Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 91: Zhang Liangbaifa (1)

Ten days later ...

"I understand! I understand! Chu Tian is worthy of Chu Tian, ​​worthy of being the only opponent of my life! Ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha! I finally cracked !!!"

Zhang Liang laughed out of the camp, laughing wildly, unkempt, and mad.

She didn't sleep for ten days and ten nights in a row, and occasionally just drank some water to eat some dry food. Zhang Liang spent all his time staring at the cloth and thinking. After a series of complex and continuous thinking and repeated deductions, the entire camp was filled with fabrics that outlined his formation, piled up like a hill!

After thinking for so long, Zhang Liang finally broke the secret of this "one-line array"!

Zhang Liang ’s eyes were focused. He did n’t have the tiredness of not sleeping for ten days and ten nights. Instead, he was full of energy and excitement. , Actually hidden in a simple formation. Chu Tian, ​​worthy of Chu Tian! Good! Good! Good !!! I Zhang Liang, I have served you! I have served you! Hahahaha !!! "

Zhang Liang laughed and repeated.

At this moment, Zhang Liang even had a feeling of confidant. If Chu Tian had not killed Han Fei, Zhang Liang would not have the heart to attack him! This person is the only one who can be his opponent!


Holy Christian leader! Worthy of being the leader of the Holy Church!

Zhang Liang is in excitement. At this moment, a soldier on the side ran and stammered: "Mr. Zhang Liang, you, you, your hair ... hair ..."

Zhang Liang smiled gently, and he was in a good mood at the moment, and he did n’t mind others interrupting his pretense ... "How about hair?"

"Your hair ... white ..." said the soldier in a low voice.

"Nonsense. How can I get gray hair when I'm young and successful at my young age? You look stubborn. As a soldier, it's important to stand guard, but the combination of work and rest is also very important. The safety of the military camp is taught to you Why can't you even see a thing clearly? Well? Go ahead and take a good rest. The battle will start in the next few days. We can't lose to Qin Jun. "Zhang Liang said kindly, with a gentle and gentle tone.

The soldier swallowed and stammered for a moment, then said again: "But, but Mr. Zhang Liang, your hair ... really ... white ..."


Zhang Liang gave this soldier a displeased glance.

Such a stubborn soldier is rare.

Zhang Liang shook his head and looked at his hair. He was just about to prepare a long sentence to teach the soldier. Suddenly, Zhang Liang's eyes froze ...

His hair ...

White ...

This soldier did not lie, his hair was all white ...

Chu Tian's formation, even if it is really simple, but arranged by Chu Tian, ​​there will be endless avenues and truths in it. Zhang Liang spent ten days and ten nights studying hard, almost to the point of racking his brain, and finally saw the name of the hall. However, the development of mortal brains, spiritual strength, etc., all aspects, all have their own limitations. Even if Chu Tian drew a random line, could he break it?

Forcibly thinking about something that exceeds the limit will inevitably cause various overdrafts.

White hair is inevitable ...

Zhang Liang stared blankly at his hair. He thought of his parents who suffered from skin and skin. He thought of Wu Zixu's white head all night.

After all, are you still weak?

Clenching his fists, Zhang Liang said coldly, "How about white hair? We have won this war!"


Ling Xujian erupted into a bright light, Zhang Liang's fighting intention was unprecedentedly strong. Taking a deep breath, Zhang Liang's heart was always reluctant to admit that he was not as good as Chu Tian.

You must defeat him yourself!

"Notify the generals of all countries to come, and after three days, prepare to attack!"


"Also, the people of the Mo family, the warriors of all rivers and lakes, also asked them to act according to plan."



The armed forces of the Six Nations frequently mobilized.

The soldiers and horses of all roads are interlaced and mixed, constantly forming new formations. Zhang Liang will deal with Chutian's "horror" array, all combined with Sixiang Fulong. The formation of the coalition of the six countries is becoming more and more complicated. Above the formation, the Six-Power Allied Forces have done their best!

All factors are taken into account, and all the advantages that can be obtained are also accounted for.

This is the most suitable time to go to war.

Three days later.

About 2 million troops of the Six Nations Alliance came out and attacked Qin!

The front line was pulled dozens of miles away. The roar of the army shook the earth and looked around. The black one covered a large area of ​​land. The roar from the army walking shook the earth trembling!

The army of the six nations gathered together, this is an unprecedented war!

Among the army, Zhang Liang's white hair fluttered, his eyes sharp, and he looked at the Qin army in front. The formation of Qin Jun has not changed, it is still a straight line, a simple line formation.

Zhang Liang became more confident in his heart.

Formation, soldiers, machinery, everything, everything is in his calculations, and every factor affecting the war can no longer escape his grasp. This time, he can definitely win!

Holy priest, I want to pull you off the altar! Zhang Liang swore in his heart ...

The army is constantly advancing, and the distance between the two sides is constantly getting closer and closer.

Finally, at a distance of three miles, the coalition forces of the six nations all stopped. Faced with the Qin army lined up in the distance. The formation of the Six-Power Allied Forces is complex, the queues are neat, and the advance and retreat are in order; while Qin Jun wins with great momentum and the individual soldiers are tough! Everyone joins the battle with the loyalty of the faith!

Both sides have their own strengths and are far away from each other.

Soon, a man walked out of the Qin army. The armies of both sides fell silent in a flash, and everyone looked at the figure with excitement and admiration ...

Holy Christian, Chu Tian!

Zhang Liang and Chu Tian are in front of their respective troops, and the two are separated by a distance of several thousand meters, and their eyes strike hard!

"Your hair is really white."

Chu Tian finally spoke. The first sentence made Zhang Liang's face pale suddenly!

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