Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 57: Snatch one (1/5)

One hundred, two hundred.

Five hundred, one thousand!

The sound of breaking the sky was connected in series, and a poignant tune was played.

The dense arrow rain, shooting in all directions, from countless dead ends to the five people in Chutian. The arrows of each sharp arrow quenched the venom. Under the sunlight, it glowed with a faint green light, dazzling and cold.

Old Man Lu's eyes were scorching, and he was staring closely at Chu Tian, ​​and he was ready to deal with the strategy at any time.

However, under such a huge array of arrows, Chu Tian's eyes were still dull, without the slightest waves. As if facing, it was just a common attack.

Chu Tian walked slowly step by step.

Old Man Lu's heart couldn't help but get cold again ...

"—It's barely good. In addition to the famous Mojia organizing technique in the world, and the domineering organizing technique of the public losers. Your attainment on this is also a must. If you can, you don't want to kill you.

Chu Tian walked slowly, looking at the arrow rain all over the sky, said with relief.

The four beauties in the back of the country followed Chu Tian in every step, just like guarding the king.

Chu Tian slowly reached his right hand.

As fast as slow, as straight as curved.

The space seems to be distorted, and the light is distorted.

In this simple movement, the world seemed to be silent.

The sky full of arrows of rain seemed to be controlled by some powerful force, and all were banned in an instant. Then, like a dream, it suddenly rotates and twists. The sword made of steel is twisted into various shapes like a fragile grass.

With a cry, thousands of arrows fell to the ground one after another.

Some fractures have become two pieces, and some have broken into one powder.

What's more, it disappears directly in the distortion of space ...

"Is there any other way to make it come out. Although it is all useless work, but at least let me have fun."

Chu Tian continued to walk forward, his eyes dull.

No matter what kind of attack, Chu Tian can't stop the pace.

In Chu Tian's eyes, a gleam of glints flashed through the layers of barriers in the house. If the fire of all things looked at the fire, it was clear and clear. The location of Pi Xiu could not escape Chu Tian's observation ...

50 meters.

40 meters.

30 meters.

Every step closer means that Old Man Lu is one step closer to death!

The old man on the opposite side almost ran out ...

Even the movement of the arm is extremely difficult!

Only when you are positive can you feel this coercion clearly!

Just by locking his eyes, Old Man Lu seemed to be in the ice cellar, as if innumerable chains imprisoned himself. Even the simplest movement was extremely difficult!

Chu Tian did not intentionally use any secret method to imprison Old Man Lu, but just locking his eyes, he had almost collapsed Old Man Lu! This is the suppression of momentum!

Absolute gap!

Old man Lu is not afraid of death.

However, Pi Yao, must not be taken away!

Absolutely not!

20 meters.

10 m.

Chu Tian is getting closer and closer. The whole hut was trembling and shaking under the pressure of Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian slowly raised his right hand, as if about to fall-

"Holy priest !!! You, you will never get it !!!"

Old Man Lu's eyes were red, and he shouted loudly.

The whole body was full of anger, and the whole person was free from Chu Tian's pressure in just a moment! Pushing the strength of the whole body, old man Lu instantly held down several red buttons in the house! Old man Lu, showing his hopeful eyes!

Chu Tian approached a point, he was in danger!

But Chu Tian came closer, and his grasp was even bigger!


Hula! !

Hula! ! !

Hundreds of chains suddenly flew out of the house!

Each chain is made of fine iron casting!

Hundreds of chains flew to Chu Tian together. The only shortcoming is that the attack range is limited, so only when Chu Tian is nearby can he launch an attack.

However, the preparation of Old Man Lu is not over yet!

Hundreds of chains flew out at the same time, there was a loud noise in Old Man Lu's house!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The earth trembles and shakes.

Suddenly, the iron sphere-like object transformed from pixiu suddenly flew out of the house. Follow the chimney and head straight to the sky! Under the enormous power, the speed of this iron ball even reached supersonic speed!

Old man Lu is going to send away the pixiu!

It is impossible for Chu Tian to stop it. Old Man Lu knows this. The purpose of Old Man Lu is only to entangle Chu Tian's kung fu in an instant, so as to send out the brave pig!

This is the only way!

Hundreds of chains were enough to wrap around in a flash. They wrapped around Chu Tian and delayed enough time. Pixiu also flew into the cloud.

Old Man Lu finally showed a pleasant gaze.

He succeeded!

"Good hardness."

Chu Tian said another sentence.

Then, in the shocked eyes of Old Man Lu, Chu Tian's body flicked and snorted, and hundreds of irons wrapped around Chu Tian's body were all turned into fragments in a flash. These chains could not restrain Chu Tian at all.

Chu Tian walked forward slowly, as if he didn't care about Pi Xiu at all.

Chu Tian reached out and grabbed volley!


The huge suction suddenly occurred, and more than ten miles of brave pigeons had flew out. Under the grasp of Chu Tian, ​​he returned to the original way!

Hurry up and fly towards Chu Tian!

Sucking material in the air, although such martial arts have heard of it. But, sucking things in over ten miles, unheard of! Old Man Lu even felt that there was a problem with his eyes!

Chu Tian, ​​how did it happen! ?

"How is it possible! How is it possible! You, you—" Old Man Lu stared at Chu Tian, ​​incredible.

"Old man, your idea is not bad. It's a pity that even if the pixiu is not what I got, it won't fall on the hands of good people. You should thank me."

Chu Tian said, pointing a finger.

boom! ! !

The majestic internal force roared out, surging. Chu Tian ’s years of cultivation have touched the edge of the laws of this world. One's self-cultivation has long reached the "bottleneck" of this world.

Chu Tian's internal strength cannot be measured by common sense!


The internal force bombed like a wave!

The earth is cracking! The air burst! House collapse! The various steel casting organs in the house also turned into powder in a flash!

Old man Lu opened his eyes wide before he died, and couldn't believe what he saw.

Is this really God?

However, since it is a god, why there is no fraternity of the gods, and why do you want to capture the soldier demon ...

Blowing his palm, Chu Tian did not stop his posture, and seemed to be waiting for something.

His eyes turned around, and Chu Tian's gaze revealed a playful joke. The iron **** in the air were still flying towards Chu Tian.

"Don't shoot yet? If you don't shoot again, I'm welcome."

Chu Tian looked around and suddenly said with a smile.

It seemed to cater to Chu Tian's words, and all over the place, suddenly countless figures popped out!

Some shadows are hidden among the people, and some are hidden among trees and flowers.

They wear different clothes and have different identities.

As can be seen from their clothes, some from South Korea, some from Chu State, some from Zhao State ... People from the Six Kingdoms have gathered here.

The presence of soldiers and demon gods, who will not be moved!

Almost all the people of the six countries participated in this competition. Even if the other party is the priest, they will not flinch for ambition!

An arrow suddenly shot out of the crowd!

Lightning fast!


Pixiu flying in the air was shot at once, deviated from the track, and fell into the crowd nearby. The people of the Six Kingdoms are divided into two parts, one part rushed to Chu Tian inconsistently, to contain it; the other part, rushed to the brave pig in the distance——

This is the beginning of the snatch!

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