Deer Demon Race

Chapter 413: Alchemy

"Does your homemaker have something to praise?"

It was already late at night. Dongli was still thundering and thundering, and the rumblings continued. The battle between the demon saints and the gods was still going on. There was no truce tonight, and in the west of the land boundary, the Bailu demon asked a little bit. The Xuandanmen monks who came back were familiar with the ancestors.

In any case, this monk did his best to get the sparrow demon out of trouble, and should be treated better than the other monks who wished to descend.

I have asked about the status quo of the Xuantian Sect before, and please pass the words of the ancestors to let the white shark king over there treat the monks and mortal family members kindly.

I saw the famous Deer Demon King in the monster den. At first, the monks were naturally nervous and felt that facing him was more nervous than the demon ancestor next to him. With a good temper, he gradually felt relieved. Even the scourge of the martial art that had to open the seal of the chamber before, bowed his head and listened, and let the chief answer.

He Youyi honestly replied: "My family has the word'dan', which means that the ancestors of the Lipai Patriarch's alchemy technique is very good. Since the inheritance, I waited for the younger generations to be unbelievable, and only spent time on the pill technique. The three disciples occasionally dabble, and they can only use a few commonly used words, and they can describe more than 30 folds, and ten folds that are not useful!"

In terms of refining tools, monks are indeed more talented than monster races. It took several years for Bailu Yao to overwrite more than forty stacks. However, the Xuandan gate of the main business of alchemy, "occasionally involved" disciples can describe up to thirty. If you make more stacks and practice harder, forty or fifty stacks should not be difficult. It is only a trivial matter to save the energy of the White Deer Demon, and the big increase in the production of magical instruments is to benefit the entire demon clan.

As for the main business of the Xuandan Sect, the Monster Race doesn't take it seriously. There are a lot of pills recovered from the Xuantian Sect, and the effect is only similar to the medicinal wine given to the Monster King on the Grand Ancestor Day. Profound middle-grade elixir, the efficacy of the demon king's medicinal effect is effective, but the medicinal power is pitiful, the elixir of the Xuantian School is slightly better than the medicinal wine, but it is much worse than the real elixir of the same level.

The white deer demon said: "With the name "Pill", the disciples of later generations will only refine alchemy. Which kind of principle? The demon clan doesn't need pill, come here and change to the system. You will not lose money. Go for a ride out of the mountain and wait for your home to make magical artifacts, and there will be elixir as rewards, and I will pay 10% of the price of my old deer!"

According to the rumors among the monks, the White Deer Demon was called a different kind of demon because of his good ability to reproduce the magical tools.

Although the price of the superimposed magic weapon has been reduced to 10% of the market price among the monsters, as a prisoner, you can obtain elixir to increase your cultivation level, and you will naturally not be dissatisfied. Good thing, how can the other monks who were arrested have such good things?

Besides, if the whole faction is changed to multiply drawing and the production of crafts is large, the elixir obtained will definitely be more than that of the original species in Lili. You must know that because of generations of alchemy, Xuandanmen elixir planting has one hand.

According to the deer king's intention, the whole faction was changed to refining equipment, and the income would not be small, and it would not be in vain to save the sparrow demon, but after one or two generations, the old crafts handed down by the ancestors will be thrown away! The Xuandan Sect has been classified as a traitor, and it will be difficult to return to the human world, but why this head still wants to have a place to persist and have a bottom line. .

The Deer King was gentle, so he boldly said: "Great King, where is the useless pill? There are all kinds of pill that are hard to find in the world, and alchemists can even use pill to get Dao!"

"Huh? We have no shortage of elixir, which pills are useful?"

The White Deer Demon doesn’t know that the truly valuable pill will consume a huge amount of elixir. It is rare to have one furnace after tens or hundreds of times of alchemy. There will always be too many monks and porridge, and they will be robbed as soon as they are out of the storehouse. Naturally there will be no existence.

The beloved "Yan Yan Pill" of the female cultivators was also produced with great difficulty. Zhang Yifu could only grab a few of them because of his Nascent Soul status, and used them to please Xiao Thirteen.

Beside the Bailu Demon, she knows the most about human affairs as the ghost, but Luo Xia Guan is not good at alchemy. Zixia only knows a little bit about the alchemy. She is not good, and she is forced to succumb to Bailu. Demon, how can you talk endlessly to this master? Bailu Yao had seen her memory in the sea of ​​knowledge, but Zixia knew only a few words, and there was only a drop in the ocean in her memory, how could she care?

He You deliberately replied: "There is a pill for cultivating the essence, and taking it has the effect of strengthening the body and strengthening the life, nourishing the spirit and the warrior very much; there is the pill for washing the marrow, and the effect of taking it is beneficial to the bones..."

Peiyuan Dan is nothing more, Xisui Dan might be useful to the demon, especially there is a Shuangpin'er who is difficult to advance through the school.

The demon Bailu interrupted him, "Yu, the demon clan, is it useful?"

"Elixir is useful for shemales, and the pill that is refined with it is effective even if you think about it? But you have to try it before you know it!"

"Yeah! Go on!"

"In addition, there are good fortune pills, which are a hundred times more difficult to make than the first two pills. Taking it can make the practitioners have a clear mind and gain the benefits from the understanding of the great.

For the demon general, the most difficult obstacle to the promotion of the Demon King is the opportunity of the Dao. The monks think it is the same, the Dao is hard to find, and the pill that can fully understand the Dao, almost represents the golden core cultivation base, of course it is hard to desire!

There are a large number of demon generals under the sect. If the good fortune pill is useful, there will be a bunch of demon kings in the future, and the Bailu demon will be very excited!

He Youyi only knew these three special medicines, and stopped at this point.

The Bailu Demon asked him: "You can practice three kinds of pills in your door?"

The head shook his head hurriedly: "We have Peiyuan and Washing Marrow Pills in my door. Only one Peiyuan Pill has been made in the past 100 years. The good fortune pill is only heard by its name, and my ancestor master has not practiced these three! The kind of pill and the consuming elixir are very huge. The easiest pill for peiyuan requires twenty-four types of elixir, which can be combined by the emperor and the minister; the main medicine is Huangshangpin, and the auxiliary medicines are Huangzhong and Huang. There are thirty-three kinds of low-grade, seven kinds of non-influence, three kinds of minerals, and their weights are different! These two kinds of pills, when the furnace is opened dozens of times, will be blessed by the ancestor, and become a furnace."

With the help of the Daofengling family, there are more than a dozen demon sacred realms to help, why you know that the resources of Demon King Deer are not comparable to the profound pill. The difficulty lies ahead, so don't be embarrassed when the time comes.

But Bailu Yao's thoughts are all placed on good luck pills.

In his home study, he has almost finished collecting books from the five schools of Luoxia Temple and Lianzhen Pavilion. There are many alchemy recipes, but there are no such things as Peiyuan and Xisui, let alone the more rare good fortune alchemy; Xuantian School The only ones who robbed and returned were some high-level Taoist books, and no Dan Fang was included.

However, the old couple of apes came back in the day, and they had robbed the Promise Gate Palace. Xiwang was still excited and said that the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion had been emptied by her. Not only did the master and apprentice pass it by mouth, but also recorded it on paper, there should always be there!

If there is no pill for good fortune, and no gods, who has it?

After thinking for a while, Bailu Yao said: "Your family moved to the White Lion Valley to live. First, you will still refine the alchemy. If the marrow pill and the good fortune pill are invalid for our monsters, then you can change the device! The ordinary people under your family, For those who wish to stay, my old deer, please set aside some land for grazing. If you want to move away, you are free to leave the country safely!"

In this war, every family restrained the demons and committed fewer crimes. Therefore, there are also a large number of ordinary people who live, but their understanding of the "rui" road is getting deeper and deeper. Bailu demon knows that he himself is attacking Liliyuan. One of the instigators, no matter how many people are saved, there will be no blessings in the world.

There are not many people under Xuandan Sect. If the battle goes well, Liliyuan will become a paradise for monsters in the future, allowing the people of the tribe to stay at will, and how many households who dare to live in the monster pile? The population left is small. The monsters just don’t wait for him as a ration. They don’t know how to learn monks to help eliminate disasters and heal diseases. They support them all the way. For at least a thousand years, there is no need to worry about multiplying too much. Rotation, grazing does not destroy the environment much less than the farming of burning forests, so don't worry too much.

"If you succeed in alchemy and craftsmanship, my old deer will be rewarded with elixir; those who are diligent and hard-working will also send Dao books to watch; they can live in peace for a long time without causing trouble, and there will be no trouble in a hundred years, and then you will be allowed to visit Choosing Dao Tong from the remaining ordinary people, guarantees an uninterrupted inheritance!"

The prisoners of the joint faction have been named as "traitors". The same clan will no longer recognize them. They don’t need to expect to be saved. After one or two thousand years, the human race will move out of Mount Xumi. When things are about to come, how can you be dissatisfied with the arrangement of the White Deer Demon?

He Youyi bowed slightly: "Thank you, King!"

The disciples who listened quietly behind him also bowed slightly to thank them. At this point, you can only admit your fate. Is it possible that you still have to call off the sinners?

"Don't stay anymore, borrow some flying demon from the holy bear's house, and send him back to the White Lion Valley tomorrow morning, call Yu Wei to settle, and wait for the master to return, and then divide the land for residence!"

The old ape couple are coming back soon, let's see if there is a co-existence pill in the trophy, and let him wait to go to the White Lion Valley tomorrow morning.

The sparrow demon cried, "Master, I'm just being open-minded, but I can't fight. Anyway, I kill a few monks, and I will leave for Su Ji before leaving! Tell someone else to lead them."

Demon King Deer coldly said, "Master, I dare not go to the front line this time. You are so capable and your face is so good, so you want to go to the front again?"

Just escaped from the subordinates of Huashen, I already had something to blow up when I returned to the mountain. It would not be a good thing to be stared at by the poisonous monk again. It is really not good to go again. Looking at Master Lu, he made a straight face and nodded as if he was a little busy pecking at the rice: "It's me. Muddy! Just listen to the master, and lead him back tomorrow."

The sparrow demon will resist the magic weapon of the gods, which is extremely remarkable. The dragon girl in the black dress was a demon king before. He also dared to behave in front of her face. Just call it "Master", from another aspect, it shows the Deer Demon's ability!

In the future, living in the monster pile will be so capable and capable of being the master, and I don't know whether it is good or bad. It is necessary to be cautious.

The White Deer Demon finished speaking, and left with the smiling and familiar ancestor.

The head of Zhuji asked the sparrow demon: "The general is so capable, far better than the same rank, how can he still be called "Master" like a little demon, is the family style of the Demon King like this?"

These monks are going to send to the White Lion Valley. They only brag about their bragging words. Sooner or later, they will be seen through. They will lose face. The sparrow demon can't get up. He just hummed and replied: "Doufengling family style is really like this, but if you talk about the skills of the demon generals , Not counting the two divisions, I still can't fight the two brothers Goubao and Yuanxiang on the mountain, and the three screaming, not fighting, and half-xuan are chasing closely. What a!"

He deliberately stunned his tongue, thinking about it, no matter how thick his face is, he can't put down his face and call the Demon King "Master"!

The White Deer Demon and Bai Ze have changed to wait in front of the Demon General who came in the name of escorting and capturing the monks, or the Demon White Deer came forward and asked: "This time you have all the merits, do you want to change the magic weapon and elixir?"

The monster will be excited to return to him: "Great King Deer, I just want to take the position of the Japanese flower, I can get a few years!"

Those demon underneath also all beg for the collection of Nikka, no magic weapon or elixir, but the flying little demon at the bottom does not know whether to live or die, yelling: "I beg you, grandpa, let me get started!"

The mackerel demon general glared at him similarly. This servant is just the little demon from the ancestor's door, but he has the greatest appetite. His family only dares to ask for a few years of Nihua, but he wants to ask for a stable meal!

At present, the battle is going smoothly. At the same time, he and Sixteen Niang ruined the shrimp fishing pole. White Lion Valley has to add a family of monks that can be used with confidence. The deer demon is in a good mood. Moreover, since the Jin Demon King, the soul has improved greatly, and the scope of the visible Youyang has expanded. The next step will be to increase the number of Japanese and Chinese collectors. It is time to add some small demon envoys in the driving range. This servant has a big appetite~www The Deer King is not disgusted. Nowadays, the grievances of the external monsters who are not in the White Lion Valley are getting more and more. They always give some hope, learn to buy horse bones, and ask: "What is your name? "

Obedient confidant, there is probably a play, and the little demon is ecstatic, and suddenly kowtows like a garlic: "The little one is a petrel demon, called a nest. If the great grandfather is willing to open the door, I don’t need a name in the past. I hope the great grandfather will give him a name. !"

This was a wrong flattery. He didn’t know that after the Jingping Mountain battle, the Bailu Demon had a shadow on the name of someone else: “The original name is good. Be a master!"

The mackerel will wait for great regrets, and never want to change his words, but the Deer King has not given the opportunity: "When this battle is over, you will wait until the driving wind and the mountain to gather the sun for 20 years, and you will be rewarded today!"

Without waiting for objections, the White Deer Demon flew away, and the familiar ancestor looked around and laughed: "There are no blessings!"

The ancestors also flew away, leaving only the mackerel demon general and more than a dozen monsters who regretted their intestines, and they wanted to cry without tears.

Yao Yao will all be afflicted with red-eye disease, seeing that his eyes are starting to be bad, Yan Yao has a nest and hurriedly shouted: "I'm looking for the general to worship the master!"

He hurriedly flew away and found the sparrow demon. There was no grievance in the day, and the new master was full of flattery.

To understand that this servant has been taken into the Winding Ridge by the deer master, he was called by his own family, and he called unlucky and cursed: "Those animals, snakes and rats, chickens and dogs are not good things; we birds become monsters. Yes, the Chaffinch can't get along right, I will stay away from the master in the future!"

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