Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 25: Little fart boy (2/4)

Chu Tian and Jing Ke were facing each other on the grass.

Gong Sun Yu withdrew and watched the comparison between the two. Gong Sun Yu is also somewhat curious about how powerful Jing Ke is now. After all, this is Chu Tian's apprentice.

The sound of light footsteps in the distance came.

A black dress, elegant and noble, Li Ji's snow-white skin lined with this dark dress, more elegant temperament. Walking at a leisurely pace, Li Ji turned to Chu Tian slightly after bending down, and stood quietly in the distance, watching the match between the two.

In Yingying's eyes, there seemed to be a flash of laughter.

"Master, I started."

Jing Ke took a deep breath and removed all people from the outside world, leaving only Chu Tian in his eyes.

Hold your breath, concentrate on it, and play against Chu Tian in the best state. It is the respect for Chu Tian who exerts all his strength to show his seriousness as a "disciple".

In Jing Ke's body, the sunflower's true air flow boiled, and he could puncture a swift sword at any time.


Chu Tian nodded.

Holding a wooden sword without any precautionary action, Chu Tian looked at Jing Ke in this way.

Every minute movement of Jing Ke's body, every flow of sunflower true energy in the body, and even the next action that may be made, the subsequent operation of sunflower true energy, and "Sunflower Sword Art", when will it be possible to enter Dacheng ... All in Chu Tian's observation.

Chu Tian cracked his mouth with a smile.

Jing Ke practiced very seriously during this time ...


Jing Ke's sword moved quickly!

Seizing the moment when Chu Tian smiled, Jing Ke stabbed the wooden sword in his hand. Although he is very young, Jing Ke's experience is not bad. Jing Ke and some diners in Gongsun Mansion have consulted.

Sunflower is really attached to the wooden sword, this piercing sound is very small. If you practice in the future, you can even eliminate all sounds!

Take Chu Tian's shoulders straight!

"A fast sword, but still a lot slower. Jing Ke, you have to remember that the key to" Sunflower Sword Technique "is just a quick word. Faster, faster, this is your goal."

Chu Tian explained leisurely, not panicking at all.

Then in front of Jing Ke, Chu Tian's figure disappeared all of a sudden!

There is no sign at all!

Jing Ke's sword stabbed in the empty space, and then looked at him, Chu Tian was three meters away from him. I do n’t know when Chu Tian got there!

Can't keep up!

"If Master just attacked at this speed, I would have lost ..." Jing Ke thought with surprise in his heart, Chu Tian was even stronger than he expected!

Not only the speed can not be captured, there are no traces.

The air did not fluctuate at all, and there was no trace of sound during the movement. Like ghosts, Chu Tian moved a few meters away!

This is speed!

"Speed, speed is the most important thing. Master is telling me through action that he must practice sunflower swordsmanship. Otherwise, it will only have this consequence when encountering enemies ... Master is really hardworking."

Jing Ke took a deep breath and recovered from the frustration.

"Sunflower Swordsmanship" is mainly based on swordsmanship, but it also has corresponding internal mental and physical methods.

Jing Ke's sunflowers instilled in his legs, and the whole person grew again at once. The wooden sword in his hand crossed the strange and anxious arc and attacked Chu Tian!



Jing Ke's speed is almost impossible for children. In a flash of time, Jing Ke came to Chu Tian. Seeing that Chu Tian did not dodge, Jing Ke was overjoyed in his heart, his wrist trembling, the wooden sword in his hand pierced again, piercing Chu Tian's heart!

Because Jing Ke already knew how powerful Chu Tian was, he didn't have to worry about hurting Master, and he went all out.

Seeing that this sword is about to succeed, Jing Ke's face will even show a happy look. After all, the child's heart is relatively simple.

At this moment, the wooden sword in Chu Tian's hands suddenly moved!


There was a sound.

There are no traces, no signs. Chu Tian's wooden sword, which had just been placed leisurely, has now picked up Jing Ke's wooden sword, and the tip of the sword has reached Jing Ke's heart.

Jing Ke's brain was dizzy, and the rapidity of this moment made him unable to respond at all.

"Ok ... So fast! I am afraid that the sunflower swordsmanship can only be mastered by masters. Master, it is really amazing." Jing Ke was surprised again.

Master, did you also practice sunflower swordsmanship? Little Jingke thought.

The opposite Chu Tian withdrew the wooden sword, pulled away the distance, and said again: "Come again, don't be discouraged, when the sword comes out, you can't forget to observe the other party because you are fast."

"Yes! Master!"


Jing Ke stabbed a sword again.

Chu Tian arbitrarily blocked, counterattacked ...

"No, there is a problem with the internal force operation. Remember, internal strength and moves should be as coherent as possible to maximize the power of" Sunflower Sword "."

"Ha !!" Jing Ke was another attack, Jianguang took Chu Tian's throat straight.


The wooden sword was taken off!

"No, you should pay attention to the speed of your sword while you are fast. You must pay attention to the match between the two."


Bang bang bang ——

Attack again and again.

Chu Tian was easily defeated again and again.

Jing Ke could not remember how long he had fought with Chu Tian, ​​but from beginning to end, Jing Ke was crushed by Chu Tian.

Chu Tian also pointed out Jing Ke's sunflower swordsmanship by chance. Jing Ke's understanding of sunflower swordsmanship is getting deeper and deeper, and he feels more profound and profound. This time, he further strengthened his determination to study sunflower swordsmanship.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Jing Ke was exhausted and exhausted, which ended the confrontation with Jing Ke.

"Thank you Master for your guidance! Master is so powerful, I can't even touch your clothes corner!"

Jing Ke gasped, said.

After this battle, Jing Ke became much clearer about his future martial arts path. Jing Ke grew up, the biggest dream is to be a ranger, the sword and the world.

With the sunflower swordsmanship, his martial arts dream will soon be realized!

At that time, holding the sunflower swordsmanship, will dominate the world, how prestige! What awesome!

Thinking of this, Jing Ke immediately recovered from the frustration and restored the confident and cheerful boy.

"Master Gongsun, seeing it, my sword skills are getting stronger and stronger! The sunflower sword skills are really powerful, Master Chu Tian, ​​you can rest assured that I will practice well."

"Li Ji, let's go, you are finally back, let's go play hide-and-seek together ... what? ... Well, then I'll find someone else."

"Sunflower swordsmanship, the world is invincible. I will definitely become a generation of heroes ..."




After Jing Ke and Gong Sun Yu left, Li Ji walked lightly in the distance, and walked gently to Chu Tian's side, bending slightly and saluting.

On the exquisite and beautiful white face, there is a somewhat elegant smile.

The breeze was blowing, and the smooth skirt danced with the wind. It was calm and full of charm. Li Ji's temperament, I am afraid that no one can match this girl at this age. After all, this is Chu Tian's personal training ...

"Good boy, how are you?"

Chu Tian glanced at Li Ji, and his heart was also comfortable. Especially after loading, I feel refreshed.

"Little kid's nonsense, it's boring."

Li Ji's expression was uninteresting, with a slight sneer.

Li Ji's object is self-evident, naturally it is Jing Ke. Thinking of Jing Ke actually inviting herself to play hide and seek, Li Ji really had a feeling of crying and laughing.

Little fart boy.

Little fart childlike swordsmanship, little fart childlike thinking.

Li Ji, who has studied with Chu Tian for so long, is no ordinary simple girl. She can see it even longer than many adults. In Jing Ke's eyes, there was a little fart boy.

Chu Tian smiled and said:

"Then you are not the same size?"

"Not the same, teacher. I am your apprentice."

"Isn't Jing Ke too?"

Li Ji suddenly showed a sly smile, with a little girl's pride, pride and satisfaction, and said seriously: "No, he is not."

Smart Li Ji seems to have discovered something.

However, Li Ji didn't have any doubts. Even if Chu Tian didn't regard Jing Ke as an apprentice, Li Ji didn't feel any displeasure, and even had a little different satisfaction.

Because of Chu Tian ’s apprentice, she is the only one ...

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