Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 110: Crushing the distant mountains Kintaro (2/5)

"... really energetic kid."

Chu Tian said to himself, but he never thought that Kintaro would attack like this.

Are you too excited?

It's really amazing to be able to maintain this passion even when facing the recognized world's first player. In the previous game, Chu Tian met the opponents, but only played a strength of 50% or 60%, the mentality was too bad.

Toyama Kintaro ’s psychological quality, or optimistic attitude, is good.

"But ... how long can this activity last?"

Chu Tian smiled, and his steps moved in a flash.

Opposite the distant mountains Kintaro, the first feeling is: so fast!

Chu Tian's speed is not only fast, but also very fast, as if walking by Xu Ting. Even the layman can see that Chu Tian is playing casually.

It is this comparison of comfort and haste that makes it even more swift!

Chu Tian's figure has come to the spot where tennis hits in the moment of a thousand shots, raise his hand, swing!

"Boom !!!"

A fierce ball flew towards Toyama Kintaro!

too fast!

Even, the angle is very tricky!

Immediately after the fall, the number of tennis **** jumped abruptly, and the strong rotation disappeared in an instant. The strength of the rotation turned into the speed of the ball and flew out in an instant!

This is almost impossible, but it is entirely possible in the hands of Chu Tian. A quick ball passed quickly from the side of Kintaro Toyama's racket. Kintaro was stunned. Obviously he encountered this ball for the first time ...

[Chu Tian score, 15: 0! 】

"Great! Really worthy of the world's first, actually hit such a powerful ball. Too powerful!" Kintaro had no sense of failure and was still immersed in the joy of the duel.

Pick up the tennis ball and toss it high again.


The second ball can't wait to fly towards Chu Tian!

The speed is extremely fast, and the power is also very fierce!

Toyama Kintaro, the owner's endless physical strength, has a beastly intuition for tennis. It is more explosive than Taocheng Wu and Hecunlong. In terms of perseverance and longevity, it also surpasses Haitang Kaoru. The small appearance is not directly proportional to the real strength!

The ball flew vigorously, full of strength, and went straight to Chu Tian's feet.

However, Chu Tian still has a dull expression. Such a ball still has little to see in Chu Tian's eyes.


Chu Tian waved.

The space is distorted and compressed.

The tennis ball was shrouded by the overlapping space, and finally disappeared into the field of vision. The far mountain Jintaro on the opposite side was stunned suddenly, I don't know what to do!


Chi Tianbao of Si Tian Bao has a trick "Shen Yin", but Kintaro knows it.

However, Shenyin only jumped quickly when the tennis ball landed, causing the illusion of not being in sight. Tennis actually exists. Although that trick is great, Kintaro can still crack it!

But Chutian's emptiness is actually hidden! Undetectable!

I ca n’t see it with the naked eye, and I ca n’t perceive all five senses. The only flaw is the moment of landing, but there is no time to catch up with that moment of effort!

How to do!

Kintaro doubted that Chu Tian's goal had appeared in the corner of his court. The space fluctuates, and "bang" sounds, tennis scores low ...

[30: 0! 】

"Okay, I'll come again—"


[40: 0! 】


[Chu Tian score, 1: 0! In the next game, Chu Tian serves ...]

Kintaro served four times and was scored four times in a row.

The strength of both the enemy and the enemy is really too great. Even Kintaro, who has always been optimistic, has taken a little seriousness on his small face at this time. Chu Tian's ball skills are too strong, and Kintaro has always been the explosive power, physical strength, and strong beast-like intuition of the advantage. In front of Chu Tian, ​​it is completely useless!

The members of Si Tianbao under the stadium were nervous ...

"It's Chu Tian. Kintaro has never been defeated like this." Chitose said.

"Kintaro's strength is undoubtedly beyond all of us, but in front of Chu Tian, ​​he was beaten with no strength to fight back. I can imagine how terrible Chu Tian is. The video of the decisive battle with Echizen Nanjiro now comes to mind It ’s the same as myth. ”Minister Bai Shi said, a little bit serious.

"Kintaro, I hope he doesn't force it too much."

"It's too early to fight Chu Tian ..."

Even Si Tianbao ’s coach had to admit that he had no hope for Kintaro. Tactical guidance is completely useless, because the opposite is the strongest tennis player in the world. The only thing I can pray now is that Kintaro should not lose confidence because of this game ...

"Ahhhhhh! It's amazing! No, I must knock you down!" On the court, Kintaro scratched his head, annoyed. Chu Tian is very strong, but this kind of strength has inspired his desire to win even more!

Overwhelming Chu Tian, ​​Kimtaro was very persistent.

"Oh? Then you try it." Chu Tian smiled and said.

Chu Tian reached out and grabbed the tennis ball.

The tennis ball rotates gently in the hand.




Chu Tian's ball actually turned violently in the air, bringing up a fierce wind!

Even the dust on the ground was rolled up by this ball. The horrible ball flew towards Kintaro at a very fast speed! Both strength and angle are very powerful. Especially the rotation attached to it, it makes people dare not approach!

Kintaro was also taken aback!

It's too powerful, so serve! I am afraid that if you are not careful, the shot will be shifted due to the intense and terrible spin!

Then use the trick!

Kintaro quickly decided.

Kintaro, who had just been abused by Chu Tian, ​​had a counterattack at this time. Running quickly ahead, Kintaro went all out without reservation!

"Super invincible absolutely delicious big wheel mountain storm ——————”

The violent force swept the entire stadium!

Kintaro's small body burst into a powerful momentum!

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