Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 78: Towards the demon **** of war (1)

Chu Tian's tall image among the few women, so skyrocketed again.

Under the conquest of Chu Tian's "King of Eight Kings," the high priest of Loulan completely subordinated Chu Tian, ​​and actively took the entire Loulan into Chu Tian's reign.

Within ten days, the whole Loulan had undergone a radical change.

A large number of missionaries poured in from outside Loulan to promote the various concepts and doctrines of the holy religion and the omnipotence of the master and the master, etc. Regarding Chu Tian ’s heroic deeds and sacred legends, people can hear people talking about it on the street.

The soldiers of Jin Ge iron armor suddenly appeared in the streets and alleys to maintain the order of Loulan and prevent riots at this time; "Tian Luo" and "Earth Net" also acted, lurking in the dark and assassinating those who were restless; The masters of the Yin-Yang family gave the rebellious elements a positive blow ... Finally, coupled with the orders of the Loulan high priest, the whole Loulan's surrender was almost effortless.

In just a few days, Loulan has been completely renovated and has become a new stronghold of the Holy Church.

Chu Tian became the new owner of Lou Lan!

A brand new road, shaped by the supreme power of Chutian, led from Loulan to Daqin. Loulan, ended a long-awaited life in the world!

"Master Qiyun, everything is ready, Loulan no longer has any rebels. Soldier Demon God, I don't know when the master will take it out? The slave-servant will do her best."

After the deployment was completed, the Loulan high priest put on a maid costume, knelt at Chu Tian's feet, and murmured softly, where there is the previous noble look.

Although Li Ji's daughters have seen this for N times, but at this moment, she still couldn't help but raised her eyebrows.

A sword pure white maid costume, cute and gentle, where is the high image of the high priest before? Chu Tian's spirit of Wang Ba is almost against the sky, and actually achieved this level!

"Soldier Demon ... Eun, it's time to count."

Chu Tian said to himself, touching. Touching his chin, it seemed to think again.

With a sudden look, Chu Tian looked through the layers of walls and looked at the huge idol in the distance. The goddess of Nine Heavens stood here, radiating a faint light all the time.

After trying again several times, Chu Tian didn't get the specific location information of Jiutian Xuannv. She hid too concealed, too concealed.

Chu Tian also almost guessed what method the nine-day mysterious girl adopted.

The nine-day mysterious girl did not want to intervene in the human struggle. Rather, she simply cannot intervene!

Even if the Yellow Emperor and Chi You played intimately, and the spirits were painted, the Jiutian Xuannv could only help each other in disguise, but she couldn't always shoot. Otherwise, with the god-like power of the Nine Heavens Mystery, what could she not solve?

After thinking for a while, Chu Tian probably had a strategy and slowly said:

"Soldier Demon God, let's get it back. It's almost time. Xiao Li, give me the little guy. I will take out the Dragon Soul safely."

Xiao Li nodded, a faint blush on Qingli's face. Now she can do anything for the leader. The mission of the goddess has long been forgotten.

Gently touched on Xiao Pi Yao's head, Xiao Li comforted softly: "Xiao Pi Yao, don't be afraid, the leader will not hurt you, it will pass in a while. Come, relax."

Chu Tian took the pixiu and reached for a volley.

A shining energy body emerged from the body of Xiao Pi Yao.

The small energy body contains great power. As far as the overall "quality" is concerned, it is comparable to the concentration of the internal force of Weizhuang a thousand times!

Chu Tian put a backhand on his back, and an energy of equal quality was transmitted to the body of Xiao Xiu. Xiao Pi Xiu had just languished for a while, and he was instantly refreshed. ——Chu Tian did n’t want this guy to die. Anyway, she is also a **** beast. She will be raised in the future, but her combat power is extraordinary.

"Serge, Serge, Serge." Xiaopi Yao screamed happily, seeming to be happy that he had no problems. Even, his physical condition seemed better than before.

Chu Tian played this energy for a while, and then taught a few women, said: "Go, take out the demon **** of war. High priest, you don't need to go. After taking out the demon **** of war, I will go directly back to Xianyang Okay, Li Ji, this is the bag of Qiankun, the devil **** of war is here, otherwise it would be too eye-catching. "

"Sir Chutian, won't you go?" Chi Lianjiao said charmingly, his waist slightly twisted.

"Little girl! Do you want me to go about something like this? I take a break and inspect Loulan's work by the way."

"But lord, Chi Lian will miss lord ..."


"Sister Chilian, let's go, don't show love, I can't stand it anymore, you want to envy my dead sister." Da Siming said with a smile.



The women were noisy and walked out in droves.

Rarely handle such a major task alone, not to mention, a few women are still very happy.

Instead, Li Ji found something. Before leaving, her body suddenly stopped, turning her head, her gem-like eyes looked at Chu Tian for a while. In Yingying's eyes, there was some doubt.

There must be a reason for Master not to go.

Isn't the high priest not going because he can't martial arts?

In other words, this trip will be dangerous.

What could be the factor?

Li Ji couldn't figure it out, but Li Ji instantly dispelled all her worries. If there is any danger, how can Master let them go?

Moreover, since Master let himself go, there will be no more-even a bit of a surprise.

"Master, I'm gone. You can rest assured that no matter what happens, Tu'er will handle it." Li Ji bowed slightly and said softly.

"Well, go." Chu Tian waved his hand.

The dark skirt fluttered, Lian Bu moved slightly, and Li Ji walked out of the room.

Li Ji's daughters walked for a long time, and the silence in the house returned again.

Chu Tian stared at the tall goddess in the distance, his eyes scorched, and I didn't know how long after that, a playful and confident smile finally appeared in the corner of his mouth.

It seems to be mocking, and it is like talking to yourself.

"If I go, you, don't dare to come out."

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