Deer Demon Race

Chapter 366: Discuss with God

Zhong Chun frowned and asked: "Brother Dao wants me to send a large formation to Liliyuan to help in the fight?"

Yuan Yang shook his head, looked around at the Huashen and Yuan Ying, and then slowly said: "It is unfortunate that the drunken fellow daoist has fallen for the clan war! In the meaning of poverty, we should keep the Antarctic Palace safe for two thousand years. But two things need to be met too!"

"One, the war is not over, the Antarctic Palace must be moved to Liyuan, in order to finish the drunk fellow Daoist's unsuccessful work; for the two, his family is too wide, and thereafter, without the blessing of the **** of transformation, how can he hold the side? The old dolphin sea area will not be divided any more, the original sea area has been let out, please garrison Lei Zhenmen!"

The Antarctic Palace moved to Beiju Luzhou much earlier than the Xuantian Sect. Not to mention that it already occupied the land of two demon saints. Thirty years ago, it teamed up with Taihuamen to divide the home of Chaos Great Sage Old Manatee. The sea, the sea where the old dolphins are found in Lunyin, his family has a share again! The sea area is originally wider than the land. In fact, the land boundary of the Antarctic Palace is more than twice that of the Xuantian School. The wider sea area is bordered by the sea spirit Madonna and other monster races. There is no support from the gods in the gate, and the other seven They gave their full support, but it was difficult to hold them, and what did they do to dominate the sea area?

Without Huashen, the status of the Antarctic Palace plummeted. Yuanyang left his family to land on the ground. He had already considered his best care, so he was drunk and knew about him.

According to Yuanyang's meaning, the Antarctic Palace's great array came to contribute to the protection of these two thousand years. Naturally, he dared not be disobedient, and it was just right to take the opportunity to replace the Xuantian Sect disciple who had already formed a gap. Anyway, the sea areas that could not be defended were separated and given to Zhongchun, and Lei Zhenmen, who had to be moved into the continent, was wooed not to mention, and by the way, I would teach the Xuantian faction, who did not take the overall situation as a priority, a lesson.

Do several things in one fell swoop.

After two thousand years, the remaining 47 deities of the Xumi Mountain Continent will be dispatched across the board. Whether they are drunk souls who transform into ghosts or seize their homes, they will start all over again. Without becoming a god, the disciples couldn't get out of Taoxuan, couldn't hold the mountain gate, were calculated and seized the boundary by other factions, and Donghua Gate could not control it.

After understanding the meaning of Yuanyang, Zhongchun no matter how old he is, he must first swallow the bait, and then slowly consider the poison hidden in the bait!

Without it, Lei Zhenmen had to agree to the Xuantian faction's terms in order to set foot on the northern part of Luzhou. Now it is only for the Xuantian faction to guard the house. Seeing that the conquest of the holy ape mountain is nowhere in sight, he secretly negotiated with Daoxuan. , I don’t know how long to wait until the real move to the door!

Due to Dao Xuan's plan, Monk Lei Zhenmen led most of them in Zhongchun and temporarily lived in the boundary of the Xuantian School. The remaining monks and people, the degraded spiritual plant, remained in Xumi Mountain Continent.

The disciples and believers of Lingshan Temple have all set off across the continent, but the people of Leizhenmen in his family have not left yet, because they don't have their own land boundary, where will they live after they have moved? Where is the sect Lingzhi planted?

It's really a surprise to get Yuanyang to open this mouth and be divided into a large sea area!

Although there are some Xuantian factions who are uncomfortable in inviting them to the continent, they have a rare opportunity right now. They can get the waters of the Antarctic Palace without doing anything. How many islands are there?

The population of Xumishan Island is small. Just a piece of sea area of ​​large and small islands can be resettled, and the degraded spiritual plants can be cultivated. How can Zhongchun care about others?

A real person around me is ready to move, thinking about replacing it!

Lei Zhenmen didn’t do all bad things. Looking at Yuan Yishou, Zhong Chun said in a deep voice: “My family’s former sender of the basic Dafa came over, but it’s not for the Xuantian faction to transfer to a foreign race. After that, go to argue with Daoxuan. If you have this opportunity, please go back and tell your master. Lei Zhenmen will no longer be to blame for the spread of Dao Fa, just let my family relocate!"

There is no impermeable wall in the world. The Xuantian Sect was robbed. Lei Zhenmen Dao Fa was also involved in the theft of the Taoist book. I didn’t think it was known to Zhongchun. Before, I just couldn’t bear it. Before he wanted to come to the gambling battle to retrieve the Taoist book, Master could shirk his promise, and this time he couldn’t get rid of it...

The scene is full of gods, Lei Zhenmen is determined to move away, and he is Yuan Ying. It is difficult to learn from Master Sapo. Yuan Yishou is bitter, so he has to nod first.

The Holy Ape Mountain has risen. Being the neighbor of the old ape’s human race, the Lingshan Temple and the Xuantian Sect are under great pressure. Said that it is necessary to go to Jiuyou to refine the equipment, it is really difficult to maintain for more than a hundred years!

No one objected, this matter was settled. No matter what Yuan Yishou thought, Yuan Yang said again: "In just ten years, there have been Lingshan Temple and Lei Zhenmen who moved to this continent. I would like to ask for help from Mount Xumi again! But the drunk fellow daoist fell, and the demon clan united gestures became bigger and bigger. Not asking for help is not enough to fight the demon. Everyone will discuss it. Now the situation, which one should be invited to come? After the agreement is agreed , No matter how many private invitations are sent, it is embarrassing with my Donghuamen. No wonder the old way ignores the friendship of the same clan!"

A cold on Yuan Yishou's neck, isn't Lei Zhenmen personally invited by the Xuantian Sect? Counting further, Lingshan Temple was privately invited by Taiyimen.

The demon clan alliance is close, and the connection between the monk sects must be closer in order to deal with it. Yuan Yang has said this and wants to invite privately in the future, it is really impossible.

He was relocating the two Lingshan Temple and Leizhenmen that were planned to be relocated. The Luzhou monks boasted that they were just north of the continent, and their positions changed suddenly, and they couldn't tolerate more people from their hometown to share the pie!

But the drunk **** fell, the old bear fled, the monster clan has moved towards unity, the situation is extremely bad, no matter how good the calculation is, there will be a feeling that the clever woman can’t cook without rice, not asking foreign aid is not enough to contend, it really delays, leading to a complete situation Collapsing, it is possible that the realm that was captured will slowly be eroded back, and now this Liliyuan is a living example.

The Monster Race Alliance is expanding fast, and it is already extremely difficult to stop now. I don't know how many companies will join it in the future!

No, no, but only a few are enough, and which ones should be carefully considered.

Xumi Shanzhou originally had 49 sects of Huashen, but Lei Zhenmen and Lingshan Temple were missing, and there were forty-seven.

Too strong, Shuanghuashen sect is determined not to invite. After the invitation, the remaining demon land will not have much to wait for. Then the strong ones should go to Xihe Niuzhou to make a fortune; Yuanyang has already said that. After that, you can no longer invite you privately. If you have a good relationship with a certain family in this continent, you can't invite you. Please come and form a small circle, and what should you do to share the fat with everyone on your back?

Among the various calculations of the gods, Monk Duji was the first to say: "As seen by Lao Na, please come!"

Donghuamen came out to block the sect that wanted to set foot in, and the relationship with Xumishan Chau had long been stalemate, and there was no good relationship there, and it did not make a decision on this matter, because the situation there is no longer familiar, listen to yourself In this way, Yuan Yang asked: "Yunxianmen claims to be Sanxian Taoist, and the old man is also a figure in Xianyun and wild cranes, so he has friendship with monks?"

Sanren, Wuyou, Yibrow and other eyes rolled, thinking that whatever the monk suggested, he would have to get rid of it, and that Yun Xianmen was not allowed to move.

The poisonous monk shook his head, laughed at himself and said, "Although Lao Na is a man in the empty door, he has entered the world for some small gains. He is too contaminated with the mortal dust, and it is difficult to have friendship with the old man in the clothes!"

In Sanren's puzzled look, the fat monk paused for a while, and then said: "But the old man has a special magic weapon called a shrimp fishing rod. If it's appropriate, lend the shrimp fishing rod to the public. If anyone is embarrassed by the monster clan, you will lend it out!"

If it weren’t for the Xumi Mountain Continent to die soon, the uncontested Yunxian Gate might be one of the sects that don’t want to relocate the most, but now they don’t believe his family is in a hurry or obedient.

Yuan Yang questioned: "Shrimp fishing rod? What is the magic weapon?"

Knowing this situation, Zhong Chun stunned and replied: "It's not very powerful, it's just a side door. If one of the realms presides over it, it is like a pond in his own realm. As long as the spirit senses it, the hook can come and catch the other person. Come to the front. Unfortunately, there is also a limit. Not to mention that the demon ancestor goes up, and the more capable demon king can't catch it. The old man once laughed at himself and said that fishing for dragons and claws was impossible, so he had to catch some small fishes and shrimps, just called shrimp fishing rods!"

After Zhongchun helped to explain clearly, Monk Duji sneered again: "The white deer demon is a big obstacle in Lingshan Temple. In the future, dare to come and leave the original place. If the old ape is not by his side, you can catch him with a shrimp fishing rod! Or Killing more of the demons in the Drifting Ridge will shake his mood, and the heart of being born into the empty door is even more good!"

Doufengling has a special status in the Monster Race Alliance. The monks here are aware of it. I didn’t expect that although the monks were mixed with personal enmities, they were mostly out of public heart. It was not the Lingshan Temple friend who proposed to relocate to the continent. The real Yimei immediately spoke out. : "If you want to break the Demon Race Alliance, it would be great to be able to invite True Monarch Yipu!"

With an eyebrow reminded, Yuan Yang shouted: "Dashan!"

The true monarch Yipu in Qingxiadong is much more famous than the Xianyi old man of Yunyehe, and Yuanyang has heard about it.

True Monarch Yipu's greatest ability is that thousands of miles around him can be turned into his chessboard, and the inside is unpredictable. The most famous battle case was accidentally surrounded by three demon saints. After three days and two nights, allies arrived, but after unlocking the chessboard, the three demon saints hadn't hurt him anymore.

There are many demon saints, and if you can get a few to separate True Monarch Yipu, wouldn't it be a big advantage in the battle?

The mentioned two gods of Mount Xumi are of great use to the current battle situation. Yuan Yang made a decision and sighed: "I hope that before Xumishanzhou is necrotic, these two will be our last inviter. !"

The gods are nodding their heads, and the monk Du Ji called the old elephant forward, and said with a pleasant face: "The words of the old ape are to destroy your state of mind. Now that you know the magical methods of Buddhism, you are in it. In the future, the Buddha will have a seat. In other ways! If you really want to extend the ethnic Lao Na will search for you female elephant demon, supplemented by the Buddhist method of joy, how difficult is it to have prolific heirs like that old lion? When the mammoth comes, how can you use the demon general to help?"

After the old elephant said yes, the monk said again: "You are badly injured and should not fight anymore. Tomorrow night, you will leave for Donghuamen. Please come to his family and go to Xumishan Island. Only to Qingxia Cave and Xianxia. Go to the two Cloud Gates, don’t be surprised by anything else! When you return, look for the intercontinental ferry at this temple to protect the believers and exchange for the old lion to fight!"

The old elephant nodded in response, and Zhongchun over there said again: "Go to my house first, and take a disciple on the road!"

After all, the demon saint flew faster than Yuan Ying, and asked the old elephant to take the Yuan Ying disciples back to Mount Xumi, and Lei Zhenmen could arrange for the people to move to the continent immediately.

Donghuamen Yuanying’s invitation is more credible than the demon saint’s export.

Danyang and Zhongchun each took the psychic papers and passed the letter to their own door first. Besides, Danyang had to go to the Antarctic Palace in person. The Yuan Ying of the Antarctic Palace here was afraid that he could not explain clearly when he went back.

Now the situation is not good. It is difficult to keep one day longer. Time is tight. To cross oneself, the elephant will not be on the road until tomorrow night. In addition to waiting for Danyang's return, it will be rest assured that Buddha Nian'er is reborn.

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