Deer Demon Race

Chapter 365: Runaway bear

Du Hua cursed an undead demon, but since Bai Ze was rescued, Monk Duji had left a killer on the demon saints and demon ancestors.

His assassin was imprinted on the demon saint and demon ancestor that Duhua came to, and each imprint was a clone of his divine mind. Although he wanted to weaken the power of the body, if it happened, cross the curse. When it happens, the opponent completely loses the power of resistance, and the Divine Sense clone can easily invade the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, crushing the same collapsed soul.

He can only guard against the demon saint and demon ancestor to this point.

As long as the Buddha's thoughts do not occur, with the strength of the demon sage and the demon ancestor, will it be possible that even the avatar of the Taoist spirit can't stop it?

Yuxu’s entrapment in the immortal formation is isolated from the inside and outside. If it weren’t for the old bear, he would be below and couldn’t escape. How could Du Ji today take back the Buddha-nian child he had raised for thousands of years?

The old bear’s magic weapon is made by his own bear’s paw, and his physical form is also a bear’s paw, so he can also attack outside.

Great Sage's Great Sage stunned, glanced at him, dropped the big guillotine in his hand, and shouted from his mouth: "Start the formation!"

The old elephant is not stupid. At the last glance, he has clearly lost his thoughts, but he still says to open the battle!

Then he concentrated on the Buddha, but there was still a trace of demon loyalty left!

In mid-air, Monk Duji was fighting each other with the Dragon King, secretly paying attention. Hearing the old elephant shouting, he was taken aback and hurriedly shouted: "Move!"

It's just a little late, Yuan Yishou's mouth did not stop: "Open the battle!"

The towering Taoist Palace in mid-air really cracked a gap, letting the big guillotine of the old elephant fly out and hit the holy ape!

The opportunity is fleeting, if the poisonous monk pulls away to block the gap, don't even want to run away, the old bear doesn't care about anything else, lightly stomped his foot, whistling and following the big guillotine, flew out of the battle!

Two demon ancestors hiding in the formation also flew up!

Monk Duji was frightened and yelled: "Yuanyishou, your master and apprentice are all rags!"

To the old elephant, he hadn't thought about how to deal with it in a hurry, so he had to throw his anger on his head for the first time, and then became extremely angry. This curse did not even care that all those present were Taoist gods.

You are not benevolent, just poor and unrighteous.

Inside the big formation, Yuan Yishou appeared confused, pretending not to understand.

A few days ago, it was getting dark. The holy ape rushed up and smashed a pole. The demon saints turned back and rested. Today, the drunk **** has fallen, and even the seriously injured old yellow croaker is waiting in the back. Isn’t it just seeing Du Ji take back the Buddha's thoughts, and want to try to shake the earth. Is there a chance to escape?

Who knew that the old elephant and Yuan Yishou came to help, things would go so smoothly?

Old Xiong was the fastest. After the big guillotine, he flashed out of the line, and the two demon ancestors were still behind!

The sacred ape laughed loudly with the big guillotine that hit the fly, and exclaimed, "Brothers, hold your hands tighter!"

This is to fight for a chance for the demon ancestors who escaped later. Without him calling, the Dragon King and others understand it. Sure enough, they are tighter with their opponents. During the battle between Long Po and Sanren, the white jade hairpins all flew towards. Duji, this is the most powerful magic weapon in her body, and must force the poisonous monk to have no time to turn around.

The old squid's foot whip was waving, and he also tried his best to help block the sky above the gap, so that no other gods were allowed to approach.

The old yellow croaker, hundreds of miles away, hurried back. He wanted to add a colorful stone to the battlefield.

When he escaped from the big formation, the old bear flashed his body, and his two bear paws became bigger, and he patted Du Ji!

How many years has the poisonous monk of Gou Ri killed my old bear?

Turning back before the battle, Mo Wai is like that, although Du Ji has been so angry, but the three demon saints have to deal with him intently, and return to the old bear to have a round of treasure.

"Ouch! The holy bear wants to turn back!"

In the big formation, Yuan Yishou yelled out in hindsight and greeted the juniors to close the big formation and shot the old bear and the escaped demon ancestor with a beam of light.

Flew out of the formation from the ground, not far away. Before the big formation was closed, the two demon ancestors finally flew out. They did not dare to participate in the battle between the gods of transformation and the demon saints. Gong Xuying flew low, the direction was the old yellow croaker.

Last time they calculated Duji and Shengxi, when the demon sages came over, Li Liyuan was pressed tightly. Five demon ancestors had been killed. This time two more escaped, leaving only four remaining.

The old yellow croaker made up a colorful stone and took the two demon ancestors away. The holy ape laughed cheerfully: "This is the end of today, and we will fight again tomorrow!"

Following the demon saint’s retreat, the old Xiong exclaimed happily, “Thank you brothers and sisters for saving me! The stinking hoots, my grievances are clear!”

The old ape cast his mouth down, thinking that I will be grieved with me, and the old elephant who was killed by you?

Before leaving, the old ape couldn't help but yelled again: "Great Sage, I said, the Great Demon General White Deer can help the Mammoths reappear in the world!"

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is a curse of crossing, and no news can be passed on secretly. What the old elephant knows must also be known to the poisonous monk, so it is better to drink it in public.

The poisoned monk knows that it will be more difficult to save it next time, but it is not enough to disturb the Buddha's heart of the old elephant without first explaining it. If the old elephant does not cooperate, how can he be saved? Just like today, there is a gap in the big array, and Buddha Nian'er is taken away. He only helps the old bear to escape, and he refuses to leave.

The old elephant never spoke, but the old bear asked with joy, "But really?"

Except for the Antarctic Palace where the **** of transformation had fallen, Lingshan Temple also suffered a big defeat today. Watching the holy bear and the old ape retreat together, Du Ji’s face twitched, and he yelled at his allies: "Catch up and fight!"

Chase it out and fight until tomorrow night, so that the old bear will not have a chance to be purified. If Buddha Nian'er regenerates, he will still be his own!

Looking at the light of the demon saints leaving, Yuan Yang sighed: "This Beiju Luzhou, I have been waiting for the monks for tens of thousands of years, and I have been defeated for a while. Don't be arrogant, and discuss the countermeasures first!"

Although the three demon saints of Old Ape, Old Yellow Fish, and Old Bear are all injured, the number of demon saints on the opposite side has increased to ten, and there are demon ancestors outside to help. My own side is drunk and has the gods fall, rushing out without assistance from the big formation, the top combat power has also been reduced by two, only the Eighth God and a demon saint who is equally badly injured, it is obvious that they are not dominant, who is willing to risk falling Fight against the monsters?

Du Ji wants to delay time until it gets dark again, but the holy ape is faster than him. After daybreak, there is bound to be another blow with Xinghui Thunder!

Under such a disadvantage, it is impossible not to fall!

If one or two other gods fall, Beiju Luzhou will truly be ruined!

Yuan Yang said, and Sanren, Yimei, Wuyou, etc. all nodded. Monk Duji also knew that it was unrealistic, so he sighed, then cheered up and arranged the outside battle first.

The planned backhand is nowhere in sight.

Over there, the demon saints flew away, and the old Xiong kept laughing, and the old Huang asked the old yellow croaker softly: "Brother is hurt badly?"

The tone of the person who is about to get close is really different. You can fight again when you are full of energy. Listening to this coquettish tone, the old eagle and the old osprey are only envy and jealous. The old yellow fish bones are crisp, and the injury is not It was too heavy, and then he spouted blood: "It's a little heavy!"

Great Sage Fenyan said, "Go to my side, and the slave family will heal my brother!"

According to the original allocation, the old yellow croaker should have followed the Dragon King and so on to the north. Hearing this, he nodded and called: "Long Po, I will change my way with you!"

The old yellow croaker is also in-laws. Seeing his cheap appearance, Long Po rolled her eyes and flew north with the Dragon King and others.

While flying by, Lao Huang said with concern: "If your brother is struggling to fly, the slave family will carry you on your back!"

Don't get hurt, Yanfu is here!

The old yellow croaker was more anxious to get closer than her, and immediately rubbed his stomach: "Oh, thank you so much!"

The two Great Sages of Stirring Sea and Great Sage of Jade Claws are no longer able to see this scene, relying on their true appearances to be birds, they are all fast, speed up and go one step ahead.

What are the brothers and sisters doing?

Old Xiong and the two demon ancestors were confused.

With her flying on her back, the old yellow croaker began to fumble on the road, and the Phoenix Banshee saint smiled: "Ten thousand years old, bare hands and feet, like a green-headed little demon, don't worry!"

The situation has changed drastically, and the Monster Race is all sorts of casual jokes, but on the monk's side, urgent discussions will begin tonight.

There is no need to report back. Du has already known that the northern line is the most unbearable in the daytime battles between the inside and outside.

The battle situation in the west was a little better. Except for the collapse where the White Deer Demon faced, the remaining six gathering points of the battle on the first day had to be reluctantly defended.

But the translators can’t fight backhands. The demon saints and demon ancestors on the opposite side will not always be decorations. Now it is meaningless to set up a few more lines of defense. The order, regardless of the line of defense, all the demon crowds retreated all night, and those who could come were withdrawn to the elephant nest, gathered and guarded.

If the Yuxu Entrapped Immortal Array were all spread out, it would be hundreds of miles away, Buddhism demon crowds could drag under the Array, and they were so close to the Gods that they would not be defeated again.

When the discussion began, Yuanyang first said to Yuan Yishou: "Your family's big formation, stick to it for a while, and when the other party's reinforcements arrive, just go back!"

Today, the big array withdrew and let a demon saint run away. Although the poison monk only cursed at first and then did not mention a word, but everyone present believes that the poison monk is tolerant. It was necessary during the war, and it was a last resort. The rift between Lingshan Temple and Xuantian Sect, in this continent, was bigger than between any sect.

Put yourself in it and think about it, how important is the demon saint-level combat power when you change to any school?

The decision to set fire to the old yellow croaker and Ren Zui Youshen to blew himself up was made by Yuan Yang. Although he did not really blew himself up and did not cause a large number of deaths and injuries to low-level disciples, it is said that the Xuantian sent all the cultivators will never bury a root thorn, who letter?

It should have been replaced by the Xuantian faction that is disobedient and can't trust anymore.

Yuan Yishou firmly refused to admit that he intended to open the big formation and let the old bear go. At this time, he looked in disbelief, and his tone was more powerful: "My Xuantian faction is willing to contribute to the human race. Why don't the seniors believe it?"

There is a tradition of pretending to be foolish, and if there is a teacher, there will be a disciple. Du Ji has no expression on his face. Yuan Yang sighs: "It's not about holding the air. If you act according to the poor way, Lei Zhenmen is afraid that he will move elsewhere. Settle down, your home is about to strengthen its defenses, and you should also withdraw!"

This time Yuan Yishou was really surprised, and hurriedly called: "Lei Zhenmen moved to Luzhou in Beiju. Senior Zhongchun and my school have an agreement, how can I move?"

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