Deer Demon Race

Chapter 406: domestic affairs


The huge deer body of the White Deer Demon once again grew bigger, approaching the sky net, the thunder halberd turned into two antlers on the head, and the thunder halberd flew away, making a small circle in the air, turning his head and piercing the white deer. Demon!

Thunderball in mid-air strikes again!

"Rebirth" is already repairing the body. The two magic weapons are not small in their power, but they are only pure physical damage, and the White Deer Demon is not afraid at all.

He stretched his neck, blessed by "Vitality" and "Juli", and the deer head flew out and "touched" the black meat covered by the sky net!

"Head Hammer"!

Two sharp antlers were in front, drilled through the mesh, and pierced through the black fleshy block He Yilei, followed by a skull strike!

The black coal in the net didn't snorted, but Hate, Zhongchun, and Zhang Yifu all heard the sound of his broken bones!

"Tell this broken pen to take back the poison, and the beads roll away, otherwise my old deer pierces your heart and liver, cuts your head, and sees Yuan Ying can still live!"

The poisonous poison and the thunderball flying in the air will be unable to help the White Deer Demon for a while, but He Yilei, who is covered by the sky net, can't let go of all his skills. "We lose!"

The defeat has been decided, so it is natural to ask Zhang Meigu to come forward to beg for mercy and rescue He Yilei.

It was the Bailu Demon who won, and Zhang Yifu was like a concubine.

Under the order of the **** of transformation, Aunt Mei went out and said, "Second brother, take back the magic weapon!"

Amid the unwilling hum of the black fleshy meat in the net, the green mist on the white deer demon slowly faded, and finally gathered into a drop of faint green water droplets, flew back to the front of the bird's head pen, the pen's head turned into a bird's head, and swallowed it.

Then, Lei Zhu and Yuan Tou Pen flew far away together.

The result is finalized, the Manshan Demon cheers like thunder, and the Seventeen Niangs, Huang Hua Niang and others are smiling like flowers!

The Bailu Yao turned back into a human form, taking care of his injuries and slowly rising up.

Zhang Meigu said with a chuckle: "Xie Fujun is merciful, please pity the slave family again, give back to the door, let go of my brother!"

Confirming that Master Lu would win, Qingluo ignored the housewife's side, and just leaped over with joy. Hearing this woman's words, before the White Deer could answer, she rushed back and asked: "The bet hasn't been taken yet. What?"

Sacred horns, white robes, immortal ropes and other magical instruments are flying back, and the broken gray robes are also gathered, revealing Zixia, who has been unable to condense the entity. She was a human when she was alive, but she hated the Xuantian faction. Not weaker than any monster race, he also screamed: "Break my Taoist robe, you still want to ask for books and save people?"

The daughter of Shura was very jealous. At first, she was like the Seventeen Niang, and later she fought fiercely with the female ghost. After Master Lu accepted Hu Meizi, her spear turned again, and the battle with Zixia is less and less. Today, it is the same enemy and the same enemy. The sudden emergence of the outer room did not let her wish.

The female ghost was stubborn and reluctant. Aunt Zhang Mei just stood neatly and did not refute, but the more so, the more different the temperament from the monsters became, and no one felt that she was weakened.

Qingluo and Zixia were even more uncomfortable, yelling constantly, not letting Master Lu let He Yilei lightly.

At this moment, Huang Huaniang loves to add fuel to the fire and encourages him to add fragrance: "The male monsters say that the family is not as good as the wild fragrance, and the successful one is worse than the unsuccessful. Two against one, I am afraid that the plague will be more partial. Your grandma can't let go of the skin, so Hu Meizi won't help?"

The fox demon chuckled twice, and put his hands in front of his mouth, making a noise: "I learned to'change' and remembered her likeness. When I go back, I will become the master's favor, and the master will not only miss her. !"

The fox demon's words were so powerful that the monsters who watched the play suddenly laughed in unison.


Huang Huaniang yelled: "Bah! Wensheng is a trick!"

Bailu Yao hurriedly turned her head away, pretending not to hear.

Huang Huaniang turned to look at the other dragon girl, and was glared fiercely.

Zhang Meigu claims to be the White Demon Outer Chamber, and now it’s a family affair. He hates and Zhongchun is very uncomfortable. However, if you want Po Luohu Daoxuan not to come to the house in the future, it is necessary to bring He Yilei back. On this occasion, you can only let Zhang Meigu come forward. Make peace, otherwise it will be even more embarrassing.

Aunt Zhang Mei didn't fight with the female ghosts, let alone the monster Hu Meizi, her big eyes were only on the white deer demon, watery.

Qing Luo wanted to bring up a knife, and cut this woman a few times to build the foundation. Except for the seventeenth wife in the main room, she has the same cultivation level, and there is no one who bullies anyone, but it's not easy to fight again today.

Now that the result has been determined, there is no need for the little demons to watch the deer skinning jokes anymore. The demon ancestors such as Twenty-One, Wuyi, etc. gave orders to lead the demons down the mountain and return home.

The demon ancestor made a sound, and many monsters responded with their mouths, but they didn't move their feet.

We love to watch these excitement too!

The demon Bailu was at a loss, her disciple-in-law was cold-faced and left her hands alone, so many big monks and big monsters were present, and eventually became his family affair, all without seriousness, she looked to the west and sighed twice, thinking of her own master. After all, he still has a face, and he can only say: "This little messy hair of his family is not worthy of a big deal, but there is no reason to put it in vain, and I will discuss the price with her!"

In the eyes of the west, He Yilei's only thunder method is not bad. The three magic weapons are only ordinary, so he reverts to the Yuan Ying cultivation base. If he does not use the "Lei Dun" to escape during the battle, he will not draw too many sticks. You don't need to pay too much attention to dead goods. The nickname of the deer skinning is not for nothing.

The demon ancestors such as round spots and cold screens feel a pity, and it is a pity to let them go when they make the noodles.

It's a pity that it is the spoils of the Deer Demon King. They can't be the master, and the Tide Sage Old Yellow Fish didn't say a word.

There is no face when discussing matters after the gambling fight fails. Since the monks let the foundation-building females with the lowest level of cultivation take advantage of their old feelings, the demon clan will not have anything else to come. Kind of humiliation.

"Definitely not let go for nothing!"

The little monsters began to go down the mountain. The White Deer demon should say with the master, feeling the wilting spirit to the extreme, no longer care about anything else, first sit down next to the sky net, and spit out a larger piece of real ambergris from his mouth. At the end of the battle, another censer was spit out.

His enchantress was yelling, and Aunt Zhang Mei really didn't take it to heart, as if she got out of the way, but remembered the night when she first saw him, after the little demon handed the flint to her light, the deer's buttocks twisted and walked away suddenly. Some want to laugh.

Obviously there is a difference between a ladyboy, but he always feels at ease in front of him, always feeling that he will be partial to himself; obviously, when he lived in the mountain temple, he did not have much contact with him, let alone has not seen him for nearly a hundred years, and now stands him By my side, I still only feel close, not at all unfamiliar.

The injury was too serious, and the hands of Bailu Demon holding the incense and the incense burner were trembling, Mei Gu took a step forward, took the incense very naturally, lit the incense, put it in the incense burner, and stood with her hand in her hand.

The daughter of Shura realized that she was talking to herself before, like a heavy hammer hitting the catkins, it was difficult to gnash her teeth; the female ghost leaned over and sucked incense with the master deer to replenish her soul.

Zixia also wants to replenish her soul. The Bailu demon is not good for her to absorb all of it. When the blue smoke disperses, she immediately feels refreshed and refreshed.

The floating blue smoke was mainly sucked by the white deer demon and the female ghost, but there was also some fragrance, which not only benefited Zhang Meigu, who was close, but also He Yilei in the net.

Feeling the spirit of the deer in the sea of ​​consciousness cheered up, Master Lu asked, "Qingluo, Zixia, if it's you two, what do you want the monk to pay for?"

Qing Luo sneered, and said, "Yu Bone!"

The Asura girl is very ruthless. She really wants to take the black charcoal head and bones alive. Unless He Yilei can re-enlighten the great path, he will not be able to return to the Nascent Infant Realm, and her body will degenerate. Limited by life, you will die of old age.

Fearing that Aunt Zhang Mei didn't know the importance of jade bones, she was so disgusted that she rushed to tell her in secret.

Gu Mei shook her head lightly: "Husband, this sister is too ruthless!"

The gray robe that has been able to send souls is a relic left by Master Zixia. It was almost destroyed today. I don’t know how much material and effort it takes to repair it. Guier feels badly distressed and wants to let Xuantian send meat. It hurts, she shouted: "To survive, leave the three magic weapons!"

This time, the two gods had nothing to say, only Zhang Yifu thought. The Yuantou pen and the Four Tribulations Ring monk’s family borrowed them. With the habit of the master, they should be able to lose the account. You don’t need to feel distressed for Lingshan Temple. He Yilei Avenue fits well, the materials are rare, and it is not easy to reproduce, so she also called Mei Gu to bargain.

Aunt Zhang Mei said softly: "This elder sister is also fierce. Husband, let me leave two for my second brother!"

As long as Zhang Yifu leaves Leizhu, Aunt Mei wants to bargain, and she opens her mouth to leave some room. Unexpectedly, the White Deer demon thought about it and shook her head: "It's just some tattered objects, what should we discuss?"

The ingot of the chilling cicada in the Lianzhen Pavilion, the old ape will simply appreciate the little monsters of the 虺虺 family. He Yilei’s three magic weapons are more powerful than the ingots that originally belonged to the chilling cicada, but the white deer demon also looks down on it. For such a good opportunity to hold off, just ask for a few magic weapons for rewards, isn't it a pity?

Nowadays, Demon King Deer's waist is hard, and his thoughts are the same as those of the old ape. If he has become a magic weapon, he can use Xinghui to refine his effect. The effect is really limited.

My own superimposing skills have reached perfection, and I can make my own in the future. I have already received a lot of top-quality materials in the warehouse. Isn't it good to make it personally?

Hearing what he said, if they had an idea, Zixia and Qingluo stopped first to see if they were really partial to the outer chamber.

Zhang Meigu also waited quietly.

Unexpectedly, without speaking for a while, Aunt Zhang Mei urged softly: "What do you want from your husband?"

The Bailu Yao turned off the topic: "After checking the bet, let's talk about it!"

In addition to the eleven spiritual plants, the Xuantian faction puts forward the bet, and the White Deer Demon will also select nine satisfactory top-level This is because I am afraid that I want too many characters, so there is room for a price increase!

Zhang Yifu nodded, making a move to send a bet forward, Bai Ze grabbed him in front of him first, with a grin on his face: "Give me it!"

After Bai Ze Faxiang took over Lingzhi with his artificial hand, Zhang Yifu took out a stack of paper, which contained more than fifty pages, each with one character recorded.

Zhang Yifu shook the stack of papers: "This is the important thing in the door. I have to show it to him in my hand. You can only see three breaths for each word. Even if you choose it over time! Except for the white deer demon that is known to have been painted in the Doufeng Ridge, I have brought all the characters in my door, and there is no more. Choosing less than nine is nothing to do with me!"

Bai Ze still laughed and responded: "Xuantian faction is so big, but it only deceives me with little knowledge of monsters! I guess you still have six hidden!"

Without changing his face, Zhang Yifu asked, "Where is it?"

Seeing that he is quite a teacher, Bai Ze said: "Otherwise, you will bet on a curse, just like your master, take a hepai ​​curse!"

With this Baize demon, it is really hard to fool, Zhang Yifu bitterly, and took out the six important characters that he had hidden, all of which were the fundamental characters of the Xuantian School.

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