Deer Demon Race

Chapter 388: Mozu

Returning from the clone, Qian Yilu knocked on the door of his big brother Yuan Yishou in despair.

"Can the White Deer Demon turn a waste fairy seed into a spiritual root?"

Hearing the news, Yuan Yishou was also shocked and unbelievable!

Heaven is dependent on people, but other creatures have different talents, and all have unusual features. Among them, the monster race is talented and often has unexpected and rare talents and supernatural powers.

It’s just that since ancient times, I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years, and no matter how vast the demon ancestor’s magical powers are, how can I use waste immortal seeds? This is not only the case of the demons, but the six races, but if there is a little way, will the waste fairy lie in the warehouse to eat ashes?

The waste immortal seed comes from the heavens, and it is soaked in the aura of the immortal spirit, and the earth will become mundane and can no longer be used. This is the consensus of all living beings!

The consensus of thousands of years has now been broken by the Yaozu! And the one who broke this common sense was mostly the savior of the monster race, the white deer demon, the enemy of the third avenue!

That evil barrier originated from the spiritual root with the waste immortal seed!

Spiritual root, the source of all spirits, the foundation of all laws!

In this world, with the exception of the witches and monsters, no other creatures would think that there are too many spiritual roots!

Now in Xumi Shanzhou, ordinary people may have large areas of arable land turned into sandy and alkaline land due to continuous floods. Most of them have difficulty in making a living and have to find another place. Lost, or will never ask to move out across continents again!

The white deer demon breeds its spiritual roots, and is willing to take it out. No monk school can resist not buying it!

In this world, there are very few spiritual roots that can be exchanged with elixir. Really speaking, one hundred and fifty yellow top-grade elixir can be exchanged for a medium spiritual root. The White Deer asks for less, and the monks make a profit!

Before going to Jiuyou, Master ordered a waste immortal seed to be worth a yellow top grade. Trading with the white deer demon is already a big profit, but the other party can grow into a spiritual root and is willing to sell foreigners. This price is definitely considered kind. But just based on the elixir, how many spiritual roots can the family of the Xuantian Sect buy?

With this collection and sale, that evil obstacle made a hundred times the price difference!

Sure enough...deer skinning!

There is no need to speculate about Master’s reaction after knowing the results, and now I have a good life, I already feel my heart and liver hurt!

Even more than 20 years ago, the martial art was robbed by the old peach demon even more heartache!

Ten thousand can't figure it out, how can that evil obstacle turn a waste fairy seed into a treasure? The origin is the spiritual root of heaven and earth!

Because of the rare beasts and rare wood transactions, the news from the parties found that the magical powers of the elder brother are similar to the avenues of the third child, and are related to the fortune of the world. , Is this power of good fortune a hundred times stronger than the third?

There are many rare animals and rare trees to breed, and if the fortune of heaven and earth continues, in a few years, the magic weapons of the demon clan will increase even more!

Abandoned Immortal Seed has such an effect. I wait for the various factions in Luzhou in Beiju, but anyone who sells it to the Yaozu seems to be an enemy!

But now it’s hard to ride a tiger. The spirit root is currently the White Deer Demon who is waiting for him. The monks will not sell waste fairy seeds, and the Bailu demon will not sell the spirit root!

Yuan Yishou's heart and liver were still in distress, Qian Yilu said again: "Brother, we have to resell some of the spiritual roots we harvested from Mount Xumi?"

Yuan Yishou, the senior brother Yuan Ying, held his mind, thinking that if the master was there, the Yaozu would have a large number of spiritual root takeaways, how would he choose, after a long while, he said bitterly: "Linggen takeaway, Yaozu The price is high and the quantity is huge. How can we finish eating? It can ease the migration of Xumishanzhou, but we are related to the interests of the creatures. Selling is sure to sell! But this is the first-class secret of this continent. The matter must not leak the slightest past. You must first agree with the various families in the continent to agree on the rules and regulations. The spiritual roots issued by the Taozuguo and the Buddha before the lotus should be left for their own use by the various families in the continent. Continent to sell!"

In this great deal of spiritual roots, no one is a fool, and all the factions in Beiju Luzhou are united, and they will be able to achieve a tacit understanding and pass on the loss to Mount Xumi. But a piece of the waste immortal species collected by Huang Zhongpin turns around and sells its spiritual roots. As long as there are one or two plants related to the waste immortal species to Xumishan Island, it will immediately be spotted!

At that time, how will the senses of the Xumishanzhou parties in Luzhou in Beiju? Do you believe that the various factions of Luzhou in Beiju are also counted in, or do you believe in the sincere calculation of Mount Xumi?

Compared with Qian Yilu, Yuan Yishou still has more headaches. If massive spiritual roots emerge, it can alleviate the pace of relocation of the various factions in the Xumishan Continent. Calculate, there is still a life-and-death gambling battle with that guy more than 30 years later. In preparation for this gambling battle, the second child has fallen to the foundation!

If the master comes to the board of directors and wins the gambling fight, do you still want to kill the servant?

In any case, the White Deer Demon will not only divulge the spiritual root news to the Xuantian faction. It is imperative for all the families to discuss matters. If they can't say they must try, can they unite with the other families to increase and waste the fairy seed? Price, forcing the white deer demon to submit! It's just that after the two battles between Sacred Ape Mountain and Liliyuan, the reputation of the martial art has plummeted. In recent years, it has been ridiculed. The old bachelor who specializes in foreign affairs prefers to pick dung in the door instead of participating in the discussion, but he has to think about it. Fazi coaxed him to go.

Yuan Yishou not only hurts his heart and liver, but also his head aches.

This northern desert was originally a desert, but now it has become lush, with weeds everywhere, bushes forming forests, and there are many thick and thin trees in the mouth of the bushes, and there are also many beasts, and there are birds and flowers everywhere. .

It's just that somewhere, it's still dead, and the calls of insects and birds have completely disappeared, not to mention, the original green trees within a few miles have been stained with layers of ash, and all the underground weeds have withered away, looking at only a piece of dead land.

Several dead weeds were opened, revealing a sticky sandy ground underneath. Silt fell slowly around them, and spells condensed into ice ridges and turned into water. This is a place where the battle has just stopped.

On the ground there was a beach of thick black hair and stinking things, mixed with two or three crystal bones. The snake demon Xiuye ​​asked his companion: "Brother Zhishan, do you have jade bones?"

The monkey demon just removed the borrowed Shura eyes and shook his head twice.

After knowing the mountain and becoming a demon, everyone in Doufengling knew that he was a hot day. King Ashura was unable to climb Lord Deer’s relatives, regardless of the fact that there was a female wood demon gifted by Lord Deer in the monkey demon room. A beautiful Asura in the clan, who had a brow and eyebrows from Zhishan, sent him over, and Zhishan became the third demon who learned Shura combat skills in Doufengling. This time he came to North Desert by borrowing Shura's eyes.

The Ashura tribe, like the Shura tribe, is comparable to the cultivation base of a demon general in adulthood. Zhishan is only a demon. The asura woman only has the treatment of a demon girl, and she has to compete with the female wood demon to form a relationship. , Zhifu had a lot of laughs, all saying that he was a heart-conscious.

The one who was ranked in front of Zhishan by marriage, was faceless and skinless and would only pick out the cheap Yaoyao half mystery. Then the servant was fine at the Caoshi gambling house in the daytime, so he hooked up with the patrolling Asura woman and finally let him get one.

The next fight was just over, when Zhishan shook his head, the pig demon Iron Hyena who was resting behind him also sighed.

Xiuye ​​screamed: "It will take a rotation in two days, my god, why is Yugu so rare?"

Zhishan snorted coldly: "This demon clan is just a magic demon, quite a demon general. Where is the jade bone easy to come out? Who told you that this is not useful, please don't move the deer master!"

Tie Hyena was beside, showing a sympathetic appearance, and nodded repeatedly.

When Xiuye ​​was a little demon, he dared not to look at the monsters and screamed all kinds of screams. Now the "brother" to Zhishan is beaten out. The monkey demon and the wild little demon have learned well. So I have to show respect, which green onion is Tie Hyena's servant?

Sending a blank eye to the pig demon, Xiuye ​​smiled and said to the monkey demon again: "Brother, my masters are afraid to cause dissatisfaction with the sages, and this mountain will not underestimate the Xinghui technique. I have to hate my late promotion. It is not that I have not tried my best. begging!"

Zhishan hummed coldly and ignored him.

The will of the mountain master Lu, no demon general or demon under his sect dared to violate it, so he had to adopt a roundabout method.

On Joyride Ridge, apart from the demon saints and demon ancestors who are the guests, who can best change Master Lu's mind?

The first place is naturally the grandmother of the Dragon Girl. Unfortunately, the grandmother has no desires and is stubborn. It is more difficult for her to nod than to beg for Master Lu. Knowing the mountains, Xiuye, and Tiehui do not do that useless work.

The second place in the line is Shura female Qingluo. Although she is a little grandmother, she is not as good as the grandmother in the main house. The news of the sale, in the past few years, the little grandmother Shura stared at Master Deer so hard that she really didn't taste the meaty smell of that fox!

If you can ask for the help of the great little grandma, will Master Lu agree?

It's just that the Asura and Asura tribes are the backers at the foot of Xiaomaina Mountain, and they are in charge of the raw material shop. Every day a lot of elixir is in and out, and there is no shortage of general things. It is not easy to get her nod to agree.

After a few times, they can only use their brains on the jade bones that Shura and Asura need.

To fetch jade bones, there are two places to go.

Today, Lingshan Temple’s followers and disciples have moved to the original place of Lili. The place where the Great Sage’s Family Shakes the Earth’s West Li and the other side are constantly interfering with each other. It was originally a good place. The place where the counselors at the bottom of Saruyama’s bottom can really participate, and they don’t have to lose the face of Doufengling. Besides, there are still difficult monk curses spreading, and if you get caught up with it, you will be a sorrow!

Xili didn't want to go, so the North Desert, where a large number of demons were fleeing recently, became the first choice for Zhishan, Xiuye, and Iron Hyena. UU reading www.uukANAnshu. com

The hot enough demon race also has jade bones on its body, but the witch demon of the same level as the demon king dare not provoke, and his few demon daring only dare to encircle the magic demon equivalent to the demon general.

The demons who are really tired of the sky are different from the bodies of monsters and demons such as Shura and Rakshasa. They only focus on nourishing qi, and some parts of their flesh are even like ghosts, which can be completely imaginary.

Killing this magic demon in front of him, his body quickly eroded away in front of his eyes after death, and it was about to dissipate in this world, leaving no traces of it. But in the previous battle, this demon was extremely proficient in spells, and the body energy it released still contained weakness. The three teaming of Zhishan, Xiuye, and Iron Hyena also took a lot of work. Only when the cards are exhausted, can you play before you become weak. Killed, almost overturned, but unfortunately there is no jade bone.

The three of them stood here and sighed that the jade bones are rare, dozens of miles away, there was a sudden firework lifted into the sky, and then the crying voice of the Gull Demon King Wangji came from a distance: "The witches are hard to kill, the surrounding demons, quick help! "

The banshees such as the blue-eyed Hun family are tricky, do not fight for the night and the night of the **** family, and the roaring **** family maidens, but follow the Gull Demon King, the Flood Demon King, and the Dragon Girl Sixteen Niangs, so Zhishan and others also know some lineups. The Demon King-level demons are difficult to fight. In addition to Sixteen Niangs, Wangji, and Diyin, their team is accompanied by two banshee kings from the local Jade Claw Great Sage Family. With such a powerful lineup, they will kill a witch demon, so they will ask for help?

And in the voice of the Gull Demon King, there was a cry!

What a tyrannical opponent this must be?

Zhishan and Xiuye ​​were shocked, and shouted in unison: "Go and help!"

Tie Hyena screamed and refused: "We are just demons. It's hard to kill a magic demon. How much can I help you?"

But Zhishan and Xiuye ​​didn't care about it. In the whistle, his own mount demon was called together. The monkey demon and the snake demon dragged him onto the back of the mount, and each rode on their own demon, and went to the gull together. The demon king flew to the place where the sound came from.

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