Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 102: Mysteries and Truth (8)

Chu Tian chatted with several girls and chatted for a long time before turning his attention to the battlefield again.

In the place where the coalition forces are located, large bodies of corpses lay horizontally.

On the other side, Qin Jun, 800,000 people, had no casualties and was still standing neatly. From north to south, it stretches all the way to see no end, strong momentum, high morale.

In a row!

The "one-word array" that puzzled Zhang Liang has not yet played its true role. What are the mysteries of the word formation? Zhang Liang's death was not guessed.

However, at this moment, it seems that it is time to use ...

"Master Qiqi! Our army is ready to go and can win Korea at any time! Please instruct!" Meng Tian's body armor, but still taking a kneeling salute, asked respectfully.

After seeing the scene of Chu Tian's killing more than 100,000 troops, Meng Tian's respect for Chu Tian became deeper and deeper. Not only Meng Tian, ​​but all the soldiers of Qin State. The strong belief power does not know how many times it has expanded!

Several women looked at Chu Tian with puzzled eyes. They wanted to know how this one-line array attacked. Chu Tian ’s intellect should not advance all the way ...

"Everyone is ready?" Chu Tian asked seriously.

"Muslim Master! Stand by anytime!" Meng Tian shouted loudly.

"Everyone is full of energy and full of energy?"

"Yes! Master!"

"Very good!" Chu Tian said again.

Meng Tian held his breath and felt responsible.

The 800,000 army is finally going to act! !

The eerie array finally shows its true power!

So nervous!

So nervous!

What will be the task? Attack South Korea? Take Han Zhaowei in one breath? Take the six nations in one go? Go and destroy the Huns?

For the first time in Meng Tian ’s life, he encountered such a serious matter, and his knees under the armor were shaking. Shaking ...

Chu Tian turned around suddenly, his eyes serious and deep. Stretching your finger in front of you and commanding: "Meng Tian, ​​lead all the people along the way, sweeping in a line formation, the mountains in the distance should not be missed, don't let the half-inch apprentices pass!

"There should also be a lot of inventory, absolutely there is, food is necessary, do n’t let go of one of the armor weapons, do n’t miss half of it, and put away the broken ones, the losers can be re-melted! You have to take it out! Have you heard it? These are all treasures, don't let it go! "

Li Ji: ...

Chilian: ...

Luna: ...

Xiao Li: ...

Grand Commander: ...

"... cough, yes, yes! Be careful, follow the orders of the leader! The leader Xianfu will enjoy forever, and the life is as good as the heaven!"

Meng Tian knelt again!

It turns out so!

2 million troops, the equipment of the army is also a huge asset! The leader is worthy of being the leader, even this can be seen! Meng Tian's heart burst into praise!

The courage of the 800,000-strong army came not to fight, but to collect the broken ones!

In a line, what could be more suitable for sweeping? It is possible to order 800,000 troops to pick up the tatters and look at ancient and modern times, and only the leader can do it!

However, Meng Tian found that there was a gap in his heart. He thought that he had come to do a good fight and played a fight. He actually came over to pick up the broken ones. The master, the wise master of the gods, how could he pick up the tatters? This is called seizing the loot, yes, loot ...

So, 800,000 troops lined up and walked slowly ahead.

In the piles of corpses, all kinds of money were searched.

Occasionally one or two soldiers actually brought silver tickets to the battlefield, but they all broke down ...

"Adult ... this is your initial plan?" Chi Lian asked stutteringly.

"It's no wonder that my divination was unpredictable. It turns out that what the adult has to do is ... pick up the tatter ..." Luna is also a little speechless, and glanced at Da Siming.

"Zhang Liang's hair was gray, but he still couldn't guess the thought of the master, the style of the adult as always." Dasi Mingjiao smiled.

Ricky was smarter, with a gentle tone, and analyzed: "Pick up the tatters, there must be a lot of loot, and then the soldiers will be able to get some more morale. The morale will be more vigorous. It took a few days to win South Korea. In fact, the strength of a country is not just the army. Money ... is really important. "

The women nodded.

However, how to say it seems a bit unreliable, after all, the contrast is too great.

He and Chu Tian walked slowly on the battlefield. Moving forward is the territory of South Korea, and a few people directly crossed this limit and went there.

Soon after, South Korea was also the place where the Holy Church ruled ...



In the distance, a figure suddenly attracted Chu Tian's ideas.

The whole body was **** and breathless, but in his eyes was an unimaginable glow of excitement. The coming man yelled at Chu Tian while running.

The sunflower sword in the waist shines brightly. The scabbard fell, which was missing during the fight between the Mo family. However, Jing Ke killed half of the Mojia people here with one person, and his strength was strong enough!

Jing Ke ran to Chu Tian's side and knelt down with a thud, saying:

"Master, Tu'er has seized Qinglong this time and made up for it. He also asked Master to forgive Tu'er's fault! Before Tu'er had actually wronged Master, he was really guilty of death!

"Just know the wrong." Chu Tian nodded lazily.

Jing Ke took a deep breath and said again: "But Master, Tu'er has something unclear. Why ... Why does Master kill all the troops of the six countries? ... Tu'er is not doubting Master, Tu'er knows that Master has always been compassionate and kind, and he sent all sentient beings, I won't do this kind of thing. Tu'er just thinks, is there a better solution ... Master, do you ... have any hardships? "

After finishing speaking, Jing Ke raised his head and looked at Chu Tian.

Jing Ke also felt a little uneasy and a little uneasy. This time Chu Tian killed so many people, Jing Ke was actually very disgusted. But how can I repeat the mistake of thinking that I have "wronged" Master once before? Once you have to ask clearly and then say, Master may be really suffering.

Jing Ke didn't want to injustice Master, and with the power displayed by Chu Tian, ​​how could he deceive him? Jing Ke is still on the side of Chu Tian.

Jing Ke watched Chu Tian approaching gradually.

I saw Chu Tian's right hand in the depths, as if to touch Jing Ke's head and make elders' movements. Jing Ke was just about to say something, and suddenly—

A white light flashed past Chu Tian's fingertips.

The sharp light, with an extremely dangerous feeling, Jing Ke didn't even have time to dodge, with a snork, the heart was already penetrated. Jing Ke snorted, a spit of red blood sprayed out, seriously injured!

Jing Ke opened his eyes wide and looked at Chu Tian incredulously.

Chu Tian, ​​actually want to kill him ...

"Master, you, you are--" Jing Ke said with a trembling voice.

"My good disciple, really a good disciple. Actually, I was playing with you before. Is this explanation enough?" Chu Tian said calmly.

"you you you--"

Jing Ke looked at Chu Tian strangely.

Chu Tian's expression, gruff and taunting, seemed to be laughing at his stupidity. Jing Ke finally knew at this time, which one was wrong?

He killed the Mo family by mistake!

He was completely played by Chu Tian as a monkey!

"Asshole, I fight with you ------"

After impulsive Jing Ke understood the truth, he raised his sword again, and the sunflower sword turned into a silver light of Tao, puncturing Chu Tian's chest. At this moment, I wish to split Chu Tian in half! ——He even cut the other arm of Master Class! Kill several leaders of the Mo family! He misunderstood all Mo family!

It's all because of Chutian! ! !

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