Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 108: Wanye Feihua, see you first (2)

At the core of the Yin Yang family is a hall.

There is a mysterious array in the hall, which contains mysteries caused by yin and anode, and illusions.

Some people see the vast rivers, others look up to see the stars, some people see the endless killing, and others, they are lost in the dark, invisible road, and they can never walk out ...

The hall looks endless, as if it can't reach the end.

Only people with a clear heart or those who are sufficiently high can walk in this hall. Ordinary people are destined to die here.

This is the core of the Yin Yang family.

Chu Tian pushed open the door, his pace was steady, and he walked in slowly ...

The endless darkness seemed to shake ...

"I haven't been here for a long time."

Chu Tian walked slowly in the hall, leisurely attitude. One hundred meters in one step, or ten meters in one step, walk around at will. I used to be here when I taught Luna and Dai Siming. Many things seemed to happen yesterday. For his endless life, these years are as short as a few days ...

Today, I revisited again.

Chu Tian walked slowly, the endless darkness is still dark, without any waves. The large array had no effect on Chu Tian. Even Chu Tian's thoughts moved a little, and the entire large array changed. Naturally, a round of tomorrow appeared around him, the light shining, illuminating the road ahead, and Chu Tian walking slowly.

In the distance ahead, another fresh breath slowly emerged.

The entire gloomy array slowly changed slightly. The darkness gradually disappeared little by little, and a fresh breath slowly emerged.

Very fresh. Very soft.

It's as flexible as flowing water, but as soft and soft as the breeze. But these two breaths are still not appropriate enough, and only the word life can describe this feeling.

That is a strong vitality.

A little green, slowly emerging from the front ...

The endless darkness was swallowed bit by bit, scattered around one after another. Chu Tian didn't take any action, let this happen to change. Little by little green, more and more, more and more, began to fill the positive space. In the illusion, the vitality is getting stronger and stronger, more and more lush.

In all directions, there is a sea of ​​forest, and I don't know when it has appeared.

The mountain breeze blows and Lin Hai waves.

In addition to green, it is still green.

There is not even any light, any other impurities. Surrounded by pure green in all directions, more and more, fresh and natural. The green gathers more and more and more and more intense, even, the strong vitality has formed a kind of terrifying breath. One breath after another came from the depths of the large array ...

Lin Hai was shaking.

The whole space is also shaking.

It seems that various mysterious changes constantly occur along with people's minds. Chu Tian narrowed his eyes, too deep in his eyes ...

Is this a breakthrough?


At the moment Chu Tian brushed through this thought, everything was as Chu Tian expected. All the turbulence disappeared in an instant, and all the trees disappeared. The darkness receded, and the whole space was clear and clear.

Among the white capped spaces, only one place emerged with verdant green.

Pieces of green leaves were flying in the air.

One by one, flying in the air like flowing water, full of greenery. Through the layered green, a slim figure appeared slowly in the center ...

This figure is a woman.

Slender willow waist, cold meaning.

The graceful figure is exquisite, as pure and immaculate as moonlight. Through this layer of verdant green, it also adds people's unlimited reverie. Although it can't be seen, the figure is more imaginative because of this mystery. The clear and cold charm is like a moonlight ...

Occasionally, a strand of hair was flowing.

It was purple hair, supple, perfect, and quiet, like the quiet night sky, making the heart soft. Dancing gently, in the verdant green, exuding a little fragrance ...

This is an extremely beautiful, extremely beautiful, extremely beautiful woman.

Even if he had n’t met yet and looked at the figure, Chu Tian came to this conclusion ...

"Wanyefeihualiu, cut gold and cut jade, has actually reached this point, great, great! The wood attribute attack power is not long, and cultivation has reached this point, it is already amazing. Your qualifications are more than I expected Higher. "

Chu Tian's words echoed in the empty space and walked forward slowly.

Since meeting, Chu Tian will not hide. Looking at the fluttering verdant greens and feeling the fresh breath, Chu Tian's heart was soft for a while.

Young Commander, I have been waiting for so long, and finally met ...

Young Master's life can be broken so fast, it is related to the experience of illusion. Chu Tian is thinking about how to do her teaching in the future ...

However, before Chu Tian had finished his speech, the frontal changes suddenly occurred!


Countless green leaves, flying faster and faster, constantly condensing together. Pieces of green leaves condensed, condensed, and finally, condensed into a green stream, flying in the air.

Wanye Feihua, cut gold and broken jade! The thin turquoise green currents condensed by green leaves have unimaginable power. One, two, three, increasing ...

A total of more than twenty green torrents surround the sky.

A slender jade hand, with the green leaves gradually condensing, gradually emerged in front of Chu Tian's eyes.

Fair, water, tender and crystal.

The fingers are as pure as white jade, exuding a radiant light. A pair of jade hands that are soft and delicate, make dazzling poses in the air, beautiful.

The green torrents gradually changed with the movement of these jade hands.

Young Master Ming said nothing, his jade hands danced gently, and the verdant green gradually condensed into a torrent, rushing towards Chutian quickly-

"No! Dare to even the present leader!"

Chu Tian looked at the verdant rushing over and was shocked. Even if you abandon the sacred status of the priest, you are so handsome and inhuman, you should not attack when you meet ...

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