Deer Demon Race

Chapter 396: bet

Body 396. Bet

In the direction of Sacred Ape Mountain, the same huge one-legged Sacred Ape appeared, and sneered at this side: "What can I say? Just come in!"

Disgusting replied: "You can't promise, how can Zhongchun and I be a guest? You are more capable. If you don't, take the White Deer Demon out and find another place for a gambling?"

Not as good as the old ape, but he hates it but is righteous!

The huge face of the holy monkey sneered: "It's the gambling you waited for the monks to make an appointment. You don't have the courage, just let it go, what's the worth?"

The spiritual root is related to the six races' aura, because it is getting less and less. How many tens of thousands of years have there been no creatures that have ascended to the heavens? On this basis, the various gods will not allow the Bailu Demon to be killed.

Daoxuan was not there. Originally, he wanted to fight a life-and-death battle with the Bailu Demon and get back the lost Taoist books at the minimum cost. The Bailu Demon's life was just an extra addition. But under the current situation, the original purpose is no longer important. However, in addition to carrying out other calculations on the demon race through this matter, you can also observe the white deer demon up close, plus the benefits of capturing him alive. There is a need to keep going.

The bets and participants were all dispatched by Xuantian, and the result of the gambling battle was a complete failure. Others were not compromised. You only need to think carefully, don't calculate the demon clan, and trap the leader of the Huashen.

Among the Yuan Ying of the Xuantian School, all of them were newly promoted after their first birthday in the Yuan Dynasty after they moved to Luzhou in Beiju. Although Lei Zhenmen had an old friendship with him, he did not know He Yilei, who was ignorant of common affairs before Zhongchun. It wasn't until Dao Xuan came to ask and spread out all the calculations that he realized that Yuan Ying was playing to build the foundation. Apart from scolding Dao Xuan Yin to be shameless, how could he not have hope of capturing the White Deer Demon alive?

He Yilei’s repair base was cut to the foundation-building stage. The Nascent Soul and the Golden Core have all disappeared, but the strong soul, the Nascent Soul, and the vision experience are not the demon generals and foundations with a lifespan of two or three hundred years. Comparable, you can break through to the golden core at any time, so what kind of ability does the White Deer Demon have to be able to win?

Among the ancient monster races, is there such a powerful monster?

It is said that the Bailu demon has sharp magical powers and can solve the curse of the old monk of Lingshan Temple. When he is captured alive, the thought curse is estimated to be invalid, but the worst result is that even if the demon group goes crazy and the monks can't resist it, they can use him to change it. Back countless benefits!

If you can hold it in your hand, how many spiritual roots can you grow with a threat?

Even for He Yilei’s prisoners of war, Lei Zhenmen and Yuxiaomen had the closest relationship, and they paid the most for the Xuantian faction. Will they earn less?

Daoxuan is not at home, so if he is not afraid of hurting his friendship, it is not impossible to **** the White Deer Demon from He Yilei's hands!

The words of the holy ape fell, and Zhongchun, who had not shown the law, passed his voice over: "Pan Dao heard that the demon clan regards the white deer demon as a savior that should be robbed. Fighting with others at the same level? Only hiding in the White Lion Valley, is it a savior of paper? If this is the case, you can give up the gambling!"

This is the simplest radical general, but it has always been effective for the monster race. The old Ape Faxiang suddenly roared unanimously: "Two prodigal dogs, the courage was scared by grandfather a long time ago. They didn't dare to go into the mountains.

On this old lion land occupied by the Xuantian Sect, in the great battle that year, although the holy ape was not lightly wounded, but the master of Daoxuan was killed, hatred, Zhongchun was frightened and fled, on this point, I really can't talk in front of the old ape.

When the old ape mentioned the record of the year, he hated and Zhongchun could not hear it!

The monks pay attention to the cultivation of the heart, naturally they can bear it, but the violent demons are easy to be agitated. The white deer demons with high hopes from the demon saints, even the monks of the same rank dare not fight, how much prestige will be wiped out. ? How much is the benefit of Nikka body tempering worth looking forward to?

In that side of the world, there is a slightly smaller Faxiang appearing.

The later appearance was a handsome and extraordinary white demon. He looked at the appearance of a fairy, but it was only the cultivation base of the demon ancestor. He interrupted the old ape’s grumpy roar and said, "My holy ape master, come in. stop!"

In addition to the old Tao Yao looking west, who else would dare to interrupt the old ape?

Today's gambling battle is important, there is only the old ape in the holy monkey mountain, a demon saint? Then there are those who speak again, and they will not have the turn of the demon ancestor!

Zhong Chun frowned and asked softly, "Which one is this?"

After all, Lei Zhenmen had only first arrived in the continent, and soon moved to the sea area occupied by the original Antarctic Palace, and no longer bordered the monsters on the land. It is normal for him to be uncomfortable with the news here.

Zhang Yifu replied: "According to the description of the demon slave, it should be the Baize who has escaped from Lingshan Temple. He seldom turns his head, and it is normal for the seniors to not know it!"

Bai Ze, who had walked away from Lingshan Temple, was speaking for the Bailu demon in this way?

The White Deer Demon also has the right to speak in front of the demon saint?

Zhongchun didn't say a word, and said with hatred: "Old Ape, you swear by the way of heaven, the demon saints in the holy ape mountain will not take any action, I will come in when I wait!"


Without waiting for the holy ape to speak, Bai Ze Faxiang smiled strangely: "I was supposed to restrain the hands and feet of the holy masters who watched the battle. The cheap monks are calculating elsewhere? My holy masters, please beware of home!"

The last sentence was sent to Shiyeli, and the voice shook the sky.

Today's gambling fight involves the general trend of the two races of shemales and monsters, so calculation and guard are indispensable, and it is normal to be pierced by Bai Ze.

Over there, the old ape didn’t know whose guidance he could get. Faxiang stared at this side and screamed: "My old ape will swear by the way of heaven, to keep the monks safe today, regardless of the outcome of the gambling battle, all the monster races in the holy ape mountain will not take action. Intervene, if the Bailu Demon Hundred Treasures are defeated, bet on the twenty-four Taoist books such as Yuxu Ancestor Huangjing and Dutianshen Lei Decomposition to the winner on the spot. If you violate this oath, you will be destroyed by the sky!"

After tasting the old ape's oath several times, he was suddenly vigilant in his hatred: "In addition to the two characters Yaozu, today is also his trap!"

He Yilei is the body of Yuan Ying, and the white deer monster body walks the road of the ancient monster race. Although the realm is low, it is not simple. The life and death battle is really launched, and the result may not be separated within a day. The gambling fight is dragged in the holy ape mountain, and the time limit for the old ape to swear has passed, still not letting it go?

The word "demon clan" is even more convincing, is there only a strong monster clan in Sacred Ape Mountain? Among the creatures of the six races, apart from anything else, the old ape’s command also has a thunder monster that is comparable to the demon ancestor, and it is not within the scope of the old ape’s oath!

Nowadays, the monster race has a lot of twists and turns!

After discussing with Zhongchun's secret words, he hated and responded: "The old ape renewed his vow, the time limit is not only today, and the race is not limited to the monster race!"

Simple verbal traps can only be normal if you don't get rid of the gods. The holy ape snorted a few times, then reopened his vows, and then let the hatred swear by the way of heaven.

The demon saints and the gods of both parties swear by the way of heaven. If there is any violation, they will be induced by the way of heaven. This is the prerequisite for a fair gambling battle.

Hate an oath honestly, and also not to interfere in the life-and-death gambling battle, if He Yilei loses, the bet is handed over to the opponent, and if he violates, he is willing to be killed by God.

Compared with the old ape, hatred did not play tricks with words, but the Yaozu also did not believe it. It took a long time for the old ape to speak again: "Where are you waiting for the bet?"

Zhang Yifu bowed and said, and then he answered the other side aloud: "With the top characters, the Dao ancestor trees and ten high-grade Xuan high-grade plants are still in the Xuantian Taoist Palace. It won’t be more than a day!"


Borrowing a certain pheasant demon to send back and forth letters, Daoxuan and Bailu demon finally agreed that the bet that the Xuantian faction had put out was a promising Dao ancestor tree, and there were also ten high-level mysterious plants with top characters. nine.

But Daoxuan was not at home. Before the gambling battle, Yuan Yishou, the principal, thought, as long as He Yilei defeated, Lingzhi would not have to dig out, and he would suffer some damage after replanting.

I was robbed only fifty years ago. It is not easy to be a poor family. You should learn from the master, and save if you can.

After hearing the words of hatred, the old ape method was quite "pooh", and did not give this convenience: "It is said that you can pay on the spot, and your family can't take a bet? Do you know a shame?"

This is indeed the Xuantian school's little family, think about it with hatred and frown, and said to Zhongchun: "Please go for a while!"

It was 20,000 li from the border to the Xuantian Taoist Palace. Zhongchun Lei escaped very quickly and could arrive in a moment.

Zhongchun went to take a bet, and the three brothers and sisters of Detest and Zhang Yifu waited at the border first.

In the Xuantian School, Yuan Yishou’s perception was not much worse than that of Huashen. The dialogue between the two parties on the boundary was naturally heard. Knowing that he could not go around, he called a few Jindan disciples and put the eleven spirits together. The plants are dug out.

When Zhongchun arrived and saw the bet taken by the Xuantian faction, the Huashen couldn't help but curse: "Dao Xuan, this unscrupulous man, will only deceive people! He hides his own clean and only calls me and hate him. Scolded?"

This senior has helped Xuantian faction quite a lot. Hearing his cursing, Yuan Yishou didn't dare to argue, but was silent.

His family’s bet was that the Taoist ancestor tree, which was originally a middle-ranked Taoist tree, had actually degraded too much, and now it was only a low-rank Xuan, and it was worse than the other ten high-rank mysterious plants!

After the robbery, there were two Taoist ancestor trees that the Xuantian Sect had exchanged from Xumi Mountain Continent, but they were all degraded.

The Xuantian high grade is naturally retained by the Xuantian faction, and the bet taken by UU Reading www.uukā is only the Xuantian low grade.

No wonder Yuan Yishou wants to pay the bet only after the result of the gambling battle. This Lingzhi does have the hope of being a middle-class plant, which is in line with the previously stated bet. year!

Daoxuan did not breach the contract, but seeing such a bet, how much contempt and ridicule did the Yaozu give?

The face of the gods will be embarrassed to the end!

Daoxuan, the exhausted goods, hides cleanly, and it will be Abomination and Zhongchun that will be poked at that time!

Swearing, Yuan Yishou didn't answer at all. This was the bargaining chip Xuantian sent to deal with the gambling fight. He could no longer change the result. Zhongchun had no choice but to take eleven spiritual plants and flee back to the border.

Sure enough, the bet was in the hands of the Faxiang. After the old ape saw it clearly, he opened his mouth and sneered again, and the most ugly words were uttered.

Zhongchun said impatiently: "If you want to scold, just do whatever you want in front of Daoxuan, don't talk to us!"

The lower grade of Xuan is far from the middle grade of the earth, but Daoxuan did not breach the contract. The lady of the holy ape is a kind and able to regulate the spiritual plant. As long as the aura is abundant, the ancestor tree can rise to the middle grade of the earth sooner or later. Mrs. Xu was speaking through the voice, and the holy ape method stopped yelling, and after a while, he opened his mouth and called in.

The place of the engagement was on Hongfeng Mountain where the original Luoxiaguan was located. It was only three thousand miles away from the border. With the two gods working hand in hand, there were really traps and it was easier to escape.

If not, how can Hate and Zhongchun dare to help?

If you are not in your own realm, you have only a thousand miles of the sense of the gods, carrying a yuan infant and two foundations, and within the range, hatred and Zhongchun discovered that there are not many demon saints on the mountain, only three, demon There are more than ten ancestors.

:. : M.x

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