoubtedly die if you are drunk!

The Dragon King has already roared his second sentence: "Today, seek revenge for the Great Sage Lunyin and the Great Sage of Chaos!"

At the same time, in Yuanyang’s ears, Du Ji’s voice sounded: "Pull the yellow fish demon back!"

In order to achieve the best results, after the sound transmission, the poisonous monk first shouted: "The Bodhisattva of Great Freedom!"

In response to his voice, the remaining nine demon ancestors and two gods from Lili had a thick Buddha's chanting curse that had grown for thousands of years. Body.

Anyway, being blocked by the big formation, don't worry about the old bear being rescued by the other side for the time being!

The seven Buddha treasures displayed on Du Jizhen's body were originally rosary beads, white lotus, bodhi branch, and ivory. However, Bailian was greatly injured when he was helping the old bear to block the attack. The three pieces of vajra and pestle are the same, temporarily condensed into a fake number with Buddha's thoughts.

Buddha Nian'er condensed again, and the strength of crossing oneself suddenly skyrocketed. On the seven Buddha treasures, three true and four fake, each of them has the light of Buddha to break through the sky!

Except for the fake white lotus, which is the fastest, and then flashed to Zui Youshen's head to help him last a bit, the other six all hit the tide big sage old yellow croaker!

Now I don’t dare to underestimate the demon general of the White Deer Demon. He is always on guard against the monk. Although there is no demon sage to restrain him, he will fly in Liliyuan no matter how fast he can fly over 30,000 miles. exist? It's better to deal with the situation at hand!

Hearing the sound transmission, Yuanyang understood the monk's calculations.

The drunk **** is doomed to not be saved. Among the demon saints opposite, the old ape has not yet arrived. Only the old yellow croaker's chanting can stop him from exploding. If he doesn't kill him, he can interrupt the singing and make the drunk **** blew himself before he died. Come out, it is also a great benefit to oneself!

Although the self-detonation of the **** of transformation will affect the inner creatures within a hundred miles, the demon saint demon body is also harder and more capable of carrying than the **** of transformation. After the transformation of the gods, the demon saints have worked hard, no matter what, the gods of the transformation can leave some leeway, guard or escape!

The lower-tier demon ancestors and Yuan Ying have all hid in the large formation blocked by the Xuantian Sect disciples. The defense power of that large formation is far better than the attack power, and the towering Tao Palace phantom can at least block most of the damage from the self-destruction of the **** of transformation!

If the demon saints are seriously injured and take the opportunity to kill one or two more, the situation will be greatly reversed in the largest battle ever between the two clans of the humans and monsters in this continent!

Attacking the old yellow croaker made the drunk and the gods explode, and killed thousands of the bottom disciples of the Xuantian Sect. It was really because of the murder that caused the heavens. The main murderer is the dead drunk and god. There are so many demons and gods on the scene. , At most it can only be regarded as an accomplice, but also can be shared!

The monk is really poisonous, but the situation in front of him is right!

When the monk recruited the demon sages and demon ancestors of Lingshan Temple, Yuan Yang also roared: "Fight the yellow fish demon!"

While he pointed forward with his hand, the golden crow really fired finally, and first attacked the old yellow croaker!

All the gods present were meticulous and calculating. Yuan Yang thought of it, he also understood it, but he didn't necessarily listen to the instructions of the monk Duji, but the Taoist leader Yuan Yang's voice was different!

The drunk **** is destined to fall, although sad, but fortunately, the daoist friend will not die the poor dao!

Sanren, Zhongchun, unprovoked, hatred, etc., no longer have any scruples. After the Golden Crow's real fire, Yuruyi, Mahamudra, Yin-Yang Sword, Thunder Ball, Bone-Slicing Wind, and Dharma-xiang fist all blasted toward the tide of the Great Sage Old Yellow Fish!

Really want to implement, the old yellow croaker is equally immortal and disabled!

Almost at the same time, the sacred ape came in a flash, and the heavenly and majestic law was transformed, and the shoulder of the mountain was raised again, and with the power of the mountain, it was about to hit the third ultimate move since the start of the war!

This pole smashed the Taoist leader Yuan Yang, not the drunk god!

The eight demon saints tried their best, enough to kill the god, without adding the old ape's pole!

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