Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 85: Agreement (2)

Ten years of kung fu is fleeting.

In the idle talk, the two did not even notice the passage of time. At this height, Xiuwei was able to have a person and each other verify each other, which is very rare. Especially Jiutuan Xuannv, after talking to Chu Tian, ​​had a lot of new experience and understanding. A word is better than a million years of hard work, and it is not false at all.

After talking about Taoism, the nine-day mysterious girl also admired Chu Tian even more. I was sure in my heart that Chu Tian's cultivation practice was far above her. Even higher than she could imagine.

What is the situation outside the world?

What else exists in other worlds?

After Chu Tian's explanation, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu's state of mind, which had been silent for many years, was gradually broken. Many, many things, I want to explore.

It's a pity that she can't leave this place ...

Suddenly, the Nine Heavens Xuan Nu aura flashed.

Chu Tian's cultivation practice is much higher than hers. But why is such Chutian not suppressed by the rules of the world? Is it possible that Chu Tian can already fight against the rules of the entire world?

Jiutian Xuannv finally saw a glimmer of hope.

After sipping the red lips, Jiutian Xuannv said: "Chu Tiandao friends. Your cultivation behavior, I don't know how ... how can you continue to maintain it? Among them, the magic method, can you ... tell?"

Jiu Tian Xuan Nu had some expectations.

Staying in a place for billions of years, even if she is magical, she will feel tired. I originally thought that I would always be stuck here, but Chu Tian's appearance undoubtedly gave Jiu Tian Xuan Nu new hope.

"My current situation, for other reasons, is difficult to clarify for the time being. However, to solve your current situation, it is actually not difficult to speak." Chu Tian thought about it and said.

"Daoyou have a way?"

Chu Tian nodded and said, "Two methods. First, after I control the rules of this world, my will is the will of the world. You can appear at will when you are there, and the cultivation is suppressed, no longer. No more. "

A trace of startle flashed in the eyes of Nine Heavens.

Take control of the rules.

Chu Tian's words are control.

Holding his breath, Jiu Tian's voice shivered slightly. Under the tulle, a pair of breast milk also shook gently, obviously feeling very excited: "So, how long will it take?"

"Under normal circumstances, it takes 100 years to fully control,"

Chu Tian said seriously. At this time, he has deduced countless times, and then a sharp shot in his eyes, "However, if I start a war and cause turmoil in the whole world, the higher laws of destiny, causality, etc. will change slightly. It will take ... 10 years! "

Nine-day mysterious nodded.

In the large-scale war, the nine-day mysterious girl did not care too much.

At their level, how could they slaughter souls with malicious intent? It seems that no one wants to spend effort to step on ants. Chu Tian's move, although it will cause a lot of death, but after understanding the rules of the world, only one thought is needed to make greater improvements.

Work is greater than ever.

Jiutian Xuannv is not a rigid person.

After being silent for a while, the voice of Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl curled up and continued: "So, what about the second one?"

Suddenly there was a frivolous expression on Chu Tian's face.

Staring at the beautiful carcass of Jiutian Xuan Nu for a while, it seemed to be intoxicated. Chu Tian asked while admiring, "Are you sure I want to say?"

"Speak." Probably the nine-day mysterious girl guessed Chu Tian's thoughts.

"Double cultivation with me. After the double cultivation, the rules of this world will greatly reduce your exclusion and suppression, almost negligible." Chu Tian said seriously.

"... Is it spiritual or physical." Jiutian Xuannv is also very calm, and seems to be very shy about this kind of XXOO.

"Meat. Body must have."


Jiutian Xuan Nu thought for a while.

She looked at Chu Tian's handsome appearance, dragged her cheeks again, and frowned for a moment.

On the holy and pure show face, the tangled colors make Chu Tianlang's heart rise! Although Xiao Li and Jiu Tian Xuan Nu look exactly the same, but their temperaments are very different, the meaning of Jiu Tian Xuan Nu is even more tempting ...

After thinking for a long time, Jiutian Xuannv said:

"Then I still have to wait another 10 years. If you choose Taoist couples, you are the most suitable person. In the future, I should be able to double-cultivate with you. But now, we have just known each other for a while, and suddenly double-meditation ... I ca n’t make a decision yet. At least, I ’m just admiring and curious about you now.

Nine Heavens Xuan Nu ’s way is bright and unabashed.

The same is true of Jiutian Xuannv. Shuangxiu said this casually. Chu Tian guessed that it was precisely because of this exquisite Dao Xin that the Jiutian Xuannv had achieved such achievements in a small world.

When they said these words, the expression of Nine Heavens Xuan Nu didn't even show a hint of blush.

"Are you sure you don't have to think about it?" Chu Tiandao said.

"I have waited for billions of years to pass, why care about these ten years."

"Really don't think about it?"

"not now."

"Okay, I'll pick you up ten years later, and then we will continue to talk about it. By the way, give you a good thing!"

Chu Tian reached out and threw, an iphone5 fell into the hands of Jiutian Xuannv. This is a communication instrument with Chutian's mana as the link, without satellites!

Chu Tian then stretched out his hand a little, and the usage of iphone5 was all passed into the mind of Jiutian Xuannv.

For ten years, it was only a moment for them. Chu Tian could afford it, and Jiu Tian Xuan Nu could also afford it. Moreover, ten years later, he absolutely unified the six countries, and it was a time of relaxation. Bubble girl paper, there is time!

"Send some pictures of your beauty when you are free. It's not bad to chat and increase your emotions."

"I remember." Jiutian Xuan Nu chuckled lightly.

"Also, your clothes are a bit monotonous, and I will give you a few pieces later. Although you can't go out, I can come to see you. Call me bored, don't forget."


"Also, why is Xiao Li a white tiger, but you are flourishing here? Isn't she shaped like you?" Chu Tian asked again, staring at the legs of Jiutian Xuan Nu, as if she had seen through Layers of tulle.

"... Xiao Li was transformed by tears, naturally pure and flawless, the body of the white tiger. Others, we are exactly the same." Jiutian Xuan Nu smiled, and some could not cry.

Chu Tian valued the appearance and appearance so much, but he could still practice to this level, which was unbelievable. Jiutian Xuannv has been unable to understand.

Chu Tian screamed, picked up Xiaoli, and finally passed away in a flash ...

"By the way, there is one more thing. Did you leave Canglong Qisu? I'm going to use it for fun. You shouldn't mind it. I know you won't mind ... Then, bye ~"

In the distance, there is still Chu Tian's voice ...

Nine-day mysterious girl smiled lightly and looked at the direction of Chu Tian's departure. For a long time, her eyes gradually blurred.

In billions of years, this is the first man to arrive here and the first man to talk to her. Compared with those mortals, Chu Tian is very outstanding, leaving her a very special impression.

At this moment, Chu Tian suddenly left, deep in the heart of Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, actually, there was a feeling of emptiness ...

Chu Tian's conversation just now, in retrospect, I slowly recalled it word by word, thinking about it.

This feeling seems to be the first attempt ...

"It seems that I want to see him soon ..."

Looking at the distance, Nine Heavens mysteriously murmured. The carcass under the tulle is graceful and perfect, with a little fluorescence, holy and inviolable.


The update is a bit slower, but 6 is more appropriate ~

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