Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 79: Who are you (2)

Li Ji, Chi Lian, Luna, Da Si Ming, Xiao Li, Zi Nu.

The six females took the token and passed through the layers of soldier guards, and finally came to the place where the soldier demon **** was placed.

This is a huge door, lying in front, tens of meters high, the door is simple and turbid, giving a very heavy feeling. The deep lines on it highlight its long years. Dozens of thick chains of arms are wrapped around it, layered on top of each other, airtight. The protection is extremely tight.

There is also a strange mark on the door, which is the most difficult problem to solve. Only the hands of Loulan high priest can be opened.

If you add countless soldiers on both sides, etc., if you want to come here, the difficulty will increase a lot. If the condition of "Dragon Soul" is added, it will be even more difficult!

This is also the reason why the demon **** of war has not been born for thousands of years!

Otherwise, which emperor does not want to get such a weapon!

"It seems, a little trouble."

Chi Lian looked at the front door, his eyes twirled, charming and charming.

Yingyingyu's hand was deep in the depth, Chilian's arm was placed on the slender waist, and a sharp and raging breath slowly rose from Chilian's body. The remaining women took a few steps back.


Suddenly thought of a broken air.

Chilian's jade hands danced rapidly in the air, and the soft sword raged like a poisonous snake, forming a strange and weird halo. With lightning speed, hit the front door quickly. There were no sparks in the collision of weapons, nor any fierce ringing. In a flash, there was a round mark on the door.

Chilian's soft sword fell on the mark with a crack, and a huge round iron piece flew out. Above the gate, a huge hole more than three meters high appeared. The scene inside can be seen through the deep hole, the space is huge and unimaginable.

Looking closely, the thickness of this gate is more than five meters!

Chi Lian smiled sweetly, seeming to be very satisfied with his weapon. Without taking back the soft sword, he walked in cautiously and briskly: "Come on, sisters."

"Sister Chilian's weapons are so powerful."

"What's the name of this move?"

"There are lights in it?"


The women talked, moving away.

The guards at the door widened their eyes in shock.

Worthy of being the leader of the Holy Church, it seems that a weak woman is so powerful! A hundred of them will go up, I am afraid they will be killed in seconds!

The people's respect for the sacred religion is even deeper ...

It didn't take long for the girls to enter the gate.

A long sword exuding the air of blood evil was inserted in the ground in front.

If you say, the previous door feels simple. Then the feeling of this sword is vicissitudes, long, and muddy. The two are not at the same level!

As if from ancient times, with thousands of grievances, the majestic energy can be felt even if they are separated by several kilometers. The gas of blood evil hidden in the sword body, I am afraid the slaughtered creatures, no less than one million!

Jianmang was sharp, and he was a little bit red.

The sword is muddy, like an ancient giant.

If ordinary people get this sword, I am afraid they will immediately be irrational by its power. The level of this sword cannot be compared with ordinary weapons.

A few women looked at each other and they all guessed.

"This is Chi Youjian, which is even more powerful than expected. I am afraid that the level is comparable to the soft sword of Chi Lian's sister." Li Jiming eyes shining, staring at the sword in front, said.

Chu Tian is almost omnipotent in the hearts of several women. The level of weapons is comparable to that given by Chu Tian. Apart from this Chi Youjian, several women have never seen a second one!

The moon **** jade hand gently waved in front, a soft light scattered, relieved a lot of **** breath, and the cold voice also brought a trace of rare joy: "In this way, the task given by the adult is also completed It's halfway through. Take out the warrior demon again and you're done. "


"This time, I don't know what rewards adults have!"

"Speaking of it, this is the first time that several of us have carried out such a major task alone ..."

"It's really exciting."


The women were walking forward while talking.

Although Chi Youjian is powerful, several women will not lose their reason because of it. After all, Chu Tian has more babies.

As you approached Chi Youjian, the Qi of Blood Fierce gradually increased. When several women came to Chi Youjian, the **** gas made them frown.

Although it will not be controlled by the power of this sword, if you want to perfectly control this sword and suppress this murderousness, among the few women, only Li Ji and Chi Lian can do it ... The first practice of the three women followed Chu Tian, ​​and among the few women, cultivation was the best.

The girls looked at each other, and Li Ji nodded, reaching out to take the Chi Youjian.

"--and many more!"

Xiao Li at the back suddenly said.

From the very beginning, Xiao Li has been silent, but now he suddenly speaks, and suddenly looks very abrupt. On Xiao Li's body, a faint, natural-looking breath slowly emerged, smart and beautiful.

"What's wrong, sister Li?"

Li Ji asked, and found a little abnormal. However, Li Ji couldn't feel anything abnormal. The sixth sense as a woman tells her that something is wrong ...

"Let me do it."

Xiao Li smiled and smiled gently and purely.

Before Li Ji opened her mouth, Xiao Li's jade hand had been slowly pressed on Chi Youjian. The irritating situation that several women imagined did not appear. The body constantly emerged. Pure, natural, holy, this breath is diametrically opposed to the power of Chi Youjian. Chi Youjian's resentment, blood, and so on, all felt like a probation and calmed down in an instant.

Sha Qi could not feel it at all, and the blood-red light also disappeared. A cyan light, gentle and fierce, radiated slowly on Chi Youjian. Now Chi Youjian is not like a sword of killing. It is more like a holy sword.

Xiao Li pulled out Chiyou sword without any problems, and waved it gently. Between Chiyou sword and Xiaoli, it seemed to be one ...

Looking at Chi Youjian, Xiao Li's eyes were soft and elegant, as if full of memories. She smiled at Li Ji's daughters, "Come on, Sister Li Ji, let's go get the soldier demon god."

Several women looked at Xiao Li in surprise, but did not expect that Xiao Li could actually pick up Chi Youjian. If you want to control Chi Youjian, you can't do it simply by mind. Without power, everything is at a loss!

However, when she thought that Xiao Li was originally the messenger of the goddess, several women were relieved. Chi Lian was relieved, and the Luna goddesses nodded.

The girls were just about to leave and continue to take back the demon **** of war. At this time, Li Ji suddenly reached out to block the girls.


Li Ji said softly, stopped in the middle of several women and Xiao Li. In the dark eyes, radiate wisdom and elegance. Quietly making a gesture to Chi Lian in the back, Li Ji Yan smiled: "Xiao Li, do you know what" husband "means? Sister suddenly can't remember, ask you. Do you know?"

"Husband ... husband is ... older ... paternal grandfather?" Xiao Li said in amazement, uncertainly.

"So ... what does iphone5 mean?"

"Love ... crazy ...?"


"This one…"

Li Ji smiled softly, and a faint light slowly appeared on the white and jade-like palms. Behind him, Chi Lian, the Luna goddess, and several daughters have also made precautionary actions. In an instant, the entire darkened room is struggling.

"You are not Xiao Li."

"who are you."


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