Deer Demon Race

Chapter 377: Transaction intention

In the middle of winter, the White Lion Valley becomes a world of ice and snow, but the Rhino Lake is wide and the lake is not completely frozen.

Under the icy water surface, a large group of small chicks were chasing a bright silver big white dragon. The white dragon swung across the lake, poked out the dragon's head, breathing hot breath.

Seeing that only the seventeenth mother came out, the ancestor Bai Ze who was flying in the air was filled with joy, and asked: "Hundred treasures are still going down?"

The dragon body was dangling in the lake, not afraid of the cold at all, Bai Long opened his mouth and said: "It is seven or eight feet more than the slave house, and it can't dive anymore, but it still stays there, and it's not afraid of being cooked!"

Bai Ze was full of joy: "He is a bright and wise man, I think he has something to gain!"

Yinlong opened his mouth and replied, "I don't know how far!"

After a short breath, the giant dragon head dipped back into the lake and dived.

In this huge rhino lake, the boiling water at the bottom of the lake is very weird, and the hottest place at the bottom, except for the previous holy rhinoceros, the demon holy can hardly stay for a long time.

According to the well-known ancestors, the holy rhino relied on not supernatural powers, but lived in this lake for a long time, and found a set of body refining methods by himself. Because of this, with his natural rhino hide, among the demon saints of the same level, the old rhino It is extremely thick and thick, and the defense is the hottest.

Ten years ago, in order to kill him, several demon saints, including the holy ape, took him a few days!

It's a pity that the descendants of the holy rhinoceros died, and this method was never passed on to other demons. Before he died, he provoked the catastrophe again, his soul was dissipated, and the method of boiling water to refine the body that he found out by himself also disappeared, which is a pity.

I don’t want everything to be beautiful by the White Deer Demon. Since moving into the White Lion Valley, Bai Ze has been stealing under the lake for ten years, but unfortunately he failed. There are still two to three hundred zhang, and I will leave the water in a moment. I haven't figured out any way so far.

It wasn't until recently that Bai Ze completely admitted that he had failed, and then threw the problem on the Bailu Demon again. Today, Tian Han urged him and his wife to explore together.

After all, picking Japanese flowers and borrowing Xinghui to be hot, but only effective below the Demon King realm, the unique method of the holy rhinoceros can be practiced until the demon saint. After learning the news, the Bailu demon also paid attention.

The upper half of the Rhino Lake is cold water, where fish and shrimps and other creatures live in it, but when you feel the warm water, remove the "airbag" magical powers, and then go down, the lake gradually becomes too hot.

According to Baibao’s previous knowledge, water will be vaporized under normal pressure when it exceeds 100 degrees Celsius, but the temperature of the water in the depths of the lake is difficult for the demon saints to bear. It is obviously much higher than this temperature!

Either it is a special geographical structure, where there is no flow of cold water from the upper layer of more than a thousand feet to the lower layer, which makes the pressure below too high; or it is a supernatural phenomenon that is not yet known.

In the previous life, it was only dry-steamed in the sauna, so the White Deer couldn't figure out how to find the way to refining the body in the pressure cooker.

Until it feels getting hotter and red, and I can't bear it anymore, I stayed longer, fearing that it would really be cooked, and then came up quickly.

In the place where he is exposed to high temperature water, the water pressure is too high, and the "airbag" can't hold on for a second.

The seventeen female demon body had been placed in the semi-warm water long ago, teasing Xi Chi and waiting for him, and didn't get boiled again.

The reason for staying longer is not that the white deer demon body is stronger than the dragon body of the seventeenth mother, but the endurance of the wild deer demon, who has suffered from everything with thick skin, can suffer more than the daughter of the dragon palace. .

When the couple came out of the water, Bai Ze asked again. The red deer demon naturally shook his head. He guessed it would take a lot of water to find a way. He was able to use Nikka training, and he paid attention to this matter, but he didn't feel urgent. , Quickly became proud and flaunted: "I have gained the magical power of'same sympathy', and a word has been added to the robe!"

Bai Ze and Shiqi Niang are all literate monsters. After hearing this, there is another word "hot" on the right shoulder sleeve of his white robe.

Shaking his arms, Bai Lu Yao said triumphantly: "The left arm is ‘painful’, and the right arm is ‘spicy and spicy’. My old deer will go out again, and how blind is it!"

The seventeenth mother didn't give face, she narrowed her mouth and said: "It's so ugly, and there's still a face!"

Bai Ze and Shiqi Niang did not know the allusion of "malla Tang", and couldn't cooperate. Bai Lu Yao dissatisfied with it, "I will be free for a few days, I will teach Dashun couple, get some mala Tang for you to taste!"

Seventeen Niangbai glanced at him: "All is noisy! When do you have to be free?"

This is reasonable. The Bailu Demon also feels that his skills are getting bigger and bigger, and his life span is also longer. Unfortunately, this demon is too busy to enjoy it. Well, according to the demon clan, he has never had a lot of fun!

The deer deer sighed, sometimes I really want to envy the carefree little demon who doesn't know the future. It's not a blessing to live turbulently, just like the old plague.

Thinking of this, the joy that formed the "Spicy Tang" on his right arm disappeared, and Bai Lu said demonly: "After being boiled for a long time, the blisters on the meat skin are about to rise, except for the word'hot', and nothing is gained, as it is today. Slowly explore later, I have to go to the tea house to make utensils!"

Knowing that he shouldn't be impatient, Sheng Xi figured it out that it took thousands of years of effort, and Bai Ze could only sigh, without leaving eyes that hinder these two mouths, and flew back to Joyriding Ridge first.

The Bailu and Bailong couple flew back hand in hand, and separated under the mountain gate. Seventeen mothers returned to the mountain field, and the Bailu demon went to the teahouse again.

After entering the tea house and sitting down, Yuzhu introduced today's first customer and started a new busy schedule.

At the end of the afternoon, the ostrich demon came in properly to report, saying that there was a famous donkey demon who made a living, who claimed to be Jianju.

Master Lu called to come in when he finished making the artifacts in his hand.

Seeing that this donkey demon is familiar, he should have seen it before, and the white deer demon asked, "What does the tiger demon want you to tell?"

The tiger demon’s asking price is really higher, and the donkey demon is nervous, and hurries to kneel and say: "Master of the mountain, the east monk boundary, the tiger demon gets the wind to tell me to tell me, the old master wants to collect the waste immortal seed, Xuantian faction He is only allowed to sell, but the price must be a top grade!"

I used to collect waste fairy seeds from the monsters who were doing business. It was a yellow middle product in exchange for another. Now the sellers there have increased to a yellow top product. If they are transported thousands of miles away, they will have to make some money Go, how many times does the price increase?

Xuantian faction took the opportunity to test? Or do you really know what you have collected?

Holding back a smile, the demon Bai Lu asked the demon kneeling at the table: "Demon Tiger Ding can say, how much does he have?"

Even the tiger demon is a demon, and the Bailu Mountain Master already knows, Jian Ju hurriedly answered honestly: "The tiger demon said, the goods are all available, I'm afraid the mountain master can't afford it!"

The demon white deer nodded: "Know it, when you finish selling the goods, you are about to set off, and I will talk to the master again!"

When I returned to the mountain that night, I told Bai Ze and the saint ape about the matter, the demon saint and demon ancestor all grinned.

Doufengling has always acted in a safe manner. The true purpose of the waste fairy seed has never been publicized. Only the few demon sages, demon ancestors and Huanghuaniang, Powan and other demon who can rest assured know that the Xuantian faction does not know the purpose and really wants to There are a large number of waste immortal seeds sold here, and when you understand it, you can make the old miscellaneous hair and other monks regret losing their stomachs!

The foreign demons who work in the White Lion Valley are mostly the demons. The cultivation of the demons is rare. There are a large number of Li Shuling root seedlings growing on the Drifting Ridge and near the White Lion Valley. The aura of heaven and earth is abundant. , How do you recognize it?

They are enemies with the monks, but they don’t hinder doing a living and earning money. After laughing for a while, Bai Ze asked, “After being robbed, how many waste immortals can be sold in his family? Is Ling Elixir enough?"

That waste fairy seed, before the other party understands the truth, the more you get, the better, Bai Lu demon smiled and replied: "If you really want to be angry with the old miscellaneous hair, I will send the demon to ask when the elixir is exhausted. High-class Linggen, one hundred copies of Huangshangpin can you ask for one? But it’s boring to be angry. My family’s Linggen is too lazy to sell monks. If the warehouse's elixir is not enough, please support from each family. There are not as many clan elixir as cultivators useless immortals!"

A yellow top grade is worth the heart of the foundation-building monks. If you take into account the Xumishanzhou factions who are more thirsty for elixir after the collapse, the Xuantian faction does not know how many waste immortal seeds can be sold. Now the Dafengling warehouse is very abundant. , But it is estimated that I can't bear it. To make a living, you must have the consciousness of borrowing elixir.

Count as much as there are, all the waste immortal seeds that the other party took out, first receive it in his hand, let's talk about it!

I really borrow Huang Shangpin from outside, knowing that the white deer demon takes the spirit root to pay for it, not to mention the sea-monsters such as the dragon palace, the old yellow croaker, and the old poisonous fish. Please help the demon ancestor to help transplant, I am afraid that I am willing to search the warehouse and become the creditor.

Linggen is not just vomiting aura, but also a representative of the luck of the world!

The elixir is valuable, but the spiritual root is priceless!

If you really want to mark the price, the White Deer Demon promises to make a hundredfold profit from the Xuantian faction after it is planted!

After tens of thousands of years, countless waste immortal species are just like chicken ribs, abandoned in various martial arts warehouses of various sizes, with suitable prices, and many are willing to replace them with actual elixir!

Although it takes a long time to plant spiritual roots, and there is a limit to the range and quantity that can be planted in a few years, the magical powers of the white deer "Rui" are also improving. I am afraid that the amount of waste immortals will be large, and he will not sell!

Thinking deeper, if there is a way to Xumeshan Island, if it is not intercepted by the monks of Luzhou in the north, the spiritual roots will be sold to Xumeshan Island for good, in exchange for a large amount of wealth and materials, so as to alleviate the speed of destruction of the continent. It's great to postpone relocating over there!

It's a pity that according to Bai Ze's view, Xumishan Island can no longer be restored with some spiritual roots. Donghuamen, Lingshan Temple, Xuantian Sect and others have difficulty giving up their spiritual roots for relief.

If Linggen sells the cultivators of Honzhou, it will be an adversary, and the deer will not do it.

The deer deer talked with Bai Ze, and the holy ape was still busy with his concubine to make the King Kong Iron Gibbon. His one-legged great sage only said: "This kind of business is not good enough to be handed over to the demon general and the demon. Do it!"

It is true that a deal can be reached, involving a large amount of top grades, and it is indeed impossible to leave it to the bottom demon. Bai Lu demon said: "If things come to please tell the old ancestor Kuli and tell him to negotiate with the monks. The mountain field is close to the monk, and it's cheap!"

Speaking of it, the deer deer has received a lot of help from 21st after moving to the Sacred Ape Mountain for the past few years. It is really necessary to do this business, and there will be no shortage of oil and water, and it will be a return to him.

It has been disliked with the Sanqi Yao for many years, but 21 is actually the same as Wuyi, and is also the most trusted demon ancestor. After listening to the Bailu Yao, the holy ape did not object, nodded twice, and watched the follow-up Without words, he dragged the White Deer Demon to the holy cave, in order to borrow from him.

The donkey demon Jianju sold out rare animals and groceries, and bought the Beihai Night Pearl. Before returning, he came to see him again.

The demon Bai Lu said to him: "The tiger demon sat on the ground and raised the price several times. I was unwilling to allow it. However, Master had to abandon the immortal seed to heal and practice before reluctantly accepting it. He only told the tiger demon and dared to increase At the price, Lingshan Temple, Taiyi Gate, Donghua Gate, Yuxiao Gate, Leizhen Gate, and Donghua Gate are all bordering us, and he is not the only one who can collect it!"

In fact, secretly, the Virgin of the Sea Spirit, the Great Sage of Earthshaking, the Great Sage of Jade Claw, and the Great Sage of Burning Flame have all passed the message, and they all collected the fairy seeds from the monks. Go for the profit.

(End of this chapter)

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