Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 73: Angel of the Goddess (2)

Entering Loulan, the palace finally returned to calm.

Luna struggling to break away from Chu Tian's arms, immediately restored the cold appearance, calm face, calm temperament, without a trace of fireworks, like a fairy in the moon palace.

But the slippery and greasy feeling between the legs made the Moon God feel shame, shame and joy, and I don't know how to express it. That was the most intimate contact between the leader and her ever ...

Moon God looked at Chu Tianjun's face, the water eyes under the veil, flashing the colors of blurry, drunk, and crazy ... her heart was beating frantically ...

How long can she stay cold ...

"Thank you for your help."

Luna Xiukou lightly opened, said.

The sound was slightly trembling.

And Xiao Li left Chu Tian's arms in a daze.

Compared with Luna, Xiao Li seems a bit clumsy. For the first time, he has such intimate contact with his sweetheart, and Xiao Li even feels a little unpretentious.

Although he left Chu Tian's arms because of his thin-skinned relationship, Xiao Li's delicate face, red and fluttering, like apples, even occasionally glanced at Chu Tian's eyes with a little tension and nostalgia ... Idiot, you can see the clue ...

Looking at the little cute little Li, the women did not make fun of her.

They went back to the house to prepare for a while, packed up a little time, and went out with Chu Tian. Of course, women's "packing up" is usually in hours ...

Two hours later, Chu Tian led 6 people, Li Ji, Luna, Da Si Ming, Chi Lian, Xiao Li, and Zi Nu, off the huge carriage ...

Outside the palace, a large group of people have long been waiting for Chu Tian.

Loulan has been isolated from the world for many years and has never seen anything foreign. This time, I suddenly broke into such a big guy, how could everyone not care!

The people of Loulan came in large numbers and looked at Chu Tian's giant carriage with curiosity. Although the appearance is not as luxurious as the inside, but no matter how it is made by the public losers, it still looks more beautiful and magnificent. The people are talking, guessing, pointing, and have endless doubts about this foreign thing.

Men, women, old, young. Loulan was almost empty, and densely packed people stood on this huge square.

Loulan's soldiers arrived as soon as possible.

Wearing war armor and holding weapons, groups of soldiers surrounded Chu Tian's "Holy Church" and watched cautiously ...

"What is this thing?"

"It looks like a monster."

"Listening to old man Wang, this thing seems to be called the organ beast."

"Bah, ah, how come there is such a big organ beast! Look, someone is out!"


The soldiers saw Chu Tian coming out and immediately surrounded them in a circle.

Their weapons were also aimed at Chu Tian's people for the first time, and they were ready to attack at any time.

No one is allowed to be nervous, after all, the thing that suddenly breaks in is still so big, who dares to rest assured. Loulan, who has never been hidden from the world, is always very cautious about these foreign objects that suddenly break in.

An officer headed by the head, following a special courtesy of Loulan towards Chu Tian, ​​said with caution: "Several, I don't know how to come to Loulan? Can you tell me?"

Everyone looked at Chu Tian one after another, waiting for Chu Tian's answer. The people around them looked excited, and when they saw foreigners, they were as curious as they saw a fresh species.

Chu Tian frowned:

"How did you come to Loulan? Actually, this was given to us by the goddess. The goddess asked us to pick up something from Loulan. But we are shouldering the mission of the goddess. The mission is great, and the status is noble. You take something to us, no Do you think ... it's rude? "

Chu Tian's eyes swept across the crowd.

Suddenly, a huge mental pressure made everyone back a few steps. Involuntarily, one by one laid down the weapon in his hand.

Everyone looked at Chu Tian strangely, what kind of strange will, what is going on?

"Goddess ... trust dreams?"

The officer's face suddenly became serious.

The goddess is the only faith of Loulan people!

The goddess created this land, and the goddess brought Loulan to life. The goddess is the benefactor of all people.

It is really not easy to enter Loulan. Several people in Chu Tian were guided by the goddess, and it was not unreasonable. If this is the case, you must welcome a few people with the most solemn etiquette ...

"Several, I don't know, what is the mission of the goddess? Can you tell me, I might be able to serve you. This is my honor." The officer said again. This time, the tone was obviously respectful. When the word "Goddess" is spoken, there is even worship.

"This is not necessary," Chu Tian waved his hand, pretending to be handsome, and then said, "This matter can only be told to your high priest. The mission of the goddess is of great importance, and I can't let you know for the time being. I just do n’t know, where is your high priest? "

"High priest?"

This officer was immediately convinced!

How could outsiders know that Loulan was the most authoritative, the high priest?

I heard that the most authoritative one is called "King" outside. These people know the existence of the high priest and must be guided by the goddess!

At this moment, the officer no longer doubted, and quickly ordered the soldiers to retreat. Between the masses, a spacious road was opened to the palace in the distance.

It was a tall palace, the tallest building in Loulan. Brilliant, powerful, exudes a sacred breath. From afar, you can see a circle of soldiers guarding there. Even a country without war is still so heavily guarded, its importance can be imagined.

The Loulan high priest is there.

"Several, please, I will take you to the high priest."

The officer said politely to several people in Chu Tian, ​​then turned around and told a soldier around him: "The high priest was quickly notified, saying that the goddess sent a messenger to come and have important matters to discuss."


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