Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 109: Teaching One (3)

The turquoise green current instantly reached Chu Tian's eyes.

In front, on the left and right, a total of more than ten fierce attacks surround Chu Tian. Young Commander seemed to regard Chu Tian as an enemy sneaking into the Yin-Yang family, and he used 80% of his power with one shot.

A turquoise turbulent flow, although it reveals a strong breath of life, and only formed by the condensation of leaves. But the lethality contained is definitely not to be underestimated.

The screaming wind was not bad when Billy Sword crossed the sky. Wan Ye Fei Hua reached this point, raised his hands and thrown their feet, they were comparable to the blade attack.

And, the most powerful point is that this is a powerful attack and defense integration, sending and receiving powerful moves. No matter what angle, any way, can attack and defense, very practical! Wanye Feihualiu was not very powerful in the early stage, but in the later stage, it was extremely scary ...

Young Master's attack is full of hostility ...

"Reluctantly good."

When the attack arrived in front of Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian did something and slowly spoke.

Although he was surprised that Shao Mingming would shoot himself, but since the opponents all shot, standing still didn't work, Chu Tian could only make it difficult for him.

Young Master's Wanye Feihua Flow just broke through, and it just needs to be stabilized.

Chu Tian reached out and waved gently.


There was only a faint sound in the air.

Immediately, a scene of terror occurred.

An invisible wave spread rapidly around Chutian and continued to expand. It just touched Chutian ’s green torrent, and was suddenly violently impacted, and scattered around, after a loud bang, Burst one by one and burst into smoke!

Enough to cut gold and broken jade, the Wanye Feihua stream, which is also famous for its flexibility, was destroyed by Chu Tian's men from near and far!

Fluctuations one after another, have not stopped. Although it cannot be captured by the naked eye, it can still be seen through the destruction of the emerald torrent. With Chutian as the center, spread everywhere!

The young master in the distance couldn't even withdraw, and the fluctuation had reached her.


Another explosion.

Dozens of emerald green torrents all turned into powder and dissipated in the air, not only the attack of Young Master, but also the countless emerald green leaves surrounding Young Master, all dissipated at this moment. No.

Young Master Ming opened his eyes and stared at Chu Tian in disbelief. She knows how powerful Wanye Feihualiu is, she was just cracked by Chu Tian ...

Shao Siming's purple eyes, with deep doubts ...

With the disappearance of the emerald green barrier, the beautiful and moving figure of the young master finally finally appeared in front of Chu Tian ...

"it's beautiful!"

Chu Tian looked at the young master in front of him and couldn't help saying it.

It is indeed beautiful, even in the eyes of Chu Tian who has read countless beauties, it is still extremely beautiful.

Purple hair shawls, like waterfalls, like smoke, fluttering and flying.

Daimei is like a moon, curvy and thin, revealing a classical and graceful temperament.

A pair of deep purple eyes is full of a sense of coldness. Looking at these eyes alone, they are gorgeous, moving, thick, and even delicate. However, when combined with the whole temperament of Shaoshi Ming, it gives a sense of tranquility and tranquility.

This is a quiet and peaceful temperament like moonlight.

Purple hair, purple eyes, although I have thought about the countless times of the young man's demeanor, but when I really saw it, I realized her beauty. That is the beauty of the thrilling and extraordinary combination, as if the fairy had fallen into the world. The depictions on the anime I watched before are simply impossible to be extremely ten thousandths ...

And the slender Liu Yao, full of grip. When walking gently, the soft and tender willow waist seems to be able to break her as long as a gentle breeze, soft and tender and elegant; the beautiful and rounded snow peak, light and straight, the flexible curve outlines the perfect holy place Full of fruit, holy and beautiful, gentle like jade, smooth and tender like crisp; especially the skin of Young Master, snow white and white, crystal soft and tender, like winter snow. The cool and quiet temperament of Shao Mingming is combined with this fairness, which makes people look terrified ... just naked. The pair of jade hands exposed is already beautiful and thrilling, as if Haoyue is scattered on the world ...

A light white gauze covered Shao Siming's beautiful face.

The pointed jaw is delicate and almost perfect, and the fair and almost dazzling skin is vaguely visible through the white gauze. The white gauze floats gently from time to time, revealing an inch of crystal clear skin, almost making people unable to remove their eyes. The beautiful face covered by gauze must be all over the country.

The beauty is gorgeous, the beauty is amazing.

Beauty is quiet, beauty is deserted.

A rare beauty embryo for thousands of years ...


Chu Tian swallowed again ...

Chu Tian has seen a lot of beauties, and many of the beauties that are comparable to Shaoming ’s life have also seen a lot. The beauty of the fairy world, Chu Tian does not know how many billions ... Among the real beauties, few are ...

Even Chu Tian had to be tempted ...

Looking at it, Chu Tian actually forgot that there was a beauty standing opposite.

A pair of eyes looked at Young Master Ming so intently, and quietly appreciated it. Of course, Comrade Chu Tian ’s appreciation is justified. Chu Tian, ​​who is surrounded by countless beauties, is not so anxious. Chu Tian only analyzes the beauty of young masters from an artistic perspective and gradually indulges ...

It is rare to see a beautiful woman, but you have to give it a good evaluation. This is Chu Tian ’s thought ...

However, the young master on the opposite side would not be dazed.

Although Chu Tian is very strong and unfathomably strong, Shao Siming will not easily lose. Wan Yefeihualiu just broke through, she has not yet exerted the most power. Such a person who appears suddenly cannot be spared easily.

Shao Siming never hesitated again, a pair of crystal water. The tender jade hands slowly danced, and the white and crystal jade hands, even the fingers, were beautiful. Wonderful and exciting. The smart gestures are beautiful and smooth, like a swan flying, bringing a piece of verdant color.

Qiulan is born on the ground!

Dao Ming's Taoism can create plants that are born endlessly. Pieces of emerald green condensed and formed again in the hands of Young Master, and in just a moment, they attacked Chu Tian again!

The verdant turbulence seems to be full of vitality and grace, but it implies endless murder. Sharply, go straight to Chu Tian! And seizing the opportunity of Chu Tian's daze, Shao Siming's attack did not have any sound, and it was extremely abnormal!

Seeing an inch before Chu Tian!

Just in this moment of desperation, Young Commander thought he was about to hit. Chu Tian suddenly recovered, and smiled gently at Young Master's life without any slight anger.

Chu Tian didn't even see the slightest movement, a little green, and also slowly appeared in front of Chu Tian. Full of life, rich and flexible. Shao Siming's purple eyes seemed dull at this moment ...

Boom! !

The two emerald greens collided together, and the attack of Shao Mingming turned into powder again, leaving nothing left. But Chu Tian's green and vivid light is intact ...

Young Ziming's purple eyes showed a surprised look, and the clear expression of Chu Tian's display was also "Wan Ye Fei Hua Liu"!

And, she has used it countless times more cleverly!

Chu Tian pretended to shake his head forcibly. In fact, Chu Tian didn't want to pretend to be forced, but the beautiful women came to the door again, and I'm sorry if I didn't pretend to be forced.

Shaking his head slightly, Chu Tian's teaching tone said:

"Wanye Feihualiu is not used like you. Young Master, let's take a closer look."


There are a lot of online speculations about why some do not speak, well, I will set it up according to the plot. Um, of course, if any reader knows the internal information, warmly welcome to leave a message in the book review ~~~

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