Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 111: It's your misfortune to meet me (3/5)


A deafening voice was heard all over the court, and the roaring sound resounded throughout the playing field. The air was shaking in all directions.

The stadium seemed to be shaking.

Kintaro's loud roar, explosive power, released from Kintaro's body, terrifying! This is more powerful than any form of swing ball!

Some spectators near the stadium even swayed the seats!

This ball is simply not the power that junior high school students can send out!

Several players from Si Tianbao shouted in a hurry: "Quick! This is Xiao Jin's stunt, which is dangerous! I didn't expect to use it so quickly! Everyone get down! Get down !!!"

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The roar that shook the entire stadium and finally broke out. Everyone closed their eyes and blocked their sight. The huge power was simply unstoppable.

Tennis flew towards Chu Tian's position, the power and speed were so scary!

Kintaro smiled on his face and used his strongest stunt. It should be a bit useful. I do n’t know if Chu Tian can take it, Kintaro said.

Just then, Chu Tian's calm voice suddenly came across. Even with such a violent goal, Chu Tian was still so calm, without any slight tension. Raised the racket gently, and slowly said: "The ball is a good ball. The power is also very good. However, the number of the ball is too simple. Top tennis players, it is impossible to rely on strength alone."

"Kintaro, your tennis ball still has a fatal weakness."

After talking, Chu Tian raised his racket in his hand like a demonstration.

Kintaro has a bad hunch in his heart!

The violent ball shot quickly towards Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian didn't look at it, just so easily waved the racket in his hand. The violent power, after falling on the racket, seemed to be annihilated in an instant, and there was no more noise. The little tennis ball is very good in Chutian's place.

The racket rocked gently.

After Chu Tian paused for a second, the racket face suddenly tilted and rotated!

Hit a ball in a weird posture!

"Boom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Tennis jumped out!

More powerful than Kintaro's goal!

The sound is louder!

Faster speed!

A wave of air suddenly swayed around Chu Tian's ball. Even the naked eye can see the dust on the floor swaying around. This is the fluctuation caused by this ball. The person in front of the auditorium even had a cheek pain, and quickly closed his eyes. Such a violent wind is only caused by tennis!

寧 啦 ——

寧 啦 ——

In the middle of the block, the network cable was broken in an instant. I don't know how much, and even the metal rod on it hummed. A wave of waves hit it, and the entire railing would fall!

Even more terrifying!

Such a violent goal is actually full of skill. The moment Chu Tian swung made a rotation of the racket, making this ball extremely weird!

Actually follow the spiral to the court of Kintaro!

Kintaro watched Chu Tian's ball nervously, determined that he could not take it, and the power was too great. The only way is to use your own stunts and fight back again!

However, Kintaro was just about to swing, Chu Tian ’s ball suddenly accelerated in the spiral rotation in the air, and hula passed by Kintaro ...

Boom! ! ! ! ! !

After the tennis ball landed, it did not bounce, and the ground was smashed with a small hole that did not reach the bottom. The whole audience was so scared that they couldn't speak. The referee stayed for a long time before trembling. Shaking announced the victory of the ball ...

[Mr. Chu and Chu Tian score, 15: 0! 】

"Although I have known for a long time, Chu Tian's world's first strength will definitely get back this ball. However, this kind of power can actually play such a fancy ball skills, so strong ... It can't be explained scientifically!

Si Tianbao's coach said.

The more powerful the ball, the more difficult it is to stack on it. The most violent and violent ball is difficult to add skills. That requires strong control, and Chu Tian is undoubtedly the person whose strength and skill have reached their peak.

Kintaro, he was not wronged.

"Play, hit, hit back? Also, is it such a strong goal?"

Kintaro looked at the small hole in the ground and swallowed.

At this time, no matter who it is, no matter how optimistic they are born, I am afraid they cannot bear such a tragic failure. Kintaro even had a fear, and dared not fight anymore!

Chu Tian actually didn't blush or pant.

Even when playing basketball, there are still thoughts and preaching!

No matter which aspect, Chu Tian is impeccable, such a person, impossible to win, impossible ... Yuanshan Jintaro's heart repeated again and again.

"Hey, why, are you depressed? Go ahead."

Chu Tian raised his tennis racket and smiled. When playing tennis, the sound of Dump Drum is always so leisurely. As far as Kintaro is concerned, I don't know if this is a breakthrough opportunity or an obstacle to growth.

However, Chu Tian is too lazy to care! After the plot ends, staying for a while, Chu Tian is ready to leave the tennis world, so much!

Picking up the racket, Chu Tian continued to attack!

Boom! ! !

A powerful goal, purely avoiding the exploration of Kintaro by speed!


This time is Chu Tian's stunt, empty, and by the way, the rotation is added to the rotation to increase 100 times and then the external rotation serves!


A vigorous ball directly hit Kintaro's racket, Kintaro also retreated more than ten meters, and a fart. Unit sat on the ground ...

The one-sided scene is too shocking. No matter how hard Kintaro tried, he could not make up for this huge gap. The players of Si Tianbao sighed one after another ...

It was their misfortune to meet Chu Tian ...

Three minutes later, the referee's announcement came from the speaker:

[Mr. Chu Tian wins the game! The score, 6: 0! Mr. Chu Tian, ​​do you want to make a few comments? We implore your speech guidance ...】

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