Deer Demon Race

Chapter 407: 1 plum

Mrs. Xiwang stepped forward, and the deer guarding the white deer went to Zhang Yifu to choose characters.

Zhang Meigu held the incense burner in her hand and followed step by step.

There are nearly sixty characters in total, but each is only allowed to see the three breath time. Zhang Yifu keeps turning around, but in fact, it passes quickly.

In addition to the lack of magical effects of the Moyu's wonderful sound flute of the Seventeen Niangs, the blue jade cicada is also dissatisfied with the magical effects of the blue jade cicada. Only grab those six.

攫欝攫. After Zhang Yifu finished flipping it through, Bai Lu demon stared and asked, "Why are there characters missing?"

Suddenly being wronged, Zhang Yifu screamed anxiously: "If you see through Baize, how can you hide it?"

Even Bai Ze was shaking his head, but the Deer King didn't believe it: "The word'Luo' has never been seen, and my old deer can't describe it yet!"

Zhang Yifu smiled bitterly: "I really didn't want to hide. The magical use of the word'Luo' is my ninth junior apprenticeship. No one else has learned it. Since he died, the inheritance has been broken, and no characters have been passed down!"

The Bailu Demon doubted: "Your Ninth Junior Brother?"

Carefully glanced at his wife looking west, Zhang Yifu whispered: "It's the one who fell to Jingping Mountain 800 years ago. I think his surname is Luo. He brought it by his own fate, and no one else has such a blessing!"

This is a bit ridiculous, but Baibao heard the voice of Bai Ze's Spiritual Thought: "This fellow hasn't told you, my ancestor can't see the root of'Luo', but I always feel that the characters are not good at learning!"

The master ancestor explained his magical powers to the Bailu Yao long ago, and the future has always been seen only half-scale, and because he participated in the intervention, there will be new changes in the future, which may not be accurate. In contrast, the innate hunch is more reliable.

Since the ancestors of Bai Ze had a hunch, the demon Bai Lu gave up his mind and stopped questioning. After a little thought, he chose nine characters.

巘戅 chase yo literature ZhuI&#戅. Zhang Yifu cursed wildly in his heart, and the four basic characters of the Xuantian Sect were taken away by this servant!

Fifty years ago, Master made a gambling contract. If it weren't for the Xiao Shisan to retrieve the Taoist book, it would be a real defeat!

When the master comes back, I still don’t know how to vent my anger!

At this point of effort, the white deer monster had burnt and rotten flesh falling off his body, new flesh began to grow, the small wounds healed, and the corners of Zhang Yifu's eyes twitched.

The second child Jin Jindan has never been able to fight this warrior. After a few years, there will be no old Tao Yao couple to protect it. It is not easy for Yuan Ying to kill the Demon King Deer King!

The enemy of this Dao is getting harder and harder to get rid of. Is the poor Dao doomed to sleep and eat in the future?

In Zhang Yifu’s troubles, hatred and Zhongchun exchanged words in spirit: "If you want to break the demon alliance, you need to catch the deer first, but after this battle, Yuanyang and Duji must also understand that in order to calculate the deer, Bai Ze must be removed first. !"

"There is not much time, we need to calculate as soon as possible!"

Taking the bet paid by the other party, the demon white deer took a slender hand under the incense burner and walked back to the net.

As he walked, the white deer demon rubbed lightly.

The eyes of everyone can only take advantage of this point, but Zhang Meigu's face is so red that she can almost drip out of water, but she is unwilling to pull it away.

Zixia was rolling her eyes violently, while Shura's female Qingluo had itchy gums.

"Aunt Mei, my old deer doesn't want to embarrass you, but it involves a large number of people, and you can't just act with your own temperament!"

The White Deer Demon was sitting on the soil beside the sky net. Aunt Zhang Mei was held by her hand, and she had to squat down with him, holding the incense burner in her other hand, and the green smoke curled up.

The White Deer Demon opened his mouth and spit lightly, and a stack of Taoist books in his hidden pouch flew out and landed on the mud. The top one was the one.

"You come to ask for a book, my old deer will always have to explain to the family, and leave everything else to you, leaving only one copy!"

Hearing that the incompleteness was paid back, Zhang Yifu's expression became bitter again when he saw his empty hand pressed on it.

However, the Bailu Yao quickly turned over the first Taoist book and pulled out the one that was underneath, but it was.

厺厽 追哟文学 厺厽。 The monster is not stupid , Not to mention there are ghosts, the White Deer Demon had long known that he had robbed him back, and the two were the most important. I thought before that since Mei Gu had worshipped Daoxuan as a teacher, she kept the two most important books, so she could come to Fengling Ling to learn no words at any time, and she could take the opportunity to get close to her, and she could also make Daoxuan jump on her feet.

But when he asked for a bet, he wanted to understand that Mei Gu cares very much about her name, and it is impossible to come to the monster group to mess around. Today, she mustered up the courage to say "husband", not to give up and hug her. It is because he is unwilling to bet on who will lose his life in the fight. Before the final result comes out, he is mostly worried that he will not be able to fight Yuan Ying.

Zhang Meigu made a lot of sacrifice, and this matter can barely be explained, but after that, I don’t know how much rumors and whispers there will be, how much wrongdoing will she suffer? I really often run to the monster den, facing those unscrupulous human monks talking, how should she tell?

Humans are different from demons, how will she behave in the future?

Does the White Deer Demon have no pity for this woman who has always been kind? How can you bear to make her suffer more?

The two sides are hostile, at least on the face of it, it is necessary to reduce exchanges!

Reluctantly let go of the slender jade hand, push all the remaining Taoist books, Bai Lu Yao held it, and then shook his head slightly: "It's about the monster clan, you want to save people, and my old deer can't allow it!"

He turned to the black charcoal head in the Tianluo net: "You monk was captured by me, and your junior sister wanted to beg for mercy on a personal basis, so my old Lu allowed her and let you go back. I don't want you to be reconciled?"

There was no voice from the Internet, and the White Deer Demon continued: "My old Lu is acting according to his own mind, and today I ask you, would you like to be a prisoner for ten years, explain to the monsters "the **** of all thunder", and spread the thunder method as much as possible? Heart strength, I will let you go back in ten years, and the magic weapon will not be yours!"

Heitantou's thunder method is sharp, and if he can teach it, Zixia, Bandian, Xiaoshi, Qiniu, etc. will all benefit. And how to get along with the human race favored by the gods, whether there is only one way to the end, is the problem that Dao must face in the end. After ten years of imprisonment, it is not an attempt to teach the monsters.

Hearing the arrangement of the White Deer Demon, Zhang Meigu's eyes lit up.

"You live like this, not because of Mei Gu's pleading, it's your self-reliant face! Can you let go of the difference between a lady and a monster? If you don't want to, my old deer will kill you and call the Xuantian faction less. Don’t say Yuan Ying, there are still three magic weapons!"

When the old ape broke the Lianzhen Pavilion, because the Bailu demon saved the people of the three thousand miles of the human race, a golden core monk who was captured was greatly grateful, but only willing to teach a "escape" character, we can see that there is a gap between the two races. How big.

Xu Shi has accepted the result. In the face of life and death, He Yilei was not stubborn to the end. After a while, there was finally a sound of an urn under the net: "The **** of the sky is the fundamental method of Lei Zhenmen. It can be taught!" 攫欝攫

The demon Bailu frowned and looked up at Zhongchun: "My old deer was taken from the Xuantian Sect. How can it belong to your family?"

The school is fundamentally Dafa, of course Zhong Chun is reluctant to spread it outside, and hums: "The two schools have a good relationship, just use his family to observe it!"

I didn’t want Zhang Meigu to give a gift to Zhongchun suddenly, and Sui Shengsheng intervened: “Senior forgive me! How can Mei Gu heard Master say that this fundamental Dafa has been sent to the Xuantian School? The predecessors have personally promised that they will no longer blame the crime of Dao Fa spreading!"

Can the Dao Shu being robbed the same as He Yilei's personal teaching of the Fa?

Lei Zhenmen and Yuxiaomen and Xuantian faction have been in friendship for several generations. He hates and Zhongchun is willing to come to the dangerous position of Sacred Ape Mountain for Daoxuan. He Yilei doesn't want to have a friendship between the two factions because of his own life. , How can I know that Xiao Thirteen, who has just built the foundation, dare to poke out? Would you dare to offend the Transcendent faction?

Zhongchun has sinking his face.

Zhang Meigu handed the censer in her hand to Qingluo. The Shura girl looked at her face and felt a little holy. She couldn't help taking a step forward and reached out to take it.

Gu Mei bowed her waist and hugged twenty-three Taoist books: "The concubine has known her husband to act, and today is more clear! The road of the king, and the wish of Yimei, is here to show the world and the world, and I am willing to go on the same path with my husband. I love all beings and die without regrets!"

Hunting in the mountain wind, her sleeves and robes were curled up and flying around. Suddenly, the cover she was holding in her hand was blown away.

In the eyes of others, there is still nothing on the paper, but what is reflected in Gu Zhang Meigu’s eyes is a large snowy field with the plum tree in front of the old house in Pojiao Village. The flowers are not pink or red, but they are as innocent as snow.

"I am here in the ice and snow forest, different from peaches and plums, mixed with dust. Suddenly, the fragrance spreads overnight, spreading the universe and thousands of miles of spring."

I feel that my literary talent is not good, so I can only use ancient poems to express my ambitions. Zhang Meigu added another sentence: "It will be scattered into mud and dust, and there will be fragrance!"

"This... Xiao Shisan is enlightened?"

Zhang Yifu was shocked just now, and his mouth opened wider and wider: "I...I have two enemies of the Dao from now on?"

Gu Mei continued: "From today, my name is Yimei, but my ancestor's surname is not to be forgotten, so I am called Zhang Yimei!"

Since taking off the Taoist name, Aunt Mei said softly: "Second brother, the younger sister's main road is here, please ask the older brother to pass on the God Thunder to the foreign race, and help the younger sister to prove the truth!"

The rumor that the **** of heaven thunder will make Lei Zhenmen unhappy, but it is also a big thing to help the younger sister to understand the road. Xiao Shisan saved his life today and should be rewarded. After a short pause, He Yilei replied: "Yes!"

Zhang Yimei turned to Zhang Yifu: "Three brothers, you and I are close to each other and belong to the same school. I would like to see each other and explore together!"

Then, her cheeks suddenly became thicker, and she rushed to the Seventeen Niang who was standing behind, ignoring Bai Lu Yao’s worry about her name. Sister teaches, and secondly, discuss the Tao with your husband!"

In front of the demons, I felt unwilling to say that the word "virtuous" in the dragon girl was a must. The grandmother of Du Fengling smiled and replied, "My own family, my sister is here!"


Fuxi smiled slightly in a cave mansion in the ethereal and supreme heaven, flicking the index finger in the sleeve, and the petals of peach blossoms appeared and disappeared.

He raised his head and looked somewhere: "You are not alone, you should also be awake!"

Another unknowable place, the mountains are endless, and the fairy spirits are like clouds.

On the rolling hills, lies a majestic beauty with a huge body, lying between two peaks, but snake-like below the waist, winding around dozens of mountains.

Every time she breathed and vomited, she had to bring the fairy spirit around her to roll.巘戅Miaoshuyuan&#m戅

A peach blossom fell down and landed on the center of her forehead.

Several pictures flashed on the peach petals.

In the wilderness, a sika deer cub ran desperately, getting bigger and bigger, looking for a chance to transform the demon in the mouth of the wolf-toothed tiger.

Among the monsters, the ugly monster of the scorpion-headed rat was frightened when he saw Gambling Sun for the first time.

In front of the mountain temple, the sika deer looked at the village below the mountain and cried.

There was a woman in the mountain temple panicking to go to bed and pretending to sleep. The ugly monster was carrying a leather rope and a sword was tied to the rope. The ugly monster shouted before he left, "These tatters can't stop me. Again!"

In front of the little monsters who were fleeing together, the ugly monster commanded: "If anyone is spotted by the monk to chase and kill, I don’t care if you wait, you just don’t want to save it, just run away, and it’s a fateful life and death!"

In front of the bald monk in Duanlu Village, the ugly monster tried to argue for saving the wolf monster: "I see the glory of the sun and the moon, and I am never partial to the six races!"

On the back of Miscellaneous Luan Bird, the ugly monster is holding a cold snake head: "From now on, I will be able to be a monster."

Under the Twelve Crane Peaks, the white robe monster flew out of the word "Rui", irrigating the peach trees in front of him, without knowing that the waste fairy seeds had grown into spiritual roots.

In the Lianzhen Pavilion of Longtou Mountain, the ugly monster has become more upright, but being pressed on the ground, he uses his strength to temper his body while shouting: "Holy Ape Lord, God has a good life!"

In front of the Lianzhen Pavilion, there was a leopard demon with his tongue nailed, and three tiger demon kowtows. The white robe demon's resentment against the black tiger demon behind him said: "Forgive him for the death penalty, and I will not forgive the living sin!"

On the driving ridge, the white-robed monster showed a gloomy sun, gathering the crowd to gather the sun to quench its body, and several demon sages in the clouds watched. 厺厽 妙书苑 厺&# 21437

Until the last scene, the woman who used to live in the mountain temple reappeared, lightly but firmly said: "Today, I will show my heart to the world, and I am willing to share the same path with my husband, love all beings, and die without regrets!"

The huge, stunning beauty mumbled a few words, turned over and continued to fall asleep.


On the Red Maple Mountain, the Bailu Demon rejoiced for a while, and then said to Hei Tantou: "I will not hold you with the soul tie. You have made an oath by the law of heaven. You will be a prisoner for ten years, and you will not see the secrets of my demon clan. Communicating with the human race, and sincerely spreading the ten-year thunder method!"

After He Yilei made an oath, the White Deer Demon would take back the Sky Net.

攫欝攫. "You are required to take the things on your body with the door, and you are not allowed to keep the psychic papers. I have to ask the Lord Tide to check it! The King Shura's house is on the east side of Rhino Lake, so you can go to his house to stay for ten years and you are not allowed to go out. Any monster who is willing to practice thunder-fat, will come to you!"

Hei Tantou shook his body, and directly took out the mustard sac refined in his body, as well as three magic weapons, and gave them all to Zhang Yifu, and asked him to take them back to the door.

After the old yellow croaker inspected it, He Yilei said a parting remark: "Today's defeat in the fight was because I was incapable of doing things and was unfavorable to the overall situation. I had to work with two seniors to protect me. The third junior brothers worked hard, and the younger thirteen was wronged. Remember!"

Without waiting for the monks to reply, Hei Tan turned his head to the White Deer Demon: "I am going to the Asura King's house now?"

ZhuiwE&#g戅. King Shura will watch the battle in the future, and the Demon King deer shouted: "Please, Brother Zhufu, take him to the White Lion Valley!"

King Asura was about to nod, not wanting Huang Huaniang to jump out: "It's been a long time since I saw King Asura, but I'll lead a way, I'll leave it alone!"

厺厽 追文小说网 厺厽。 destroy Fu smiled and responded: " This king is not willing to lead this fellow!"

The bee monster is famous, and the female bodhisattva, who is well-known for thousands of miles, really talks about the pan-loving people. Who can get her? The demon kings who have not left winked at each other, and even the old yellow croaker wanted to laugh.

Only the old Wen wanted to cry without tears.

Baibao sighed, and passed the sound transmission: "Let behind the flowers, don't annoy him, and count on the thunder method!"

Huang Huaniang also rolled her eyes: "This queen wants to hook up, can he be happy as an infant? The old woman first touch the monk's temperament!"

This is the end of the matter. In the sky, Zhong Chun said impatiently, "Let's go!"

Disgusted, nodded, took Zhang Yifu and Zhang Yimei to fly, and sent messages to the volcanic land and the old poisonous sea area with psychic paper, telling the gods who have not dared to leave the battle, they can get out and go to the Lingshan Temple.

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