Deer Demon Race

Chapter 375: The second batch

Recently, there have been so many demon begging, and they are so annoying. After chatting with Zixi and his mother for a long time, seeing that it is getting dark and hiding, she just got up and went back to her room.

Qing Lola was holding Yu Wei, hiding in the bamboo forest looking for bamboo fungus, but not in the cave.

I first reported the name of the demon who came to see the door of the cave today, and glanced at the clam demon who was making tea for grandma, and Hu Meizi asked softly: "Grandma, I heard that Shuanghe sister has promised a dead ghost? "

The tea was steadily handed to the hands of the seventeenth mother, and she said: "Girl drink tea!"

Seventeen Niang took the tea, glared at her, and snorted coldly: "The girl who doesn't speak tightly, I told you only in the morning, so she showed off? So you can't wait for a partner to go?"

This was something that the couple had agreed on in bed last night. Except for asking about Shuanghe, they didn't tell anyone else. At this time, the fox demon knew that Shuanghe had let it out by himself.

After being teased by the seventeenth girl, the demon clam's face was a little red, and she bit her lip and said: "The girl knows, how can I show off? I just can't resist this Hu Meizi's method, she was forced out!"

The dragon girl only tasted the tea, and did not say any more, the fox demon sighed again: "Don't match all of them, just leave me alone!"

The Seventeenth Niang put down the tea bowl and looked at it, "Oh, is it itch for the hooves?"

Tien Xiang replied unwillingly: "It was originally set by me, and my grandmother agreed. With a very cheap female ghost, I just stepped aside?"

The thing before, was disturbed by Yaoyao, Master Lu put the female ghost into the house, but Tian Xiang couldn't keep up, and it was too bad to let him go.

Seventeen mothers have already recognized this matter. They just look at the coquettish appearance of the fox demon. The dragon girl who is also a female body is jealous when she looks at it. After being really killed by the gods, how much do you want to spoil it?

Thinking of delaying one day as one day, and a few more years, the dragon girl stared at her: "What does Hu Meizi want to say?"

The fox demon still sighed: "Grandma, I don't have to be in a hurry to share the soup, but at the holy cave, Xiaoxiao has decided to learn the "Universal Starlight Technique"!"

The seventeenth mother knew that her drunkard's intention was not to drink, and she threatened to spoil her with a separate room. In fact, she was seeking a place to learn the "Universal Starlight Technique".

There are two demon saints who have learned the "all-phase star technique". This method is originally passed from the west. How can the holy monkey mountain fall behind?

For fear of being blamed by the great power of the sky demon, Lao Yuan and Xiwang will not spread this method to the outside world, but apart from Yaoyao, Sacred Ape Mountain will also pick two to drive in Fengling Mountain!

The belly of Sacred Ape Xinna’s Ape Demon Ji hasn’t moved yet. The couple only die of a single seedling. The descendants of the end are rewarded for the merits of the ancestors of the earth evil, which is not counted. Therefore, the two set to learn this method. Of those, one is a descendant of injustice, and the other is Xiaoxiao, the maid of Xiwang. The descendants of the ancestors of the molars were not selected this time.

Tian Xiang is also greedy for the "all-phase star technique", and Xiaoxiao, who was also the maid of the lady of the west, has got it. How can she hold back her temper?

No matter where the world is, what you are afraid of is comparison!

Tian Xiang was born in the wild little demon, not far away from the Jin Yao general, can learn the "all-phase star radiance technique", and add a good hand in the driving range, the second batch of people who learned this method secretly negotiated between the master deer and the dragon girl. In the middle, there was originally the name of her and Shuanghe, and among the other seventeen female demons, Guiyi could get permission if it wasn't for the bloodline of Xuanwu.

According to the White Deer Demon's intention, the selected demon of this mountain will be announced in the next two days. In order not to come around and begging for a lot of pity, before the announcement, the master deer and the grandma in charge were silent.

It's just that the fox demon would use the method first, she was not honest.

In fact, it's no wonder that in these days, how many demons have turned around to please and explore their mouths? Including foreign demons such as Huanghuaniang, Powan, Big Horn, etc., which one is not for learning the "Universal Starlight Technique", and his wealth is willing to suppress it?

Looking at the Holy Ape Lord and Mrs. Xiwang, you know the hotness of the "Universal Stars Art", how can the fox be not moved?

After I understand, the initiative falls in the hands of Seventeen Niangs. After taking a few sips of tea and letting her dry for a while, Long Nuo sneered and said: "The law cannot be passed lightly. Call to rest in your room, and you will take care of it!"

Although the fox demon is not a female bodhisattva, men and women should only wait for their affairs. Such threats are no longer a concern. It is hard to believe that the newly-married grandmother of the dragon girl is willing to be willing, and her face can't help but feel a little suspicious.

I also waited close to Tianxiang, and I don’t know that every morning, your grandma can’t wait to rely on the master for a while.


Just as Qingluo came back with a bamboo basket full of bamboo fungus, she heard the last sentence of Seventeen Niang outside the door, whispering "Ouch".

When she came in, she looked dissatisfied: "Hu Meizi is full of anger, grandma is newly married, how can you allow her?"

"I can't blame it for the little grandmother, but there is a "little" in her fate, the "little" of the "stingy", that's it!"

Snatching the white female monster, and then looking at the seventeenth mother who is pretending to be calm, the fox demon hummed: "According to grandma's order, please come to the master at night. Bao Bao is so fascinated that he will not go out for ten days!"

After saying this, the fox demon waved his hand and left first: "I'll clean up the bed first, and wait for the lord to spoil him at night!"

Wouldn't it be more useful to be able to go to Master Lu in person? Don't believe that he got on the old mother's bed, he still couldn't say anything!

When Hu Meizi left, she twisted her waist deliberately, seeing Qingluo getting into the fire, turning her head and asking Longnv: "Grandma really wants to allow her?"

Seventeen sighed, Xu didn't want to, but since the wedding, her husband has been dominating her husband, and it's time to push it out tonight to taste some meaty taste.

The only blame is that at that time, I was going to play a scene of husband and wife discord in front of the inner ghost steel bones, and Hu Meizi was selected, and she, who was very close to her, was disrupted by Yaoyao who suffered a thousand swords. At this time, it is difficult to repent!

Manshan Monster also regards Hu Meizi as Master Lu's personal pet, and no one dares to hook up, so the dead ghost is bold, and only dared to wink and wink with Shuanghe.

I want to give up Master Lu tonight. It's fun to see Qingluo's sullen appearance. The Seventeenth Mother doesn't tell the truth to her, just humming: "Where the master sleeps tonight, the slaves don't care, just look at my sister!"

The dragon girl is married, how can the Shura girl who has been thirsty for more than a month be polite? Sure enough, he was extremely enthusiastic in the evening. When Master Lu entered the door, he was held on his hands and dragged him straight to his house, asking the female ghost to come out to help.

After all, it wasn't the meat in his own bowl. The fox demon was watching, gritted his teeth, and just hated that he couldn't come forward and grab it.

However, she only had a hard time staying up for one night. The next day before picking Rihua, Master Bailu called out in public: "Dead ghosts, big horns, stubborn, stubborn cows, old spots, small songs, golden shots, Baiqiao, Baijian, Chi Wen, big 罴, long tail, head jackal, Sancai, Yuwei, Tianxiang, Shuanghe, Yuzhu, Langlang, after breakfast, the master study, I have something to say to you!"

In this sensitive period, the dead ghosts are what everyone expected, and the two demon generals, Dajiao and Powan, who have changed their worship to the gate of the mountain, called out Master Lu at the same time. ?

Kai Tai, Tie Hui, etc. were not selected, and they couldn't help but screamed with jealousy.

Before that, there was a little bit of silence, but at this time, it was announced suddenly. Jin Xiaozi, Tianxiang, etc. fell from the sky with joy, and each laughed from ear to ear.

Regardless of pride or loss, the next step is to pick Rihua. If your mood is not stable enough, you may be burned to ashes. When the sun rises, each will calm down and pick Rihua first.

The deer deer decided this time, and Benshan selected 19 people, which is more than the 12 people in the previous batch. With the secret transmission of Huanghuaniang, the total is 20. The "Universal Starlight Technique" was not destined to let go of the teaching like Cai Rihua, and the White Deer Demon also made up his mind. After this time, at least a few years later, he won't expand the teaching, and even Langlang was called on.

At the end of this year or early next year, Lang Lang should also be promoted to the demon, let him follow the school first, anyway, it will take a few years after school to reach completion and lead the stars.

After the early eclipse that day, three demon generals, fifteen demon soldiers, and one little demon gathered to the mountain lord's cave mansion, with joy on all sides.

Watching him wait, Master Lu said, "I told you to wait to teach the ‘Myriad Stars Art’! But just like Goubao and others, I have to agree to two things before I can hear it!"

At this moment, the White Deer Demon duly called himself "Master", and the corners of his mouth twitched twice. From then on, he was the demon under his sect.

The demon saints only allow two to come to learn, and they have no reason to wait. Just because they are the demon under the Daofengling sect and the light of the deer master, they are awarded places. What else is there? The dead ghosts and the golden slappers cried: "Master, don't worry, there will be two hundred things, and I can also rely on it!"

The demon Bailu nodded and said: "That's all in mind, the first thing, you must swear by the law of heaven, without the permission of the head of the driving range, and you are not allowed to pass on, the same is true for the Hun family, husband-in-law, and descendants!"

This is to ensure that the people who passed the message are under the control of Doufengling. The nineteen monster races had known before, so they stepped forward one by one and swore their vows on the spot.

Lang Lang took the last oath, and the demon Bai Lu said again: "The second thing is that those who learn this method must help refining tools when they are successful. You cannot learn from the holy monkey and master. You can only use Xinghui to quench one or two of your own for life. !"

What Bailu Yao thinks is that her own craftsmanship is increasing day by day, but there are enough magical tools around, and the borrowed Xinghui is not enough. When it can be refined into top magical tools, Xinghui is not enough, more magical tools are available. Give it to the cultivated sect to help temper.

Like the holy ape, looking west, thousands of years old, the Xinghui attracted only refines one or two magical artifacts, strong is strong, but he is only waiting for his own benefit.

Compared with the Daxing human race, the monster race is weak, and everyone must be strong to be really strong!

Bailu demon thought, if there are enough fortunes in the world, the powerful magic weapon may be mass-produced!

Compared with humans, refining weapons are a major weakness of the monster race. It can really arm a group of high-level monsters, and the battle after one or two thousand years will have more confidence!

Picking Rihua and Quenching Stars must be cultivated from the bottom. Now the demon saints and demon ancestors of the alliance can't enjoy it by themselves, but what if you add some powerful magic weapons to him?

You can look forward to the future of the Yaozu!

But at this time Powan and Dajiao are a little bit stunned. Both are demon generals. Master Lu's ideas have never been novel, and they are not on the same level as his own.

After passing down the "Universal Starlight Technique" and making sure that every demon had memorized it, the second batch of nineteen demon was allowed to leave.

Huang Huaniang dodged and entered the door after her own demon under the door of Drifting Ridge left.

Huang Huaniang is not a demon in the driving range, but she has a lot of friendship with the deer demon, and she moved to live in the White Lion Valley. In order to prevent other demon sages from finding something to say, and giving birth to other incidents, although the white deer demon agrees to come down, she has a relationship with She promised that she could only pass it privately, and she was not allowed to spread it out.

It was found secretly, the deer demon could still deny it, and there was room for change.

When she arrived, the White Deer Demon said two more requests...

Huang Huaniang naturally agreed, and after she had to pass on the magic technique, she was about to leave, and she smiled and said: "The plague is born and feels at ease. There is really a demon saint who is not forgiving. Miles!"

ps: I'm sorry, something happened yesterday, I made a mistake.

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