Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 26: Capital of South Korea (3/4)

"... In the sunflower swordsmanship, Li Ji saw only three flaws. However, the teacher must have laid more than ten flaws, and this is something that Jing Ke can never find."

Li Ji's voice was soft and elegant.

Although she is very young, Li Ji's vision has not been comparable to her peers. Regardless of resourcefulness or martial arts, Li Ji can be regarded as everyone.

Looking at the direction of Jing Ke's departure in the distance, there was not even a trace of sympathy in Li Ji's eyes. A few months ago, she and Jing Ke still wanted to be good playmates, but since becoming Chu Tian's apprentice, this little girl's heart can no longer tolerate other things ...

The teacher's decision was all right.

The teacher gave him his own words.

Li Ji believed so deeply in her heart.

After seeing Chu Tian's expression, Li Ji sipped her mouth and continued to analyze: "He doesn't betray the teacher, that's okay, these flaws will disappear forever in the world. But if he has a bad heart in the future, think If you want to do something that is not good for the teacher, then even if you escape to the end of the world, you ca n’t escape the sanction of the teacher ... as long as you know the fatal flaws in the swordsmanship, even an ordinary swordsman can easily take his life. Teacher, even You do n’t need to do it yourself ... "

Li Ji analyzed in an orderly manner and was very accurate.

Everything is already in Chu Tian's grasp.

Not to mention that he has the ability to easily kill everyone in this world, even if he is now a weak man with no power to restrain himself, Chu Tian also has the confidence and ability to get together in this world and prevail over everything!

This is the confidence of the strong!

Chu Tian's strength is not just his own strength.

Martial arts, art of war, strategy, conspiracy, calligraphy and painting, human heart, poetry, song and so on, etc., covering all aspects, all the flawless strong!

"Yes, my good apprentice, the analysis is in place, as always wise." Chu Tian smiled with satisfaction, and touched Li Ji's small head.

At this time, Li Ji finally revealed the coquettish look that ordinary little girls should have. Close your eyes and enjoy Chu Tian's praise and touch.

"Teacher, are you ready to go?" Li Ji whispered.


"Where to go, Qin country?"

"Of course. I have done so much for Yingzheng. I should go get some interest."

"So, can you take Li Ji with you?"


In the simple conversation, Li Ji's mouth radiated a beautiful arc.

Although she knew that Chu Tian wouldn't leave her behind, Li Ji still wanted to confirm that, with a little possibility, Li Ji would not let go.

As long as you can follow Chu Tian's side, it's better than anything ...

The breeze blows, the lotus fragrance.

This summer lotus blooms exceptionally brilliantly ...


Three days later.

Chu Tian was ready for everything and set off from Wei Guo.

Bringing Liji and Nongyu, two little loli, Chu Tian left the country and traveled all the way west towards Qin Guo, his destination.

Li Ji wore a black one-piece dress, elegant and dignified, but quiet and quiet, like noble and elegant, unprecedented peony; Nongyu is a white dress, brisk and flexible, and occasionally plays several flexible songs, lively moving.

One black and one white, one motion at a time. Either way, they are lovely and touching, making Chu Tian put it down.

Such two beautiful loli are beside Chu Tian, ​​but also add a lot of fun on the journey ...

Qin State is located in the west, still some distance away from the Wei State.

As for Chu Tian, ​​he wasn't in a hurry for the time being, so he spared a bend and planned to visit the capital of South Korea. It's rare to pass through a big country. If you don't go to the country and have a look, this tour is really in vain.

Wei Guo is just a small country. Compared with Qin, Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, Qi Qi, the gap is self-evident.

The capital of South Korea must be much prettier than Weiguo.

The world of "Qin Shi Ming Yue" is a fictional world, not a real history. The architecture and decoration here are comparable to modern ones.

I don't know what the grade of the hotel is.

Does the most high-end palace fit your taste?

There are also entertainment venues here, I don't know if there is any fun ...

Chu Tian thought of these and took two beautiful ones, happily walking towards the capital of South Korea. Because Chutian is not in a hurry, so I do n’t even bother to move the space or something. I slowly travel the mountains and water to teach Li Ji all kinds of knowledge. destination…

"This is it."

Half a year later, under the city wall, Chu Tian looked up at the capital of South Korea. Two little loli, one black and one white, stood beside Chu Tian.

The capital of South Korea, Xinzheng.

The city walls are tall and majestic, and they are more magnificent than the guardian countries.

The soldiers who defended the city were also energetic. People in the city are coming and going, bustling, a bustling scene.

In terms of population, luxury, economic development, etc., South Korea, one of the seven heroes of the Warring States period, is better than Wei Guo.

Chu Tian was about to pull two little Loli into the city. Suddenly, the two soldiers defending the city looked like a ghost, staring at Chu Tian with a violent look, and then determined what it was like, immediately kneeling Falling to the ground, shouting piously: "Zhang XX sees the holy priest! The priest, Xianfu Yongxiang, will live together with heaven!"

"King XX, see the leader of the Holy Church! The leader, Xianfu Yongxiang, will live together with the heaven!"

The two happened to be Christian believers!

Chu Tian's missionary plan has been carried out for some time. Although South Korea does not have as many believers as the Patriotic Kingdom, it still has considerable effects under various propaganda.

The passing people also turned their heads to look at Chu Tian. Some people showed a face of worship, some people looked at Chu Tian in surprise, and some faithful elements of the Holy Church also shouted loudly as the two soldiers kneeled.

Everyone looked joyful, with an irresistible piety:

"See the Holy Teacher!"

"See the Holy Teacher!"

"See the Holy Teacher!"


A large number of believers shouted, and the city gate was very lively. Chu Tian did not expect that the development of believers in the country of Korea will be smoother than in other parts of South Korea. Presumably, it is the reason for the large and dense flow of people.

Of course, Chu Tian ’s deeds of acting like a force and a **** stick are also one of the reasons ...

Chu Tian walked towards the city while waving warmly with the admirers. A large number of people followed behind Chu Tian, ​​shouting eagerly. Among the cheering crowd, several seemingly inconspicuous civilians suddenly gave a concealed look, and at the same time, they quickly retreated unconsciously.

Spider-like tattoos flashed on one of the arms ...

Follow the instructions and discover Chu Tian!

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