Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 107: Reward (1)

After Chu Tian finished speaking, he walked slowly forward.

The four elders including Yun Zhongjun and Xinghun followed Chu Tian closely and walked into the Yanwu Stadium in front of them.

What Chu Tian is going to do is not something they can ask. What several people need to do is to execute all the orders of Chu Tian ...

On the field.

The boys and girls were also barely good, and Chu Tian had nothing to hide. Perceiving that a stranger was approaching, everyone was immediately distracted.

All at once, the whole venue was silent!

Chu Tian's statues are scattered throughout the Seven Kingdoms; Chu Tian's portraits are also recorded in books such as The Holy Religious Handbook. Although all the disciples have not seen Chu Tian, ​​but the moment Chu Tian appeared, everyone recognized it! Practicing stopped huh haha, and the conversation also stopped the words, hehe hee, he smiled, his expression instantly converged, respectfully, everyone looked at Chu Tian seriously, kneeling down a big piece!

Almost subconscious action!

"See the leader!"

"See the leader!"

"See the leader!"


In the cry, Chu Tian walked forward slowly.

The disciples of the Yin and Yang families were very excited.

Chu Tian walked slowly through a path and came to the open space in front. His eyes swept over all the disciples, as if observing something.

On the spy named "Xiao Ling", Chu Tian stayed a little longer.

An invisible pressure came into being ...

"Not good! Was it discovered ?! How is it possible !? No, I want to calm down, I want to calm down. He can't show his feet, he just glanced at it, maybe he just found out that I'm a spy ... Calm down, calm down, not impulsive, not impulse…"

"Unexpectedly, the holy priest who did not appear on weekdays would actually appear here. What is he doing here ... This action seems to have become more difficult, and the cult of the priest is said to be deeply impossible If you are not careful, you may be exposed. Calm, calm ... "

Xiao Ling was trembling in his heart.

On the forehead, a drop of sweat gradually shed ...

In the moment when Chu Tian was watching, he even had the illusion that all his secrets had been penetrated! Chu Tian seemed to know that he was a spy!

Even the Master Xiaomeng of Taoist Tianzong and the Xiaoyaozi of Renzong, neither of them ever gave him such a feeling! The sacred leader, it's amazing!

Xiao Lingqiang endured not to make any movements, and could not be excited or out of control! Xiao Ling even worried that if Chu Tian watched for another tens of seconds, his nerves would burst!

He bowed his head and dared not look at Chu Tian ’s eyes, but the majestic pressure still existed in his heart ...

It didn't take long for Xiaoling to hear Chu Tian's voice again ...

"Good qualifications."

Chu Tian said to himself.

Chu Tian's qualifications are more focused on his psychological quality, which is very good.

Under his own gaze, he can still be so calm, and believe that he has not been seen through. This calmness is indeed very helpful for future cultivation.

It's a pity that I didn't know what to do ...

Chu Tian's eyes shifted and he looked at all the disciples of the Yin Yang family. The following Xiaoling was relieved, and his clothes were wet, as if walking through the ghost door! The priest, horrible than the rumors!

Chu Tian's voice was loud, saying:

"This seat came to the Yin-Yang family today, and I was very relieved to see you diligently practicing. The selection of Wuling Xuantong is about to start soon. About this selection, I am going to make some changes. The Yin-Yang family is gradually growing. There are more and more geniuses. After consideration, I will give you a reward, a big reward, for the selection of Wuling Xuantong. "

The following people could not help but hold their breath!

Will the reward of the sacred leader be extraordinary?

what is it then! ?

Everyone could not help expecting it. It ’s rare to see the leader once, and there are such benefits, everyone is very happy ...

Chu Tian smiled, glanced at all the disciples' expressions, and continued:

"Tai Chi Xuanyi, Yin Yang and Yang Qi. There are countless ways of the Yin and Yang family, but in the final analysis, Yin Mai eight curse, Yang Mai eight curse, is the most powerful mantra of Yin and Yang family. Even the four elders, not everyone All learned ... This time the selection of Wuling Xuantong, which takes the form of a battle, wins the first place, the reward of this seat is-Yinmai eight curse and Yangmai eight curse! "


Everyone below was instantly shocked!

Yinmai eight curse, heard.

It is said that this is a very powerful spell, which can be cast when the cultivation is not possible, and even destroys oneself. This is a well-known forbidden technique in Yin and Yang's home, and it is almost lost!

And Yangmai Baman, I have n’t even heard of it! But since juxtaposed with Yinmai eight curses, the power is certainly self-evident! Actually use this as a reward, I am afraid that only the holy priest can have this kind of courage!

Without waiting for everyone's thanks, Chu Tian continued: "The time for the test is slightly delayed. Half a month later, this seat personally supervised and held the selection of Wuling Xuantong. All disciples must be present to show the spirit of my Yin Yang family! "


"Long live the leader!"

"I will do my best to wait!"


All the disciples are rave.

The following little spirit is also very unexpected.

Entered Wuling Xuantong, although he knew extraordinary. However, in the final analysis, it is still a disciple, only to focus on training because of high qualifications. The gap with those elders is vastly different.

I was able to get such a reward ... It seems that I have to reward Master, Xiaoling said ...

"Work hard and don't live up to your expectations."

Before Chu Tianlin left, he deliberately looked at Xiao Ling again, revealing a glorified gaze ... The following Xiao Ling shuddered, and finally he was relieved a lot.

It turns out that the priest of the Holy Church appreciates his qualifications ...

Xiao Ling felt relieved ...

"Not all disciples are here." After Chu Tian left, he suddenly said to the people behind him.

"The Master Ming Jian! A few days ago, Nong Yu Sheng En came to a trip, a girl has been selected as the Yin Yang Family Young Commander, studying elsewhere. This time Wu Ling Xuan selection, if there is no accident, the champion -"

"You stay here, and I will meet her here."


Chu Tian's figure disappeared.

Yun Zhongjun looked at each other with envy. It has been able to attract the attention of the Holy Envoy and the Holy Church leader. This young master's life is really promising ...

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