Deer Demon Race

Chapter 368: Catching the Demon King

Lao Huang asked dissatisfiedly: "Sacred Ape Mountain rotates the little demon who picks up the Sunflower, isn't there only one hundred every year? How can it be increased to two hundred?"

The Bailu Yao looked at her in surprise: "Niang Niang, that's my master's house! If the number of picking Japanese flowers increases, my old deer dare to lose her?"

The Banshee Saint bit her lower lip and asked: "The Great Demon General still has the Yue family, so he won't treat him badly if he thinks it?"

The Bailu Demon didn't say a word, and acquiesced.

Dog days, the difference between relatives and sparseness is really clear!

The old lady asked the stone-headed yellow croaker to climb back to gain this advantage. What if the two families are silent?

In this way, the relationship with the Great Demon General is the most important!

It's a pity that Lao Niang Tang's demon saint, with a life span of tens of thousands of years, can't put down her figure to seduce a demon general, and she has already dealt with the stone head first!

Tongjing hasn't grown up yet, who else is right in the family?

Without thinking about how much the Holy Ape Mountain and Dragon Palace had invested in the early stage, the Phoenix Banshee only rolled his eyes and secretly added up.

The White Deer Demon said that the Great Sage Fenyan stayed silent, and the old Osprey thought again, although Admiral Lili was piled with bones, how could the little demon who survived ten years of trials be useless? In order not to be sent for training, those who are left will have to work hard to improve their skills from now on. It is true that they do not need to raise some waste, and they say: "My great barren mountain is the same, and those who fall behind will leave the original experience! Should the quota be increased by rotating the demon of Nikka?"

The demon Bailu replied, "Holy Lord, don't worry, I haven't advanced to the ranks yet, so I don't know how much I can increase!"

The old Osprey asked: "When can I advance?"

Everyone is concerned about this issue. The three Lao Huang, Lao Diao, and Lao Squid who have not yet begun to pick Japanese flowers are even more impatient.

The old bear who returned to the Monster Race Alliance also raised his ears!

As long as there are no major changes, I will stay in Liliyuan after the war. If the opponent's transformation comes, I can ask for help, and I can flee first. The little monsters and the demon ancestors are all provided, and it is not all of them. No one will be dissatisfied with his confidant, so you can definitely try to keep it!

When setting up a family, it is necessary to cultivate confidants, especially the demon ancestors and demon kings who have been pitted under the sacred whale sect, but also to seize the opportunity to win them. Isn't it the most cost-effective to send the sects and descendants to the wind mountain to gather Japanese flowers? And my old bear is much younger than the old osprey and the old eagle, and the thought of the demon hunter has never been lost after staying!

While the demon saints are paying attention, Bai Lu Yao replied: "Let me digest a few demon pills, and I will be able to advance to Youyang!"

Lao Huang and others all took a deep breath, and the voice of dissatisfaction with the great sage Dinghai in the neighboring snails came out first: "The big demon will amuse me for fun? How can the demon pill be easy to digest?"

Lao Huang and Lao Diao who were present were also cold, and Bai Lu Yao hurriedly explained: "With the help of the master, I will blew up the Demon King twice and digest a demon pill, very fast!"

The demon will be blew by the demon king? How many times did you listen to it?

Except for the holy apes who had witnessed them with their own eyes, the demon saints looked at each other at both ends of the snail.

The Demon White Deer was busy clarifying the fact that several demon kings blew themselves up during the battle today.

The details of the battle on the northern front line have not yet been fully understood by the Dragon King and Dragon Po. Besides, the dragon palace monsters have only collected Nihua for more than a year, and the effect is far inferior to that of the monsters in Drifting Ridge.

It has been said that since ancient times, everyone only knows the hotness of Nikka on the demon body, but they really don't know how hot it can be!

Last time I saw the other demon fighting against the Doufengling demon, I thought it was an understanding, and I didn't want to be so strong!

No wonder that in the ancient world, this world is the world of the monster race!

Those who can compete are the only ones!

Now, only hate this sun-gathering, only those below the Demon King can increase their physique. For the demon saints and demon ancestors, no matter how envy and hate they are, they can only fight for more opportunities for the younger generations, and they are no longer available.

In fact, the Bailu demon has only collected the sun for ten years, and it hasn't had such a great effect. It can be harmless in the demon king's self-destruction. It mostly depends on the magic weapon and ghosts of the body, but it makes the demon sages so misunderstood. Even better, strengthen the confidence in Cairihua, and in the future, we must walk willingly with Fenglingling.

Lao Huang is a banshee, and she is more anxious about her younger generations and confidant's promotion than others. She shouted again: "Then I will find a few more explosions tomorrow! If there is a lack of demon pills, I will help you get some! "

Before, I only wanted to surrender from the original monsters, but now I am anxious that the opposite Demon King is unwilling to surrender, so I can kill half of them and grab the Demon Pill, and then explode the other half to help the White Deer digest!

After the Holy Rhinoceros Valley War, the White Deer Demon had gotten five demon pills, and now he had three of them. Before the seventeenth mother went out to robbery, he stuffed another one. There were still three in his hand, which was too few.

With good news again, the demon sages were very energetic, and after discussing for a while, tomorrow's war would be resolved.

Lao Xiong took up the elephant’s nest and took the entire western part of Lili. It was determined that the white deer demon used Proxima snails to pass the northern line: "Lao Taishan, in the future there will be an octopus demon king who'imitates' magical powers. Most of them are sent to the ancestor waters along the coast of Liliyuan to be on duty. He waits to'imitate' the magical powers and is not allowed to change anything else, so he only intends to use my'Bath Day Tongyou', specifically for the curse of Liliyuan monsters!"

Being neighbors with the monk, fighting each other constantly, you must first be prepared to solve the monk's curse.

There will be nothing wrong for the time being tonight, the old yellow croaker can't wait to leave first with his arms around the banshee saint, and the rest also leave to rest.

It didn’t take long for the old bear to sense the situation again. After Huangxiong and the old swordfish ancestor went to check, they reported that the other six demon gathering spots on the Western Front were indeed retreating, and the retreating team stretched very long. Those who couldn't fly and didn't get on the Flying Little Demon were left behind.

In the old bear induction, the north line, the second, and the third defense are all like this!

Lili original demon crowd is retreating!

The demon king Kemo who is willing to blew up to the elephant nest, my old deer still counts on them! The Bailu Demon was in a hurry, so he asked the demon saints to work hard, and rushed to help catch the demon king overnight.

Lao Huang was very caring about this. When he understood, the old yellow croaker had just gotten into the alley when he was lifted off his back and called to catch him together.

Seventeenth Mother was busy waiting for a while, and when she came back in the middle of the night, she really had something to gain this time, but the best thing was only the Xuan-low-grade Lingzhi, and even higher levels had been removed.

Dissatisfied with the white deer demon, thinking about saying with the great sage Jade Claw tomorrow that the two demon ancestors who escaped with the old bear have been placed under his house, and the demon sages will go to war tomorrow, so they will be sent to the two demon ancestors. The ancestor bypassed the elephant nest and went further west to robbery.

When the seventeenth mother just came back, she understood the situation, and went out to chase and kill the little demon, who could not catch up with them who could fly.

Seven or eight Buddhist demon kings on the northern line fled to the road, and the Virgin Mary rushed past, and the poisonous thorns fell under the huge umbrella, blocking the way.

Didn't the demon saint not attack the surrounding demon crowds before? Stupid demon saint, the higher the second order to shoot, is it shameless to be unreasonable?

The demon kings are ashamed!

The old poisonous cat cried: "Go back, there will be the Demon Ancestor leading you to the Western Front, waiting to fight to the death with the Bailu Demon, and those who can defeat him must be let go. My Demon Saint and Demon Ancestor promise not to do anything! "

The great demon saint ran errands personally, just to find the Demon King opponent for the White Deer General on the Western Front?

Many of them are unbelievable. Our Lady of the Sea Spirit made her debut as a clone: ​​"Fly back with her, or kill it on the spot! You must fly faster than us, just run away!"

It turned out to be true!

There was a demon king crying and crying: "Manny, I am willing to surrender, please help me purify the monk curse!"

Mother Hai Ling's face was cold: "Why is it so useless? I want to descend, and also descend with the demon ancestor to the Western Front!"

Lest the demon king who is willing to explode is not enough for the White Deer Demon, the ten great demon saints rushed on their way, and they were all anxiously caught.

Sensing that most of the Demon King had been taken away, Monk Duji's expression turned pale again!

The Yaozu really has become unfamiliar, nothing like it has been known before! The demon saint's shot at the demon king is really embarrassing!

It's just that the Demon King was taken away, and the demon crowd who was withdrawn again, how could they fight?

Ten demon saints ran for the night for the great demon white deer to promote You Yang. Today's battle is going to be later, and it is only three poles in the sun that they rushed to the elephant nest.

On the road, there are still many demon crowds running to the elephant nest, and there are really not many demon kings.

Although the war started late, Yuanyang, Duji, etc. ushered in the most difficult day since the war began in the sky over the elephant nest!

The ten demon saints on the opposite side were fully dominant. This time even the injured old ape, old bear, and old yellow croaker came forward without fear.

The old ape has been able to borrow Xinghui again, but here Danyang went to the Antarctic Palace to send a letter, and he has not yet returned!

For fear of being surrounded and killed like drunken gods, Yuanyang, Duji, Sanren, etc. had to tighten the battle circle, relying on the Xuantian faction to defend themselves, and each took out the means of pressing the bottom of the box to support, no daring Spare.

Above the Dao Palace phantom, the demon saints are pressed tightly, and the transforming gods can only support it with all their strength. To prevent the old ape from beating indiscriminately, the Yuan Ying who helped the battle, along with the old elephant and the remaining demon ancestors, only dared to hide in the big formation, did not dare to come out, and could not play a restraining or supporting role.

His own side was fighting hard, and the old elephant was sitting in the elephant's nest, looking up at the fierce battle in the air.

The Xuantian faction's big formation, don't get involved, and won't open the formation gap again, the big guillotine can't be thrown out, the demon saint, today can only be a spectator.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, there was a tall golden lotus, and a small long-haired white elephant squatted under the golden lotus.

The fierce fighting outside is vigorous, there is no sound of Buddha's chanting, but the empty sea of ​​knowledge is extremely quiet.

The little white elephant muttered under the golden lotus: "The Lord Buddha is merciful, should I be a demon? Or a Buddhist guardian?"

"The Buddhism is vast, and since I can cross over, why can't I cross over?"

"I am only devoted to Buddhism, but when I speak, I only care about my own body, and I can't help but give the mammoth of my blood."

"I have been a demon for half my life. I have always been friendly to all living beings. I don’t like to fight with each other. If I enter Buddhism, I will rejoice. Without the curse, my old elephant also respects and worships the Buddha. I never feel that I am not free. Evil Buddha, hate Buddha?"

"Does he hate the Buddha, or does he hate the Zen Master's Crossing Mantra?"

"The Buddha said that all sentient beings are Buddhas. Buddha is I, but I am not a Buddha! All sentient beings should have Buddha's mind, and so do demons, but they can’t get through them! Is it because he waits for the demons to be foolish, or I am too stupid. ?"

"If you don't need to be strong, you don't need to cross the It would be great to have thousands of years to slowly explain the principles of Buddhism to the demons!"

These self-talks would be known by the hidden Buddha Nian'er, but he didn't care, muttering to himself in the sea of ​​knowledge, hesitated for a day, and looked up for a day.

Watching the gods holding on with difficulty, watching Danyang finally rush back, but the old ape rushed over and took a head-on blow with Xinghui. If Yuanyang Golden Crow True Fire and Bai Bone Tower had not shot together, they would almost be seriously injured.

Until the sky was completely dark, today's fighting stopped, and the demon saints walked away slowly, and he only sighed deeply.

After the sky was dark, Buddha Nian'er was born again, and the fat monk knocked on the wooden fish and met the little white elephant again in the sea of ​​knowledge.

The big formation finally opened, Ren Old Elephant went out, first turned around Lei Zhenmen, Donghuamen, and then rushed to Xumishan Chau.


ps: I have a job tomorrow morning, so I won’t be able to write a word, sorry.

In addition, I sincerely recommend "What's the Experience of Becoming a Kindred", the creativity and writing style are good, and those who are short of books can check it out.

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