Deer Demon Race

Chapter 376: To the Buddha

There is a passage leading to the non-celestial realm in the desert. After ten years, when the passage becomes stable, some demons will pass through.

Such passages exist in the world on five continents, but most of the time they are unstable, and most of the creatures who dare to pass will be torn apart by the unstable space.

The other channels are in the hands of all the forces in this world, all shouting and killing the demons, there is death or life through them, and there is no return to the non-celestial world, and gradually they no longer dare to come. But in the middle of the desert, because the old beasts didn't care about things before, the demons had more frequent exchanges.

The most famous demon clan who successfully reached this world through the passage was called the demon lord, and was the ancestor of the four clan Asura, Asura, Raksha, and Yasha, but later fell into the encirclement and suppression of the immortal.

There are demons in the desert, and the flying sage doesn't care about it. After occupying the northern desert, if you want to rule and stabilize, the jade claw has to pay attention to it.

The passageway was in the North Desert. After he settled down, Lao Diao immediately sent his confidant Demon Ancestor to guard it.

The other demons staying in the desert, no matter how low they are, they are also the existence that is hated by the heavens. Killing them all will not lead to the killing of the evil. The old eagle and the original old whale sacred demon ancestor who separated from Xihai personally shot and went everywhere. It took more than two months to search for, kill, and clean up before it was basically cleared.

After that, the demon descendants from Liliyuan moved in, and the Demon King Mountain Field was set up in each area. After everything was decided, it took another two months.

When everything settled down, the North Desert had been raining continuously for half a year, and the Chisha River flooded from the north, and the eastern North Desert bordering the Sacred Ape Mountain had become a piece of Ze Country.

In the northern desert, desert grasses and shrubs with abundant rainwater and vigorous vitality are rarely growing.

The tree species that the Great Desolate Mountain and the Holy Ape Mountain asked for were distributed to the demon king's family for planting, and a large number of beasts that moved from the two places were also released into the wild.

The North Desert is far away, and it takes too much time to come and go. The thousands of waste fairy seeds that were originally promised to the old carver will still be moisturized by the deer demon’s "rui" character after planting, flying back and forth for tens of thousands of miles each time. Isn't it troublesome?

In the end, these thousand plum cores were first planted near the Doufengling Ridge, and the old eagle would only transplant them back after the spiritual roots were formed.

The magical power of Bailu Yao's "Rui" is much better than before. Now the spiritual roots he has brushed out and the aura that he spit out is already considerable, and he is no longer just a low-level product that just barely gets into the eyes of the monster ancestor.

With the help of heaven and earth, the magical powers continue to improve. In addition to enhancing the quality of spiritual roots and fine control, the area covered by the word "瑞" has also become scalable.

The total number of supernatural powers is unchanged, but it can also cover a wide range. Of course, in this way, the effect that can be played is small; if it only works in a small area, the power of supernatural powers is stronger.

The spirit roots that the old carver wanted could be transplanted after the White Deer was planted, but for all the plants in the North Desert, the White Deer wanted to try the maximum range that the word "Rui" could affect.

In the desert, it is not possible to have water to make all the plants that are planted survive. In the case of free-range planting, half of the survival rate is considered good. Among them, the magical power of the word "rui" can also be seen.

Therefore, in the mid-winter season of the White Lion Valley, the White Deer Demon asked the Holy Ape to take him to the North Desert.

The ancestors of the Sea-Monster demon kept sending rain for several months, and they didn't stop until winter. At this time, the North Desert could no longer see the scene of flying yellow sand.

When the spring begins, the demon ancestors will send rain again, and it will take at least ten years to send tens of thousands of miles of northern desert to life.

In addition to the magical powers of the old beasts, the temperature in the northern desert was also a bit high, and it would not freeze in winter. The white lion valley is icy and snowy, but the sun is still high here.

Before being irrigated by rain, various grasses in the desert grew and reproduced rapidly. In addition to the large groups of beasts that migrated from the Great Barren Mountain and the Holy Ape Mountain, the original desert herbivores also benefited a lot, and some even migrated from the South Desert to eat. Grass, the white deer monster saw a lot of sand elephants and dromedaries on the way, but they were not in groups. There were one or two in each place. In the future, they should be able to gather together to live as a group.

The place where Lao Diao made his home was chosen on a high mountain that has not been eroded by yellow sand. The mountain was originally gravel, with only some succulents growing, and now there are many more vigorous weeds.

A cluster of blue cacti on the hillside is a spiritual plant that can bear the fruit of the Xuanzhong product.

Before the Great Sage Jade Claw entered the lord, around this mysterious plant, I don't know how many Sand Monster lives have been lost, and scattered bones can be seen everywhere on this mountain.

The two great sages will accompany the great demon to gossiping on the mountain for a while, and the white deer demon will ask the old eagle to guide him and fly to the area where the introduction and planting are relatively dense.

There were weeds everywhere, and the "Rui" phantom flew out, and under the drive of the white deer demon, it turned into stars and spread out around it.

After all, how far this magical power effect can be extended, and how big the impact is, the two demon saints, the old ape and the old carving, can't feel it.

Xumishan Island, Miaofa Temple.

Today, many monks and nuns in the temple huddled behind the mountain gate, looking at the big, powerful, thick-haired man outside with surprise and trepidation.

At this time, even the little novice monks who watched the mountain gate had been driven away, and only the abbot stayed outside and confronted the big man.

The monks and nuns in the rear did not hear. At this time, the abbot was speaking in a low voice: "Up and down the Miaofa Temple, only Lao Na was lucky enough to be promoted to the Golden Core three hundred years ago. The rest is useless. Under the Taiqing Gate, the temple is so small, how can it accommodate donor orders?"

I don’t know what touched the strong man, a yellow mist escaped, condensing the appearance of a fat monk, looking around, frowning and asking the strong man: "Changba, you want to abandon my Lingshan Temple?"

Hearing the name "Lingshan Temple", the abbot of Miaofa Temple turned paler, and hurriedly made a salute to the fat monk: "I have seen a Zen master!"

The brawny man is the human figure transformed into the Great Sanctuary, bowed his bow and asked, "It was the Zen master who crossed me into Buddhism. I am grateful for the old elephant, but with my heart, where can I not see the Buddha? Why is it not in Lingshan? Temple meditation?"

The fat monk looked gloomy and took a long time to rest before he said: "You are sincerely converted, and you are at ease at Lingshan Temple! Let go of Saint Xiong, Lao Na is not embarrassed. If you want to stay, you are allowed to ban marriage, and you haven't treated you half. Are you leaving?"

The old elephant replied: "I am uncomfortable, I only know myself! After I stay, I will pass on the Mammoth family, but the descendants are to be Buddhists or monsters. You have to choose by yourself and wait for them. Really at ease! I don't want to learn from that lioness, all the children born are Buddhas!"

The avatar was speechless, and the Great Sage said again: "The Zen master's thoughts and avatars are with you, and you should know what you are instructed. I have already visited Yunxianmen and Qingxia Cave with two schools of Yuan Ying. The preface tells the old man Yipu and Zhenjun Yipu that everything has been done except for the old lion on the intercontinental ferry. My Changba has not lost Lingshan Temple. Please let me be really at ease!"

It was that after he arrived at Mount Xumi, he visited Yunxian Gate and Qingxia Cave first as instructed, and Buddha Nianer was not guarded, so he wandered freely, not wanting to come to this wonderful temple!

This fellow is ironic and will not return to Lingshan Temple. Itching to cross oneself with hatred, but Buddhism is so large, is it possible that the cultivation outside Lingshan Temple will not be able to achieve the right results? Can't learn the magic?

After all, the demon races who were transformed by him only taught them to respect the Buddha, worship the Buddha, and serve the Buddha, and never called Shilingshan Temple their master.

The Buddha does not belong to the Lingshan Temple family.

Unless the old elephant rebels out of Buddhism, he can't justify himself if he is threatened by crossing the curse!

Compared to Daoxuan, the monk needs more face after all!

After the death of the holy rhino and the old bear's freedom again, the choice of the old elephant is undoubtedly another blow!

The fat monk asked in a deep voice, "Xumi Mountain Island will be ruined at the sight. The people and people of this continent are looking for a way to move. How much can you be at ease by hiding here?"

The old elephant replied: "The Hezhou is ruined, and the lives are overwhelmed. Only when the Buddha is compassionate! The Buddha said: I am not as good as hell, who will go to hell? I don't believe in a big continent, all creatures can move away! Anyone who stays, my old elephant I would like to give all my help to show the Lord's compassion!"

The Miaofa Temple in front of you is just a small temple of Golden Core! However, Xiang Yao talked about Buddhism and wanted to leave Lingshan Temple and place the order here instead. He would like to stay until the Xumishan Continent was ruined and spread the Buddhism in a dead place. There is really nothing to answer!

The master of Lingshan Temple is a Bodhisattva of the Great Free Heaven, after all, it is only one of Buddhism. At this time, denying the old elephant is not obstructive to the road of crossing oneself, but it is obstructive to the Buddha!

There are so many monks in the Miaofa Temple, how can you deny it?

Except watching the old elephant changing to another door in Mount Xumi, there is really nothing to do with him!

In other words, it’s only the blame for thinking that the monster race was stupid and that the old elephants were so stunned that they could only follow their own family. Temple!

The great situation of the four demon saints in Lingshan Temple collapsed to this point in just a few years?

Can't persuade, can't stop! Du Ji's clone is almost about to vomit blood!

After staying in the fire for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, according to you! But your Buddha-nian'er, Lao Na can't take it away!"

The old elephant replied: "The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and the body, mouth, and mind are all pure and pure. It's only a wonderful good! Whether there is Buddha's thoughts, whether there is a mantra of crossing, how can I cover my Buddha's mind?"

The buddha intent of this buddha is even smoother than his own!

He doesn't even have the curse of crossing in the sea of ​​consciousness at all!

Looking at this icon, there is only firmness in the expression, and the clone of Duji can only nodded sadly: "Then I wish my teacher success in the Dharma, and attain the golden body early!"

After speaking, the avatar scattered back to the yellow mist, but it was divided into two, most of which flashed back to the body, and only a small part of it sneaked back to the old elephant, which was considered to be left behind.

In the sea of ​​great sage knowledge, under the golden lotus, the little elephant looked happy, and said to the one who hadn't read the scriptures again because of shock: "The Zen master doesn't want to recite the scriptures, we are going to talk about Buddhism today!"

In the outer world, the old elephant said to the host monk who was still pale: "The two-level black and yellow elixir, I also brought The host accepts me, and these elixir can be distributed to the monks and nuns. , Intensive learning!"

The spiritual roots of Xumi Mountain Island are gradually extinct, and the lack of elixir is the most scarce, this demon saint is using good temptation!

Even Lingshan Temple Huashen couldn’t say that the man in front of him turned back. The presiding monk is just a golden pill, and he can’t resist it. He can only smile and say: “Miaofa Temple still seeks refuge under the Taiqing Gate, and waits for the poor monk to pass it. Zong, reply to the master again, okay?"

The old elephant nodded happily: "Yes, just give it to him!"

Taiqingmen Huashen didn't know what was going on. He ruled the realm and reached a demon saint of the same rank, so he didn't come to inquire. The host of Miaofa Temple had to ask the disciples to find the spiritual paper and pass the word to ask.

The disciple over there was writing, and the presiding monk asked: "There are many Buddhist sects in this continent, why did the master choose my house?".

Glancing at the monks and nuns behind him, the old elephant replied: "In your temple there is the Buddha of Joy, the monks and nuns live together, fearless people rumors, and there are wonderful ways to help children. I happen to find the mother elephant to inherit the descendants. Don’t bother others to clean up, just come to your house!"

Ps: There is still a chapter in the evening, but time is not guaranteed.

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