Deer Demon Race

Chapter 364: result

To concentrate the power of a few demon saints to kill a transformation god, how can you add the saint ape?

After all, the White Deer Demon is just a demon general, and he does not have enough understanding of high-end combat power.

The demon saint physical body is stronger than the humanized **** cultivator, but it is not unlimited. It is really stared to death by the other party, blocked the escape route, and will fall for continuous shots. Which is more cost-effective to change one by one?

To whom this pole smashed was the result of the double saints of Dragon Palace guiding the nine demon saints again to care about.

The old ape is usually not awake in his head, from the little demon to the demon saint, he has caused trouble everywhere, fighting more than anyone in his life, and his intuitive instinct in the fight is also the best in the world!

Nine Great Demon Saints, is it glorious to listen to a demon commander in everything?

Inspired by the thoughts of the White Deer Demon, when it comes to fighting, some adjustments have to be made.

In addition to the sacred ape, eight demon sages work together to kill a god, which is actually enough!

The old ape does not need to be wasted anymore, and he can find a new target for the opponent.

The most appropriate strategy is to attack by the Dragon King and other eight main players. The Old Ape’s Dan Shandan will then smash a god, which can kill and wound the best. Otherwise, force the opponent’s allies to withdraw their hands to save themselves and reduce the damage that your demon saint will suffer!

Every demon saint can bear a certain degree of injury, but if it is too heavy, it is also disadvantageous.

It's best not to let the other party choose who to hurt, as the Bailu Yao said, but to give guidance and let the opposite demon **** set fire to the demon sage selected by his own.

At least it is better to be prepared if you wait for the decision, than to be randomly selected by the other party.

The demon saint who was responsible for the injury and attracting the gods to set fire, finally chose the old yellow croaker.

The old yellow croaker didn't need to sing at the beginning. When the demon sages put it together, they let him be the most unlucky one, making a sound first, deliberately inviting the monks to set him on fire.

The old yellow croaker was chosen because he was the most suitable. Who told him that when he killed the holy rhino last time, he got the magic weapon of rhino skin armor that defended against the hot sun? Although it is still in tatters, but the spirituality has not been lost, and the material is the best in the world.

Outside of the rhino skin armor, the old yellow croaker still has the scale armor made by the body!

He usually loves defense like this, and there is an excellent reason to prevent self-destruction, who is not affected by him?

Originally, he was betting on who had bad luck, but now he was letting the old yellow fish take the initiative. He was unwilling, but he was determined by the words of the Great Sage Fenyan: "You don't want to crawl on the back of the old lady? If you are tough, let you do what you want!"

Looking at the beautiful face of the old phoenix demon, and then thinking about the other party's demon saint identity and pure phoenix bloodline, it is estimated that it will be difficult to meet such a noble banshee in this life.

The old ape appeared, and in terms of hatred, the most important target was the monk Duji!

It is a pity that there is a crack between the monk and the gods of the Daomen. The attack of the old ape is more important to force the other party to withdraw his hand and rescue him, alleviate the injury of the demon sage who was set on fire. Not necessarily willing to exert all efforts.

The monk's Dharma is weird. With that Buddha's thoughts, the clone can contend with the demon saint. At this time, the true body gathers many Buddha's thoughts, and the eight-armed three-eyed Bodhisattva's image is definitely harder to break than Yuanyang!

Therefore, the third pole of the old ape since the start of the war fell on Yuanyang!

The timing is just right!

At the same time, a large sea urchin shell flew out of the dragon king, and the dragon po threw out her dragon tendons, one after the other, the two magic weapons all blocked the old yellow croaker!

The Virgin of the Sea Spirit who had been prepared for a long time, the poisonous thorns under the big umbrella still pierced the drunk god, but the umbrella body tilted down and stopped in front of the old yellow croaker!

With the help of these three magic weapons, the old yellow croaker has to make sure that he sings continuously even if he is severely injured!

Drunk You God is destined to be saved, and then give up Yuanyang?

Yuanyang has always been known for speed, but the old ape borrowed Xinghui's full blow, and he was destined to avoid it. During the previous battle on the Sacred Ape Mountain, he had suffered some minor injuries, and no one knew whether he could hold it this time!

The banana fan was fanning out of the bone-cutting wind, and it was too late to retreat. Danyang immediately flew out of the fine gold shield, blocking Yuanyang's head.

Danyang is the most self-aware. In the past few years, Chenghua God has only studied how to assist Yuanyang, the former ancestor. Without Yuanyang, how can Donghuamen be able to secure the position of the No. 1 school of Luzhou in Beiju? Occupy the largest territory?

Guan Ji is in chaos. Knowing Yuanyang's ability, it is unlikely that he will fall under this shoulder. Danyang does not dare to gamble!

The area of ​​Donghuamen is too large. As the first sect to base itself on Luzhou in Beiju, it has already captured the territories and seas of the eleven demon saints. The two gods of transformation are just too small to be stationed. Severe injuries may also make people with different intentions covetous, such as Lingshan Temple.

I dare not say that there will be no worries within the same clan, Dongsheng Shenzhou has a precedent for cultivators to fight each other!

The big mudra made by the unprovoked method was falling. He hurriedly took away most of his strength, punched back, calculated accurately, and hit the shoulder directly from the side, trying to smash the shoulder to the side.

Without Yuanyang, can the cultivator of Beiju Luzhou still block the Demon Race Alliance? The Xumi Mountain Continent Huashen sect has to move in again, who will stop it?

For no reason is the second one, and immediately after that, the futon of Yimei, Mo Yuxuan of Zhongchun, and Xinghuang Qi of Sanren also flew.

These magic weapons are not as fast as the white lotus, who is too late to rescue the drunken gods, but they can still save Yuanyang. Facing the sacred ape with a blow from the stars, no one will dislike the many methods.

Between the various gates of Beiju Luzhou, there are usually a lot of small ways to each other, but now that the Xumeshanzhou is almost completely ruined, the gods have agreed that there can be no Yuanyang that is in a complete state and can support the overall situation, otherwise it will succeed. Disperse in the sand!

Knowing that it was distracted at this time, it would not be good for interrupting the yellow croaker demon's singing and killing the yellow croaker demon. The allies chose to save themselves, but they did not know that their own methods were unused, and Yuan Yang was no wonder.

For the first time to eat the old ape with the attack of the stars, he did not care about it at the moment. Not to mention the fact that the law turned into a raging flame that illuminates the sky, dozens of crystal clear bones flew up in the fire, forming a small white bone tower, supporting it on the top of the head.

If the White Deer Demon is present and Shura's eyes are opened, you can recognize that these dozens of crystal clear bones are all Dao Jade Bones.

These crystallized white bones that can be formed in any change are the Yuanyang pressure box bottom method, which has never been shown before anyone. Danyang only knows the fur.

The drunk **** who was surrounded by the eight demon sages was the first to be surrounded by many methods. Only a white lotus flower condensed by Buddha's thoughts appeared on his head to save him. Knowing that everything is unstoppable, his face and body are minimized in the roar of anger. , Got into his red gourd!

The big sage of the tide, the old yellow croaker, hiding behind the double sacred sea urchin and the dragon tendon pagoda, looked at him with too many magic weapons and methods, and was also frightened. And his own magic weapon of scale armor!




Three crits roared gradually, and the sky above the elephant nest was an unprecedented spiritual fluctuation!

In the battle between the gods and the demon saints, the idle clouds in the sky had long been pushed far away, but in the violent fluctuations, some lightning fell out of thin air.

Next to Yuanyang, who was last hit, the futon and Mo Yuxuan, who had lost their spirituality, were hit again and again, and their spirituality was almost wiped out, and they were about to fall back to the magic weapon; Danyang’s golden shield was knocked into the air; for no reason Few arms are missing from the law. However, the two pieces of Xinghuangqi and White Bone Pagoda were still intact. Below this, Yuan Yang was full of anger and flames like a **** of fire.

Yuanyang is unscathed!

The old yellow croaker caught in the center was beaten to bless the six true and false Buddha treasures that have blessed the demon saint and demon ancestor for thousands of years. The big handprints with insufficient stamina were bombarded, and the white umbrella of Our Lady of the Sea Spirit was scorched black, losing support and collapsed; the dragon king’s sea urchin shell magic weapon was directly destroyed; the dragon tendon papyrus was soft, but only two holes were pierced by the Yin and Yang swords. . The remaining vajra, wheel treasure, bodhi branch, flame beads, and rosary all fell on the old yellow croaker. The large beam of light was swept twice, causing his rhino skin armor to be more broken, and the fish scale armor was all spiritually destroyed, and fell to the dragon king. The sea urchin shells are the same, completely scattered and falling.

The old yellow croaker's method disintegrated, its flesh was charred, and all its seven orifices had blood surging out. The golden crow's true fire bypassed the obstacles and fell directly on his flesh, burning violently, and the smell of the fish was full of flavor!

Of course, the old yellow croaker didn't give up singing during the hardest time, although he didn't know how much effect it had on the gods in the gourd!

Zui Youshen, who suffered the most violent attack, was even more miserable. After the monk’s Bai Lian was broken up, Zhu Chi Gourd burst into pieces in an instant, exposing him, and the Dhamma only persisted for a breath before disintegrating, and then it was the turn of the flesh, in an instant Was broken into pieces!

Duji, Yuanyang, etc., no one knows that there can still be Tibetans in the Zhuchi gourd, which is used by drunken gods to hold the samādhi fire, and there should be a small world of its own!

Zhu Chi Gourd can hide the drunken body of God, and it can be isolated from the inside and outside. The singing of the Great Sage of the Tide will definitely not affect the inside. Why doesn't he blew himself up?

Temporarily have to stop it, isn't it falling away in the end?

With just a little doubt, Duji understood.

Before he died, he got into the gourd, only to use the gourd to block the demon saint's attack on the soul in the attack, instead of isolating the singing sound and exploding!

The body can die, but the soul is unwilling to die!

If it explodes, it means that the soul will explode, and it will all be annihilated!

Yuan Yang was also secretly condemning him while he shot the holy ape. It is said that the Antarctic Palace inherited the Antarctic Old Man’s Orthodoxy. Although there are few legends about that great power, but vaguely named "immortality", maybe there is a means of resurrection if you are drunk, how can you be willing to explode?

The calculation failed, maybe the Antarctic Palace will make a faceless!

After the three huge roars, the serious injuries that should be severely wounded, and the fall that should have fallen, the demon saints and the gods were slightly startled, and then each shot at each other again.

In the great formation on the ground, Yuan Yishou had already figured out that the poisonous monk had calculated before and forced a drunk **** to blew himself up. He clearly did not take the life of the low-level monk of the Xuantian faction seriously. He was extremely angry, but this is not a good time to get angry. Did not ask the large array of light beams to stop shooting.

In Du Ji's anger, the wounded old yellow croaker screamed miserably, and then the old eagle helped to block a Buddha treasure sneak attack, and fled with the burning golden crow real fire!

It's not as good as he wants.

The situation in this continent has changed drastically, the Yaozu has become extremely cunning, and the old neighbor and old opponent of the Great Sage Burning Flame is present, how can Yuanyang dare to be careless? Ren old yellow croaker escapes from the induction, if his home is blocked by the demon saints, and the female demon saint Fenyan pulls out again, maybe the golden crow will be thrown away!

After flying dozens of miles away, Yuanyang's five fingers moved lightly, and the golden crow suddenly fell off the old yellow croaker and flew back on its own.

Although the demon body is no longer injured continuously, and is not worried about turning into a grilled yellow croaker for the time being, the plan to trap the golden crow's true fire has failed and has not achieved full success.

The Great Sage of the Tide flew more than a hundred miles and stopped again, turned back and waited with a sigh.

The demon's body is severely wounded, and if it is beaten again, it is said that it will not fall like a drunk and god. The old yellow croaker does not dare to get too close to the melee group for the time being, but if the opportunity arises, he does not mind flying up and throwing a colorful stone.

He was only severely injured, so he could wait a while and retreat with the rest of the demon saints.

The top combat strength is fast, until then, the soul of the drunk **** corpse dragged by the old squid's foot whip piece by piece, the soul floats out.

The ghosts just after death, even if they are broken up, can gather and transform into ghosts elsewhere, and no demon saint is troublesome to disperse them. This is the end of the matter, and the gods will no longer complain that he does not blew himself up.

However, the fierce battle between the gods and the demon saints will not be polite, and the drunken souls will be blown away in a blink of an eye, leaving only the remaining sound: "Old Yuanyang, don't treat my disciples!"

Below the big formation, Old Xiong said to Great Sage's Great Sage: "The other side is still not withdrawing, the old ape is seriously injured again, my brother will throw his guillotine at him!"

(End of this chapter)

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