Deer Demon Race

Chapter 398: Punish

Only Seventeen Niang understood the meaning of Zhang Meigu's previous ceremony.

The so-called outside room is not a serious **** family, but a woman raised by a male demon. Because the **** family is vicious, it is not uncommon among the monsters, but she is also the grandma of the family within one-third of one acre of land.

This female monk is not used to go for a ride in the mountains, and the previous ceremony is already regarded as a courtesy to see a housewife for the first time!

Zhang Meigu's words of great courage caused whispers among the monster group, and all the Daofengling monsters were guessing that grandma would go crazy on the spot, and then Dufengpingdang could become lively again.

Among the monks, Zhang Yifu cared about the enemies of his own avenue, and could not care about anything else. Zhang Meigu stepped back and he asked loudly: "Baubao, you are just a monster clan. Since the self-hua demon, you would like to swallow blood and eat meat. How can you really love it? Six peoples?"

Is it possible to tell you that Lao Tzu used to be a human being and was dragged into this world by Fuxi?

Not much to say, the demon Bailu replied coldly: "The creatures of the six races worship the sun, the moon, and the stars, but I haven't seen the three lights treat the demon alone! My old deer's avenue, I feel from the three lights!"

Bai Lu Yao spoke solemnly, with no flaws in his face, but Zhang Yifu didn't believe it at all.

Only the practice of the Yaozu is related to the three lights of the sun, the moon, and the stars! Other creatures are illuminated by the Three Lights, who can use it to practice? Why doesn't Sanguang love the monster race?

Bai Lu Yao's words are all loopholes!

Let Zhang Yifu's teeth tickle, wishing to slap this most hated demon to death!

The White Deer Demon is the enemy of Zhang Yifu's Dao, but on the other hand, Zhang Yifu, the Nascent Soul cultivator's Dao, does not pose any threat to the White Deer Demon, so he dare to be unscrupulous in front of him!

The Yuan Ying monk is much higher than the Demon General, but the White Deer Demon is his great enemy. Before he can surely kill with a single blow, the Great Demon General is in front of him, and Zhang Yifu dare not use any magic methods. Because as soon as he makes a move, he may be taken away by the Dao Fuyun contained in his spiritual energy. If it is serious, he will even corrupt the Dao Xin, causing his cultivation base to fall drastically!

Not to mention today, from the time he knew the existence of the enemy of the Great Dao, Zhang Yifu didn't want to kill him all the time, how could he ever have a chance? Regardless of whether the Holy Ape Mountain moved to the top of the mountain, Mrs. Xiwang, who was in the same realm, was enough to make Zhang Yifu's mind hardened.

The human race is excellent by calculation, but the two sides are already deadly enemies, how can the demon race be unprepared? During the battle between Bailu Demon and Luoxiaguan disciple Zixia on the edge of the lost forest, Hanchan was afraid to wake up the old ape and did not dare to help. After that, there was no chance. Master Taoxuan Shenzhi took a trip and was beaten. Extinguish!

When Daofengling is moved to the White Lion Valley, it is 30,000 miles away from the Xuantian Taoist Palace. Not to mention many demon guards, there is the Beihai Longgong Yue Family who provides guards against Yuan Ying and transforming gods and avatars. The Asuras, the monsters with jade bones to identify creatures, patrol day and night. The White Deer also has the magical power to purify the divine consciousness. It is strictly guarded against the copper wall and iron wall. Inquiry about the news, how to calculate?

More than ten years ago, there was indeed a demon slave who was talented and not afraid to check the gods and got into the White Lion Valley, but unfortunately, after entering, he lost surveillance, and he didn’t know how to find a secret way. He wanted to see the ancestors and sell himself. Roots, please Bailu Mountain Lord to purify the thought curse, get free body, and then leave the Xuantian Sect and live in the White Lion Valley.

Since then, the gate has no longer asked the demon slaves to enter the White Lion Valley, and the demon sacred orders have been spread again among the demon clan. All the demon traitors who have been enchanted by the Cultivation Curse and the Lingshan Temple Crossing Curse, Sacred Ape Mountain, Xili, and Beihai The octopus demon king can be found everywhere to lift the control, forcing the monks to step up their control of the demon slaves sent abroad.

Today, with the two transforming gods to this point, it is the first time to have a face-to-face conversation with the White Deer Demon.

Taking a long breath, Zhang Yifu shouted out the words that had been holding back the demon spirit of Bailu for many years: "It can be seen that the goddess of the ancient sky also loved all living beings, and now not only the demon clan blames her, but also herself. Hate has made a big mistake for my clan, and I have been in the heavens for thousands of years. Dao heart is covered in dust. It is rare to make progress in cultivation. It has stopped for thirty-one days!"

Empress Nuwa is indeed the pain of the demon race for thousands of years. In today's world, only the human race still pays tribute to this sky demon. The demon race has no good feelings when mentioning her. , Sneered and said: "The first step is Yuan Ying, but I know more about the heavens than I do! Dao ancestors, Buddhas and others, or the younger generation of Nuwa Empress, she does not climb for thirty-three days, which is because of difficulties in cultivation. More progress? Isn't it his own unwillingness? My old deer walked my road by himself, and he has no regrets in this life!"

After a short pause, the demon Bai Lu continued: "If Empress Nüwa regrets creating humans in the past, making the five tribes difficult now, when it's really difficult, why don't you just leave it alone?"

It’s not difficult to brag. It’s not difficult to say that it can broaden the heart of the mountain monster race, and my old deer is involved with Daneng Fuxi. The two celestial powers are in the same family. The probability of Nuwa Empress hearing this is not Not small!

Zhang Yifu couldn’t shake the heart of the White Deer Dao. He Yilei, who was like a black charcoal head, stepped forward: "White Deer, you are connected to the prosperity and decline of the family. If you lose to my hands today, the demon’s aura will surely fall sharply. !"

The transforming gods are not allowed to kill this white deer demon, but before the gambling is not hindered, the two Yuan Ying cultivators punish him!

It may be able to weaken some combat power!

"Ha ha!"

Also a disciple of Dao Xuan, Zhang Meigu called him the second senior brother, then this black servant was also the cultivation base of Yuan Ying before!

For today's battle, so much money?

What a shameless old man!

Against this black charcoal head, you can't be careless today!

The ancestor Bai Ze said that the old miscellaneous hair was forging a big killer in Jiuyou, and he does not return at this moment. I think it is indeed a hot killer. The best defense may be to break the Xuantian Taoist palace before then. , And grab Daoxuan's body again!

The secret warning in his heart, the white deer demon was unmoved on his face, only pointed at the black demon crowd on the top of Hongfeng Mountain, and shouted: "My old deer doesn't hide privately on weekdays, nor does he have the view of a monk in this life. What he learned is all willing to pass on to the monsters of the same clan. He has the ability to gather sun in the sun, and draw amulet, but he also retains the method of refinement. He thinks about billions of monsters in the world. Each is different, so there are no more special cases? So my old deer died here, and these two abilities have to be cut off!"

Immediately, he yelled again: "Yaoyao!"

Having screamed under the peach stick for decades, Yaoyao jumped up like a conditioned reflex, and asked loudly, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Tell this monk, what would you like if your brother died in battle today, or was defeated and captured?"

Being stared at by so many demons, recalling the thousand years of being captured by the Xuantian cultivator, the little saint Yaoyao also surged in blood for a while, fierce and fierce, and replied in anger: "Then go back to Yuanshan Mountain, so you can live a life. Once Xi has grown up, come and kill him clean!"

"Big Horn!"

The demon of the Jiaofengling Family Division was excited, and replied loudly, "I'm here!"

"If my old deer died here today, what do you want?"

The bull demon rubbed his nose: "Wait for the complete deer banquet. Since returning to the mountain field, if you have a chance, the monks of his family will all catch the banquet and give you a meal!"

He was only a demon general, and Bai Lu demon did not ask the demon king present. Yaoyao and Dajiao had replied, and he turned to He Yilei: "My old deer is just a demon general. He has a little accomplishment and is worthwhile. Why? If you are defeated or captured today, how can it be a weak demon clan?"

The conversation turned: "Dao Xuan's miscellaneous hairs made you, the Nascent Infant, come to fight the demon general! My Lao Lu also asked, such shameless calculations are ahead, if you still lose, the pass will go out, human monk How do you see?"


He Yilei sneered twice and said boldly: "If I lose, I will..."

"If he loses, he will find the opportunity to calculate and come back. It can be seen that since the ancient times, my human race has risen, how many bumps have gone through? The great trend of heaven will end in the human race. Sooner or later, when you hold your beast, how can you care about temporary victory or defeat?"

But it was hatred and didn't want He Yilei to talk to death, and interrupted aloud.

Over there, the holy monkey looked back at the old osprey and the old yellow croaker with a loud voice: "A nest of soft-footed bullshit, apart from conspiracy calculations, how can you have any abilities?"

The old osprey and the old yellow croaker laughed.

The monks looked down on the monsters and silly, and the monsters looked down on the monks' lack of courage. They had been doing this for thousands of years.

The previous words were interrupted by the senior, and He Yilei stopped mentioning it. He took a step forward: "Then fight?"

The two antlers that originated from "defoaming and transposition" many years ago are nothing more than the little demon's body and cannot be used for fighting. At both ends of the demon group, prepare for emergency.

The white deer demon has grown into a nourishing dragon's horns and grown into and reproduced and tempered the thunder halberd made of antlers for many years. Later, watch my old deer fight Yuanying today!"

The Bailu Mountain masters attacked the sun in a large-scale group, and the demon sage and the demon ancestors were afraid that they would not be able to protect them.

Zhang Yifu also took Zhang Meigu back the same distance.

The White Deer Demon Thunder Ji in the middle of the field pointed out He Yi Lei, and sternly shouted: "Come on! Look at you with high mana, or my old deer with great powers!"

He Yilei nodded, and then the black Tantou disappeared in place instantly!

A long thunder light smashed the white deer demon straight from the place where he stood before!

The first blow in the opening is not something that ordinary foundation-building monks can have!

"Lei Dun!"

Not to mention that the light of thunder can break the enemy and hurt the enemy, but He Yilei himself is also hidden in the thunder, attacking with the light of thunder.

Soon enough that the creatures at the base-building and demon general level can't find the body of the black charcoal head!

Among the group of demon ancestors, the Thunder Monster Yaoyu yelled: "It's a hot Japanese guy!"

Bailu demon didn't avoid it, his eyes closed slightly until the thunder light struck him, and the thunder halberd with his right hand slammed it down!

The halberd teeth surrounded by thunder and lightning are also very cold. These years, they have been tempered by the white deer to be sharp enough. Not to mention, the magical function of the superimposed head is "breaking the armor". In, it will be enough for He Yilei!

He Yilei was invisible, Baibao didn't notice him, but he had the magical power "to ward off evil spirits" learned from Long Twenty Lang, and he could sense the full of maliciousness hidden somewhere in the thunder light, that is the black charcoal head!

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