Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 101: Battlefield and Paradise (7)

"how come…"

"Why not? It's very simple. I went to look for the demon **** of war. Someone must have stopped it. Jing Ke's rebellion is also in the initial plan. His temper will certainly capture Qinglong's rebellion. The Mo family's heart is full of world, and certainly Participated. And your assassinations, people from all walks of life ... Comrade Zhang Liang, I really do n’t want to attack you, your layout is too naive, too simple ... "

"No, impossible, this kind of thing, how can this kind of thing be done by mortals, how is it possible-"

Zhang Liang was angry and incredible.

He doesn't understand!

Do not understand how the other party did it!

Zhang Liang wanted to ask, but unfortunately, Chu Tian did not give him a chance. The long sword swept gently, and a sharp sword qi cut something.


Zhang Liang's head flew high, splashing the sky's bright red ...


Before Zhang Liang died, he still didn't understand, why?

"So, I am not a mortal."

Chu Tian looked at Zhang Liang's body and said lightly.

Zhang Liang is indeed a talent of indulgence. After more than ten years, it may be more powerful and mature. Unfortunately, Zhang Liang still has many defects, and Chu Tian is too lazy to control his cultivation.

Killed, but a hundred.

Gui Gu Jing Ke, grow up later, is another Zhang Liang ...

On the battlefield, things are changing.

The Allied Forces of the Six Kingdoms have no power to fight back under the attack of the soldiers and demon gods, the soldiers and gods mimicking troops, and the organ's blue dragon.

The speed at which the army is decreasing is terrifying. Every second, hundreds or even thousands of people die. The scale of the Six-Power Allied Forces continues to shrink, and no one can escape the fate of being wiped out ...

War is a completely one-sided form.

The soldiers of Qin State did not even die.

The sound of fighting is getting smaller and smaller, and the coalition forces of the Six Nations are also getting fewer and fewer. More and more people are falling down, one by one, and gradually dying. Six countries, completely defeated ...

Everything is in Chu Tian's calculation.

When defending the country, weakening the strength of the four countries, Chu Tian probably expected the war today; when he went to South Korea, he provoked South Korea to fight the Chu state, and the plan became more clear; when Han Fei investigated the secret of the Canglong Heaven ordered him to be killed, and when he left Loulan, everything had been formed in Chu Tian's mind. Characters, clues, everything is inextricably linked, Chu Tian concatenates them simply, at a glance. Today's scene was expected a few months ago.

The saints deduce the sky and compete for luck.

Compared with those obscure deductions, those calculations and planning a perfect war are extremely simple for Chu Tian ...

"Tu'er, how is it? The master's hand is powerful." Chu Tian turned around and came to Li Ji and Chi Lian's side, proud and authentic.

"Master has no plan, it's very powerful." Li Ji bowed, her face flushed slightly.

"Chi Lian, do you want to learn?"

"Chi Lian just needs to follow the adult. If there is an adult, Chi Lian is not afraid." Chi Lian smiled delicately, and his eyes were silky.

"By the way, do you say I want to give these people a little welfare, for example, everyone in their next life will accidentally pick up a hundred or two silver, or increase the life span of 20 years, I feel that I have too many people in this pit ..."

"Adult, do you feel guilty?"

"It's not guilt, it's fair, and I have always been fair in the big way ..."

"Master, are you planning to win South Korea this time?"

"Already won ..."


Chu Tian and the two daughters chatted, looking at the battlefield in the distance from time to time.

The sun gradually tilted, and the sun fell on the broad plains, desolate and magnificent. Time passes slowly, fewer and fewer people, fewer and fewer ...

The battlefield gradually became calmer, and the evening breeze became more bleak. Only a huge variety of machinery ran across the battlefield, sweeping the coalition forces that had not been eliminated.

Six-nation coalition, 2 million people.

In just a few hours, under Chu Tian ’s offensive, they were all wiped out ...

Without a lifetime ...

When the war was over, it began to retreat.

With the sound of the sound of gold, the soldiers and demon gods mimicked the troops and retreated one by one, and the public losers continued to keep them. Next, Chu Tian is also preparing to make more soldiers and demon gods, it is best to have a few more people of the same size.

The organ Qinglong also stopped, which is also a good thing. Together with the organ white tiger on the battlefield, Chu Tian is ready to manufacture a little in batches. Although the losers were controlled by Chu Tian, ​​their interest in the organism of the Mohists did not diminish, and there was great interest in this research.

And, the huge warrior demon disappeared on the battlefield and was included in the Qiankun bag together with Chi Youjian. The battlefield became empty in an instant.

Luna and Da Siming's blushing faces seemed to be a little bit immersed in the just playing games. Soldiers and demons crush troops, just like playing games, and the experience is more real.

There was a little hesitation in Xiao Li's eyes, as if he was thinking about something. Looking at the corpse on the battlefield, his eyes gradually became blurred and became more and more firm ...

Before, she was kind-hearted and did not like to kill.

But now she can finally make a big change for the leader. Xiao Li was very happy ... The three women walked briskly and came to Chu Tian's side.

"Mr. Master!"

Xiao Li whispered softly, and finally couldn't restrain his mood, plunged into Chu Tian's arms. I can't tell whether it is fear, joy, or entanglement. However, in the arms of the leader, Xiao Li felt very peaceful ...

"Mr. Master, I ..."

"I know, you did very well, Xiao Li is very good, there are rewards, um, what is the reward ... Of course, Da Siming and Luna are also good, very good ..."

Xiao Li was flushed with shame, but still in Chu Tian's arms. A few girls smiled coquettishly and flirted with simple Xiao Li, and the sound of laughter was everywhere ...

This is the cruel battlefield.

This is their paradise.

Because, there are people who like it.


Seventh ~~

After eating, the state is a bit bad, cough, slow down, hold tight, there are 3 chapters ~

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