Deer Demon Race

Chapter 414: Share the spoils again

Under the starry sky of Dongli, the rumbling sound continued.

The battle between the gods and the demon saints is still going on.

The earth-shaking great sage demon was seriously injured, and the Virgin Hailing stayed close to him all the time. The rotating white umbrella was soaring with white light. Spectrum.

Old Xiong's magic weapon is a pair of giant palms. True Monarch Yipu knocked it into the air. Suddenly, the magic phase shook, he broke away from contact, and fleeed back.

Sanren didn't say a word, and on top of the two anti-drug sharks and old bears, Yuan Yang took the time to fly a magic treasure to assist.

The transformation of the gods is even more difficult.

True Monarch Yipu is the result of the discussion of the gods of transformation, ready to block the way, try the chessboard of heaven and earth may trap the old ape couple!

If it can last until noon tomorrow, the disciples of the Taiyi Sect will be able to arrive. When the "Qingwei Qianyuan Formation" is deployed, it may be possible to stabilize the position.

But the demon clan is no longer the original demon clan, and the old ape couple changed to guerrilla in the human clan territory, which is always a major problem.

Once the Dao Palace is broken, most of the accumulated family property will be robbed, not to mention, it will also be a catastrophe for the disciples who stay behind!

The old ape harassed in the rear, and Sanren, Yingyi Old Man, Abomination, Zhongchun, and Yipu were all uneasy.

This move of the Yaozu clearly meant to force the gods to come back to guard, the alliance of the evil human races, and the war of Liliyuan! Without Huashen's ambitions, the martial arts and Taoist palaces are threatened so much, it is impossible to take care of the overall situation.

It is true that the consequences of the overall degeneration are too serious. If the monsters follow this method of tactics and a family cannibalize them, how can the cultivators ignore this and lose the other? After breaking down two or three more, besides requesting assistance from Mount Xumi, how can there be any other way?

To try to coerce the old ape, but the **** of transformation can't bear the burden of the mountain, Liliyuan still needs to deal with ten great demon saints, at most one can deal with it, and only True Monarch Yipu is the most suitable.

Hopes are pinned on his chessboard that day. After all, I haven't tried it yet. What if I can sleep the old ape for a few days?

Yipu is full of confidence, he has been trapped by three demon saints!

Trapped with the old ape, there will be Taiyimen's great formation to help the disciples of Lingshan Temple to regain the lost ground, or they will be able to hold Dongli!

The movement of the old ape, the gods were guessed.

Breaking the Promise Gate Palace, after grabbing things, the old ape has only two choices, either to find the next one to attack, or to return to Liliyuan to join the war.

The Taoist palaces of each family have been reminded that it is impossible to break in by a sudden attack. If the old ape is forced to shake the mountain guard frontally, it will take a day or two to work, and the battle situation on Liliyuan is changing rapidly. He can't ignore the top combat power. He will probably come back first and threaten the gods with a few sticks. The risky tactics can be changeable. Later, he may use cold ones to supplement the pole, or find the opportunity to sneak out. Smart choice.

Judging roughly, and then calculating the time, fighting until late at night, there was no news of another attack from the Taoist palaces. The old ape’s time is precious, so he shouldn’t waste much time, except for the Yuxiao Gate and Yunxian Gate. Yes, at his speed, the other family palaces should have arrived long ago!

At this time, there has not been a raid on any Taoist palace, so it is on the way back, and it is almost Dongli!

Zhenjun Yipu just flew out, preparing to stop him halfway!

The gods are very accurate, the Promise Gate to the eastward direction, the nearest route is high in the sky, and there is indeed a dash of light coming quickly.

There were so many things to rob, and the old ape couldn't fit in his pocket. The book collection, Lingzhi, and Linggen all used magic techniques to shoot and fly, watching the mighty and mighty.

On the border of the Xuantian School, Yipu stopped the old ape from escape!

Before Dan Shandan fell, Qianli Tiandi instantly turned into his chessboard!

The chessboard turned out, and Yipu disappeared from the spot instantly, leaving Dan Shan's burden empty.

The old ape, Xiwang looked around attentively.

When you fall into the chessboard of heaven and earth, there will be everything moving inside. The illusion of mountains, rivers, clear sky and heavy rain, sun, moon and stars changes one after another, obscuring the appearance outside the chessboard.

I looked around and looked at the flowers, knowing that the surroundings are fake, but I flashed in it several times. I couldn't find a way out and couldn't fly out.

Although Zhiyipu was presided over on the chessboard, he couldn't lock the position, and occasionally noticed it, and disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

The space keeps changing, trying to separate the old ape and Xiwang, but the big demon couple has a suction to each other. They are not like two individuals, but they are integrated and cannot be separated.

The space inside the chessboard is almost chaotic and unpredictable. For the simple-minded monster race, the only way to break it is with strength. West Wang snorted, "Smash it!"

According to the old woman's order, the iron sheet sacrificed a mountain load and smashed it down with one blow.

Numerous illusions were destroyed and then restored again.

"By Xinghui!"

As expected, there was indeed some truth in daring to stop Ironhide's road. I didn't want to be delayed here for too long, so Xiwang asked her husband to come up with his assassin.

Dan Shan Dan came out, and the old ape began to roar.

"Borrow the stars from the sky!"

But the two voices sounded together, and the sky filled with stars penetrated the illusion, brightening above the head.

Two figures, one big and one small, appeared, one holding a shoulder high, and a smaller palace-dressed beauty woman also carrying a peach stick, and at the same time it smashed it down fiercely!

Let you change in every way, I just click!


The two of them worked together and used their best strength to shoot, and the surrounding sky collapsed, accompanied by lightning and thunder!

Then, in front of me, the moon and stars are scarce, the night breeze is blowing, and there is no illusion.

Zhenjun Yipu was stunned.

The old ape is indeed worthy of the strongest combat power in this continent, and is the first to fight alone. Under this blow, I wonder if Xumishanzhou's Sword of Slaughter can be blocked?

Even though the Ape Lady is only the demon ancestor cultivation base, it is not easy to provoke. Anyone who doesn't pay attention to it will be severely injured by her. How can ordinary Yuan Ying be able to beat it?

My own magic weapon on the chessboard of heaven and earth, but the one who has been trapped by the three demon saints can best reduce the damage to the magic weapon itself by external forces!

The chessboard is wooden, with vitality and self-healing ability. If only an old ape is alone, it may indeed be sleepy for some time, but it is a delusion to have another ape woman!

Right now, the chessboard that was smashed out of the main body and flew back, there are countless dense cracks between the nineteen roads, as if it will be completely broken in the next moment!

During the induction, most of the vitality and spirituality of the chessboard have been lost. Although it has not been completely destroyed, it is not far behind. Don't even think about repairing it in hundreds of years!

Lao Tzu’s magic weapon!

I couldn't scream out yet, I couldn't hide my body, and the two dharma statues, one large and one small, were already squinting over.

The previous stick and stick seemed to be drawn by the power of heaven and earth, and it was really powerful to hit someone somewhere. It should be inevitable that the chessboard was greatly damaged!

If you smash yourself, there is still a way to survive?

I didn't say anything, flash first!

True Monarch Yipu turned his body and fled eastward!

When the old ape couple flew to the battle group, they looked at their own objects taken along the way, and couldn't help but curse for no reason: "The evil animal who suffered from the sky plague!"

Burning with anger, we must abandon the old squid in the battle and attack the old ape instead!

Of course, if you take a blow from Xinghui and keep it, you should not have so much courage for no reason.

Now that the old ape is back, his own side is at a greater disadvantage, Yuan Yang shouted: "Let's stay! My great sages, the night is already late, stop temporarily, how about fighting again in the morning?"

No matter how you have to add up to one or two, you still have to buy some time for the truce until dawn, and wait for the Taiyimen disciples on the road to arrive.

The dragon king, the old ape, the old osprey and other spirits exchanged for a while, but they agreed.

Before leaving, the old ape smiled at Yipu: "You guys, you are so daring and fat, you dare to trap me with a chessboard alone, if I go out again, I will go to your house to play and beg for tea!"

The old man, Yipu, and Zhenjun Yipu looked as usual, but they all started to beat the drums in their hearts.

His family only moved here, although they are also of the Huashen sect, but the disciples of the sect disciples are far from the other families that have been rooted in Beiju Luzhou!

The world of Xumishan Continent is ruined. In the past few thousand years, the spiritual roots have gradually disappeared. The spiritual energy of the world has become less and less. It has become more and more difficult for monks to cultivate and promote. The elixir is not being produced, and there is no replenishment. Yunxianmen and Qingxiadong are also like the small sects of the vassal, and the overall decline, and the number of disciples in all realms is far less than that of the Wujimen and Xuantian factions!

I have moved here for more than 30 years, and I have gained very little.

The Donghua Gate, the largest faction in Honzhou, is not limited to the two Transfiguration Gods. The Nascent Soul has also doubled the Promise Gate. The disciples of all realms are also massive. It is said that if necessary, two are distributed. Protecting the mountains, the power will not be worse than other sects!

In the beginning, in order to gain a foothold in Luzhou, North Ju, Donghuamen didn't know how many deaths and injuries there were, but they were all worth it. Now his family's overall strength has long surpassed any sect in Xumishanzhou. This is the benefit that Tuojiang brings!

For this reason, with Donghuamen as the leader, all families in this continent have to hold back the neck of Xumishan Island to move out for another one or two thousand years!

The three guarding formations of Yunxianmen, Qingxia Cave, and Leizhenmen are the easiest to be broken. They have already weakened to the end, and if they are broken and looted by the old ape, I am afraid that the shelf will fall!

It was okay in Zhongchun, and the old man was also afraid, because the island group temporarily lived after Yunxianmen moved, too close to Qingxia Cave, if the old ape went, he would be able to patronize both houses at once.

The two factions have different foundations for protecting the mountains, involving the roots of the sect, and it is impossible to change the drill. The disciples at the bottom cannot find a position and cannot be merged into a battle against the enemy.

The old man who likes Xianyunyehe the most, even regrets moving to the continent too early.

Seeing the vacillation of Yipu and Ling Yi, Du Ji's eyes became more bitter.

The word scared the two transfigures, and the old ape sneered, and flew west with a demon saint.

In the west, the Demon King Deer was waiting to see through.

When he flew back, the shallow-eyed disciple only stared at things and looked at things, and said with no good air: "Every family has the same efforts, and they have to share their profits. This time, you don't have your share!"

The demon saints on Lili are all exerting their strength, and of course the trophies regained will be shared by each family. It is impossible to be swallowed by the old ape and the two. The White Deer demon who got the Xuantian Sect bet is actually satisfied. He shouted: "Master, don't wrong me! My old deer only needs those books to find pill!"

Weird White Deer Demon, interested in pill again?

Books are really useless to the monster race, the old ape glanced around, and saw that no demon saint had come out to fight, and as expected, they were all thrown on the ground.

The Wujimen Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was evacuated by the couple of Xiwang, and the number of books dropped was a huge amount, seven or eight times as many as the Dufengling Study Room. The White Deer Demon was overjoyed and said, "My sacred masters, just share the benefits. I ask the monks to go!"

With so many books, it’s not easy to organize them. Fortunately, there are free labor available. Bailu Yao flew to call the monks of the Xuantian faction, and let Zixia and the slightest supervise the work, clean up and pick them up, and put them into Baibao after sorting out all kinds of books. Bag, leaving only the Danfang.

This is most of the classics of the Huashen School, and it makes the poor buns of the Xuandan Sect shocked and surprised and envied all of them.

The monks are prisoners, and the treasure bag was taken away long ago. The duty of the two supervisors is to prevent them from being hidden and read secretly. In fact, there is still an ancestor Bai Ze guarding them in secret.

If the monks are successful in refining alchemy and making tools, they may choose one or two Dao books as rewards, but that is the future, not the present.

There are all kinds of miscellaneous books, and the number is really huge. The White Deer looked at it for a while and picked out a lot of pill books, but they were only ordinary.

It wasn't until the excitement faded that the Bailu Demon remembered the demon saints.

Don't see the deer skinning and greedy cheeks, the big guys have already changed the venue and divided the spoils.

When the white deer demon arrived, the things had been divided almost, and looked west and shouted, "Let's see it as a disciple!"

What was left in place was a pile of jade like a hill, and the old Tao Yao pointed out: "These are also owned by each family, not your share, but the carvings and craftsmanship belong to you, and each family only takes the finished artifacts! "

Now all the demon kings who are attacking in Dongli have reported back. Except for the Xuandan Gate, there are still better monks who have been captured and willing to surrender. ~ Most of the work can be separated, and I will not tire myself into a dog anymore, but Bailu Demon does not want to let go, borrowing the words that black and white tapirs often say: "Master, I can't do my best!"

Looking westward, he coldly hummed and pointed to the Taoist ancestor tree: "The land-level middle-grade, there is no wealthy spiritual energy elsewhere, and there is no suitable driving range, but the tree is yours. When the fruit comes, it will be divided into different families. For you!"

The Bianxuan-level middle-grade and high-grade Lingzhi have a huge amount of aura to absorb every day. At the beginning, Huang Huaniang got the spirit roots of the White Deer Gang, and after a few years of accumulation, she could grab the red ganoderma of the Ruyi King; Help the mill, add more spiritual roots, and then move to the aura of white lion valley. Nowadays, the degraded Xuanzhong product has just been planted in the land boundary; and the twenty-first class ancestors are planting the middle product every year. The gifts that the Demon Kings ask for on the Rising Ancestral Festival are all spiritual roots.

Linggen is aura, which has a lot to do with Lingzhi.

This newly-snatched middle-grade Taoist ancestor tree must have sufficient aura to be planted in the place where it is to be planted. The demon sacred realms, such as the twenty-first and other demon ancestors, have all stopped the bad habit of asking the demon king for spiritual roots, or The spiritual energy is not up to the standard, or there is a corresponding spiritual plant, and there is no spiritual root as many as the forest is ready.

Although the extra aura is wasted as a waste, but only planting trees will not produce fruit. How can there be such good things in the world? The White Deer Demon wouldn't be so magnificent either, jumping to ask: "Why?"

Long Po replied: "My aunt doesn't know good or bad. Your master originally wanted to plant a mountain of monkeys. She thinks that she is lack of spiritual energy and wants to dig your spiritual roots. It is hard to persuade me!"

In the presence of the Bailu Demon, Long Po began to tear down her in-laws' platform again.

Another banshee, San Lao Huang, nodded fiercely, proving that Long Po's words were true.

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