Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 72: Loulan (1/9)

"In front is Loulan's entrance."

Wanli Huangsha, endless.

The huge horse-drawn carriage was driving fast above the yellow sand. The yellow sand is like a sea, surging and surging, there are many strange creatures tumbling up and down in the rolling room, Chu Tianzheng and several women are standing in front of the window, watching the magnificent scenery of the yellow sand.

The yellow sand is becoming more and more vast and fierce.

The yellow sand even rotates continuously, forming a huge vortex. After passing this, it is the ancient kingdom of Loulan that Chu Tian said.

After many days of travel, finally came.

"In front, Loulan ..."

Xiao Li stood in front of the window and repeated Chu Tian's words.

Xiao Pi Yao was lying on Xiao Li's chest, his big eyes looked at him in the blink of an eye, as if he felt something, and he exclaimed a cheerful voice. While screaming, Little Pixiu danced and danced, very happy. At that time, she seemed to have been here ...

Xiao Li touched Xiao Xiu's head and motioned for the little guy to be quiet. He smiled and his eyes were soft and quiet.

Loulan ... and the warriors ...

These were the targets of her existence, even now, Xiao Li still cares a little in her heart. Every time I think about this, Xiao Li always feels a little ashamed of his trust in the goddess.

However, since Mr. Bishop wants to be a demon.

Xiao Li racked his brain and thought about it, and finally felt that there was no reason to stop Chu Tian.

Then, stand on the side of the leader Mr. Xiao Li thought so naturally ...

Glancing at Chu Tianjunlang's face, Xiao Li felt that staying with Mr. Teacher would seem to be enough. Nothing else needs to be considered ...

Chu Tian and Chi Lian are telling jokes.

Touch from time to time. Touch the buttocks of Da Siming, or glance at Xiao Li's jade legs.

The cheerful journey passed smoothly, and it didn't take long for the huge palace to reach the entrance of Loulan.

The yellow sand below was spinning fast, and Chu Tian's huge palace seemed to be spinning. Sink slowly, sink. Below this, there seems to be something.

Chu Tian explored a little bit and found that it took a long distance such as sinking, going straight, and rising to reach the real Loulan. Loulan is the place to guard the devil. Being able to avoid the world for so many years without being discovered, the concealment is naturally very special.


The palace is too big to seem to fit!

Thinking about it, Chu Tian said:

"Li Ji, Luna, Chi Lian, Da Siming, Xiao Li, get ready, we are going out. Zi Nu, you go to inform the ladies, everything goes on a daily basis, no need to panic."

"Yes." Zi Nu nodded and walked away.

Chu Tian then flicked his left hand gently, and a space was twisted.

The twisted space envelops the entire hall, and everything is in its envelope. Chu Tian's power instantly controlled the entire palace and began to move rapidly.

Huhuhu ----

Huhuhu ----

Huhuhu ----

The speed of the palace was increased by a hundred times in an instant. It crossed the passage at an unimaginable speed and drove towards Loulan quickly. At this rate, Loulan will soon be reached.

The palace's original huge shape is also in the twisted space and can be passed. At the window, seven kinds of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple light shined, colorful and colorful. Under the distorted space, the light is refracted and various scenes are beautifully presented.

Chu Tian suddenly moved, and his fingers shook slightly.

The ground is slanting and spinning, and a few women are unbalanced, messing around!

Under the control of Chu Tian, ​​the palace began to shake. For Chu Tian, ​​it is very simple to do this! Of course, Chu Tian had to seize this opportunity!

"grown ups!"

"Oh! Teacher, Chi Lian is about to fall, help me ~~"

"Master ..."

"Mr. Master!"


The beautiful woman suffers, Chu Tian is happy!

Chu Tian's eyes were swift, and his left hand quickly hugged Luna. The soft, soft and tender body suddenly leaned against Chu Tian's body. Two soft and soft Xuefeng squeezed Chu Tian's chest, soft and soft ecstasy. Luna's waist and limbs are as thin as cotton. It's hard to imagine that this cold woman's body is so good.

The faint scent is like Yulan, which penetrates into Chu Tian's nostrils.

Chu Tian increased the inclination of the palace and took the opportunity to wen on the moon lips.

Red Yanyan cherry is small, mouth, Chu Tian touched for the first time. In an instant, Chu Tian could feel that the moon goddess in her arms was tight, trembling, shaking, and a pair of snow milk in front of her chest was also hard.

Luna ’s body is more sensitive than Chu Tian ’s imagination!

The big mouth can be divided at once, after all, it should not be too obvious. Chu Tian reached out again and grabbed Xiao Li, pretending to be worried: "Xiao Li, be careful!"

Xiaoli also hugged her arms tightly.

The big hand grabbed Xiao Li's beautiful legs so blatantly, and even fumbled around. Smooth and greasy skin is as soft as silk, soft and smooth.

Walking along the big legs, Chu Tian even felt the clean shrine of the young girl ...

Chu Tian was pretending to be in his mouth while eating tofu:

"Xiao Li, have you been scared?"

"Luna, how about it? Okay?"

"Xiao Li, don't be nervous, what are you nervous about ..."


In fact, who does n’t know Chu Tian ’s thoughts.

However, everyone is too lazy to talk about it. Luna is a cold character, and Xiao Li has not known her for a long time since she was shy. The communication between the two women and Chu Tian has not been much. Chu Tian had long wanted to start with the two daughters. Today, I just seized this opportunity to take care of ...

Touch. Touch the chest, touch. Touch the legs, three times or four times, but it's so cool.

Chu Tian was very surprised that the moon **** in his arms actually touched Chu Tian once. He came directly to the summit. Lying! Not so sensitive. Although knowing that Nizi has always admired herself, Chu Tian felt ashamed of being so kind!

In this way, the wind and the flow were happy, and soon after, the white light gradually came from the front, becoming brighter and dazzling, and the sun in the sky was hot.

In the distance, there are still green trees. There are few oasis in the desert.

Loulan, finally arrived ...

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