Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 43: Peak Battle One (2/4)

The coming person is the East Emperor Taiyi.

Deep eyes, slowly swept over the hall, an indescribable deep breath, always covering the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The whole person of Donghuang Taiyi is like a mystery.

Everyone was swept by the eyes of Donghuang Taiyi, and there was a situation of being seen through. Donghuang Taiyi knew the situation at the scene with just one glance. Everyone's state is clear-except Chu Tian!

However, because of this, the emperor's face hidden under a black mask is more dignified!


Actually suppressed!

Hundreds of Qin Wang Yingzheng's personal guards were simply suppressed! Even, all started desperately! Qin Wang Yingzheng was forced to shoot in person!

Who is it?

Even if he is, in the face of such a situation, he can't solve it!

And the person in front of them, simply dealt with it!

The identity of this person--

"... Holy priest?"

Dong Huang Tai asked deeply.

Looking at the world, only this identity can cause Donghuang Taiyi to doubt.

From the World War I, Chu Tian's reputation has been rising continuously, and various rumors have kept coming. Chu Tian is almost astronomical and geographically precise, and is even known as the closest person to **** in the world!

If someone could do this, it would only be Chu Tian.

Chu Tian smiled and said:


The eyes of the two met in the air.

In the hall, the wind suddenly blew, and the octagonal palace lights swayed.

Before the fight, the momentum confrontation has already begun. A strong momentum oscillated between the two, and all the people in the hall felt the two forces facing each other!

This is the top expert in the world!

Everyone seems to see hope!

"The heavens are permanent, and mortals can't be violated. You're doing this, you shouldn't." Dong Huang Taiyi said suddenly, with a deep tone and a reprimand.

When speaking, one was soft and one was cold, one was hot, and two breaths of yin and yang gradually emerged from the body of Donghuang Taiyi, with a domineering force.

Donghuang Taiyi is obviously ready to shoot.

"You are not a god, how do you know that the **** chose ... not me?"

Chu Tian asked with a smile.

While talking, Chu Tian's hands, internal force surged. The pure internal force gradually solidified into a dazzling sword.

"I'm sure not you." Dong Huang said.

"Really sure?"


The Emperor Dongyi was silent.

If it was before, he can say with certainty, no.

However, just now, not long ago, Emperor Xing of the Yingzheng suddenly dimmed, and the Yingzheng, which should have unified the Seven Kingdoms, did not have the breath of the emperor.

The heaven and earth are running, there have been changes!

What the **** is going on, Donghuang Taiyi cannot understand!

Emperor Star is bleak, it stands to reason that a new Emperor Star should appear. Even the stars have made a move to welcome the new king. But the vast starry sky can't find that star.

There was a mess in Donghuang Taiyi's heart.

Helping the government is not only for the sake of unity, but also for your own purposes. Between him and Yingzheng, they only used each other. He has to use the power of Yingzheng to accomplish some of his own things ... But now, due to various factors, Emperor Xing is in chaos, Chu Tian kicks in again, too many things, the original plan was thoroughly Upset!

However, the ideals of several generations of the Yin and Yang family cannot be interrupted!

The Emperor Dong took a deep breath and said:

"Anyway, I can't let you go today."

Stay Chu Tian.

Cut off all disturbing people!

As for the change of Dixing? Later he will discuss with Yingzheng ...

"Emperor Donghuang really understands the great righteousness! Good! Good! It is really awesome for the few to get help from Donghuang!" Ying Zheng laughed aloud.

Yingzheng was finally relieved in her heart. Donghuang Taiyi's thoughts, even he could not guess. The only thing that can be determined is that this person, the East Emperor, did not pursue much power. This is why Yingzheng is at ease with him.

Now, the Emperor Dong is willing to help himself against the possibility of Chu Tian, ​​and adds a few points.

Yingzheng looked at the throne high up.

That is the throne that overrides everything. That is his throne. No one can take away ...

Yingzheng's sword is almost condensed.

The yin and yang of Donghuang Taiyi also circulated and continued to grow.

And hundreds of bodyguards finally approached Chu Tian gradually.

With the order of Yingzheng, everyone moved! In all directions, rushed to Chu Tian. Sword light, knife light, concealed weapons, surrounded Chu Tian in various ways!

Fierce attack!

However, Chu Tian didn't even feel a little nervous, slowly raised his sword in his hand, and the sword became stronger and stronger.

In the entire world of Qin Shimingyue, there have been few such battles.

What a rare game.

Rare entertainment.

People can't help but want to laugh happily.

"come together!"

Chu Tian's tone was surging.

The sword light in his hand became more and more dazzling, and the entire hall was covered by Chu Tian's sword light. This sword full of fighting spirit and excitement, everyone can feel it!


Under such circumstances, can you still be happy? That excited expression, not what happiness is! ?


This is a lunatic!

Either Yingzheng or Dongyi Taiyi, this time I couldn't help but have such a thought!

Under such circumstances, can he still maintain such a pleasant mood? Treat such a duel as entertainment! What is the idea!

Not a lunatic, what is it!

"--My thoughts, how can you understand."

Chu Tian said suddenly, as if reading mind.

The sword light became brighter and brighter.

Chu Tian's pace was brisk and pleasant, and he took a hundred feet in one step. The sword in his hand swayed gently, like a giant rock.

Boom! ! !

Under a sword, a hundred guards all flew out!

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