Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 92: Go to war (2)

"Your hair is really white."

Chu Tian in the distance is leisurely and confident, as if everything is under control.

Zhang Liang stared at Chu Tian closely, and wished to tear Chu Tian into pieces! Zhang Liang, who has always been gentle and steady, appeared for the first time in such a grumpy emotion!

Grey hair! This is the most important thing Zhang Liang cares about these days! Ancient gentlemen emphasized etiquette and appearance. With such white hair, Zhang Liang did not know how much he hated!

Is the person in front of him humiliating him?

Everything is under Chutian's control? Calculating? No, no, absolutely impossible! Zhang Liang quickly rejected in his heart that such a thing would never happen!

Even if you can predict many things, but how can you predict this kind of thing with your white hair! Chu Tian also just know, sure!

Chu Tian is a psychological offensive and wants to destroy his psychological defense! That's right, it must be! Actually wanted to deceive yourself!

Zhang Liang quickly calmed down and suppressed his anger. Invigorating the horse, slowly leading ahead. As he walked, he said, "The name of the sacred priest is well-deserved. However, the bluff doesn't work for me. This time, Qin will lose. The path of Yingzheng and the sacred church is over."

Zhang Liang left the army and slowly came to the center of the two armies.

Chu Tian also walked out, Chi Lian and Li Ji followed behind, and slowly came to the central spacious area.

Millions of troops confronted each other, with great momentum and momentum, and the whole wilderness was full of killing and nervousness. Chu Tian and Zhang Liang sat on the floor in the center and talked easily ...

Chu Tian pointed to the coalition forces of the six countries opposite, an old-fashioned tone:

"I know, you don't believe me. However, I will explain it with action. Zhang Liang's child, you are still too young after all. In this war, listen to me, you still admit defeat."

Zhang Liang did not give up, and reasonedly strives to:

"I have the four-elements Fulong array, can you help me ?! The strength is enough to overtake the Qin army, and you can help me ?! To say that the only variable is you ... the priest of the Holy Church! With one order, the soldiers of the Six Kingdoms could be muted, and the prestige of the Holy Church was indeed unstoppable. However, that was also in my calculations, and it could barely cope with it. I had all the factors in mind. This game, you lose."

"You know, I know." Chu Tian smiled.

"How about you? Even if the war demon **** came out, I have a plan. Besides, the war demon **** did not show up at all. You have no chance of winning!" Zhang Liang said lightly, "Jing Ke and Wei Zhuang, I don't know who succeeded?"

"Weizhuang scrapped his arm. Jing Ke, he returned to the Mo's house, and the guess is almost here."

"That's it."

Zhang Liang nodded, thinking that it was Jing Ke's success. It's a pity that his friend Wei Zhuang was abolished. Chu Tian, ​​really strong! However, as long as there is no death, it is better than anything! Killing Chu Tian will solve everything!

Now, you are in control of the initiative!

This battle must win!

Zhang Liang turned his head and wandered for a while on Chi Lian's face, and said, "His Royal Highness Lotus, are you going to continue to serve the Holy Church and not return to Korea?"

"Honglian has long been gone. My name now is Chi Lian. Adult Chi Lian."

"... Princess Guren insists on this, and no wonder Zhang Liang."

Zhang Liang and Chu Tian have nothing to talk about.

Next, there is a real confrontation!

Four Elephants Fulong Formation! The Six Nations Allied Forces! Mo family help! There are also countless people from the rivers and lakes who have been recruited by Zhang Liang! Now the advantages on the bright side can be said to be on Zhang Liang's side.

If the commander of the other party was Chu Tian, ​​Zhang Liang did n’t even want to come to watch the game himself this time! This battle has almost no suspense! Zhang Liang couldn't figure out where Chu Tian's confidence came from!

However, it is no longer important.

"Then, the priest, how are you playing against me?"

Taking out a game of chess, Zhang Liang and Chu Tian went underground. The battle outside also started with the two beckons!

The roaring noises dispersed the battlefield ...

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ——————"

The drumming sound was hurried and violent.

In the six-nation coalition, two million troops were killed at the same time towards the Qin army.

The Six-Power Allied Forces are mainly composed of four camps, corresponding to Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, which is the number of the four elephants! In each camp, there are various complicated and mysterious changes, which are elusive.

There are also various links between the camps and the camps, which seem to be separated from each other, but as soon as the battle is engaged, or if the enemy forces break into it, then the entire large formation will run quickly, just like a meat grinder, will Enter the enemies and kill them!

The two million troops, arranged in such a large and precise array, are simply incredible. The more people there are, the more difficult it is to command. Zhang Liang, who can lay out such a game, can be called an unwise wizard!



The ground was shaking, the trees were shaking, and the stones were jumping and falling.

The 2 million army, like a dormant beast, is approaching Qin Jun step by step. The momentum of millions of people is serialized together, like a surging river! Qin Jun seems to be even weaker in momentum!


Faced with such a ferocious army of the Six Nations, Qin Jun remained motionless.

There is no change in a long line of characters, and even a simple counterattack, just standing on the spot. Zhang Liang, who was playing chess with Chu Tian, ​​frowned suddenly.

So why?

Zhang Liang couldn't figure it out ... Why didn't the various changes implied yet? Does Qin Jun want to fight? Zhang Liang was puzzled and wondered what Chu Tian wanted to do!

After some time, with one of Chu Tian's beckons, in the far front of the Qin army camp, countless soldiers suddenly squatted down, narrowed their eyes, and opened their left eyes. Each one has a serious face and seems to do something big.

They didn't move forward, they didn't shout, they just squatted quietly, in various poses, took out the black paint weapons, and the deep hole faced the front battlefield ...

Suddenly, there is a bad hunch in Zhang Liang's heart ...

"Actually, Zhang Liang'er, you really think too much this time. Me, this is just a simple" one-word array ", it's really not that complicated. Why do you think you have a white hair?"

In the game, Chu Tian fell down and broke Zhang Liang's dragon!


Suddenly it's boring, I don't know why, I browsed the web for a long time ... Hey!

Rest assured, 5 is definitely more, and will be finished all night!

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