Deer Demon Race

Chapter 403: Lingshan Suffering

Over the boundary of Liliyuan, a giant lion head without mane appeared suddenly. The blood basin opened wide, and he took a sharp breath against the ground. On the boundary between the west and the east, the famous old bear demon ancestor could not control it. The body flew up and threw a huge mouth at the lion's face.

攫欝攫. The demon ancestor struggled in mid-air, but was getting closer and closer to the lion's mouth.

In Xilijie, a phantom shadow of a giant palm appeared, slapped the chin of the lion's mouth, interrupting Wuxi's suction, allowing the demon ancestor to escape.

The fat monk Duji threw himself into Xili, sternly screaming: "Since you are obsessed with not realizing it, Lao Na will supersede you as a bear demon today!"

Unlike the previous clone who stirred the wind and the rain in Beiju Luzhou, this is the true body of Monk Duji!

Crossing the border behind him, there is golden light reflecting the entire sky, Lingshan Temple Yuan Ying Jindan and Dharma Protector Demon Ancestor Demon King, a small Kaye formation composed of more than 300 people, flew into the West Li together, which is the Lingshan Temple Mountain Protector Formation. A weakened version of Fajiaye's Great Array.

After slaying or driving away the old bear, these monks and the demon clan guardian can be scattered around and kill the demon clan for land!

On the southern border, a Taoist man with an eyebrow carried both yin and yang swords, turned into a white light, and rushed away from the center to the west!

In order to regain Xili, Lingshan Temple almost came out, with Taiyimen helping each other. There is no room for loss in this battle!

And the old bear is still unhealed!

It takes thousands of years for creatures at the level of demon saints and gods to recuperate, and now it has only been forty years since the last great war between Liliyuan!

Perceiving something wrong, the old bear fought back while walking back towards the pasture where he settled, where Shengsharu Mountain, Liliyuan, and Beihai meet.

Old Xiong did not escape, Du Ji and Yi Mei were a little surprised.

However, the demon saints have already appeared in the three places of the holy monkey mountain, the volcanic land, and the old poisonous fish. Who will help him in a short time?

Old Xiong's head is not awake, and his stubborn body is still not fleeing. With three battles and one, he will definitely be able to kill him!

The wishful thinking of crossing Ji is well played, but at the border of the North Sea Dragon Palace sea area, Tongtian Great Sage Lao Coco laughed at the sea-monsters who listened to his orders: "Hidden for decades, I will let the human race know today! My Lao Ye Go ahead, children follow!"

On Hongfeng Mountain, the same old wounded sacred ape grinned and said to the old yellow fish: "I have an old lady to help you. Please take care of it. Let me go!"

In disgust and Zhongchun's consternation, the old ape and the old osprey really left the Red Maple Mountain to bet and flew away!

The old ape and the old osprey are going to help Liliyuan old bear!

All the creatures present, from Sacred Ape Mountain to Liliyuan, the old ape is the fastest, and the old osprey is the second!

The two demon saints left, and the old yellow croaker left behind smiled at the two transformation gods: "With the oath of heaven, the two can watch the battle with peace of mind, but I can't think about it!"

The Yaozu is adventuring?

But before the gambling battle, the two parties took an oath of heaven and detained both the three demon saints and the two gods. Even if only one old yellow croaker was present, they hated Zhongchun and couldn't do it on the holy monkey mountain!

It turns out that there is a trap here for the oath before entering the Sacred Ape Mountain!

There are a lot of demon ancestors on Hongfeng Mountain, and the demon clan is still guarding against the emergence. If the old yellow croaker can't resist it, Xiwang who is far above the same level can lead these demon ancestors, and he can also block another god!

The safety of Hongfeng Mountain is guaranteed. The old monk is working on Liliyuan. The old ape and the old osprey just abandon this important gambling battle and fly to help!

The old ape did not heal from his old wounds, but as long as he could borrow Xinghui with one blow, it would be enough to make the old monk and his brows hurt.

The gambling battle between Bailu Yao and He Yilei continued, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

厺厽 LOL小说网 厺厽。Two The battle power of the **** of position is wasted here, do you want to also split up and go to Liliyuan to support?

Zhongchun comes from Lei Zhenmen, and is also a god, "Lei Dun" is more proficient than He Yilei, but too fast is not without cost, it has to consume a lot of spiritual energy, not to mention, the body will be damaged if it lasts too long, so The power of the gods needs to stop for a while every 10,000 miles. It is naturally the fastest in a short distance, but it is not as good as an old osprey that is born with wings in a long distance.

The speed is not comparable. When Monk Duji knows that the old ape runs to Liliyuan, he must order the disciples and grandchildren to retreat, and Yimei will also retreat!

The old ape’s oath of heaven is only valid in the holy ape mountain. In case the old bear is relieved from the danger first, the old ape and the old osprey will not care about the three after leaving the original place, but looking back and waiting, Zhongchun "Thunder Dun" Going out of Sacred Ape Mountain, one head hits the old ape without saying, and he gets beaten by two?

The demon clan’s actions can no longer be inferred according to common sense. As soon as one eyebrow enters away from the original monk’s house, there is no longer a **** of transformation outside the holy monkey mountain. When the remaining abomination led the three monks to evacuate, the old ape suddenly withdrew from Liliyuan and intercepted it outside the Sacred Ape Mountain?

There is no martial law guardian formation, there is only one god, facing other demon saints, but facing the old ape alone, there is a great danger of falling!

The hatred of defense is far beyond the general gods, but I don't want to face the Dan Shan who borrowed Xinghui alone!

If you want to understand the situation, there is nothing you can do with hatred. He just writes on the psychic paper in his arms: "The old ape and the old osprey are about to be separated!"

Passing the news, the old monk would not be stupid enough to recklessly, they still took care of the three disciples of the Xuantian Sect to complete the gambling battle.

Speaking of it, in addition to his own calculations, Bai Ze predicted that his supernatural powers were extremely powerful, and the monks who turned into gods were all caught in advance. Then, did he also know the result of this gambling fight?

Yu Guangzhong, Bai Ze didn't care about the match in the field, only flattering and talking with Xiwang.

Abomination Suddenly Sheng Mingwu: "This guy doesn't know the result of this gambling fight. As long as you foresee a few things about the Bailu demon thousands of years later, you don't need to worry!"

He also thought: "With his foreseeable ability, the monster race has various arrangements. Will the future things not be changed? Is he reborn with a new foresight?"

Unless one of them concedes defeat, this gambling battle will definitely have a result. If Bai Ze really predicts that after thousands of years, the White Deer Demon will be fine in the future, has he explained the result of the gambling battle?

Could He Yilei really lose?

巘戅LOL novel network network. Disgust frowned.

Liliyuan, the lioness and the old monk and the old bear fought all the way to the west, and soon they chased them with an eyebrow!

In the pasture where Old Xiong was resting, there were also many demon ancestors who had arranged to leave the West in advance. They clustered together to fend off the enemy, which seemed to be the arrangement of the demon race, but facing the two gods and one demon saint, it was difficult to resist.

When the Little Kaye Formation formed by the Yuanying Demon Ancestor and the Golden Core Demon King arrives, all the demon ancestors who have not escaped from the old Xiongfang will have a dead end!

But it didn't take long for him to be overjoyed, and he paused with one eyebrow, and at the same time he sensed the psychic paper transmission from hatred!

攫欝攫. After a breath, the old monk, the leader of the little Kassapa formation, had the Jade Buddha turned into a divine avatar: "The old ape and the old osprey are here for help. If this battle is over, you will go back to the temple first!"

The lead Yuan Ying old monk must have all white hair, describe the wormwood, and look much older than Du Jiyou fat appearance, he is the nephew of Duji, the dharma name is true, and the chief of the Yuanying disciple of Lingshan Temple.

Duji gave the order through the clone, really as if sighing lightly, and replied: "Follow the decree of Uncle Master!"

First, let the disciples go first. Duji, Yimei and the lioness can always support the evacuation in front of the old ape; secondly, the old ape and the old osprey come to help. , It will take a while. If this time is not enough to kill the old bear, it doesn't matter if he can be wounded and wounded, or to disperse the demon ancestors gathered together, and have a chance to kill a few.

But I didn't want to. After a few breaths, a clone of Du Ji appeared, throwing himself into his spirit, and the old monk bald his head and was scared into sweat!

The monks did not know that the Great Sage who joined the Demon Race Alliance, who had previously hid outside the border between the North Sea and the East, and set off earlier than the two demon sages in the Sacred Ape Mountain. Without the transition, the lioness, Zhenru, etc. have all entered the west. Leaving the land boundary, I can't sense that a demon saint invades my land boundary!

The disciples of Lingshan Temple traveled to the north of Luzhou in a short time, and the Yuan Ying did not have enough time to fit their own land. The Yuan Ying stayed in the temple did not have the Yuan Yishou that can replace the gods of the gods. The great sage of the sky flew in brightly. Unknowing.

巘戅Bolai Novel Network;#戅. It wasn't until the old coconut tree flew within a thousand miles of the newly built Lingshan Temple that the Yuan Ying monk stayed behind was shocked, and it was too late to pass the news to Du Ji.

Thousands of miles away, the demon saint will arrive in a flash!

For thousands of years, there have been several demon ancestors among the lioness children, and there are many demon kings underneath. Lingshan Temple itself has more primordial infants and golden cores, but to give the old bear a ruthless one, completely regain Xili. , Much has left with Zhenru's Little Kaye Formation, leaving only three Yuan Ying and a few Jindanshou Temple.

The Great Sage Tongtian broke in, how could the temple have time to build the Kaya Leaf array? Just put it out, there are few left-behind Yuan Ying Jin Dan, how powerful can it be?

It moved to the Lingshan Temple in Dongli. Although it was newly built, the Xumishanzhou hometown has been abandoned. All Buddhist treasures, scriptures, and spiritual plants have been moved over and collected in the temple. In addition, there are many lower-level disciples who are afraid of the demon. In addition to the calamity, the people below the golden core dare not kill too much, and the loss in the temple will not be small!

Knowing such a change, why don't you be scared?

厺厽 宝来小说网 32厺厽。 No wonder the old bear drags his wounded body back to the grassland and defends himself. It turns out that the many demon ancestors who have been arranged in the grassland in advance are also blindfolded!

Duji avatars appeared everywhere in Dongli, and they all shouted: "Being protected by the various factions protected by this temple, the disciples from all over the world are well protected, and the disciples who are scattered in this temple return quickly!"

The people and believers who migrated from Xumishan Chau with Lingshan Temple in Dongli adapted to local conditions. Most of them have changed to grazing herders in the east. They cloned themselves and yelled around. There were herdsmen kneeling everywhere, horses mad, sheltering in Lingshan. The little sect under the temple was wailing.

At the Lingshan Temple, the Great Sage Tongtian has killed a Yuanying monk, and the other two who stayed behind fled, and countless golden cores and foundations were all fleeing!

Lili was originally a Buddhist kingdom with many monsters to protect the Dharma, but after a great battle, the old bears and elephants rebelled, not to mention the demon ancestors were killed, and the demon king was even more shameless demon saints. Captured a large number of The crossing curse of a large number of monsters at the bottom was purified. After that, a large number of monsters, monsters, and little monsters poured into the West from the Great Desolate Mountain and the Holy Ape Mountain, almost endless. The harassment of the Lingshan Temple boundary for decades has not stopped, and the monks of all sizes are inevitably biased during the war. Since the confrontation, Dongli’s demon disciples who obeyed the Lingshan Temple due to the Zhongdu Huaxu have more casualties than human monks. Now Duji wants to take back all the Duhuaxu with a clone at home, so as to be strong enough to temporarily resist a demon saint. For a moment, I can't do it!

On the coast at the junction of the North Sea and the East Departure, a famous sea monster is coming ashore.

When the Xuantian Taoist Palace was stolen, no one in Luzhou in Beiju didn't look at the jokes! Now it's Lingshan Temple's turn, it seems that the loss is even heavier!

"Brother Lao Yimei, help me Lingshan Temple again! Bailian, go to the temple!"

Bai Lian is the name of a lioness, and it was taken by her after taking refuge.

The family is doomed to suffer heavy losses, but the old bear cannot be killed here, and the old ape and the old osprey will be there soon. How can we not go back and save?

The other gods can't come to help in a short time, and they don't have to go back to fight against the demon saint who suddenly appeared, gather the disciples from the bottom, so that Zhenru will be unguarded if he leads the Kayah formation, and Lingshan Temple will be defeated!

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