Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 58: Snatch two


After the iron ball transformed by Pixiu, after a quick arc, it finally landed. Swordsmen, swordsmen, rivers and lakes heroes, court masters in the whole town, all held their breath in a flash.

There is almost no delay.

Not even a half-second pause.

In all directions, all the people rushed to the little iron ball at the fastest speed in an instant. Everyone's eyes are burning like a blazing flame! In a short moment, almost a hundred people have surrounded a large circle in the city and surrounded the small brave pig in the center. Everyone, staring at the little iron ball ...

The iron ball was quietly placed in the center.

Everyone besieged the city in a big circle and watched carefully.

The air suddenly became very quiet and dull, and everyone's heartbeat was clear and audible. Everyone surrounded Pi Yao, but there was no more movement at this time. Some swordsmen even lifted their footsteps several times, wanting to step forward and want to hold the brave pig in their hands, but still have no courage to take the first step. It ran eagerly before, but at this moment, he dared not step forward.

That's an iron ball.

That is brave.

That's the key to the demon **** of war!

Enough to control the world ’s overall situation, who will not be moved! But at this moment, no one dared to step forward and pick up the iron ball! The first one to shoot must die! !

The priest is there. With the priesthood of the Holy Church, under the absolute pressure of crushing, all the people of the Six Kingdoms had to temporarily unite together.

However, there are still intrigues between each other. The six countries are fighting each other and contain each other, even if they are fighting Qin, it is just a helpless move. At this moment, any person who was the first to approach Pi Xiu might be besieged by the rest of the Five Kingdoms immediately and die instantly! !

No one wants to be the first!

Want to take this brave pig.

However, the people of the Six Kingdoms are on guard against each other.

That's all, you look at me, I look at you, hesitating.

In addition, there is a priest of the Holy Church in the distance. It is really unwise for them to fight for this brave pig.

However, you can't just put Pi Xiu here.

The scene suddenly became embarrassing. The people of the Six Kingdoms wanted to step forward to get the little thing, but they did not dare to step forward, and suddenly fell into a state of being stuck ...

"--I said, you may not have too much energy. It is such a trivial matter, it is all rubbish. It is better, let me help you."

Chu Tian in the distance suddenly said.

Chu Tian reached out his hand, and his internal force slowly united.

A long, shining long sword gradually shaped in Chu Tian's hands. The degree of Chutian's internal strength condensed into this sword, even if all the people on the scene added up, could not match it. Just the breath of the sword has made people have a painful feeling of cheeks being cut.

Chu Tian held this long sword and walked slowly toward the front. A sharp sword spirit gradually emerged from Chu Tian, ​​the grass on the ground, debris, flying ...

Nearly a hundred people surrounded Chu Tian, ​​and his nerves were tense for a moment.

In the distance, the people who were struggling for the attribution of Pi Xiu turned their eyes to Chu Tian.

Everyone remembered this, the biggest enemy this time is the Holy Church ...


There is almost no reaction time!

Not even knowing what happened!

More than a dozen masters from the Six Kingdoms who were closest to Chu Tian, ​​in a flash of blood, screamed. After roaring for a few seconds, everything was calm. Several people fell to the ground at once, motionless.


The sharp sword marks left on their throats told everyone that more than ten people died under the sword.

The person who killed them was ... Chu Tian!

Everyone was dull!

what happened!

In the end what happened!

They saw nothing!

More than ten people lost their lives right before their eyes! Even Chu Tian didn't see how to wield his sword! Everyone subconsciously distanced himself from Chu Tian, ​​afraid of Chu Tian ’s sword light, he would cut his throat in the next moment ...

Chu Tian smiled and continued to walk towards the location of Pi Xiu. The people of the Six Kingdoms who were holding Chu Tian around slowly retreated. Chu Tian took a step, and everyone stepped back.

Obviously, he had already made up his mind to contain Chu Tian. At this time, everyone was afraid again ...

"Hey, I can't bear to see you fight for this little brave pig. So, if you are all dead, you won't be entangled in this. How, good idea?"

Chu Tian said again.

Clearly calm eyes.

However, everyone, trembling with a chill!

This is the sacred leader!

Even if one person meets hundreds of masters, he still talks and laughs, looks freely, everything is under control! The sword in Chu Tian's hand, I don't know when it will suddenly attack in the past!

Everyone even felt scared!

"Quick! Hold him down!"

"Kill him first and then decide on the distribution of this thing!"

"Asshole, just one person, dare to be arrogant in front of so many of us!"

"No matter how powerful, it's just one person!"

"go to hell!!"


More than forty people rushed up in six countries!

Most of them are swordsmen, and a few are swordsmen. Some also use strange weapons such as hidden weapons, hammers, sickles and so on. In all directions, the attack was on Chu Tian.

Everyone makes every effort!

This is a master from six countries!

However, Chu Tian still walked slowly with a long sword in his unconcerned manner. Among the various weapons of swords, guns and sticks, Chu Tian walked casually, spilling the sword light at random, and a body lay down on Chu Tian's feet one after another without struggling at all.

Every time Chu Tian takes a step, he will reap the lives of more than ten people.

Every step of the way, the noise is reduced by one point.

While killing and walking, Chu Tian did n’t even look at these people at all, as if they were just stepping on a group of ants to move, Chu Tian did n’t even want to kill them with a too gorgeous sword ...

Chu Tian waved his sword boringly and walked away. Instead of slaughtering, it is like walking slowly.

Wave after wave of people rushed over, then fell to Chu Tian's feet again and again. Chu Tian walked slowly towards the pixiu and kept approaching. Hundreds of people could not stop it at all!

Just when he was excited, Chu Tian frowned suddenly, as if he felt something. Eyes pass through these people and look into the distance.

There seemed to be something interesting that attracted Chu Tian.

A shadow that exudes light flavor, lingering Tingting, Yingying walking around. With the cover of trees, quietly, towards the location of the pixiu ...

Lightness, dexterity, gracefulness, just a shadow cast by the sun, make people countless ...

When the breeze blows, the faint fragrance of the girl, Chu Tian can vaguely smell ...

"Sure enough, does it still appear ..."

Chu Tian felt this breath different from ordinary people, said to himself, a curved arc, raised from the corner of the mouth ...


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