Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 44: Peak Battle II (3/4)


"What's the trick!"

"How can it be!"

"How did this win !?"


Including Yingzheng and Donghuang Taiyi, Chu Tian was shocked by the sudden embarrassment!

Under a sword, swept hundreds of masters, such power has never been heard before. These guards are not ordinary guards, everyone is a master!

Actually swept hundreds of people at once!

And Chu Tian looks like he hasn't tried his best!

The atmosphere inside the hall was even more dull. Everyone is still running towards Chutian, trying their best. It ’s just that I do n’t have much chance of winning ...

The long sword shook gently and retracted.

The majestic breath suddenly disappeared from the hall, and Chu Tian's entire person instantly became as calm as the lake water. The whole hall became extremely quiet in a moment.

Quiet, even people can't bear to break.

However, a more solemn and fierce breath rose slowly.

Sharply, as if piercing the silence, piercing the soul of man. Like a sword that tears everything, it rises in everyone's heart.

Not imposing.

However, it was so sharp that people's breathing stopped!

A fierce light slowly bloomed in Chu Tian's hands.

"—Quick! Stop him !!!"

Dong Huangtai shouted sharply.

There was even a little panic in the voice!

Such a strong breath even makes people feel pierced, this is just the sword intention before the sword! If a substantial sword erupted, how terrible would it be?

Donghuang Taiyi didn't even dare to imagine!

That is an incomprehensible sword!

It seems that it is too late.

The guards had just prepared to step forward, and Chu Tian's wrist suddenly shook, pointing in the direction of the largest number of people. With a fierce sword gas, the guards on the opposite side ache on the cheeks! These bodyguards were instantly scared and bloodless!

The sword light is getting brighter and dazzling!

A huge sword awn extended out, and actually reached a distance of several meters. The sword formed by the internal force condensed in Chu Tian's hands now looks more powerful than any magic weapon!

On Chu Tian's face, there was a blazing heat!

Slowly raised the sword in his hand, Limang slowly rose from the sword. Chu Tian's Jianmang grew longer and brighter. Actually, it has been extended to seven or eight meters.

The whole hall is shaking and shaking!


boom! ! ! !

No one can see what a sword it is!

The dazzling white light made everyone blind for an instant and could not see anything! No, even if it can be seen, the speed of this sword is too fast, too fast, they still can't hide!

After the light dissipated, the place where Chu Tianjianguang swept away was empty.

Hundreds of bodyguards all disappeared, together with clothing and weapons, all disappeared ...

Where the ground was swept by Jian Qi, there were sharp sword marks, sharply, which made people scared after a glance. The huge pillar in the palace also disappeared from the middle ...

Even the huge bronze tripod at the entrance of the main hall disappeared for three quarters, as if it were not bronze but tofu, and three quarters were cut off with a knife ...

This is a godlike power!

Not to mention Yingzheng, even the East Emperor Taiyi, at this time also looked ashamed.

How to do?

how to spell?

Can Chu Tian really play like this?

"Fantasy sword."

Chu Tian once again stabbed with a sword, and the attacks continued.

One sword, two swords, two swords, four swords, one sword and one sword, overlapping and shaking, actually gave birth to four elephants and gossip, Fenglei Volcano, all things! Numerous fantasies are mixed in this sword, and all the guards are stunned for a moment, and they can only stand quietly in place, unable to move their bodies, as if bound by something ...

This is the way to integrate illusion into swordsmanship.

Chu Tian's sword light fell gently on the bodyguards like feathers. All the guards were shrouded in illusions in this sword and could no longer move.


With a light sword, hundreds of guards flew away!

The whole hall, under Chu Tian's tricks, only a few dozen people still have the ability to move, and the other people can't even move ...

"Happy! Really happy!"

"It's been a long time since I fought so hard. Although I was weak, I resisted it a little bit more than fighting those thieves."

"Yingzheng, the East Emperor Taiyi, you can also go. Hurry up, but I will preemptive."

"Happy, happy!"

Chu Tian smiled and felt happy.

Donghuang Taiyi and Yingzheng felt unprecedented pressure!


But it's not crazy!

He sees this battle as a game, a show of joy, that's because he is confident enough! Looking at the world, I am afraid that no one is his opponent!

He is so strong!

Yingzheng gripped the sword in his hand and shouted:

"Emperor Donghuang, what are you waiting for? He is a lunatic. If we don't shoot, we will have no chance!"

Yingzheng made a decisive decision and rushed to Chutian quickly!

Chu Tian is in excitement, immersed in killing and killing, how could such Chu Tian keep his hand? If they do not fight back, they will have no hope at all!

Seizing the only opportunity is their hope!


Jin Jian tweets.

The sword in Yingzheng's hands was cast by the celestial iron meteorite, and cut gold and broken jade, and is also a superior sword. Cooperating with the imperial spirit of Yingzheng and the deep internal force, the effect is very significant!

"Yes, there is no escape route."

Dong Huang Taiyi whispered, his eyes were serious, and a deep and profound atmosphere spread across both hands of Donghuang Taiyi. Getting stronger and more dazzling.

Two powerful incompatible forces are perfectly reflected in a person's body.

One yin and one yang, one positive and one negative.

Donghuang Taiyi's two hands concentrated two distinct forces. The mysterious and muddy voice came from Donghuangtai ...

"Tai Chi Xuan Yi, Yin and Yang Qi."

Eastern Emperor Taiyi's body snapped out, echoing Yingzheng's distance, and struck Chu Tian!

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