Deer Demon Race

Chapter 385: Progress of the White Deer

Back at the teahouse, as usual, the multiplying artifacts earned the elixir and spent the whole afternoon.

As the highest stacking level approaches the seventy mark, the time and demon spirit it takes for each stack to be doubled. According to Bailu Demon's estimation, the seventieth stack should take three or four hours to be well overlaid, and The demon energy consumption is very dramatic. If he had not digested a lot of demon pills, the demon energy liquefied in the middle dantian was no longer comparable to the level of the demon generals, and it was not enough to describe the seventieth stack.

The process of overlaying must be done in one go, and you must ensure that your hands are absolutely stable. If you take the elixir in the middle to replenish the evil spirit, a slight jitter will destroy the results.

In the tea shop, the magical instruments used by the demon king and the demon generals to be stacked are not risky. In most cases, he only stacks up to fifty-four stacks, which is stable.

In fact, there are too many stacks, and the price is doubled. It is estimated that the Demon Kings will be scolding, and there are few who can afford to stack.

After a busy afternoon, when Yuzhu came in to remind him, he put away his tools, flew back to the mountain, and went straight back to the living cave.

Twenty Lang Xun found out the method of tempering the body in the boiling water. The White Deer Demon will also practice it to try its effect. Compared with him, Shishiniang, who is not related to the method of the Sky Demon because of his blood, knows more. Will rejoice!

Proximity passed the news, and the demon sages and demon ancestors of all the demon ancestors would take time to come. He wanted to inform the lady of the good news first, and set a time to go down to the bottom of the lake together.

My own mountain field, I didn't want to make God's Sense first to explore, and I didn't want to see the Seventeen Niang and Qingluo in the cave, only the fox demon Tianxiang led another little fox demon in the cave.

Bailu Yao asked Tianxiang: "Your grandma hasn't come back yet?"

The fox demon sat on the stone bench, raised his leg, and rubbed it gently with his hands, but rolled his eyes: "The slave family and Ruwei looking after the shop have just returned from a busy day. They haven't had to rest yet, but grandma won't be able to return. of?"

Langhoo, while grandma is not at home, he hooks me to the old deer again!

In order to multiply the rare creature races and get the blessings of the world, the White Deer asked Longlinke to do business, and his mother-in-law also supported it. Unfortunately, to guard against the greedy Dragon King, there are not many Longlinke essential oils in the Dragon Palace. Sent the seeds and dragon scales and asked the son-in-law to plant them in the White Lion Valley.

The mother-in-law was magnificent, but the Seventeenth Mother didn't worry about planting in the Doufengling Ridge, so she asked the Jiao Demon King Diyin to help, and replanted in her mountain farm.

In the future, if Master Lu wants to use it, he will have to ask the Dragon Girl for it, not to mention the quantity, but also to explain the reason.

Grandpa Bailu can't worry about it, the grandma in charge is in charge of this matter.

When Cai Rihua returned in the morning, the Seventeenth Mother had told the Bailu Demon that she was going to Diyin's house to see the growth. She took the female demon and didn't want to come back yet.

The clam demon was rationed to the black tiger demon. She had moved out of the living room, and Hu Meizi remained in the cave to wait on her, but after she had to learn the "all-phase star technique", she seldom seduced again.

But today, while grandma was not at home, Hu Meizi got up again, and just raised her leg and rubbed it lightly. The flow of magical powers that are inherently more difficult than "charm" caused Master Lu's eyes to fall naturally on that long leg.

When the Seventeenth Mother is not at home, the Bailu Demon is more courageous, regardless of where she pretends to be indifferent, as the fox demon gently rubs her hands, the skin on her slender legs trembles, and her skirt fades down again, causing her mouth to dry. Zao, just stepped forward, stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard, and then said: "Dare to hook up the master, but it is courageous!"


Master Lu started a little bit ruthlessly, the fox demon whispered, glanced at his tail, and sighed: "There is a thief, but the slave's legs are thin and can't bear it, but you are lighter!"

In soft words, I clearly want to refuse and welcome, but there is endless temptation.

Master Lu and this fox Meizi are openly presumptuous while grandma and little grandma are not at home!

The little fox demon Ruwei also looked at his heart trembling, but was afraid of the revenge that these two could not provoke, so he didn't dare to stay longer, and ran away into his cave.

During this period of time, the female ghost was also still quenching the thunder method. She was not in the master deer's knowledge of the sea. As soon as she left the tail, the fox demon put down and retreated, squatting into his arms blatantly, and asked softly, "Take advantage." Just run my brother and make a sun-dragon bag, so the slave family will not take advantage of it easily?"

There is a dragon wife at home, but now my old Lu Rilong does not bring a bag? With her hands moving, Bai Lu Yao hummed: "Hu Meizi Mo Ji, I will really get you off someday!"

Grandma Longnv and the female monster are both very close. They have no chance to taste the fishy in their leisure time. Tian Xiang laughed, and tempted: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. The master wants to start, but today it is just right!"

It’s not a good time now, it’s too late, maybe the dragon girl will come back and break it at any time, the demon White Deer feels guilty, but says: "I haven’t borrowed the Xinghui Tempering Artifact, as diligent as the master, how can it be delayed? One day? I will let you go today!"

The fox demon gently pushed him away, there seemed to be infinite resentment in his eyes, and his mouth opened and closed lightly, but he didn't utter a sound.

But the shape of her mouth is plain, it is the word "Rilong Bao"!

Real Knife and Gun didn’t dare to take advantage of her hand to delay today’s Xinghui, and even to sit down, she said the three words silently. , It's not easy to be slacking off! The wave hoof is really going to play around, after the master and the lady have said, you will be admitted into the room!"

Lord Lu’s magical tools are not all divided out, at least the main thing, the antlers halberd and the white robe, are kept for their own quenching, and the rest are distributed to the sect monsters such as the dog treasure, the dead ghost, and the incense. It is indeed still attracting stars every day. Hui Que, but it didn't take as long as it used to be.

The white deer demon is still the body of the demon general, but the antlers halberd and the deer skin white robe have evolved earlier than the demon body. Now they have four magical functions. Not to mention the increasing power, the body is the most superimposed. For the benefit, he really didn't want to let it go for a day or two.

Pinch two more and let go of his hand reluctantly, Bai Lu Yao threw it away with great perseverance, and turned to go out.

The fox demon stayed on the spot, stomping angrily: "It's not tight to get ahead, grandma's cautious, it's strange to agree with me to enter the house, and there are two others who only stare at the meat and are not allowed to share the soup!"

He wailed again: "It's a rare opportunity that he won't enter the scorpion. Is it possible that my old mother's magical powers have not been used for a long time, and have been abandoned?

However, it does not care about the cultivation of talented demon generals, and its practicality is not a magic weapon. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, if you want to go to the North Desert and come to this wave of fortune, you have to promote one or two.

Because Master Lu was lazy, in addition to the previous dragon scale blade, he stole the two magic weapons for Grandma Jin. Tian Xiang helped Quench Xinghui. The outer demon didn’t know the details, and only four magic weapons came out on the road, but she was heartened. I know, how few are so few?

Grandma's magic weapon is tempered by the old lady. If you want the horse to run, you have to draft the horse!

Not only the fox demon grudges, but the white deer demon who left with great perseverance also held a fire, and finally managed to hold it down, causing Xinghui to quench the magic weapon twice before preparing to return to the cave.

Xiuye ​​was waiting outside Xingtan, when he saw that Master Lu had finished his homework, he cried out: "Master..."

With all his heart rushing back to put out the fire, and not wanting to be disturbed by the tired lazy stuff, the demon Bai Lu asked angrily: "What's the matter?"

Xiuye ​​cried and said: "Oh...Master! The demon I turned into with Yelling them anyway, is still being taught as a demon by the new demon of Zhishan and Shougong. It is really unsatisfactory. Make fun of it, saying that since the wolf demon Langlang went up the mountain, the lord would not spoil me!"

Master Lu frowned: "Which little demon talks abusively, it's fine to punish him! Master, I told you earlier that I will wait ten years before we decide the third batch of demon who will learn the "Universal Starlight Technique", you In a hurry?"

It took many years of hardship to cultivate the devil before he learned the dead ghost’s bone-removing and body-tempering method, and waited for the old demon no longer to catch him, but the new demon Zhong Zhishan and ordinary people who were hot in the day caught him again. Learn from each other and teach him to be a demon.

The newly promoted demons such as Zhishan and Shougong have only one purpose. They often cry in front of Master Lu and ask permission for the third batch of students to learn the "Universal Starlight Technique".

Of course, being bullied by the hotter Zhishan and Shougong, the snake demon suffocated his breath, and also fought when he caught Langlang. The wolf demon could not beat him, and was often beaten with black eyes and swollen nose.

Fortunately, among the demons who have learned the art of the sky demons, Langlang is a newcomer. He often claims to be the most favored by the deer master on the driving range. He is much behind the wolf demons in this matter. Willing?

Beating the wolf demon doesn't count. He doesn't need to know the mountains and the palace to persecute him. He also wants to come to Master Lu and cry and cry.

Since Mr. and Mrs. Lu came back from the Great Desolate Mountain to observe the demon ancestor crossing the sky, Xiuye ​​has been crying from time to time, saying that he has to ask Mr. Lu to show favor, and choose him to learn the "Universal Starry Art".

When deciding the second batch of academics, the bone-hardening method was not successful. Master Lu didn’t want him to be distracted, so he didn’t choose. Non-stop.

The deer deer frowned, and said angrily: "I told you to wait and wait. If you talk more, if you have a hot day for ten years, I will pass you on!"

Bluffing the snake demon Ding, Bai Lu demon took two steps, softened to the end, and then paused and said: "If you have the ability to dive deep, you will learn the body tempering method with Goubao from tomorrow and go to the bottom of the rhino lake to temper,'Wanxiangxing "Hui Shu" really shouldn't add more to this mountain demon school!"

The "Universal Starlight Technique" cannot be released on a large scale, and the White Deer Demon has to worry about the dissatisfaction of the demon saints of the alliance, and then decides to control it more strictly.

If you think about it carefully, you will know that each family has only two or three descendants who have learned the "Universal Starlight Technique". There are already a lot of demon generals and demon dinosaurs on Doufengling. The law was passed on by Xiwang, but it also made each family too jealous. If you expand it one more round, will each family have no idea?

The cultivation base is only a demon general, and his behavior is really bad and unscrupulous.

Back to the living Niang and Qingluo had returned, and Zixia had also finished her cultivation, and they all gathered in the cave.

They haven't hooked up yet. The previous episode of Bailu Yao and Hu Meizi has never happened. If there is nothing wrong on their faces, Ruwei has not informed him, he goes in and out without squinting, and pretending not to know.

In addition to the grandma in charge, there are also the female demon and the female ghost in front of the road. Tian Xiang doesn’t believe that the white deer demon can really take away her own house, only when it was the old deer who said nonsense and didn’t save much hope. Still thinking about ways.

She didn't know that the Bailu Demon dared to scream that Tonglong Girl would accept the Demon Ji again, which was a bit emboldened.

Let go of the real ambergris, and digest many demon pill queens. During this time, the Bailu Yao has made rapid progress in his spiritual consciousness. Although the manifested You Yang has not yet advanced again, his spiritual consciousness is compared to the demon king. The seventeenth mother of Xiu base is not weak anymore.

Nowadays, Bailu Demon, certain words of "same sympathy" can take effect on the Demon King, and it has been effective several times when fighting the Demon King back from the original.

ps: Recently I was exhausted physically and mentally, and there were many emergencies. As a result, the update cannot be guaranteed. I have no face to log in to the book friends group, and I have no face to ask for leave. I'm sorry to all the book friends, but I promise you that there is no card text. Nor will it be an eunuch.

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