Deer Demon Race

Chapter 402: Foresee

He Yilei stood in the air, raised his hand and flew out with a beam of lightning, and shot the white deer demon from a long distance, but he did not start the "Thunder Dunk" and leaned over.

The Bailu Demon didn't fly to the sky to fight in the air, and he didn't go down to the ground to follow the opponent's plan.

Heitantou was not afraid of melee combat, but the white demon Mingyan was about to run out. This new demon king couldn’t match the speed. He was afraid of air combat and refused to leave his thunderstorm range. Of course, he had more advantages in fighting. Not to mention the continuous damage caused by the soul of the gods, delay for a while, and wait until the duration of the white deer demon's magical powers expires, the ring of four calamities can return.攫攝攫

If you can't tell the victory or defeat in a short time, you must slowly accumulate your advantage.

With this little effort, the aura of heaven and earth rushing towards the white deer demon finally reduced, and the demon pill formed in the body had become the size of a fist, spinning around in the middle dantian.

Easily dodge the thunder light, secretly complaining that the promotion has not been able to obtain new magical powers, the deer demon put away the thunder halberd, and threw a big golden brick to the golden core monk in mid-air.

The gold bricks thrown with the magical power of "Quick Stone" flew fast and eagerly. If the Xinghui had been tempered, if it were not for the character overlay, it would not be easy for He Yilei to break free from the "locking town" and was suppressed for half. At any rate, it dodges before the gold bricks fall.

Immediately after avoiding the gold bricks, the White Deer Demon had another silver ingot in his hand, which was also smashed with the magical power of the "quick stone".

Silver ingots are added with "Flying Escape", and they fly faster than the gold bricks. As soon as they are in front of you in the blink of an eye, they have no magical effects of "locking the town", "ruyi", and "gravity", but they have the same functions as the gold bricks. "Broken bones", I feel that the top vests on my body may not be able to completely block it, and it is not easy to be smashed.

Four silver ingots of the same model were thrown out by the White Deer!

The four ingots were originally a set of magical implements, and they were taken apart and used today.

The magic weapon that the Bailu Demon threw and smashed made Zhang Meigu want to laugh a little while watching the battle.

It is neither gold nor silver, too much like the greedy landlord in the human countryside!

Well, even the look of reluctant Zhou Zheng and the weird and rustic clothes are alike!

Over the past so many years, how can I stick to him with all my heart? Today, Chengtu rich man's outer room, his face can be ashamed of the two races of shemales!

It's really a grievance in the past life, it's not as good as it was in the past, only embarrassing in Xiaoxiaopojiao Village!

Although the gold bricks and ingots are not magic weapons, they are led by the white deer demon's consciousness, and they all fly back to the hands after being smashed into the air.

The White Deer Demon went on to smash it again!

That dark green to dark Kuixing pen has been wandering in mid-air. In addition to the lightning strike, he tried several times while taking advantage of the gap, but they all retreated before being touched. I was afraid of another accident like the ring of four tribulations. Before the thunder strike, He Yilei didn't want to have another accident. Whether for himself or the whole human race, it is always better to explore the white deer demon and find out more.

It can be sensed that the characters on the magical artifacts used by the White Deer Demon are less than eighty-one stacks, which are not top-level, but the power is greater than the top-level magical artifacts! &#21434&#21437&#32&#22937&#20070&#33489&#32&#109&#105&#97&#111&#115&#104&#117&#121&#117& #97&#110&#46&#99&#111&#109&#32&#21434&#21437

You come from the sky and the earth and I attack each other. In less than an incense stick, the soul-protecting spirit of the deer demon will be completely extinguished. Amidst the continuous damage of the thunderstorm, the servant is grinning with pain, but is not left or right. Leaving the area covered by the thunderstorm rain, it can be seen that the soul can still bear it, and the soul has been manifested for decades, and it is not much weaker than the soul of the same rank!

Needless to say, the flesh body is even more tyrannical, the white robe refined from deerskin, after being damaged, immediately recovered as before.

The physical body is tyrannical, the supernatural powers are vast, a powerful magical weapon is close to the body, and the soul is not comparable to ordinary demon races. Such a white deer demon can't match most of the old demon kings. How can it be easy to get alive? I was really taken off, and then in time, with his avenue, a few more magic weapons will be promoted. After the fit, how much more difficult will it be? If he was made fortune by Jin Zu and sanctified, how could the Tao Yao be comparable to the old ape today?

He Yilei was a little shaken when he was forced by the two predecessors to transform the gods and promised not to kill the White Deer Demon.

At this distance, "snarling" and "low hissing" had little effect on the top gold core, and the white deer demon never released.

A thunder light long-range strike and a magic treasure Kui Xing pen are ready to move, one after smashing the gold bricks to exchange ingots, fighting each other in the air, you come and I see occasional danger, in fact, it is not a big threat to the other party, it only takes time.

If today is a one-on-one battle in the wild, the White Deer Demon is too slow, and won’t be able to chase after victory.

The auras possessed by the ordinary Demon King and the Golden Core cultivator can be said to be massive, which can support the battle for two or three days, not to mention the two leaders of the same race, the White Deer Demon and He Yilei. No problem.

The white robe refined by the Bailu Demon's body was wounded, and it was able to recover from the original breath. The flesh really made the monks speechless, but Lei Mangyu's targeted burns to his soul, He Yilei originally thought, the servant can't hold on for long, just To fly out of the area covered by the thunder and rain, he is ready to intercept, and let the White Deer know how quickly his decrees can be replaced!

Unexpectedly, it took more than half an hour for the two layers of vestments to protect the Deer Deer Soul to reach the level of damage.

It was difficult for the spirit to persist. After a certain ingot was smashed, he immediately spit out a small black object from his mouth, and landed on the open palm, a drop of thunder light fell, touching the small black block, and sparks appeared on it. .

There was a small green smoke coming up, and the Bai Lu demon inhaled hard, the green smoke turned around, and all went into his nose.

Being sucked by the white deer demon, the burning speed of the small black mass was rapid, and the redness quickly expanded, covering the whole body. The smoke caused by it was all inhaled into the nose by the boy, dripping.

It is true ambergris, it can nourish the soul!

Then, the White Deer Demon continued to stand on the ground and smash the magic weapon.

The newly promoted Demon King confronts the former Yuan Ying monk who is proficient in "Thunder Dunge", and would rather lose his family than take off and get beaten!

Real ambergris, most of the Dragon Palace children can't be used openly, let alone the human monks who can't produce it, how precious is it?

The evildoer is a treasure with many methods, which makes He Yilei a headache.

The white deer demon replenishes the soul with real ambergris, and will always accumulate some damage, which will be consumed for a long time. It seems to be even more unfavorable for the servant, but how can you just look at the present?

This gambling battle almost involves the fate of the two races, but there are only three demon saints appearing in Hongfeng Mountain. Those who are waiting to go deep into the Sacred Ape Mountain are in the eyes of the wind. When the outer war is over, they rush back to one or two demon saints who are not within the scope of the Sacred Ape’s oath. Maybe they will all be trapped here!巘戅Miaoshuyuanxu

The two seniors, hate and Zhongchun, have been exploring the outside world. Once they sense that there is a demon from the outside, they will immediately interrupt the gambling fight and flee with the three juniors.

The holy ape swears by the way of heaven and cannot take action against the cultivators present. It is not easy for the other demon saints to calculate the two gods, but there are always risks.

The sooner it ends, the safer it is. You should find the opportunity to decide the winner as soon as possible!

攫欝攫. The Bailu Demon has many weird methods. In addition to the magic weapon, there should be a magic treasure hidden in his body. The attack of the Four Tribulations Ring only elicits the magical powers. The final blow is to keep the stability. Skills plus three magic weapons thunder strike!

When the Four Tribulations Ring returned, it was the moment of the final blow to his family!

The final blow, the best result, was that the magical powers of the White Deer that had previously sealed the Four Tribulations Ring did not last for a long time, and they could not seal away the magic weapon for the second time!

The worst result is that the supernatural power has a short cooling time. When he sends the final blow, the supernatural power reappears, and the magic weapon at the bottom of the box hidden by the white deer is the same as the holy monkey Danshandan, which is more powerful than ordinary magic weapons!

&#21434&#21437&#32&#20070&#20179&#32593&#32&#115&#104&#117&#99&#97&#110&#103&#46&#99& #99&#32&#21434&#21437&#12290 First, you must plan carefully. When the worst result really occurs, how to deal with it, how to make the white deer can't escape again!

The two gamblers had nothing to do with each other for a while, and they were a bit boring in the air. After noon, the Proxima snails Xiwang was holding in his hand rang again.

Counting the time, this time it should be an overseas killer, but the voice of Proxima was completely blocked from the beginning, and the monks couldn't hear a word.

The hatred brow raised lightly, and the writing on the psychic paper in his arms was revealed. He felt a little, and conveyed to Zhongchun with his divine thoughts: "Old Poisonous Brows, the evildoers are also well prepared. The same four demon sages are here. Not cheap."

Before, the gods had predicted that the Yaozu would attach great importance to today's gambling fight. The opportunity is rare, and it is just a calculation. Calculated according to past practice, there will be no less demon saints staying in the holy monkey mountain, and monks can choose cheap ones in the periphery.

The tactics discussed by the translators were to hit the east and the west. Yuanyang and Danyang of Donghua Gate were in the south. They disturbed the volcanic lands that are not very attractive to human beings, attracted attention, and then divided one or two demon saints; The four gods of Wuxia, Yinyisao, and Yipu all shot together in the north of the volcano more than 400,000 miles, in order to seize the sea area of ​​the old poisonous fish of the Virgin of the Sea Spirit in one fell swoop, if you have the opportunity, it is best to kill the old poisonous fish!

But now in Beiju Luzhou, the monsters can no longer follow their old habits. The center of the holy ape mountain only leaves the old ape, the old osprey, and the old yellow croaker. After the war on the volcanic land, there are only jade claws. The Great Sage Lao Diao rushed to aid Great Sage Fenyan from the North Desert, and the two demon sages faced Yuanyang and Danyang. They were slightly inferior, but they had no backup. In the sea area of ​​the old poisonous fish’s house, there were Dragon King, Long Po, and Lao. The four squids and the old poisonous fish are fighting in the sea. Not to mention the sea monsters on the opposite side, the Dragon King and the two are outstanding in combat strength, and the Sanren etc. can't resist the enemy.

巘戅Book Cang Net 戅. Zhongchun's gaze swept across the familiar ancestor, who had a fairy posture, and a fluttering white robe, standing on his side to the west with a flat face, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Shennian replied: "There is Bai Ze'er, I only hope that he didn't sense it. This time I can see through it. I will learn from the old monk in the future, and I will be more prepared before responding!"

Staring at Bai Ze with hatred, he shook his head slightly: "This evildoer is foreseeing rather than calculating. I can only feel it from time to time. What is the best way to rely on the emergency? Fight and kill before he is stable. With such magical powers, it is difficult for him to calculate. Induction, otherwise how can the old monk catch him? Get rid of him first!"

Bai Ze seemed to feel it, and turned his head around, grinning at the two transfigures.

The monks' calculations around this gambling battle, Bai Ze did indeed explode with demon products, except for the result of the Bai Lu demon's gambling battle.

The two monsters that Bai Ze gathered around were extremely useful. The wolf demon Lang Lang was very capable of commanding. This time, he discussed the arrangement for the monk with Xiwang, Bai Ze, and Bailu Demon. The demon saint They listened in and followed them if they didn't raise any objections.

And another Mochizuki Rhinoceros Demon Ding Yue, who possesses "insight" supernatural powers, is very useful for warfare. Unfortunately, the cultivation base is still too low, and the range of supernatural powers is only over a hundred miles, which is not worthy of great use.

After being predicted by Bai Ze to the monk's calculations, it shouldn't be too easy to deal with the counterattack.

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