Deer Demon Race

Chapter 390: Climbing

When the old ape was not at home when he was out, Master once crossed the holy ape mountain and sneaked into the holy rhinoceros valley, and conspired with the old rhino to pit the old ape.

After that, the old monk clone of Lingshan Temple also came in.

In addition to these two gods, for thousands of years, even though they were only a clone, their family would be considered the third human race to enter this valley.

It's just that the time has passed, the Holy Rhinoceros Valley was renamed the White Lion Valley, not to mention, there is also an additional driving ridge in the valley, which the Yaozu regarded as a holy land, and the Humans regarded it as a thorn in the eye.

This clone of my own officially greeted the Sanqi Demon. As a messenger, the White Deer Demon was standing upright. He did not go to the foot of the mountain to meet him. There was no Demon King or Demon Ancestor to greet him. There were only two Demon Gods. Will wait.

Before entering the White Lion Valley, the Sanqi demon who came from the Sacred Ape Mountain abandoned himself and took the lead. Instead, King Danic flew in from Gukou to the foot of Doufengling Mountain. King Danic also turned back and threw him to him. These two demon generals.

The two demon generals waiting to lead the way at the foot of the mountain, one with black eyes and one with black skin, could not see the roots, but now the intelligence of the major parties is the first class and the first attention, Qian Yilu guessed it should be. The Yao Yao Ban Xuan and the Black Tiger Demon Death Ghost under the Dafengling Gate were actually not General Goubao at the Dafengling Mountain.

The monsters do not want to talk to their own courtesy, but on the ride on the ridge, not to mention that Qian Yilu is only the avatar of the Yuan Ying, and the deity comes to him, and there is no capital to play. Behind the famous demon general, step by step climbed to the driving ridge.

This time the avatar entered the core place of the demon race. It was the result of discussions among the monks of Luzhou in Beiju. Of course, the purpose was to trade the waste immortal seed with the spirit root and gather the wishes of the families to act. Linggen's ability, but also willing to take out, the spiritual root is the thing of its origin, and the spiritual energy is added to luck. It has never been met but never asked for. The monsters are willing to sell and they have to burn high incense. No matter how good it is, it’s hard to ask for a good mouth, and bargaining is not a good idea. Everyone knows that this task will fall on the bottom of the reputation and the gods who are not at home. It is not just Xuantian. The reason why Pie and White Lion Valley are close.

If it's not for fear that each family will act separately, it will also be taken advantage of by the monster clan. It would have been avoided for the purpose of collecting the spiritual roots and Hezhou. The Yuan Ying who presided over the foreign affairs is not really idle and nothing to do, Dou Yisheng At least you can pick manure.

For the White Deer Demon that can give birth to spiritual roots, the attitudes of the transformation of gods are also greatly changed. When discussing matters, the foreign affairs Yuan Ying of each family stated that: Knowing that the Xuantian faction had a gambling battle with the White Deer after more than ten years, Regardless of how many calculations there are, you can only be captured alive, not killed, and after the capture is reached, you must hand it over, and Hezhou will take charge of it!

Dou brought the news back with a sigh. The second brother in the foundation period was so angry that his face was dark for a long time. After the third brother returned to the room, he smashed all the objects in his house, but the small thirteen eyes narrowed with a smile, unlike the usual smile. The smile is totally different.

The attitudes of the Huashen sects are the same, not to say that the master is not at home, and he is also at home. However, the elder brother frowned a lot of sadness about the gambling fight more than ten years later.

Since this had to take the journey, Qian Yilu didn't plan to play with flowers, since he could only do it. He just took a trip to the core of the monster clan, and at most spied some secret things and went back.

Therefore, the Yaozu agreed that after he went to Doufengling, he followed the Sanqi Yao before to appreciate the sacred ape mountain scene with a rare state of mind, and then entered the valley and the big salamander monster to enjoy the hundreds of miles of smoke waves in the Rhino Lake.

Sure enough, it is still a completely uninhabited land, and the scenery is more flavorful, looking wild and natural.

Driven Ridge is very tall, but it takes a long time to climb with both legs. On the side of the lake facing the lake, the mountain is full of wild peach trees with lush branches and peaches. I heard that the peaches are sour and unpalatable.

On the mountain path, there are many little monsters going up and down.

Qian Yilu's clone walked slowly, and the two demon generals who led the way did not urge, and also slowed down. Not to mention the little demon who came down the mountain, many of them came up from behind, met with two demon generals who led the way, and glanced at Qian Yilu curiously, ahead of his party.

No matter whether you go up or down the mountain, all you encounter are little monsters. The monsters have mounts, and the monsters can fly by themselves. From this point of view, although the Drifting Ridge is lively, there are few visitors who can climb the mountain.

Everyone has a consensus that the White Deer Demon must be considered an alternative among the demon. It is strict against his own White Lion Valley. It is extremely rare among the demon. No, it is not easy for the spies to enter the valley, let alone go up the mountain to see the truth, the factions can only get some mountain intelligence from the side.

After walking slowly for nearly an hour, I saw the first demonic building in the middle of the mountain, a large and rugged earthen building.

Downstairs, at this time, a famous little demon with scars on his face was holding the rope and shouting proudly: "You spies and monks who have been plagued by plague, the master of the mountain has food and drink, so you should kneel and thank you. Heaven and Earth, dare to choose the fat and the thin? Is it still your home?"

Qian Yilu's spiritual knowledge swept lightly, and it was actually three demon kings who were being cursed by the little demon rope!

Sweeping it carefully, apart from being tied together by a rope through the pipa bone, the three demon kings still have restrictions on their bodies!

Look at the little demon's untransformed legs and chest, it should be a rhinoceros demon; the three demon kings are all unkempt and look withered.

I got the information five years ago. I think it’s the white deer demon's ability to grow further. The number of demon sent to the White Lion Valley to pick Rihua has increased by two thousand, and a hundred little demon have been newly formed on the driving range. This rhino little demon is only obvious The arms should have been changed five years ago.

The three demon kings are prisoners of Doufengling, no wonder the little demon dares to scold!

Look at the tragic appearance of the three demon kings, the time they have been imprisoned is not short. I haven't heard that the demon clan has a civil war. Could it be that they were captured in the battle of Liliyuan? The guardian demon king of Lingshan Temple?

In the Liliyuan war, a demon sage practiced for the Bailu Demon, and took away more than two hundred demon kings regardless of their dignity. Many of them had to get rid of the curse of the poisonous monk, and were dispatched to work at the house of Lao Diao and Lao Xiong. They were also found out.

The one who was detained for Joyride Ridge without cursing the curse was the target of Bailu Demon's practice!

The current ability of the Deer Demon is difficult for others to know, but the demon king prisoners he waits for being detained are so transparent!

The Bailu demon escaped from Lingtao Peak for less than 80 years. The demon from the beginning is now promoted to the demon general, but he can pick up Japanese flowers and describe magical instruments. It is similar to the Three Senior Brothers Avenue, and the magic weapon is easy to get. Being able to train with the Demon King at a higher level shows how powerful it is. Fortunately, Master's foresight, that gambling fight did not arrange the young Seven Outstanding Battles, but was wronged by the second senior brother and downgraded, otherwise there is really no chance of winning!

The seven masters of the year were the top in the foundation building. Thirty years have passed, and two of them have been promoted to the golden core. But now the golden core is cultivated, and they don't know the white deer demon who can still fight the demon general.

The master's arrangement was thought to be safe at the time, but now it seems that the second brother, who is bound by his hands and feet, may not be able to win the victory!

If you can detect one or two furs back, it's good to help the second brother a little bit.

He just had a heartbeat and wanted to calculate. The black tiger demon who led the way had already yelled at the little demon: "Bad of the dog, who told you to bring this kind of plague into this madness? I don't know if there are foreigners going up the mountain?"

After being scolded by the demon general, the scar-faced rhinoceros little demon who was dazzling in front of the demon king discovered this place, was startled, and hurriedly called: "Death...devil general, I...I don't know..."

If you want to come, the name of the Scarfaced Rhinoceros demon is called Soft Egg, and the other Yao Demon will stare over, and also curse: "Hurry up and go back to the Demon Ancestor Cave. Don't be an eyesore here. I will call you Soft Egg to be hot tomorrow!"

The two demon generals were not stupid, and they berated the little demon for pulling away the demon king's prisoners, just to guard against their own family!

If you break a clone, the soul will always be damaged. Qian Yilu doesn't want to go back and forth with the master clone for the first time on the ride. Seeing that the little rhinoceros really took the three prisoners and left, he had to give up.

I have formally asked to see me, and the news should have reached this place long ago, but the little demon who came and went normally and the heavy prisoners who should have been hiding in Doufengling, all explained one thing-my Yuan Ying was separated from the mountain, and the demon clan was not there at all. Seriously, it's normal to be folded on the mountain!

The fourth brother Ma is still alive, and his special way of killing his life is the most appropriate thing to do.

Collecting waste immortal seeds and selling spiritual roots will give you a three-inch tongue, and you can't change a little bit ~ It can only be decided by the white deer!

Picking up his frustration, Qian Yilu followed the two demon generals, and then moved forward along the stone ladder.

By the side of the small water pool that I met again, there is another sturdy pavilion, which is a bit elegant, but after a careful sweep, before the surrounding wild peach trees, there is a mysterious high-grade purple wolfberry, and there are seven or eight mysterious middle-grade spiritual plants next to it. , Piled together, the worst apricot tree is also Huang Shangpin.

So many high-level spiritual plants are planted together, although there is no place level, the aura that needs to be consumed is also a huge amount. There are only a hundred spiritual roots in the wild peach tree, which should not be able to supply it, but the driving range is rich in aura. The degree is stronger than that of the Taoist Palace of the Xuantian Sect fifty years ago, and these spirit plants are looking good.

The peaches are planted in the mountains in front of the driving range, and plums are planted in the back mountains. The Daozu fruit cores sold by the human race have the most waste. The white deer demon has the ability to turn waste into treasure. A large number of plum trees have their spiritual roots hidden in the back mountains, I don’t know. Have a chance to take a look and estimate the quantity.

Leading by the two demon generals, they walked straight to the connected large holes before they reached the ground.

There is a big hole in the center, and the word "Holy Hole" on the top. The font is rare in the monster race. Of course, it is only correct.

There is a stone bench in front of the gate of the holy cave. The several demon saints who have been seated have all been seen in Liliyuan. The one holding a monkey baby in his hand is the great old ape who moves the mountain; the white feather coat is now in charge of the North Desert. The jade claw big sage old carving; the small round face with yellow robe is the tide big sage old yellow croaker; the beautiful woman with the phoenix hairpin in the high bun is the Fenyan big sacred old phoenix bird.

After the demon saint, the last was the green-robed demon ancestor who rushed to the first place. The white-robed demon ancestor next to the Sanqi demon, thought to be Bai Ze who escaped from Lingshan Temple, the identity of the demon ancestor.

Behind Bai Ze, on the stone bench, was the white deer demon in a white robe with words, the landlord of Baishi Valley Driven Ridge.

There are actually four demon saints here, so does the demon clan pay attention to this trip? Still don't care?

Qian Yilu's avatar was a little confused.

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