Deer Demon Race

Chapter 397: Outer room

Body 397. Outer room

In the early summer, the maple forest on Hongfeng Mountain is all green, not its most beautiful scenery.

For this gambling fight, the demons on the Red Maple Mountain actually came to a lot, and the black crowd squeezed a large area.

In addition to the one-legged old apes, there are two other demon saints, the great barren mountain old osprey and the old yellow croaker that can stop spontaneously exploding.

When the two demon sages were there, there were many demon ancestors. Outside West Looking and Baize, there were all the sacred ape mountain demon ancestors, such as Twenty-One, Wuyi, and Zhuyu. In addition, there were several demon tribes in the wild mountains and the sea.

Abomination and Zhongchun will pay attention to the demon saint demon ancestor, and in the large number of demon crowds, they will only look at the conspicuous white robe demon general with characters.

Ignored by the two great cultivators as the background, there is also a large group of Demon Kings, headed by two dragon girls, Sixteen Niangs and Seventeen Niangs, and the rest of Lulu, Huanghuaniang, King Asura, King Shanyang, and Jin King Yu, King Ding Jia, King Rhinoceros Huanyue and so on.

There are more demon generals, depending on the deer demon king's skills, such as Yaoyao, Shishi, Tongjing, etc., not to mention Qingluo, Tianxiang, Dajiao, Powan, Goubao, Yuanxiang, Biyan from the White Lion Valley , Banxuan, Bandian, Dead Ghost, Laowen, Jiugao and so on. In addition, there are twenty-one ancestors in the land boundary, such as the Tashi Mountain Elm Demon won the General, Pingdingshan Night Owl, the former Wanhua Valley surrounding Firefox, not greedy and so on.

The demon and the little demon further down, the Xiuye, Zhishan, Langlang, and Yuzhu who are here to stay alive are all the demon of Sacred Ape Mountain. Among them, this year is far behind and plans to go to Lao Xiong Naxi Li. There were also those who participated in the war in the realm who had earned their lives from the front after a ten-year battle of life and death. In order to see the Great White Deer General’s gambling battle agreed upon fifty years ago, some even caught up to thousands of miles away.

The demon saints and demon ancestors were sitting around in the dilapidated pavilion, and Hate and Zhongchun brought three juniors to land on a large stone flat. When they fell, the demon and little demon consciously stepped back and let the demon general and the demon The king and the demon ancestors stepped forward.

The pavilion and Dashiping are the remnants of the Zixia Temple, and they are now dilapidated. There are half-person-high weeds growing in the cracks of the stones, and there are collapsed and half-collapsed walls everywhere.

After the encirclement, the Great Demon General Bailu immediately focused not on the black charcoal-headed opponent, but the last female cultivator wearing a blue robes and a high hair bun.

She is now a foundation-building monk. She hasn't seen her for more than 90 years. She is not old at all. She does not know whether it is a psychological effect or a memory deviation. The delicate skin is more radiant than before, not to mention her appearance and figure. Is there anything like a village girl?

Gu Zhang Mei glanced over, then looked away, and swept over Huang Huaniang and the two dragon girls. According to the information passed by the demon slave, she immediately locked the Seventeen Niang in a silver fir and looked up and down.

Correspondingly, Seventeen Niang looked at Mei Gu fiercely regardless of others.

After looking at each other for a while, Aunt Zhang Mei bends her knees slightly and salutes away.

The Seventeenth Mother was startled, and wanted to return the same gift, but she was grabbed by the Sixteenth Mother next to her.

The female ghost Zixia is not outside. Behind the seventeenth mother, Qingluo, dressed in neon clothes, has a slightly bulging cheek, suffocating her breath; her dazzling face makes the male demon keep looking away and dare not look directly at Tian Xiang's face. Smile is not a smile.

Huang Huaniang with her arms akimbo stood beside Qingluo, staring at Mei Gu like an enemy. She was also a jealous concubine in Master Lu Dong. In fact, the smile in her eyes could hardly be hidden. After gambling with life and death, she even wanted to see Bai Lu Yao's backyard on fire and burnt.

Landing on the ground, He Yilei still closed his eyes, regardless of his external affairs; but Zhang Yifu's eyes were like a knife, only plucked on the body of the White Deer Demon.

The two sides were enemies. Before they took an oath three thousand miles away, they waited until they were in front of him. They had nothing to say. They hated the divine consciousness and searched carefully for a few times. Without noticing the trap, they said, "Old ape, this place is very wide. Your demon crowd stepped back a little bit, and then started a fight?"


The blocking sound came from Zhang Meigu, and Xuantian sent the Xiao Shisan Chong to bow his hatred and said, "Poverty is presumptuous, please forgive me, senior!"

Daoxuan's servant had a lot of calculations, and it was obviously not related to the gambling fight to bring this female disciple Zhuji, and there was no dissatisfaction with hatred, so she nodded to her and just said.

With permission, Mei Gu turned to a certain great demon general and lightly opened her lips: "It has been ninety-four years and eleven months, my husband!"




With a cry, the monsters and monks in the mountains changed their colors!

Yuan Xiang, who had spent a short time under the mountain temple in Pojiao Cunshan, was so enlightened; Big Horn and Painted Snake stood on tiptoes, with regrets that have only been seen so far; the good show finally kicked off, Huang Hua Niang Yaoyao and Yaoyao laughed out loudly, both gloating, the former is obvious, the latter knows that the demon is not easy to converge somehow; the black and white half mysterious eyes turn sharply, thinking about how to call this woman in the future Monk; the dead ghost is more courageous, guessing that this is also a female bodhisattva; Qingluo is holding a black-bone lancet, but she is still a little uncertain. Today's big scene, the grandma in charge has not spoken, whether it is to chop the white deer demon, or Cut the shameless nun!

Afraid of being sent to the realm of the monks, the small hill hiding in Goubao's ears stomped his feet in anxious manner, and did not dare to show up to see the sister-in-law who suddenly appeared.

In addition to knowing the ancestor Bai Ze smiling, more white lion valley demon eyeballs can't help but float towards the Dragon Girl Sixteenth Mother, looking forward to her next attack.

On the monk's side, the two transfiguration gods had been practicing for a long time, and they only pretended not to hear, but Zhang Yifu was speechless, and He Yilei also opened his eyes and glanced.

Both Zhang Yifu and He Yilei were born within a thousand years. They have not even survived the second catastrophe, but they are also over nine hundred years old. Like hate and Zhongchun, it can be seen that Xiao Shisan is still a young child. , Just because she was surprised at her disregard of her reputation and the martial art.

The corners of Bailu Yao's eyes twitched, and for some reason he resisted the urge to turn his head to look at Seventeen Niang, and scratched his head twice, before stupidly saying: "Uh! Long time ago, I don't want to see you again in this life! This...the name... ..."

Most of the dragon girls are virtuous outside, but the seventeenth mother must really want to use the evil dragon pestle, only with my old deer's current ability, really start again, although it is difficult to win the dragon palace female demon king, but she will not lose , Let alone promote the Demon King after the war, Rilong does not bring a bag, don’t be afraid!

The skill is getting better, and he is not afraid of being guilty of being a bit guilty.

My wife is here, what is going on with Mei Gu?

If you want to continue the frontier, you can't find a secluded place first?

At the time of parting, he still took into account the difference between the shemales, and was afraid that my old deer would ruin her Zhangjiamen style, and before the bridal chamber, why did you call my husband?

Do you still hate me for marrying the monster **** family?

As if not understanding how much trouble the Deer Deer had caused by this sound, and regardless of the astonishment of the mountain monsters and the monks, Zhang Meigu smiled on her face: "Back then, I only thought of one side. Test, I can’t turn around, and I’m going to be entangled again! My husband thinks I don’t know, because of you, now I have worshipped the door wall of the Xuantian School, and the master’s name is Daoxuan!"

"When the head of Heming Guan Jindan went to see at the Xuantian Taoist Palace, he slapped a few big slaps. The fat Taoist who framed my family has not been able to break through to build the foundation, but an old Qi refiner was taken by the head of his family. Bring it to me together, seeing that his life is running out, and I don’t really want him to pay for it. I just want to smash my teeth and forget my father’s grudges. Back then, I wanted to find justice by myself, but I didn’t know how to turn around. , It's still the light of Mr. Zhanhu, and the power of the Xuantian faction!"

"In my door, the master and the senior brothers said that no matter what the original intention, they treat me sincerely now. They have a lot of skills. I am a stupid, lower realm, and I can't help me, so I thought, anyway. If you are confused, you should be ashamed of your father and recognize you as your husband! If you are a master and brother, since you treat me sincerely, it is not easy to make Xiao Thirteen a widow. If not, Aunt Mei will go desperately with him!"

"My husband already has a gangster on Doufengling Ridge, I will not fight with her. Back then, under the mountain temple, my husband told other demons, I am your outer room, and if you say it is not fake, Zhang Meigu is your outer room, but Only settle in the Xuantian Sect. If your husband wants to get close, he still has to come to the Xuantian Taoist Palace!"

The "outer room" was originally mentioned by Fushan, who was accompanied by Demon King Filling B’s order to monitor his going out. Before he escaped from the boundary of Filling B, he also lied on this excuse, but he never said it in person. Think it's Feng Feng that is chewing his tongue in front of her?

Thinking about this, Bai Lu Yao did not deny it, but smiled wryly: "I'm drawing a cake again! How can my old Lu go to Xuantian Taoist Palace?"

This thick-skinned sigh was incapable of coming to Xuantian Taoist Palace, and the purpose was self-evident. After ninety-five years, he hadn't forgotten that!

Suddenly, Zhang Meigu Hongxia appeared on her face, and her courage faded only flew out and rolled her eyes.

Mei Gu was speechless, and Zhang Yifu answered the question from behind: "Mo Ziqian! Didn't you enter my family Taoist palace fifty years ago?"

At that time, the person in charge of your family did not expect the demon clan to move towards unity, let alone imagine that the extremist and strong old ape would join forces with other demon saints to save the child, and he was not vigilant!

Now, I have to take my time and look for opportunities!

As the Bailu Demon's thoughts were flying, Zhang Yifu asked Mei Gu again: "Do you still have something to say, Xiao Thirteen? How else would you say something for your brother?"

After being urged by him, Aunt Zhang Mei opened her mouth again: "On the way here, the second brother had promised to not take the life of her husband. He is a believer, and there is no need for Mei Gu to ask for it. It is me who is fighting against the gambling today. Second brother, he is willing to treat Aunt Mei with my sincere heart, and I should also sincerely respect my brother, regardless of the winning or losing bet. If the husband wins, please raise your hands high and not take his life!"

He Yilei squinted, and there is something in Xiao Thirteenth, although Bai Lu Yao has little chance of winning, but he still saves his life for his black charcoal head; if he does not follow the arrangements of the hatred and Zhongchun, and will take the life of Bai Lu Yao, She shouldn't be a brother to respect?

If you don't be respectful brothers, then you must be an enemy!

After Bai Lu Yao defeats her own family, will she also turn against Bai Lu Yao?

It really involves personal affair, which is closer and farther, how can she be inconclusive in her heart?

Although Xiao Thirteen is just a foundation-building monk, don't worry too much, but it seems that the difference between the original intention of the master's calculation of accepting her and entering the door is not small?

Well, there are so many changes in this gambling fight, but in fact, it has long been out of Master's calculations.

Zhang Meigu finished speaking and did not wait for Bailu Demon to ask further questions. She took a step back and called back: "Little sister has finished speaking, please come to the third brother!"

:. : M.x

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