Deer Demon Race

Chapter 364: Pitted yellow croaker

The old bear waited for the return with the holy ape, and the white deer demon was also greatly surprised.

Only a few days before the war? Great downwind!

Borrowing the power of the sacred ape, the old Xiong and the two demon ancestors' Duhua curse Bailu Yao personally helped to purify, but unfortunately the Duhua curse that has been nurtured for thousands of years has been taken away by the monk, and the ghost has not been able to replenish the soul. .

In addition to the purification curse, the old bear and the two demon ancestors also have marks left by Du Ji. They are Dao Shen Nian clones. Although it can not severely damage the demon saint and demon ancestor as long as it has the power to resist, it still has suspicions. Disgusting, this one doesn't need other help, they just get rid of it slowly.

Rescuing the old bear so early, the situation is very good, and all the demons who learned the news are beaming.

The most direct benefit is that after the Great Sage of Earth Shaker is rescued, Lao Diao no longer has to pretend to merge with the power of the world. If the old elephant can't come out after crossing oneself, the old Xiong will be able to expel their spiritual knowledge within a few days. Monopolize the land boundary here.

Of course, occupying also needs to be held.

Now the demon saints have to consider whether to keep the old bear to guard Liliyuan, and if they want to guard, how much land is suitable for dividing Liliyuan.

Afraid of being raided by the monks, the northern line was also indispensable for the demon saint during the truce.

Great Sage Tidal scratched his head, a little impatient.

It is long and narrow from east to west, and slightly narrow from north to south. It is about 20,000 li from the holy ape mountain to the elephant nest, and the same distance from the elephant nest to the boundary of the Antarctic Palace in the east; and more than 15,000 miles from the north sea to the boundary of the Xuantian School.

If the separation is too close to the original station, the old Xiong's heart is a little drummed. Not to mention the wounds on his body, and there is no demon crowd under the door to resist the penetration of the bottom. If it weren't for the great kindness of being saved, he wouldn't even think about it, just want to run away.

In addition to him, there are nine demon saints behind him as backing, which is gratifying, but no matter how much backing, the bottom demon crowd must have it.

At the beginning, Xuantian sent Lao San Zhang to look west, to destroy the six demon kings, let the lower-level monks enter, and directly drive away a demon ancestor!

The demons of the local surrender and purified are inextricably related to the other side, and they dare not say that there is no poisonous monk instructed to surrender, how can you rest assured?

The demon Bailu listened for a while, then interjected: "Below the demon general of the holy monkey mountain, it is too unbearable. He splits seven roads to attack the opposite demon crowd. There are more demon kings on other roads than ours, and none of them are broken! "

Today’s outer line battle result was stabbed by the white deer demon, and the old ape also had no brilliance. He used to think that the lower-level monsters were useless. In today's outer line battle, the dragon palace monsters on the northern line broke the enemy line. Although the number of monsters on the western line was not as large as that of the northern line, the result was a bit too unbearable.

Destroying the drunk gods and rescuing the old bears, the inside team won a big victory today. The holy ape really wants to say that the bottom monsters are not very useful, but this war mode will not be guaranteed to be repeated in the future, or it may be used by the monks. Come from home and wait for the land boundary.

The low-level demon crowd sometimes borrowed the power of him and so on.

After Bailu talked about it, not only was the old ape's face dull, but the Great Sage of Disturbing the Sea was also a little bit ridiculous. The demon crowd of the Great Desolate Mountain was similar to that of the Sacred Ape Mountain, but he didn't pull it out for a walk this time, and he was not ashamed.

The reason why his two demon crowds are like this is objectively speaking, because the environment is a little more comfortable. The old ape has a fierce reputation. Except for the silent millennium, the five little monks threatened the southeast, the Holy Rhino Valley, and was attacked by a monster once in two hundred years. Old Ospreys rarely go out to cause trouble, and there is the Holy Ape Mountain in front of the human race, and the Holy Rhinoceros does not seek his home for revenge, and the demon crowds of the Great Desolate Mountain live more comfortably.

The upper level does not pay attention to it, and there is no inheritance to give, and the lower level is comfortable for too long, the mountain wind is rotten, how can a large number of talents be achieved? Compared with the monsters on the land, the monsters in the Great Barren Mountain and the Sacred Ape Mountain are not comparable to the deserts and volcanoes in the dangerous living environment, let alone the Lili original monsters secretly trained by the monk.

The North Sea Dragon Palace has been passed down for thousands of years, and there are many cultivation methods suitable for the sea monster. The monsters in the Dragon Palace sea area, if compared with the same level, occupy an absolute advantage, and the number of skills is huge.

Knowing that the White Deer Demon came out in public and said that he was not trying to shame his master, and the old ape was not angry. He looked at him and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

The deer demon pondered and said: "If there are no faults in this battle, we might as well occupy Xililiyuan, occupy the elephant nest, and divide the half of Lingshan Temple! Sheng Xiong's own pasture is settled in Beihai and Sheng. If you are besieged at the three borders between Saru Mountain and Lili, it will be cheaper to come for aid or escape! You are the demon congregation, the two demon ancestors and the demon congregation who descended here, please take all the masters of the sacred carving to the desert. , There may be spies hiding in the mess. Among the five demon ancestors who escaped from the Great Sage of Lunyin, the sea clan should switch to the gate of the holy bear, closer to the North Sea, and it is cheaper to swim in the sea!"

Before finishing talking later, Lao Xiong asked in surprise, "Brother Yuzhao, what is going to do in the desert?"

Without having to explain, Bai Lu Yao said again: "The sea area west of Dahuang Shan is a whale holy land boundary. He is willing to move away and replace the sea area with us. Home? Today, I even served two demon pills, and my divine consciousness progress is not small. You Yangdang will soon be able to expand more brilliance, and the number of picking Rihua will increase! Who will move in, add two stars and hundreds of talents? The number of Nikka!"

This is a big relocation of the three places? The old bear was a little staggered.

The Yao Clan has very little overall view of the situation. When Bailu Yao talked about it for a while, the old yellow croaker and the old bear were a little dizzy.

The exchange of sea areas with Whale Saint is related to the promotion of all the demon ancestors and demon kings under his sect. The Bailu demon did not want to use Rihua and Xinghui as conditions before, but now there must be arrangements for the three places. He wants to solve it in a package, so he can’t wait Plan slowly.

The old yellow croaker didn't make a sound, the holy monkey used Proxima snails to go to the northern line, and the old squid didn't want to move.

In fact, this is also a good thing, at least it shows that these two demon saints still know that they are not cruel, self-conscious masters.

The Bailu demon scratched his head awkwardly, and was about to discuss the Whale Sacred Sea Area later, Lao Huang interrupted and said: "I also have two stars in my family and a hundred Nihuas. Let me make it clear to you!"

Hearing what she said confidently, the Bailu Demon asked in amazement: "Which family can Empress Fenyan tell you about the way the demon ancestor and demon king are promoted?"

The demon of her own volcano group is obviously not suitable for survival in the sea.

Lao Huang's chin gently lifted towards the Great Sage Tide.

The old yellow croaker cried out: "Sister, don't make me embarrassed. My yellow croaker has feldspar in his head, but it is not a stone head. I really should come down. Where can I go back to tell me?"

Lao Huang ignored him and only asked the White Deer Demon: "Will the big demon allow it?"

After Bailu Yao nodded, she said to the old yellow croaker: "I told you to crawl on my old mother's back and come back all the way back. But it's not a stone head, how can you believe it?"

Just before the discussion, he was still looking forward to drafting tonight. He was dumbfounded for a while before the old yellow croaker cried out: "My sister pits me!"

The old osprey and the old eagle laughed together, and the old ape and the old bear were slightly better, pursing their mouths and grinning.

There was also laughter from the neighboring conch.

Lao Huang snorted: "I don't like to be a female bodhisattva. I just want to have a good night. I really want to find a good relationship. There must be a long time. Your home is so far away. Will you throw it away after you play it? Move in, Only in the future can we get together often!"

The old yellow croaker scratched his head, and for a while, he asked uncertainly: "What's wrong with me again?"

The old phoenix demon replied: "You have to answer, my old lady will make you proud tonight!"

This banshee saint is also ruthless, for the benefit, she doesn't care about her own skin and flesh, she is very similar to Huang Huaniang.

The old yellow fish was obviously moved, and he was still hesitating. Lao Huang said again: "Idiot, you and your men said that the new hundred Japanese Hua will be selected from the demon king, and the two Xinghui will be selected from the descendants of the demon ancestors, and they will not be occupied by themselves. If you stay and switch to the old whale, you will not have any part in picking Rihua in the future. How many do you want to come? If you really refuse to come, is it because you are loyal to you? It would be a shame to abandon it!"

The old yellow croaker said: "Then I have lost all the benefits?"

Lao Huang gave him a very amorous glance: "Isn't it a benefit to make an old lady in vain?"

Finally persuaded by her, the Great Sage Tide nodded, and said to the demon Bai Lu: "The Great Demon General, you will rest in that Exquisite Residence at night, and use this holy!"

This is used by my own family and the Seventeenth Mother. How can I let you draft it?

The demon Bailu looked away: "Holy Lord is looking for another place, Linglongju doesn't borrow it!"

The demon saint's method, it is not difficult to build a temporary residence, and the old yellow croaker didn't say anything.

Ben was still entangled. Once he carried the old yellow croaker, his crawling back was pitted. It was a bit unnatural. It was an unexpected joy to be able to exchange more of these benefits. The female phoenix was in a very good mood, and said to the deer demon: "He should move down. Come on, continue with what you said earlier!"

The Bailu Yaocai continued: "There is sunshine under the door. The Sage of Tides is afraid that the demon ancestors and demon kings are not willing to move. The old whale house does not have this benefit, so how much do you want to stay? Some winds passed and explained the good things of several companies that picked Rihua, and told the old holy whale to move away in a miserable way! After the tide moved to the old whale waters, he changed his mouth and said to the old whale who left behind, only Below the demon general, the demon ancestor and the demon king are unwilling to take in, and all have to be driven out of the sea. The two demon crowds away from the original and the desert are not enough. If they want to move, they can be taken care of by the holy bear and the holy carving. Wait, I can score the Nikka quota! Nikka is hooked, and his face is braced. UU reading doesn't even think about going back to find the old master."

Before the relocation, we must first reach an agreement with the old whale to treat the demons who are not willing to leave. Bailu Yao said that she would break her promise and destroy her reputation if she moved to the new sea area!

After being hit hard, moving, and losing your reputation!

In order to climb the back of the old phoenix, the saint's price is not small!

The old yellow croaker hummed, glanced at the Great Sage Fenyan who was smiling and groaning next to him, and he was really reluctant to repent and say nothing.

The demon Bailu continued: "Explain to the old whales and the old department that they are far away from the original place and close to the sea. There are more people willing to come than the desert. The demon ancestors and demon kings are not short of miles. Long lived on land!"

"If there is no error in this battle, the Holy Ape Mountain will first be divided by the ancestral boundary. No matter who walks alone or worships the mountain gate, the demon general, the demon, and the little demon will compete year after year. The two hundred who traveled to the Doufengling Mountain to gather the Japanese flowers in a round, all the lagging ones were rushed to Liliyuan, and they are not allowed to go back if they are less than ten years! Bother him often!"

(End of this chapter)

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