Deer Demon Race

Chapter 389: Good luck pig

Zhishan, Xiuye, and Tie Hui rushed to the outskirts to get a clear view of the battle from a distance.

The witch demons surrounded by Sixteen Niang and Wangji are really nasty and crazy enough. The five demon kings led a number of demons to besiege and kill, but he was not afraid and did not run away. The bullies surrounding him were all female demons. The physical body transformed into a big male official, completely without the facial features of other creatures. He just wriggled and flew quickly in the low air to avoid, without delaying his instant spells, lightning and wind blades were indistinguishable from the female demon. NS.

As soon as the mountain waited for a few breaths, the meat tuo even ate a few spells, but his actions were not affected at all.

Sixteen Niang and Diyin’s fierce female demons would not be deceived by the things he transforms, but the magical power of the demons is far above the human, demons, ghosts, and strange races. Although the witches only interact with the demon king. At the same level, he couldn't take him for a while.

The Gull Demon King Wangji couldn't stand this. Wherever the meat tuo went, there was a powder mist that provokes a certain emotion. Wangji sucked a little into his nose, so his hands became sore and slow to avoid, and he ate a few times. Remembering the spell bombardment, the pain is mixed with a certain kind of emotion like a tide, and I can't help crying.

Inhaling the powder mist, the two banshee kings of the Diyin and Jade Claw Great Sage Family were flushed with red cheeks, sweaty on their bodies, and moaning in their mouths and noses, while the wind blew the powder mist away, and the banshees at the back sniffed When she arrived, it was even more unbearable. Even the female demon Ding reached into the robe and touched it by herself. The sable demon is always pungent and courageous, relying on the demon kings to guard in front, and her spells can't hurt the witches. Stopped casting the spell, breathing heavily on the ground and cursed with arms akimbo: "You have to be big, can you believe that my old lady will come to the sky with Doufengling and teach you to be full?"

Seeing the situation clearly, Zhishan and Iron Hyena were a little speechless, but they were tricky to remind them that the witch demon's fleshy tuo flew closer again, and he jumped forward from the mount's back, and after getting closer, The words of the debut flew under him, instantly turned into a phantom, and covered the fleshy tuo.

This phantom of the text is familiar to the little monsters such as the mountain and the iron hyena. It is also the "spicy" on the shoulders of the master deer. I just don’t know when the "sympathy" that he has cultivated in his cultivation, and it is usually not obvious. where?

I think it was before the Snake Demon's Bone Extraction and Tempering method was successful, he was caught by a bunch of demon, and suffered all kinds of sufferings, and then secretly began to "same sympathy."

Tie Hui was reluctant when he came. At this time, seeing that the witch demon was not so tyrannical that he could beat a few banshee kings, he became bolder and greeted Zhishan: "Brother, take Shura and see!"

The enemy is not too ferocious, but he wants to find a bone.

Before fighting against the magic demon of the demon general level, the three demon squads were pressed tightly and had no time to watch them. They had to take out Shura’s eyes until Zhishan was killed. The monkey demon really took out Shura's eyes and looked at the jade bones.

Xiuye ​​had just landed there, but the word "spicy" flew up. With the spirit power of the little demon, how could it cause trouble to witches at the same level as the demon king? On the contrary, Routuo returned a wind blade that cut the gold and iron in an instant.

The witches cast spells very fast. The wind blade cuts countless branches and leaves all the way, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the front, succumbing to evasiveness, and shook their body, turning into a hovering snake that was more than 20 feet long and the thickness of a bucket. The body of the python is black and white. It is ring-shaped.

The wind blade swayed by, because the snake body was coiled together and was cut into several pieces. The wind blade remained unresolved. Later, the large canopy bush was cut off before it disappeared.

The black and white python raised its head high, opened its mouth, hissed twice in the direction of the witch demon, and then swallowed the snake letter, staring coldly at the meat in the air.

The body of the black and white python was cut into several segments in front of her eyes, and inside the female demon, morning and evening exclaimed: "Xiuye ​​is a servant, how can the true appearance grow again?"

Mao Nu, Qing Hong, etc. concentrated on fighting the emotions of troubles, did not say a word, and sneered coldly: "Returning to the ancestors of the snake, the blood is purer, but the longer the truth, the more bones to be quenched, and the greed will not die him! This We are bound to die in the Demon Realm all the time!"

As we spoke, the slits of the severed snakes on the ground were squirming, squeezing out the bones severed by the wind blade, and new flesh, bones, and skins were born until the slits were connected to each other.

In a few breaths, in addition to a few broken snake bones on the ground, the black and white snake has recovered as before.

This is because the bloodline of Ba Snake gradually became pure after the ancestor’s guidance. He gave birth to a new supernatural power "continuous", which is very similar to the "rebirth" of the deer. Except for the vitals of his head, he was born. The long body of the snake will not be lethal by all the segments, but this is the peculiarity of the blood of the snake, other monsters can't learn it. The damaged snake bones have to be tempered again, which is of little use except to save the life of the snake.

Behind Xiuye, Zhishan happily lowered Shura's eyes, jumped off his mount, and rushed towards the battlefield. Halfway through, he opened his mouth and wailed his voice. It was clear that the apes and monkeys were crying, but they were also magical powers of "Wu Cry", and wanted to help the female demons retreat. mood.

Many years ago, the Lingtao Peak Demon King fought, the bell of the star picker was attacked in disorder, and the bull demon dog treasure and the black demon of the bottom demon could get rid of the influence of the bell. It's much easier to use, but today, facing the demons' wretched spells, they only let the banshees fade a little bit of strange emotions, and failed to eradicate them.

Seeing Zhishan's joyous appearance, this witch demon should have bones on his body, but unfortunately the iron hyena who was behind Zhishan had only a thick body, and could not attack the flying witch demon, so he could only be anxious.

Before Zhishan arrived, the Jiao Demon King Diyin had chanted the "Clean Heart Mantra" many times, and each time he could only clear away some strange emotions, but could not completely clear them.

The sophistication of the magic of the demons is the best in this world.

The Great Sage of Jade Claw was accompanied by two Banshee Kings. Previously, there was only one Banshee participating in the battle. Forgetting the opportunity to cry, crying, and whispering quietly, it’s not that good, but when Zhishan arrived, several more male demons came. , Sixteen mothers felt ashamed, the dignified dragon girl was so embarrassed, how could she bear it any longer?

There was a black light rising up into the sky. It was two sharp blades that were interlocking together, which looked like cutting the **** to the flesh of the sorcerer.

The five banshee kings joined forces, and even if they could not kill the witch demon, they were sure to win. The other companions had no magic weapon, and Sixteen Niang never used it. As a daughter of the Dragon Palace, she also only has this magic weapon, which is the bottom of the box. , Is made from two dragon spine refining by the elders of the dragon clan.

The things that the witch demon transformed were too suitable for the situation. Seeing the **** scissors cut it viciously, the double handle of the snake head held high and the neck of Xiujie shrank, almost unable to maintain the original appearance!

It was the first time I saw Sixteen Niang, the magic weapon of the dragon girl, and seeing this situation, Zhishan and Tie Hyena were also cold!

It's just that the witch demon's fleshy tuo shrank, and there was a violent wind whistling around it, as if it were the essence, it paused the cutting blade that was about to be twisted, and when the **** shears were closed again, the big tuo was already forward. For a flash, he flew out.

The **** scissors cut a hole.

The magic weapon was shot, but she still hadn't done any meritorious work. Sixteen Niang's face was dull, and she stretched out her hand, the closed **** scissors rushed to catch up with the meat tuo, and then opened and closed the cut.

The witch demon still wants to perform the old trick again, the demon Ding Zhishan just opened his mouth at this moment: "Ooo!"

This is not the "roar" that Master Deer can do when the Roar of the Winding Ridge originated, but the "wolf howling" that can freeze the demon, aura, demon, and yin in a short period of time. It is a wolf demon among the wild little demon. Earned when he was promoted to the demon, besides Langlang, Sancai, etc., Zhishan is the only demon in Doufengling who has not had the bloodline of a jackal and has learned it.

Master Deer won't either.

With this "wolf howl" exit, the enemy and I were at the same time, not to mention Xiuye, tricky and other demon kings, but the five female demon kings including Sixteen Niang, Diyin, and Wangji couldn't help but stop.

The same is true of the witch demon's fleshy tuo, and he paused in mid-air!

When the life and death strangulation, such a pause, but his life!

The sixteen female demons are also affected by "Wolf Howl", but unlike the magical attacks that stop by the hidden, forget the machine, etc., the magic weapon has its own spirit and does not need the dragon girl to control the whole process. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the black cut moment Close it, and cut the meat tuo transformed by the sorcerer into two pieces!


The witch demon who hadn't made a sound finally howled, but the sound was neighing, and I don't know which part of the body made it.

The meat tuo was cut into two pieces and did not fall to the ground. The witch hissed, one piece was completely blurred, and he fluttered on the body of the newly relieved Gull Demon King Wang, and then disappeared; the other one was. It's still an entity, turning into a ray of black light, and fleeing to the sky!

Being severed by a magic weapon, the soul was severely wounded, but the witch was wounded and survived, so he could still be divided into two and be used separately!

This wretched witch has been molesting the banshees looking for opportunities before, but now seeing him fight his old life, the speed at which the remaining half of his body flies, the demon kings simply can't catch up!

The pig demon wailed: "My jade bone!"

The witch flees, Zhishan, Iron Hyena, and Xiuye ​​are still sighing for the lost jade bone, Sixteen Niang turned around, turned to the phantom, her eyes were red and panting, and said, "The witch is in the body. , I’ll take you back to Fengling Please ask my brother-in-law to purify with magical powers, and it will be all right!"

The Bailu Demon’s supernatural powers of "bath in the sun through the quiet" are just for purifying the soul, many of the octopus demon kings in the sea demon will also imitate it.

Unlike most banshees, Wangji is a clean person. In recent years, several rhino monster kings in the White Lion Valley have been hooked up in turn, but they have not been able to get the slightest good from her. At this time, there is no sorrow and red eyes. After passing Zhishan, Xiuye, and Tie Hui, they answered viciously, "How can you wait?"

Seeing her appearance, Liu Niang was shocked, and she was busy pulling out the dragon's beard rope in her hand.

Wangji sprayed powder mist in his nose, screaming sharply: "I'm going to explode when tied!"

She stopped Sixteen Niang with a scream, she had chosen a target, and screamed at the three male demons.

In the dull gaze of Zhishan and Xiuye, the Banshee King whizzed and rushed forward, letting go of the hot sun monkey demon Ding Zhishan, letting go of Shuangpin'er Xiuye, but threw down the dung-picking demon Ding Tiehai, the demon king is strong. The surroundings flopped and shook.

As demon mounts, the three flying little demon resting in the distance were stunned.

Why did you go to the pig demon?

Sixteen Niang gave a sip, and screamed at the bewildered Zhishan and Xiuye: "Don't you go further?"

The Gull Demon King has a temperament. After seeing an erotica, he does not know how many shoes to wear when he comes back sober, and he does not know how the iron is transported.

Zhishan and Xiuye ​​greeted the mounts hurriedly, ran away far away, and didn't dare to look anymore.

Half of the witch demon's body was left, whistling and fleeing in the midair of the North Desert, flying straight out for five or six hundred miles, before looking for a dense forest to get in.

This place just dived for a while to recover from the wounds, and the Witch Cube felt satisfied, and a light yellow mist appeared in the dense forest. In front of him, he gathered into a fat monk phantom, but the phantom was extremely bleak, and said to the witch magic: "Donor , Lao Na reciting the scriptures and listening to you, okay?"

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