Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 45: Peak Battle III (4)

One left and one right, one palm and one sword.

Yingzheng and Donghuang Taiyi are the most outstanding characters in the world. If it is ranked, it is definitely the existence of the top five personal combat power! The two teamed up to deal with one person. Under the sky, only Chu Tian could be so calm!

A few steps beyond the whispering wind, Chu Tian's clothes fluttered.

Yingzheng and Donghuangtai were one or two. Although they had never fought side by side, their skills were fascinating. The first time they cooperated, they played perfectly!

Yingzheng's sword turned into golden light, puncturing Chu Tian's throat!

The situation in the hands of Donghuang Taiyi is changing, covering Chu Tian, ​​while interfering and brewing offensive.

Two huge forces are constantly approaching Chu Tian!

In the palace, all kinds of lights hanging swayed!

Keep approaching!

From Chu Tian, ​​the blink of an eye has reached the distance of ten steps!

Five steps!

Three steps!

Two steps!

This is the distance from the beginning to now, no guards are close!

Seeing is about to succeed!

"Not bad."

Chu Tian said suddenly.

Faced with the pinch of the two masters, Chu Tian's face did not have any slight confusion. Obviously the attack of the two is coming, but Chu Tian is not panic at all, not at all chaotic, as if just watching a scene, leisurely and complacent.

Apart from excitement, Chu Tian's face was only appreciated.

Yes, it is appreciated.

It was a domineering attitude like an adult complimenting a child.

"The sword is good." Chu Tian looked at Yingzheng and said.

"The palm method is also good." Chu Tian looked at Donghuang Taiyi and said again.

However, the sword in Chu Tian's hand was not seen, and there was no movement at all.

Yingzheng and Donghuang were so attentive that they instantly mentioned their throats!

what happened!

what happened! ?

Where is Chu Tian's self-confidence!

Yingzheng's forehead, a drop of sweat could not help but flow down, that inexplicable fear, making Yingzheng's arm a little stiff. Chu Tian's body, the vast and majestic temperament, makes Ying Zheng never see through ...

"Emperor Donghuang !!!"

Yingzheng shouted again!

Fear made Yingzheng completely out of state. The sword in his hand increased the speed again by a few points. A dazzling golden light spewed from the sword. The internal force of Yingzheng's whole body, like the waves, infused into this sword. Jianmang is getting sharper and more dazzling!

Where the Jian Feng swept, even the air inside seemed to be burning. This is a phenomenon caused by the internal force running to an extremely violent level.

Yingzheng stabbed with all his strength!

At the same time, Donghuang Taiyi responded to Yingzheng's attack, the yin and yang spirits reincarnate, and the various tactics of the yin and yang families were used one after another and slammed into Chutian.

This is the moment to fight!


A palm was shot on Chu Tian's chest.


A sword stabbed Chu Tian in the throat!

Yingzheng and Donghuangtai, one or two, strove all the strength of the whole body into the attack. This attack by the two was intended to kill Chu Tian directly!


Above the main hall, a violent blast burst into the center with three people!

The ripples visible to the naked eye are scattered one by one in all directions. Many guards in the distance were even taken off by this powerful force! The strong airflow hit the typhoon in the hall, and all the tables, chairs, ornaments and tiles were scattered in all directions!

At the feet of the three people, the bottom plate exploded, like the waves spreading all around!

Huge cracks even spread continuously along the ground, extending beyond 100 meters, and continue to climb on the wall!

The dull applause and the piercing sword sound almost broke the eardrum!

The combined efforts of Yingzheng and Donghuang Taiyi were terrifying!


Yingzheng's sword did indeed stab Chu Tian's throat ...

It's just that the sword built by the meteorite that is enough to cut the gold and jade, attached to Yingzheng's amazing internal force, was stabbed on Chu Tian's neck, and there was no effect at all.

Even, the skin is not worn ...

And the emperor's palm is indeed printed on Chu Tian's chest.

However, the yin and yang power of Donghuang Taiyi could not penetrate Chu Tian's skin. The violent internal force hit Chu Tian's chest and was actually rebounded by ... ?

As a result, Donghuang Taiyi suffered some internal injuries first!

"How can it be!"

"Will not!!"

Donghuang Taiyi and Yingzheng both screamed in unison with their eyes widened.

With their all-in-one blow, Chu Tian took it off without even blocking it?

Swords can't pierce the skin, who is this! ?

Just do nothing, let them fight, and defend their offense? What level of strength is needed to achieve this? ?

Yingzheng and Donghuang Taiyi even had the heart of death!

How do you fight this?

Not at all a level!

Chu Tian twisted his arms and nodded, seeming very satisfied.

After glancing at Yingzheng and at Emperor Dongyi, Chu Tian said:

"The force is okay, it's tickling enough. Yes, after all, this is the limit you can reach. It's just that, in terms of skills, it's still a lot worse."

Chu Tian is still that leisurely expression.

Reaching out his left hand, he slowly caught Qin Wang Yingzheng. A mysterious breath spread in Chu Tian's hands.

Chu Tian is very happy, very happy.

"First of all, winning your experience is too bad." Chu Tian said instructively.

A palm straight against Yingzheng's chest.

Yingzheng was shocked and pale! Suddenly withdrew the golden long sword, and chopped it out constantly, like a frenzy, and madly stopped Chu Tian's hand.

It's just that all attacks seem to be useless. Chu Tian's hand easily traversed countless swords, lights and swords nets, and landed firmly on Yingzheng's chest.

Snapped! ! !

Yingzheng spurted blood!

Then Yingzheng's entire portrait was like a rocket. He flew back quickly at the indescribable speed of horror, and slammed into the dragon chair in the distance!

The entire dragon chair was torn apart and destroyed instantly!

Yingzheng completely lost combat power!

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