Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 84: Twins are the favorites! (1)

The deep channel is strange, deep and mysterious.

Chu Tian embraced Xiao Li, and there was a surge of energy around his body, galloping forward in an equally deep and mysterious way. There seems to be something hidden in the depths of the void.

This is a strange passage.

Words such as width, distance, etc., can no longer describe the scene around Chu Tian, ​​let alone words with any color or the like. This is the distance that overrides space, the span that overrides time, and something that exists in an extremely esoteric way. As if, a new world ...

Chu Tian observed and thought.

Why is there such a strong character in "Qin Shiming Yue" in this low-level world, Chu Tian can probably guess ...

It is impossible for a person's cultivation to override the "world". Even if there is, it will be gradually suppressed and gradually return to the "limit" of the world. This is the norm of the law of the world, the iron law of the infinite fantasy world! Except for the only Chutian from the real world, no one can avoid it!

At this time, only two paths can be taken.

One is to understand the law and draw on the power of the world. With the power of the laws of the world, everything about you will be incomparable and close to the world. An attack by one person can trigger the power of the whole world! But even so, it is nothing more than "borrowing" the power of the world. Its own power remains the bottleneck in the world.

The second is to break the barriers of the world and leave the world of "Qing Shi Ming Yue". After leaving, there is naturally no limit to the world. However, it is more difficult to achieve this than the previous one. Moreover, there is no need to say how much the danger is outside. If you fail, you will die, and die outside, but you will not even be able to enter the reincarnation ...

And Jiutian Xuannv, this person who surpassed the world limit of "Qin Shi Ming Yue" ...

She chose her third path ...


A barrier exploded.

Chu Tian's body flickered and came to another space ...

"So, did you use this method?"

With both feet on the ground, Chu Tian said slowly.

Looking around, this is a vast space, its size is about as large as hundreds of galaxies. Of course, compared to the space of the entire Qin Shimingyue world, it is still very small ...

There are pavilions and towers in the distance, and there are rockery and flowing water.

The green grass fluttered in the wind, the trees were towering, and the mist was smoggy.

There are also fairy islands floating in the sky, the big ones are as big and small as the earth, only a few hundred square meters.

There is no sun exposure here, but it is still clear and clear, and at a glance, there is no obstacle. Everything is incomparably natural and contains a mysterious heaven and earth avenue. Everything here seems to be used for cultivation ...

Chu Tian said while watching, he said to himself:

"Create an independent space, independent of this world. No, you can't even describe it with space. It's almost a separate world of space and time. In such a space, you can completely shield the laws of the world Continue to practice, and cultivation will not be affected ... good way, good way, you can figure it out ... "

Chu Tian said quietly, his voice fluttering hundreds of millions of light years, reaching all corners of the space.

With a slight glance of his eyes, Chu Tian felt the location of the Nine Heavens Xuan Nu.

Chu Tian continued: "It is a pity that your cultivation base can continue to grow, but you cannot leave here. The higher the cultivation base is, the greater the suppression by the world. Now you, I am afraid to go out for three seconds, Oh no, in two and a half seconds, it will be suppressed to the world's ultimate level. So, you have never appeared ... I am not wrong? "

This space has been silent for a long time.

Suddenly, a sigh came from afar.

Thousands of miles away from Chutian, a brilliant white light continuously emerged, and a hazy shadow gradually appeared under the white light.

Slender figure, exposed curves.

Long, narrow, tall legs, perfect Xuefeng.

When the light gradually dissipated, Chu Tian could see clearly the appearance of this man. Suddenly, Chu Tian was stunned and forgot to say anything!

Looked at Xiao Li in his arms, and then looked at the nine-day mysterious girl in the distance.

Warm and jade-like skin, smart and pure temperament, melon seed face, willow brow.

Even the shape of Xuefeng, the size of the hips, the thickness of the jade legs, the height of the figure, and even the number of hairs and the length of the eyelashes-all the same except for the clothing!

Another complete Xiao Li!

Jiutian Xuannv and Xiao Li actually looked exactly the same!

Lying! This are twins! twin! ! Chu Tian's heart almost roared, and the calmness of the previous just calmed down, and all disappeared in an instant! If not thinking about creating the image of a predecessor, Chu Tian would like to put Jiutian Xuannv in her arms, left hand Xiao Li, right hand Xuannv!

However, superior style is still necessary.

Chu Tian looked at the nine-day mysterious girl in the distance, suppressed the impulse in his heart, and said politely: "Please do not come, don't be surprised. For you, I have always been curious. You have been hiding from me before. seen."

"You ... still found here, it seems that you are more powerful than I thought." The nine-day mysterious girl in the distance was silent for a long time, and said.

The voice fluttered, ethereal and beautiful. Compared with Xiao Li's intonation, there are more holy and noble meanings.

Compared with Xiao Li, his temperament is also more misty and hopeless. This is a temperament change caused by cultivation, and it cannot be imitated ...

A white gauze hits the body of Jiu Tian Xuan Nu.

The white gauze gently wrapped the Yingying Xuefeng, full, soft and tender feeling, almost can be felt through the silky silk; a pair of narrow and long crystal jade legs, under the light gauze, can vaguely feel its outline . Even under the belly, a touch of darkened forest can almost be seen ...

The jade arm is almost naked under the cover of light yarn. Jiutian Xuannv lives here alone, and doesn't care too much about these decorations. Besides, Taoism is natural, Chu Tian is coming, Jiutian Xuannv also has nothing to avoid ...

Chu Tian took a deep breath and said, "Well, I found, I found ..."

"Now that Daoyou is here, let's talk about it? For the first time in so many years, I've seen an outsider for the first time." Xuan Nu Jiutian smiled faintly, her jade hands lightly, and a flash of light flashed.

A table and two chairs, two cups of tea, has fallen to the ground. The curling green smoke was floating here. Mysterious girl's figure flashed, and she came to the table and sat down face to face with Chu Tian.

Jiutian Xuannv is the only **** in this world, and Chu Tian has never been a rival in this world. The two rarely meet, regardless of preference, regardless of past, regardless of enemies and foes, the first thing to do is naturally to learn from each other.

A strange power of Tao spreads slowly in this space ...

The two started drinking tea and said.

"You think I am beautiful?"

Nine-day mysterious girl sat down, the breeze was blowing, and the tulle fluttered. The slippery, greasy thighs, and the half-covered snow peaks can hardly be concealed. A touch of snow-white, which appears and disappears from time to time, makes the blood flow.

"That's for sure. But I'm looking at your chest, so don't you cover it?"

Chu Tian replied with a very serious way, his eyes still stared at the chest of Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, two red grapes, almost can be seen, Gee, really beautiful ...

"Why do you want to cover? Chi. Naked, naked. Go naked, naked, the beauty of nature, what shame? Shame?" Jiu Tian Xuannv voice curled, said calmly.

"But I'm very nasty, you will make me more nasty."

"Xiuwei has reached this level, how can she still be greedy for beauty." Jiu Xuan Nu could not help but frown. Cultivation is high, and her appearance can be changed almost at will. If you want a beautiful woman, Chu Tian is higher than her cultivation practice, and she can almost create a lot! How could it be so frivolous?

"But what if I'm greedy?"

"You cultivate seven emotions and six desires?"

"No, I can do whatever I want."

"Since you are free, how do you go forward?"

"Anything you want is your heart."

"It seems difficult."

"Of course, you think I think ..."



On Dao Shenma, it really is not something that I and other mortals can write, cough, just pass by like this, yeah, the twins are set up well, cough, cough

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