Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 114: Early morning honey

[Nongyu. Picture]

early morning.

Afang Palace.

A quiet, peaceful and peaceful.

Layers of bead curtains float with the breeze in the spacious and luxurious hall, and the green smoke slowly floats in the golden censer. The simple beams are carved with vivid patterns. Occasionally, there are palace ladies passing by, carrying a dim star The palace lantern, walking lightly, slender ...

The court ladies walked quietly, and occasionally they only nodded to each other, whispering in whisper, they seemed afraid of being disturbed, and seemed to be shy. All the brows of the girls were spring ...

Occasionally, the maid would be bold and approach a room a little, as if she wanted to explore something. After all, although Chu Tian is a leader, he is also very casual with them, stealing. Something seems to be nothing ... except that when the court ladies came to the door of the room with red ears, they encountered a strange formation. All sceneries and sounds are isolated ...

But the more they are, the more curious they are, wanting to know what happened in that room. I did n’t come out after the leader went in last night ...

There was a lot of noise, the sun was mottled through the windows, and the early morning air was still a little damp. A new day at Afang Palace, just started ...

"Sir, are you awake?"

The light and graceful voice fluttered, and it was extremely nice.

As gentle as flowing water and as breezy as the breeze, it is difficult to imagine a person's voice, which can make people feel so comfortable.

This is an ethereal and beautiful woman. The head of the show is slightly tilted, resting on her delicate and tender jade hands, she is looking at Chu Tian.

The hair of the waterfall is scattered, soft and gorgeous, gently touched on Chu Tian's face, the woman's star-like moving eyes, sparkling crystal smile ...

The woman is naturally getting jade.

This is the jade room, the jade shop ...

"Well, wake up ~~~~"

Chu Tian stretched his waist lazily and prolonged his voice.

When stretching, both arms stretched out of the bedding, smooth and unobtrusive. The muscles are not particularly obvious, but they give people a violent momentum that pulls the mountains and rivers. The masculine temperament of the man is almost perfectly displayed ...

The jade on one side propped up the jade arm of the show, which was also naked. The crystal jade arm is white, soft and beautiful ...

What happened between the two is naturally self-evident ...

I came to Nongyu last night to discuss the flute skills with her, and then night fell, the lonely man and the widow, and Nongyu's retreat for a long time also missed Chu Tian very much, so ...

A series of harmonious things happened.

Jade's Jiao body was all in the bedding, only one haw wrist was exposed to support the cheeks. A pair of water-shearing pupils looked at Chu Tian, ​​looking at every part, bit, nose, eyes, mouth, chin, and several parts of Chu Tian. I do n’t know how long I watched it, and I never seem to be bored.

From time to time, I use my hair to pick up and tease. I am scratching on Chu Tian's face, making the jade full of crystal smile ...

"Little girl, what do you want to see? Take a good rest, get enough energy and go out to play with me. Are you always holding your head, aren't you tired?" Chu Tian said softly, leaning on the side of Nongyu, still pondering Ecstasy last night.

"Not tired, I want to take a good look at Mr." Nong Yu said naughtyly, stretched out his other hand, and touched Chu Tian's face for a while.

A pair of surplus beauty, full of tenderness ...

Between Nongyu and Chu Tian, ​​there is no vigorous life-and-departure, almost always growing up in Chu Tian's teaching. But Nongyu's love for Chu Tian was not bad at all. I have been worshipping like this since childhood, looking up ...

Now, I can finally caress so intimately ...

"By the way, you told me the young commander, I went to see it once."

Chu Tian thought of something and said. Shaoming Ming was also the first to find Nongyu and the first to teach that such talented female disciples are indeed rare.

"How do you feel?" Nong Yu continued to observe Chu Tian, ​​seeming to count the roots of Chu Tian's eyelashes. Although it is a boring thing, it seems not interesting to do it now.

"Pretty, talented, and good-hearted. The only regret is that I don't like talking too much," Chu Tian commented.

In the jade water eyes, the smile is more intense.

The other jade arm stretched out from the bedding, and Jade pinched the hair tip, scraping it on the tip of Chu Tian's nose. Under the warm yellow color of Jade Jade, a deep breast ditch gradually emerges with the outstretched arms.

Choosing to tease Chu Tian, ​​Nong Yu said with a coquettish mouth: "Sir, you said that Young Master is beautiful. Then who is more beautiful than Nong Yu and Young Master?"

"Do you want to listen to the truth or falsehood?" Chu Tian asked.

"The lies are—"

"The hypothesis is, you are beautiful." Chu Tian said honestly.

"What about the truth?" Jade's movements were already stiff. At this time, his heart suddenly became a little scared. If he was not as good as Shaoming, how could he not be reconciled? Although Chu Tian looks very honest like this, but how to say, Nong Yu Ben thought Chu Tian would lie to her ...

Not waiting for Jade to understand, Chu Tian said:

"The truth is, Shaoshi's hair is more beautiful than you-but, Jade, you have a good figure, a good face, and beautiful eyes. Sakura. Peach small. Mouth is more attractive. I also like temperament, Jade your ... "

Sister, it ’s not too technical to talk about making jade more beautiful!

Say a shortcoming, and then tout it high, so that you can believe in jade making! Although Chu Tian seems to say, the youngest commander should be as beautiful as 0.001%, but how can this be the time to tell the truth?

Decisively cheat to the end!

Sure enough, Nong Yu blushed when she heard it!

I thought Chu Tian would say that Shaoming was a little prettier than her. How could you know that Chu Tian would say that, Nongyu squeezed the sakura. Tao Xiao. Mouth, a little shyly said: "Sir, how can you say so in Nongyu? it is good…"

"Who said no!"

"Sir, did you lie to me?"

"If I lied to you, I would directly say that Shaoming was not as good as you ..."

"But I think Young Commander is also pretty ..."

"My jade is the most beautiful ..."


Chu Tian's sweet words made him dizzy, and Nong Yu felt that there was nothing happier than this.

Looking at Chu Tian's handsome and masculine face, Nong Yu felt more happy in her heart. It was really her greatest blessing to meet Mr. Chu Tian that year ...

"... Yes, sir, what have you done this long time, what did you do, and talk to Nongyu, Nongyu ... I want to hear about Mr. Nong's voice." Nongyu's voice was nice and clear, and he said so casually. The eyes are full of smiles, very happy.

When I say something, I feel more warm when I get jade.

This sweet two-person world, Nong Yu likes it very much. I used to be close to Chu Tian, ​​but at most it was just some intimate contact when I was teaching flute skills ...

Nong Yu gently moved her body, leaned back to Chu Tian, ​​and leaned against Chu Tian's chest ...

Chu Tian flicked the pretty nose playing with jade and said:

"What else? I went to Loulan and took out the soldiers and demon gods. The Six-Power Allied Forces defeated and took South Korea. Well, you all know that it is no secret now.

"Isn't there anything wonderful?" Nong Yu looked at Chu Tian with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Fantastic ... By the way, Jiu Xuan Nu do you want to know?"

"Nine Heavens Mystery Girl?"

"Yeah, this time I met a god, Jiutian Xuannv. Let me tell you her story. By the way, let me tell you her mobile phone number ..."

The two were sleeping together and talking in detail, not feeling the passage of time.

It wasn't until the willow on the moon that night fell that Chu Tian lazily picked up Chuang, finished wearing it, and went to jade to admire the moon ...


He slept cruelly, and continued to lie down even if he couldn't sleep.

So last night there was an update in the wood, cough, ...

Even if there is no eruption today, there will be tomorrow too.

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