Deer Demon Race

Chapter 386: Enchantress

Not afraid of the thief stealing, just afraid of the thief thinking about it.

The lord of the White Lion Valley Drive in the Ridge repeatedly used shameless methods to persuade the grandmother Seventeenth Niang to allow him to collect incense as a demon.

The meat is rotten in the pot, it is sooner or later that Hu Meizi was admitted into the house, Shi Niang agreed, but she didn't care about Qingluo and Zixia, but Master Lu had to coax her by herself.

The female demon is more jealous than the Seventeenth Niang, and it is not easy to attack her. Before the Seventeenth Niang is left in the cold, Master Lu has to work harder and run two chambers to sleep every night.

It's a pity that he worked hard, but Qingluo wished that the master would come to torture more, so when she was confused by the word "shuang", she just bit her mouth.

This has become a protracted battle.

The female ghost Zixia doesn't care at all. She doesn't have the capital to resist, and the same words are used on the ghost body and the power is multiplied. The most useless, the natural master Lu said nothing.

Master Lu has worked hard continuously, and she knows how to add incense, but although she is the leader of the intrigue, her true temperament is not very different from that of ordinary monsters. She lacks a door, and she dares to publicize everything. After a few days, Master Lu, in order to collect the fox demon, will spread out the things that he has toiled every night, so that the demon people on the driving range will know about it.

Of course, in the Deer Demon King Mountain Farm, the little saints such as Yaoyao, Shishi, Tongjing, etc. have to be softened, even more afraid of Dajiao and Powan, because they are afraid of being found out, so they don't dare to spread to the bottom of the mountain at will.

There are really few who dare to expose the shortcomings of the deer, except for Huang Huaniang and the transfer strange Xiaoshan Jing.

Bai Lu Yao is not rare for her skin and flesh, but she is so attached to the fox demon, which makes Huang Huaniang itch her teeth with hatred. When she learned about it, she ridiculed and ridiculed her face to face. She even scolded her for three days when she returned to the grass market. The benefits are enough, these things will not be hidden for the cheap brother.

Within a few days, the love affairs of the White Deer Mountain Lord also spread throughout the grass market under the mountain.

Among them, the old ancestor of IPL Lengping is not regarded as a joke.

As far as identity is concerned, the peacock demon doesn't believe it at all, one day he will rack his brains just to please a demon general!

What is the demon general in terms of cultivation base alone?

The Peacock Demon Ancestor hasn't seen a creature of this order in the face for thousands of years!

In the Taoist Palace of the Xuantian School, Bai Lu Yao was not taken seriously either, the little demon general's vassal ghost dare to intercept his spirit power, so naturally he wanted to find the scene unceremoniously.

Who would think that Liang Zi, the lord of the White Lion Valley, had just forged it like this.

Bailu Yao is a disciple of the old Tao Yao. He wanted to seek a life in the Sacred Ape Mountain. Leng Ping also hesitated for a moment, but he was relieved when he learned that the old ape and Xiwang also had a single seedling demon child, and that the little saint of the Sacred Ape Mountain was Yaoyao. .

How can a disciple have his own children? Leng Ping thinks he wants to be thorough, as long as he gets close to Yaoyao more and gets the approval of the little saint, he doesn't need to care about the white deer demon.

Unexpectedly, the little sage is not worth it, the love of the holy ape couple to him is not equal to the white deer demon, the old peach demon and the holy ape are not guarded, after a few sticks, they are in front of the white deer demon. Be well-behaved and don't dare to jump, how can you count on it?

During the several exchanges during this period, the relationship between Leng Ping and the Great Demon General Bailu became more and more rigid.

According to the original practice, based on the cultivation of the demon ancestor, who is not a guest at the door? If you change a spoiled heir who dares to treat the demon ancestors, you can change the door!

But picking the sun, quenching the stars, planting spiritual roots, regenerating magic weapons, and boiling water to quench the body, the white lion valley is constantly tossing, why not?

Leng Ping's mind twists, but it's not really stupid, but it's a pity that they didn't wait to see each other before. At this time, it was too late to turn around.

The little saint can’t turn the sky over, and a bad relationship with the White Lion Valley will be a great loss. To make up for the lost sheep, the Peacock demon spends a lot of money. He received some high-quality female wood demon from the demon who was making a living, and smuggled it to the White Lion Valley grass. City, just thinking of looking for opportunities to please the White Deer Demon.

It's a pity that she didn't act secretly, and ultimately fell short. Ten female wood monsters were found by the dragon girl, and they were forced to distribute them to the demon. At that time, his face became darker.

The Peacock Demon Ancestor wanted to cry without tears, and he really didn't want to use his hot face to stick his cold ass!

The sacred ape often lives in the driving range, and the father and son are not willing to say good things for their family. After Liliyuan fights with the bear saint after being rescued, Leng Ping still wonders if he can intercede with the old ape and go to help the old mountain owner instead.

The Lengping Territory borders Xili, and he communicates with the Earthshaker in private, but Lao Xiong said that he now listens to Proxima’s instructions, and many things also require the White Lion Valley. How can he have a relationship with Sacred Ape Mountain? Take him?

For his old part, the old Xiong's words were from the bottom of his heart, and he was so cold that he could not even dare to speak with the holy ape?

Peacock demon also knows that the silver chain that Xuantian sent to lock him is really a good artifact, but if he wants to become a magic weapon in a short time, except for the great demon general of Bailu in Yangdufengling, it is really true. There is no good way.

Not to mention, if the Xinghui is quenched for a hundred years, the power of the silver chain will be greatly increased!

Can't afford to provoke, can't be separated!

For this reason, the peacock demon had to let go of the demon ancestor's reservations, and entrust the mountain field to a few demon kings who came to take refuge in the family. He is in the white lion valley grass market. Now it is justified: the ancestor I want to borrow His body is quenched by boiling water at the bottom of the lake!

Of course, he would not let go of being able to temper his body, but he even hoped to find an opportunity to repair his relationship with the White Deer Demon.

The white deer demon is so small, the tea in the teahouse at the foot of the mountain is only camellia, a mundane thing, and it doesn’t taste much. The tea made him linger.

The mountain spirit on the driving range has been well known by the monsters. It is a bad monster. However, Mr. Deer is rich and has a lot of money. He hasn't fulfilled what he said to be thrown away. He has been hanging around on the mountain for some strange benefits. This time He brought the latest news of Master Lu down to sell, and Leng Ping had to find out clearly.

The White Deer Mountain Lord is the new enchantress, who is desperately trying to please the little grandmother of the Shura clan recently?

Huang Huaniang is also scolding, the news will definitely not be false!

The Peacock Demon Ancestor felt that the gift he wanted to give was not the wrong choice. There is no demon that does not steal the fishy. The female wood demon should be very suitable for the big demon general’s appetite. Unfortunately, the luck is a little bit worse and it was not successfully delivered to the white deer demon. That's it.

How to send the Wood Demon secretly without disturbing the Bailu Demon Hun's family? It's best to be decent, and don't lose the face of your own demon ancestor!

The cultivation level is high, but the brain is not always awake, and if he can't think of a way, he walks out and knocks twice in front of the door next door.

"Which one is bothering you? This king paid the elixir!"

There was a scolding inside, and then a coquettish banshee came out.

In this hive, the isolation of divine consciousness is very good, and the other party mistakenly regarded himself as Huanghua's maiden demon!

Leng Ping exclaimed: "Get out of here, or my ancestor will tell you to go spicy!"

Hearing the wrong tone, the Demon King inside ignored the banshee's obsession, opened a crack in the door and probed out.

But it was Manatee Demon Wu Xie, the husband-in-law of Long Niu Niu, seeing it was Leng Ping, Wu Xie walked out anxiously, bowed and saluted: "Wu Xie has seen Caiguang ancestor, ancestor is looking for something to do with me?"

This innocent gaze is clever, how can there be a half-silly appearance of a manatee demon?

Through the door, I caught a glimpse of the undressed banshee in the room, not as good as the lovely one in my own room. Leng Ping felt more balanced and exclaimed: "You are here from the Dragon Palace, and you are very flattering. My ancestor came to seek you. Don’t say anything else, you have to think of a proper idea for your ancestor, or you can fight back to the original shape and leave in front of the dragon palace demon ancestor!"

Wu Xie was taken aback, and asked him anxiously: "How did the ancestor know that I have roots?"

Leng Ping looked over, and then sneered for a while: "You are under the 虺虺men. I wonder if he has the best friendship with me?"

This "innocent" is false. It was originally the Green Python King under the fascination, and the Demon King was also a fake. It was a green dragon. He was the six sons-in-law of the former Dragon Palace, and he was unwilling to be a sun dragon bag and stole the dragon soul lamp and defected. Of course, the one who did not dare to show his true body in front of the Dragon Palace demon crowd.

The benefits of Cycling Ridge are too great, and I have to take it. Fortunately, he has always flattered Zixi mobs to be comfortable. The idea that Xiaoye Zixi gave him was to learn from the Deer King to "transform" the supernatural powers, and change his appearance to the white lion. Gu, no matter how small you are, you should be able to make it.

In fact, Qing Jiao had fled for hundreds of years. Longgong Liuniang recruited her husband and son-in-law again to live. The descendants have already given birth. Now they are also learning the supernatural powers of Rihua and taking the dragon soul lantern back. Life and death? As long as Qing Jiao doesn't show his true body and tells Long Palace to be laughed at by the foreign demon, he won't care.

The first time I went to the Dragon Palace, after looking to the west, the White Deer Demon knew what the Dragon King and Dragon Po meant. The Holy Ape could turn enemies into friends with the Dragon Palace, thanks to the Dragon Soul Lantern stolen by this fellow. After the little monster Zixi pleaded, he secretly called Qing Jiao's former uncle to the mountain, and passed on to him the "transformation" learned by King Shan Qian.

Even the Seventeenth Mother knew it well, everyone just pretended not to know.

Unexpectedly, the target of Green Jiao's change was the other uncle of Deer Demon, Manatee Demon Innocent, who hid in Huanghua's family hive during the day, and helped the nineteenth mother-in-law to take off the "Rilongbao" hat.

Among the demon ancestors of the Sacred Ape Mountain, Leng Ping alone had a good relationship with the 虺虺. Therefore, he knew that the “innocent” roots of the White Lion Valley were still a good handle. , The father and son 虺虺 praised each other, so it’s okay to ask him for an idea.

Forced by the Peacock Demon Ancestor, they leave the hive together and find a secluded place. Leng Ping will first seek to improve the relationship with the White Deer Demon, and explain that there is no way to give gifts.

With an innocent appearance, the Qing Jiao's face was calm, but in the bottom of his heart he despised the Peacock Demon Ancestor to the end.

The White Deer Mountain Lord came from the Sacred Ape Mountain, and he was considered an old-fashioned demon. The demon ancestor of the Sacred Ape Mountain was not badly related to him. Only the cold screen stiffened him was a skill!

It was just being squeezed, contemptuous in my heart, and not daring not to make serious ideas for him.

After thinking about it for a while, Qing Jiao said: "Ancestor, Dragon Girls are all I heard that Bailu Demon is also a Japanese Dragon Pack! As I think, Humeizi should be an exception, in the White Lion Valley. He doesn’t have the guts to accept another banshee! If you really want to give it away, it’s better to help set up an outer room in the outer room, and have the opportunity to invite him to play, so it’s safe! The one who sneaks into the hands, hooks him more than the enchantress in the house!"

Hearing it coldly nodded: "Well! Sure enough, I know a lot about the family background!"

The cold screen at the foot of the mountain was arranged according to plan, and on the ridge, the deer master worked hard for half a month, before the female monster nodded, the fox demon became more and more anxious. When the grandma was not there, he dared to scold him face-to-face as useless, and even asked to eat more sheep. Waist tonic.

Bai Lu Yao's eyes were round with anger, and she slapped her hips with two palms to let out her anger.

One night, Fang surrendered to the female ghost, Master Lu was still working **** the Asura girl, and Shimen was suddenly pushed aside.

Amidst the screams of the female ghost, Tian Xiang, wearing a tulle, walked in, exerting his "charm" to the extreme, and rolled his eyes: "It's a little work, why does it take so long?"

After speaking, the fox demon rushed to the bed, ignoring the female monsters and female ghosts.

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