Deer Demon Race

Chapter 408: On-the-spot apprenticeship

Exactly as Bai Ze had predicted, the high-end combat power of Lingshan Temple almost came out of the nest, and the help of an eyebrow was invited. He was only waiting for an opportunity, but he would definitely take advantage of the east and west sides to fight and grab the old bear territory.

Bai Ze suddenly erupted with demon products, and he knew so clearly, wouldn't he still take the lead? The Yaozu mainly used the newly added Tongtian Great Sage Old Coconut Tree, and made targeted arrangements in advance. This time, it is to break the Lingshan Temple and ask the old monk Duji to lose even his underwear!

Knowing that Lingshan Temple had been calculated, but the volcanic land was connected to Donghua Gate, Yuanyang and Danyang did not dare to leave rashly, and continued to entangle Lao Huang and Lao Diao to fight to death.

Sanren evacuated first in the sea area of ​​Mother Hailing's home and rushed to support.

The sea area here dared to lose a **** of transformation because of the existence of True Monarch Yipu.

The newly moved true monarch Yipu can turn the chessboard into a world of thousands of miles, and if he is allowed to move, it is difficult for the enemy to leave for a while, and it is difficult for him to be injured.攫攝攫

When Xumi Mountain Continent was still open, three demon saints once besieged Yipu, but none of them hurt him.

The chessboard magic weapon of Yipu also has its shortcomings. Once it is used to transform another world, unless the magic weapon is recovered, any creatures can only enter but not exit.

There are four demon saints and four transforming gods. They have not been used before, because they are afraid that this battle will destroy his magic weapon.

The time that made him famous did trap the three demon saints, but the magic weapon was actually damaged. It took some years to repair it afterwards, and outsiders didn't know it.

The Dragon King and Long Po were considered powerful demon saints, and Yi Pu didn't dare to be too big, and immediately before the chessboard turned, he called Sanren to go first, leaving Wuyou and the old man to help him.

After Sanren flashed out of a thousand miles range, the demon saints had not yet decided who would leave Liyuan, and Yipu chessboard turned into another world.

The Sanhua God and the Four Demon Sages fight in the battle, as long as you can move, the possibility of the chessboard being broken shouldn't be too high. Yipu only dared to maintain a stick of incense to buy time.巘戅九餅Chinese 戅

After True Monarch Yipu recovers the magic weapon, it is the turn of the demon saints to choose.

The chessboard can be turned into a world. If one of the demon saints is pursued, the gods will surely be able to go another one. In the end, Yipu can still trap the two demon saints, and the last two demon saints can hardly break this one. A powerful magic weapon.

It's better to maintain the current advantage, the four demon saints are fighting against the three gods!

Sanren rushed to support, but for Lingshan Temple, it was still two to three thousand miles away, and it was too far away to be thirsty!

The old coconut tree suddenly appeared, and the mountain guard could not be deployed. The remaining Yuan Ying only got three. How to stop it?

The Great Sage Tongtian is a wood demon, whose true appearance is thousands of miles away, the Nascent Soul is not very afraid of self-destruction!

After just a few breaths, the three Yuanying old monks who stayed behind all died and escaped, and the remaining golden pills could only be handled by the old coconut tree!

Suddenly, the monk Zhuji and the demon general’s protector flee more slowly, and they are all held by the old coconut tree, unable to move. If they kill too much, they will suffer from the heavens, and the old coconut tree will only be held back. Hands on.

He first seized all the treasures in Lingshan Temple!

The spiritual roots, spiritual plants, magical implements, materials, the storehouses are installed and removed, and the temples are being used to remove them!

On the north coast, the demon ancestors and demon kings took the lead, and a large number of monsters landed!

There is not much transmission of the curse in Beihai. After the octopus demon king in the sea can be purified, it is basically clean. The large number of sea monsters that have lurked beforehand are covered by the sea.

The sea monsters came ashore, the demon ancestor flew to the Lingshan Temple, chasing the old coconut tree; the demon king divided into two waves, most of them swept all over the place, a few led the demon generals and the demon to move forward!

There are also many vassal sects who moved to Beiju Luzhou with Lingshan Temple, and they are stationed in various places. However, he has been living in Xumishan Continent for many years, and most of them are also known as "broken sects", only a few Yuan Ying, Jin The Dan Sect, the rest are just like the situation when Luoxiaguan was relocated. The strongest cultivation base is the foundation and even the Qi cultivation base. The sea monsters are overwhelming. Where can they stop and escape? 厺厽 九饼中文 厺厽

Except for a few good luck, the rest will come as far as possible, and will eventually become a banquet.

The siren doesn't make fires and doesn't like to eat cooked food.

The believers who moved to Luzhou in Beiju with Lingshan Temple have a total of 8 million households and a population of more than 40 million. Now it has been 40 years, and it has grown a little more. In the absence of local conditions, they have changed from farmers to herdsmen. Take care of your livelihood.

Wherever the monsters passed, the monks above all could not escape to death. How could the common people escape?

Before the war, the White Deer demon had instructed several times and asked each family to order his subordinates to not allow the little demon to kill and eat mortals, but as far as the demon is concerned, how can he completely stop it when he has a temper?

Lang Lang years ago is an example!

The monks had more noodles and less porridge. They were greedy and tasted. Many of them had slippery mouths. The livestock raised by herders were also eaten because the sea monsters did not know their taste.

This is war. The **** cruelty will not be transferred by the White Deer Demon's will. If he hadn't told him in advance, the casualties would have been even worse!

The sea monsters swept from north to south, and the monsters in the west from the realm were also heading east!

When Duji, Yimei, and the lioness Bailian flew back, Lingshan Temple had been overturned by the Great Sage Tongtian, leaving him with only some broken walls and eaves!

There was rubble everywhere, and the temple was broken into ruins, but they wanted to save a large number of foundation-building disciples and demon guardians who were detained by the Great Sage Tongtian!

The Zhuji disciples are the backbone of the sect. Without them and the disciples at the lower level, how could the Kasugai formation be able to distribute?

Going down to the two levels of cultivating qi and nourishing qi, the demon ancestor did not dare to kill too much, but the cultivation level was too low to fly, and the Great Sage Tongtian was not restrained, and he was allowed to wait for the chaos to flee in all directions. Can't find a mount, only run hundreds of miles a day? They came back together again, lacking the foundation, and the big formation could not be deployed!

The first time he rushed back, Duji cast the spell, took back the Duhua curse in all the monster guards in Dongli, and strengthened his body!

The lioness who has been living for tens of thousands of years has contributed the most curse power, and one can be worth tens of thousands of monsters!

With three to one, Duji’s true body mana greatly increased, holding seven Buddha treasures, and the lioness holding the Chiba white lotus and the green furnace. In the east of the land where he has settled, his two skills will increase by 10% or 20%. , And the yin and yang swords with an eyebrow to help each other, the Great Sage Tongtian did not dare to face him, and was forced to flee first.

But soon, the old bear, the old ape, and the old osprey flew into Dongli together. They first caught up with the team led by Zhenru, and the three demon saints chased after them. It was as if the following all scattered and fled. The golden core and the demon king were very slow. , The three demon saints began to hunt down again!

For a small amount of kung fu, there was a golden core that exploded, and Bai Lian's lions were also killed.

攫欝攫. To build a foundation to save, Jindan can't give up!

The three demon saints scattered to hunt down the golden core, and Duji, Bailian, and Yimei could only look back to save.

After the three of Du Ji looked back, the Great Sage of the Heavens flew back to the original place, the foundation monk and the demon general were faster and slower, and they were arrested by the old coconut tree and returned to nearly a thousand names.

Then, the demon ancestors from the north coast arrived.

This is another massacre, and no one can save it.

"The Buddha Kingdom is suffering, the Golden Core Realm does not have to go to war again, gather the disciples to go south, take shelter of Taiyimen, Xuantian faction! Believers can escape and seek forgiveness, and seek their own lives!"

When Duji's voice resounded through Dongli, it was as if a drop of crystal water fell from the corner of a monk's eye.

Duji, the fat monk who was chasing the old ape, also looked dejected.

The golden core suffered a lot, and most of the foundation-building disciples and the demon general protector also suffered. It is useless to gather up the Qi refining and nourishing disciples. Kaye's Great Formation cannot be deployed again within two hundred years, and Dongli can't hold it. !

The Lingshan Temple was destroyed, the accumulated family property was emptied, and so many disciples were killed, the believers had to escape their lives and had to find places to be resettled. The inheritance of thousands of years is worrying, and even their own flesh...

In its heyday, the four demon saints were transformed into the kingdom of Liliyuan, the monster Buddha, but today is like this. How long has it been?

If you are happy, you will lose quickly!

My Buddha is compassionate, why abandon great freedom...

When the demon ancestors arrived and began to kill the foundation, the old coconut tree left the rest to them and flew to help the old ape and others kill the golden core.

巘戅LOL Novel Network LoLxsW.com戅. No matter how intercepted one side is, there is always a demon saint who has time to chase after him. Four against three, the demon tribe has a big advantage!

Once the Golden Core and the Demon King who fled around were chased by the Demon Saint, they would have no power to fight back!

It was a long time before Sanren arrived.

The demon saints stopped chasing and killing, and gathered again for group battles.

The old ape and the old bear are all injured, but they have all their power in one blow!

Powerful magic weapons, supernatural powers, supreme magic methods, vertical and horizontal sword aura, strange magical powers, **** blooming in the sky above Dongli, the battle is fierce!

Lingshan Temple can no longer organize a line of defense. Inside the mountain gates a little far from the border, the monks are hurriedly collecting the Patriarch's tablet, taking out the treasures of the warehouse, uprooting the spiritual plant and spiritual roots, and removing the important materials on the pavilions, preparing to escape. .

A large number of demon crowds fled in the pasture of the demon king who was devoutly concerned with the Buddha.

The eastward boundary was raging, and the gambling battle ended in the holy ape mountain. The volcano group and the sea area of ​​Our Lady of the Sea Spirit were convinced, and then they began to drive eastward.

Flying by rushing on the road, the two sides are still fighting each other in the air.

After Hate and Zhongchun retreated into the human realm, Zhang Yifu and Zhang Yimei returned to the Xuantian faction, and they swept eastward.

In the Sacred Ape Mountain, the old yellow croaker flew to support first. The newly promoted Deer King Deer was injured. Bai Ze carried it and flew west with the ancestors along with the Seventeen Niangs. This time, the demon crowds of the White Lion Valley also have Part of the battle, but the demon riding the flying little demon will be one step behind.

Within a hundred years, the top combat power in the realm will start the third war on Liliyuan.

The old yellow croaker rushed to the battlefield first, and then Abomination, Zhongchun arrived.

Fighting until dark, the old carving, the old phoenix, Yuanyang, and Danyang gradually hit Liliyuan. Under the cover of the old osprey and others, the old ape offered to lend Xinghui a blow, and the Dan Shandan smashed the Daoist with an eyebrow, and smashed him. Not talking about the futon and the law, so that Yimei itself is also injured.

After the Dragon King couple, Yi Pu, etc. also arrived, the demon saints broke away, retreated to join the army, and prepared to fight again tomorrow.

The demon saints stopped fighting, but the demon clan army on the northern and western lines is still continuing. The northern line has advanced for more than two hundred miles, and there is no way to stop Lingshan Temple.

Du Ji asked Yuanyang's biography, and then transferred the Antarctic Palace to help the battle, Yuan Yang replied: "The last time I transferred the big array, he has promised his family peace for two thousand years. How can I go back?"

In addition to the Antarctic Palace, Taiyimen's "Qingwei Qianyuan Formation" is closer, just on the original southern border, and the Taoist Palace is far away, without guarding. Duji repeatedly begged and frowned. After a while, it was finally accepted, and the disciples were sent to Liliyuan to participate in the war.

The Xuantian School was also close, but they all knew that Xuan was not at home. His family Taoist Palace was closed for decades, and the Great Array could not be transferred out. After the Antarctic Palace, Taiyimen was the only savior.

Du Ji begged to move his eyebrows, and then asked the old man for the magic weapon to fish the shrimp rod. He wanted time to refine, and then he could catch some driving spirits during the war to vent his anger.

Abomination holds up a huge face and screams in all directions: "The White Deer Demon claims to love all living beings. My people are caught in this catastrophe, but they just ignore it?"

He asked it three times!

To the west, the White Deer Demon inquired about the demon ancestors who had withdrawn, just knowing that tens of thousands of people are suffering today.

After listening to the hateful question coming back from the front line, the White Deer Demon sighed lightly and said to the demon saints: "My Lao Lu Avenue is like this. Please also ask the saints to give orders to ban the common people again, and there will be violators to kill!"

How can the life of Fanmin compare with the little demon and the demon? The Deer King was unhappy, but his importance could no longer be questioned. Those who wanted to taste had already tasted it, and every family followed their words and passed the order again.

Old Xiong asked puzzledly: "Don't kill and swallow, leave him to raise him in Liliyuan?"

From now on, Liliyuan will be the boundary of his old bear, so of course there must be such a question.

The white deer said demonly: "Also ask Lord Saint Bear to spread the word, wait for the limit of three months with him, and the ordinary people who do not withdraw within three months will be eaten by the little demon!"

As expected, the Great Sage of Earth Shaking turned into a form and spread the words of the White Deer Demon.

I don’t want to see the creatures squandered. I have repeatedly requested before the war, but the implementation of the battle is not in place. Blame my old deer for disregarding his affection!"

厺厽 LOL小说网 厺厽。 He was promoted to the Demon King, but his subjects were all demon saints. The Bailu demon words were a little too hard. After tens of thousands of years, has the demon clan ever used the term "supervised army"? Seeing that the old squid and the old coconut trees are uncomfortable, Mrs. Xiwang said: "That's it! You are a newly promoted Demon King. Many things have not yet been understood, wait for my mother to explain to you!"

He said to the demon sages: "Lu'er is stubborn. Last time I turned my face on Yaoyao and my couple. I also wanted to abandon my teacher and move to Beihai. It was hard to persuade me to persuade you, my sages, don't blame it!"

Abandoning the demon saints, and flying out a few miles with the white deer demon, he looked to the west and said: "After apprenticeship, except for the powerful method of the sky demon, there has never been a bit of a star. Today, you are promoted to the demon king. !"

I thought that the master was just trying to relieve the siege, and didn't want to really have something to teach. With her knowledge and ability, wouldn't the deer deer be pleased?

"What does the master want to teach?"

Looking west, he said in a deep voice: "The first one is to teach you how to temper the law! The law is similar, and it is the demon ancestor. The demon body is strong, and the ability to resist the catastrophe is still higher than that of the monks!"

"To become a law, you need to spend time and effort, use the demon pill to sympathize with the power of the world, and when the power becomes mellow to the fullest, you can release it in one fell swoop to join the world and form, and then be struck by the heavens and lightning, and you will be successful!"

"Water milling kung fu is still a trivial matter. There will always be success in four or five hundred years, but the place of sympathy cannot be replaced, otherwise it needs to start all over again; the difficulty is to be in harmony with the heaven and the earth, which requires a thicker demonic energy, more spiritual consciousness, and more blood. Not to mention Wang, you still have to be willing to accept and unite; in addition, the catastrophe is not easy to save!"

"Like your daughter-in-law, I'm afraid it has been together two or three times before, and it has not been possible! The horns you bought from Twenty-one, the original master's combination has been completed, but the death is under the tribulation of heaven!"

"The demon king only dared to interact with the power of the world within a hundred miles, because no matter how small it is, it will not be possible to achieve the Dharma stage. If you take more, the Dharma stage will indeed be stronger. Come on! You want to be courageous and fat, say okay with Bai Ze, and sympathize with the White Lion Valley for thousands of miles!"

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