Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 86: Battlefield (3)

When Chu Tian came back, Li Ji and others had successfully completed their goals.

Soldiers and demon gods were handed and put in Chutian's special Qiankun bag. It was easy to carry around with them. I'm afraid no one would think that such a big guy would be carried by several people.

As for Chi Youjian.

Although the energy of the Falling Star itself is indistinguishable from right and wrong, Chi Youjian slaughtered too many creatures, and his blood was so high that it was like a magic sword. Among the few women, only the tears of the pure and flawless goddess, Xiao Li, can use it most perfectly. Although Li Ji and Chi Lian can also use it, they are forced to suppress it by virtue of cultivation, but it is better to use their original weapons.

Since then, Chi Youjian has become Xiao Li's exclusive weapon.

Xiao Li is the tears of the goddess, with very high qualifications, coupled with the teachings of Chu Tian, ​​and later supplemented by Xiao Xiu and Chi Youjian, the strength, I am afraid that it can't be less than Luna and Da Siming!

In this way, after arranging some matters for Loulan, Chu Tian set off again.

Li Ji, Chi Lian, Luna, Da Siming, Xiao Li, Zi Nu, Maid of High Priest, and a large group of court ladies of Yingying Yanyan, all left Loulan along with Chu Tian ...

"Master, why didn't you bring back Jiutian Xuannv?"

"... cough, that, Tu'er, there was a little surprise. However, you can talk to her on your cell phone. I tell you her number, which is ********."

"I'm coming too! I'm coming too! Hello, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu? I'm Chi Lian, you won't forget me, my adult misses you now ..."

"Goddess, I'm Xiao Li ... No, I know the goddess is suffering, how can Xiao Li blame the goddess ... Well, goddess, Mr. God, he is very good to me ..."

In this way, everyone happily embarked on a new path. Looking at the harmonious atmosphere among the girls, Chu Tian was also happy. Jiutian Xuannv ... Gee, go see her again in a few days.

The huge palace went all the way to the east.

Target, Qin State border.


Thousands of miles away.

The border between Qin and Korea.

Compared with Chu Tian's ease and leisure, the situation here has reached the point of arrogance.

The dark sky, the depressing battlefield, the galloping horses, the rushing river ...

No matter when and wherever, the entire radius is covered by the clouds of war. The tense atmosphere erodes people's hearts all the time.

Since Chu Tian left Xianyang, there has not been a moment of tranquility here.

The 800,000 army of Qin State, the tigers stalking the dragon plate, has a strong momentum.

The generals Wang Jian and Meng Tian personally led their troops and used them like gods.

The bullies of the losers help out, and no device can match it on the device!

And soon after he came here, Gu Nie, the descendant of Guigu. On this huge stage, Gainie's talents are being discovered step by step. During the formation, assassination, and lobbying, Gainie is forming a new transformation, and even the two generals are surprised. Where did the leader find such a powerful one!

Such a powerful country, Qin Guo, said unkindly that it takes only half a month to win South Korea!

The South Korean monarch thought that he was going to die, and he even planned to abandon himself. Symbolically dispatched messengers to the remaining five countries, hoping to be able to come. He had no hope at all, this war would be victorious and could be delayed for a moment.

However, the final result made Han Wang unable to understand ...

Qin Guo did not attack.

When South Korea was caught off guard, instead of seizing the opportunity to attack, Qin Jun waited for the frontier garrison. When the Korean army was deployed, Qin Jun remained motionless ...

Even the armies of the other five nations have come one after another, and Qin Jun still has no plans.

The South Korean army attacked and provoked them, and they just finished a few symbolic fights. The biggest action is to mobilize thousands of people and make a little fuss.

It seems that there is no intention to fight.

Qin Jun, what the **** are you thinking about? Everyone is thinking about this question.

Could it be ... 800,000 troops are here to play? Now they are motionless!

"Mr. Zhang Liang! You said, what is this Qin Jun thinking! Ah, such a great opportunity to leave unused, hum, tomorrow, Qi Guo ’s reinforcements will also come, and by then, they will suffer. With a national strength of 600,000 troops, plus the remaining 5 countries, a total of 2 million troops, this time, Qin State will lose no matter how great it is! "

At the South Korean military barracks, a general was surging and his face was ruddy.

From the worries at the beginning to the current advantages, this mood is difficult to experience. The South Korean general was talking and even dreaming of a better life in the future. I heard that Xianyang City is incomparably luxurious, and it is time to rob it!

Zhang Liang frowned on the side.

Dressed in white, she has sharp eyes and outstanding temperament. Although it looks like a weak scholar, the people around him seem to respect him very much.

Zhang Liang, the grandson of the prime minister.

Zhang Liang is not as superficial as this general. Of course, he knows that the cat is tired of it: "What is Qin Guo thinking, I probably know, waiting for us to gather, it is nothing more than trying to wipe us out. I can probably rely on their dependence Guess ... just— "

Zhang Liang's tone suddenly revealed a strong murderous intention.

"Actually killed Han Fei, they actually killed Han Fei ... this time, I thought Zhang Liang couldn't help himself, and competed with the legendary holy church leader! His reliance was not ... . "

Zhang Liang's hand pressed slightly.

In the eyes, there is both anger and madness, it seems to be fighting against this world's top character!

The strength of the palm is constantly increasing, and because of anger, he didn't pay attention. With a snap, the bronze wine glass in his hand was torn apart! The general was startled, pale, and quickly comforted: "Mr. Zhang Liang, don't be impulsive, Han Fei's death, we are also very sad. It's just ... It's just that Yingzheng was killed by someone, how … How did you become a sacred priest? A sacred priest, but a great man! Mr. Zhang Liang, you must be careful, if it is heard by other people, then ... just now, I did n’t listen Arrived, did not hear, ha ha, ha ha ha! ... "

Zhang Liang nodded with a smile.

However, my heart was more gloomy.

Holy Christian ...

So popular, even in South Korea, there are a large number of believers. The purpose of the sacred leader is almost self-evident. Although he hated the leader, Han Fei had to admire the truth! From the first civilian, to this field, the means is really amazing!

It's just that no matter how much people's hearts you charge, this battlefield is where I revenge Han Fei! Also, your burial ground!

Zhang Liang raised his head again, his eyes serious:

"General, please also refer to General Qi of China. I have important matters to discuss about the alliance of the Six Nations ..."



Cough, I wrote a little bit more daily with the hostess, and found that the subscription has also dropped. Sure enough, should I write fierce fighting or something?

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